93 lines
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93 lines
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title: Custom
description: API reference for qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Custom
in_page_toc_min_heading_level: 1
python_api_type: class
python_api_name: qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Custom
<span id="qiskit-aqua-components-initial-states-custom" />
# qiskit.aqua.components.initial\_states.Custom
<Class id="qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Custom" isDedicatedPage={true} github="https://github.com/qiskit-community/qiskit-aqua/tree/stable/0.8/qiskit/aqua/components/initial_states/custom.py" signature="Custom(num_qubits, state='zero', state_vector=None, circuit=None)" modifiers="class">
The custom initial state.
A custom initial state can be created with this component. It allows a state to be defined in the form of custom probability distribution with the *state\_vector*, or by providing a desired *circuit* to set the state.
Also *state* can be used having a few pre-defined initial states for convenience:
* ‘zero’: configures the state vector with the zero probability distribution, and is effectively equivalent to the [`Zero`](qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Zero "qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Zero") initial state.
* ‘uniform’: This setting configures the state vector with the uniform probability distribution. All the qubits are set in superposition, each of them being initialized with a Hadamard gate, which means that a measurement will have equal probabilities to become $1$ or $0$.
* ‘random’: This setting assigns the elements of the state vector according to a random probability distribution.
The custom initial state will be set from the *circuit*, the *state\_vector*, or *state*, in that order. For *state\_vector* the provided custom probability distribution will be internally normalized so the total probability represented is $1.0$.
* **num\_qubits** (`int`) – Number of qubits, has a minimum value of 1.
* **state** (`str`) – Use a predefined state of (‘zero’ | ‘uniform’ | ‘random’)
* **state\_vector** (`Union`\[`ndarray`, `StateFn`, `None`]) – An optional vector of `complex` or `float` representing the state as a probability distribution which will be normalized to a total probability of 1 when initializing the qubits. The length of the vector must be $2^q$, where $q$ is the *num\_qubits* value. When provided takes precedence over *state*.
* **circuit** (`Optional`\[`QuantumCircuit`]) – A quantum circuit for the desired initial state. When provided takes precedence over both *state\_vector* and *state*.
[**AquaError**](qiskit.aqua.AquaError "qiskit.aqua.AquaError") – invalid input
### \_\_init\_\_
<Function id="qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Custom.__init__" signature="__init__(num_qubits, state='zero', state_vector=None, circuit=None)">
* **num\_qubits** (`int`) – Number of qubits, has a minimum value of 1.
* **state** (`str`) – Use a predefined state of (‘zero’ | ‘uniform’ | ‘random’)
* **state\_vector** (`Union`\[`ndarray`, `StateFn`, `None`]) – An optional vector of `complex` or `float` representing the state as a probability distribution which will be normalized to a total probability of 1 when initializing the qubits. The length of the vector must be $2^q$, where $q$ is the *num\_qubits* value. When provided takes precedence over *state*.
* **circuit** (`Optional`\[`QuantumCircuit`]) – A quantum circuit for the desired initial state. When provided takes precedence over both *state\_vector* and *state*.
[**AquaError**](qiskit.aqua.AquaError "qiskit.aqua.AquaError") – invalid input
## Methods
| | |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
| [`__init__`](#qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Custom.__init__ "qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Custom.__init__")(num\_qubits\[, state, state\_vector, …]) | **type num\_qubits**`int` |
| [`construct_circuit`](#qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Custom.construct_circuit "qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Custom.construct_circuit")(\[mode, register]) | Construct the statevector of desired initial state. |
## Attributes
| | |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | - |
| [`bitstr`](#qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Custom.bitstr "qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Custom.bitstr") | |
### bitstr
<Attribute id="qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Custom.bitstr" />
### construct\_circuit
<Function id="qiskit.aqua.components.initial_states.Custom.construct_circuit" signature="construct_circuit(mode='circuit', register=None)">
Construct the statevector of desired initial state.
* **mode** – vector or circuit. The vector mode produces the vector. While the circuit constructs the quantum circuit corresponding that vector.
* **register** – qubits for circuit construction.
**Return type**
[QuantumCircuit](qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit "qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit") or numpy.ndarray
[**AquaError**](qiskit.aqua.AquaError "qiskit.aqua.AquaError") – when mode is not ‘vector’ or ‘circuit’.