33 lines
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33 lines
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title: zz_circuits
description: API reference for qiskit.ignis.characterization.zz_circuits
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: function
python_api_name: qiskit.ignis.characterization.zz_circuits
<span id="qiskit-ignis-characterization-zz-circuits" />
# qiskit.ignis.characterization.zz\_circuits
<Function id="qiskit.ignis.characterization.zz_circuits" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit-community/qiskit-ignis/tree/stable/0.5/qiskit/ignis/characterization/hamiltonian/circuits.py" signature="zz_circuits(num_of_gates, gate_time, qubits, spectators, nosc=5)">
Generates circuit for measuring ZZ. Two Ramsey experiments, the first with the spectator in the ground state, the second with the spectator in the excited state
* **num\_of\_gates** (*list of integers*) – the number of identity gates in each circuit. Must be in an increasing order.
* **gate\_time** (*float*) – time of running a single gate.
* **qubits** (*list of integers*) – indices of the qubits to measure and perform the Ramsey
* **spectators** (*list of integers*) – indices of the qubits to flip the state (ie measure the ZZ between qubits and spectators). Must be the same length as qubits
* **nosc** (*int*) – number of oscillations to induce using the phase gate
A list of QuantumCircuit xdata: a list of delay times osc\_freq: the induced oscillation frequency
**ValueError** – If the number of qubits differs from the number of spectators