166 lines
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166 lines
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title: Constant
description: API reference for qiskit.pulse.Constant
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.pulse.Constant
<span id="qiskit-pulse-constant" />
# qiskit.pulse.Constant
<Class id="qiskit.pulse.Constant" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit/qiskit/tree/stable/0.16/qiskit/pulse/library/parametric_pulses.py" signature="Constant(duration, amp, name=None)" modifiers="class">
A simple constant pulse, with an amplitude value and a duration:
f(x) = amp , 0 <= x < duration
f(x) = 0 , elsewhere
Initialize the constant-valued pulse.
* **duration** (`int`) – Pulse length in terms of the the sampling period dt.
* **amp** (`Union`\[`complex`, `ParameterExpression`]) – The amplitude of the constant square pulse.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Display name for this pulse envelope.
### \_\_init\_\_
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Constant.__init__" signature="__init__(duration, amp, name=None)">
Initialize the constant-valued pulse.
* **duration** (`int`) – Pulse length in terms of the the sampling period dt.
* **amp** (`Union`\[`complex`, `ParameterExpression`]) – The amplitude of the constant square pulse.
* **name** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Display name for this pulse envelope.
## Methods
| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [`__init__`](#qiskit.pulse.Constant.__init__ "qiskit.pulse.Constant.__init__")(duration, amp\[, name]) | Initialize the constant-valued pulse. |
| [`assign_parameters`](#qiskit.pulse.Constant.assign_parameters "qiskit.pulse.Constant.assign_parameters")(value\_dict) | Return a new ParametricPulse with parameters assigned. |
| [`draw`](#qiskit.pulse.Constant.draw "qiskit.pulse.Constant.draw")(\[dt, style, filename, interp\_method, …]) | Plot the pulse. |
| [`get_sample_pulse`](#qiskit.pulse.Constant.get_sample_pulse "qiskit.pulse.Constant.get_sample_pulse")() | Deprecated. |
| [`get_waveform`](#qiskit.pulse.Constant.get_waveform "qiskit.pulse.Constant.get_waveform")() | Return a Waveform with samples filled according to the formula that the pulse represents and the parameter values it contains. |
| [`validate_parameters`](#qiskit.pulse.Constant.validate_parameters "qiskit.pulse.Constant.validate_parameters")() | Validate parameters. |
## Attributes
| | |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| [`amp`](#qiskit.pulse.Constant.amp "qiskit.pulse.Constant.amp") | The constant value amplitude. |
| [`id`](#qiskit.pulse.Constant.id "qiskit.pulse.Constant.id") | Unique identifier for this pulse. |
| [`parameters`](#qiskit.pulse.Constant.parameters "qiskit.pulse.Constant.parameters") | Return a dictionary containing the pulse’s parameters. |
### amp
<Attribute id="qiskit.pulse.Constant.amp">
The constant value amplitude.
**Return type**
`Union`\[`complex`, `ParameterExpression`]
### assign\_parameters
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Constant.assign_parameters" signature="assign_parameters(value_dict)">
Return a new ParametricPulse with parameters assigned.
**value\_dict** (`Dict`\[`ParameterExpression`, `Union`\[`ParameterExpression`, `float`, `int`]]) – A mapping from Parameters to either numeric values or another Parameter expression.
**Return type**
New pulse with updated parameters.
### draw
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Constant.draw" signature="draw(dt=1, style=None, filename=None, interp_method=None, scale=1, interactive=False)">
Plot the pulse.
* **dt** (`float`) – Time interval of samples.
* **style** (*Optional\[*[*PulseStyle*](qiskit.visualization.pulse.qcstyle#pulsestyle "qiskit.visualization.pulse.qcstyle.PulseStyle")*]*) – A style sheet to configure plot appearance
* **filename** (`Optional`\[`str`]) – Name required to save pulse image
* **interp\_method** (`Optional`\[`Callable`]) – A function for interpolation
* **scale** (`float`) – Relative visual scaling of waveform amplitudes
* **interactive** (`bool`) – When set true show the circuit in a new window (this depends on the matplotlib backend being used supporting this)
A matplotlib figure object of the pulse envelope
**Return type**
### get\_sample\_pulse
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Constant.get_sample_pulse" signature="get_sample_pulse()">
**Return type**
### get\_waveform
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Constant.get_waveform" signature="get_waveform()">
Return a Waveform with samples filled according to the formula that the pulse represents and the parameter values it contains.
**Return type**
### id
<Attribute id="qiskit.pulse.Constant.id">
Unique identifier for this pulse.
**Return type**
### parameters
<Attribute id="qiskit.pulse.Constant.parameters">
Return a dictionary containing the pulse’s parameters.
**Return type**
`Dict`\[`str`, `Any`]
### validate\_parameters
<Function id="qiskit.pulse.Constant.validate_parameters" signature="validate_parameters()">
Validate parameters.
[**PulseError**](qiskit.pulse.PulseError "qiskit.pulse.PulseError") – If the parameters passed are not valid.
**Return type**