133 lines
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133 lines
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title: PySCFDriver
description: API reference for qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver
<span id="qiskit-chemistry-drivers-pyscfdriver" />
# qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver
<Class id="qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit-community/qiskit-aqua/tree/stable/0.8/qiskit/chemistry/drivers/pyscfd/pyscfdriver.py" signature="PySCFDriver(atom='H 0.0 0.0 0.0; H 0.0 0.0 0.735', unit=<UnitsType.ANGSTROM: 'Angstrom'>, charge=0, spin=0, basis='sto3g', hf_method=<HFMethodType.RHF: 'rhf'>, conv_tol=1e-09, max_cycle=50, init_guess=<InitialGuess.MINAO: 'minao'>, max_memory=None, molecule=None)" modifiers="class">
Qiskit chemistry driver using the PySCF library.
See [https://sunqm.github.io/pyscf/](https://sunqm.github.io/pyscf/)
* **atom** (`Union`\[`str`, `List`\[`str`]]) – Atom list or string separated by semicolons or line breaks. Each element in the list is an atom followed by position e.g. H 0.0 0.0 0.5. The preceding example shows the XYZ format for position but Z-Matrix format is supported too here.
* **unit** (`UnitsType`) – Angstrom or Bohr
* **charge** (`int`) – Charge on the molecule
* **spin** (`int`) – Spin (2S), in accordance with how PySCF defines a molecule in pyscf.gto.mole.Mole
* **basis** (`str`) – Basis set
* **hf\_method** (`HFMethodType`) – Hartree-Fock Method type
* **conv\_tol** (`float`) – Convergence tolerance see PySCF docs and pyscf/scf/hf.py
* **max\_cycle** (`int`) – Max convergence cycles see PySCF docs and pyscf/scf/hf.py, has a min. value of 1.
* **init\_guess** (`InitialGuess`) – See PySCF pyscf/scf/hf.py init\_guess\_by\_minao/1e/atom methods
* **max\_memory** (`Optional`\[`int`]) – Maximum memory that PySCF should use
* **molecule** (`Optional`\[`Molecule`]) – A driver independent Molecule definition instance may be provided. When a molecule is supplied the atom, unit, charge and spin parameters are all ignored as the Molecule instance now defines these instead. The Molecule object is read when the driver is run and converted to the driver dependent configuration for the computation. This allows, for example, the Molecule geometry to be updated to compute different points.
[**QiskitChemistryError**](qiskit.chemistry.QiskitChemistryError "qiskit.chemistry.QiskitChemistryError") – Invalid Input
### \_\_init\_\_
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.__init__" signature="__init__(atom='H 0.0 0.0 0.0; H 0.0 0.0 0.735', unit=<UnitsType.ANGSTROM: 'Angstrom'>, charge=0, spin=0, basis='sto3g', hf_method=<HFMethodType.RHF: 'rhf'>, conv_tol=1e-09, max_cycle=50, init_guess=<InitialGuess.MINAO: 'minao'>, max_memory=None, molecule=None)">
* **atom** (`Union`\[`str`, `List`\[`str`]]) – Atom list or string separated by semicolons or line breaks. Each element in the list is an atom followed by position e.g. H 0.0 0.0 0.5. The preceding example shows the XYZ format for position but Z-Matrix format is supported too here.
* **unit** (`UnitsType`) – Angstrom or Bohr
* **charge** (`int`) – Charge on the molecule
* **spin** (`int`) – Spin (2S), in accordance with how PySCF defines a molecule in pyscf.gto.mole.Mole
* **basis** (`str`) – Basis set
* **hf\_method** (`HFMethodType`) – Hartree-Fock Method type
* **conv\_tol** (`float`) – Convergence tolerance see PySCF docs and pyscf/scf/hf.py
* **max\_cycle** (`int`) – Max convergence cycles see PySCF docs and pyscf/scf/hf.py, has a min. value of 1.
* **init\_guess** (`InitialGuess`) – See PySCF pyscf/scf/hf.py init\_guess\_by\_minao/1e/atom methods
* **max\_memory** (`Optional`\[`int`]) – Maximum memory that PySCF should use
* **molecule** (`Optional`\[`Molecule`]) – A driver independent Molecule definition instance may be provided. When a molecule is supplied the atom, unit, charge and spin parameters are all ignored as the Molecule instance now defines these instead. The Molecule object is read when the driver is run and converted to the driver dependent configuration for the computation. This allows, for example, the Molecule geometry to be updated to compute different points.
[**QiskitChemistryError**](qiskit.chemistry.QiskitChemistryError "qiskit.chemistry.QiskitChemistryError") – Invalid Input
## Methods
| | |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| [`__init__`](#qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.__init__ "qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.__init__")(\[atom, unit, charge, spin, basis, …]) | **type atom**`Union`\[`str`, `List`\[`str`]] |
| [`run`](#qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.run "qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.run")() | Runs driver to produce a QMolecule output. |
## Attributes
| | |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| [`basis`](#qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.basis "qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.basis") | return basis |
| [`hf_method`](#qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.hf_method "qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.hf_method") | return Hartree-Fock method |
| [`molecule`](#qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.molecule "qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.molecule") | return molecule |
| [`supports_molecule`](#qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.supports_molecule "qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.supports_molecule") | True for derived classes that support Molecule. |
### basis
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.basis">
return basis
**Return type**
### hf\_method
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.hf_method">
return Hartree-Fock method
**Return type**
### molecule
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.molecule">
return molecule
**Return type**
### run
<Function id="qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.run" signature="run()">
Runs driver to produce a QMolecule output.
**Return type**
A QMolecule containing the molecular data.
### supports\_molecule
<Attribute id="qiskit.chemistry.drivers.PySCFDriver.supports_molecule">
True for derived classes that support Molecule.
**Return type**
True if Molecule is supported.