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title: Qiskit Runtime Client release notes
description: Changes made to Qiskit Runtime Client
in_page_toc_max_heading_level: 2
<span id="qiskit-runtime-ibm-client-release-notes" />
# Qiskit Runtime Client release notes
<span id="id1" />
## 0.29.0 (2024-09-04)
### Deprecation Notes
* The simulator option `noise_model` is now deprecated for jobs running on real devices. `noise_model` will still be an acceptable option when using the local testing mode. ([1892](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1892))
### New Features
* We added new classes, `ExecutionSpan` and `ExecutionSpanSet`. These classes are used in the primitive result metadata, to convey information about start and stop times of batch jobs. ([1833](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1833))
* Added a new `private` option under `EnvironmentOptions`. ([1888](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1888))
* Added `fallback` option to ZNE extrapolators. ([1902](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1902))
### Bug Fixes
* Ported the `Noise_model.from_dict()` method from `qiskit-aer` because it was removed in `0.15.0`. ([1890](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1890))
* Revert a previous change to `backend.target` where the target was no longer being cached. ([1891](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1891))
* Fixed an issue where `Session.from_id()` would create a new empty session. ([1896](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1896))
<span id="id2" />
## 0.28.0 (2024-08-15)
<span id="id3" />
### New Features
* `ResilienceOptionsV2` has a new field `layer_noise_model`. When this field is set, all the mitigation strategies that require noise data skip the noise learning stage, and instead gather the required information from `layer_noise_model`. ([1858](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1858))
### Other Notes
* The V1 Primitives `SamplerV1` and `EstimatorV1` have been completely removed. Please see the [migration guide](/migration-guides/v2-primitives) and use the V2 Primitives instead. ([1857](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1857))
* The `service` parameter is now required in `Session.from_id()`. ([1868](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1868))
<span id="id4" />
## 0.27.1 (2024-08-12)
<span id="id5" />
### New Features
* Added logic to encode and decode `PauliLindbladError` and `LayerError`. ([1853](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1853))
<span id="id6" />
## 0.27.0 (2024-08-08)
<span id="id7" />
### New Features
* Added `PauliLindbladError` and `LayerError` classes to represent layers noise processes. ([1844](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1844))
<span id="id8" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed an issue with using the aer simulator and local service mode with sessions. ([1838](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1838))
<span id="id9" />
## 0.26.0 (2024-07-31)
<span id="id10" />
### Deprecation Notes
* Passing in a backend as a string into `Session`, `Batch`, `EstimatorV2`, and `SamplerV2` has been deprecated. Use the actual backend object instead. ([1804](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1804))
* Passing a backend as the mode in `SamplerV2` and `EstimatorV2` currently runs a job in job mode even if inside of a `Session` or `Batch` context manager. This behavior is deprecated and in a future release the the Session/Batch will take precedence. ([1816](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1816))
* Passing in `service` in `Session`, `Batch` has been deprecated. The `service` parameter is no longer necessary because the service can be extracted from the backend. ([1826](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1826))
* Since backend modules from `qiskit.providers.models` including `BackendProperties` and `BackendConfiguration` are deprecated in Qiskit 1.2, they have been copied into `qiskit-ibm-runtime`. Make sure to upgrade to the latest version, `0.26.0`, to use these classes. ([1803](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1803))
<span id="id11" />
### New Features
* The methods `properties`, `defaults`, `configuration`, and `check_faulty` have been added to `FakeBackendV2`. ([1765](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1765))
* If jobs are run in a session created with `QiskitRuntimeService.Session.from_id()` where the session is already closed, the jobs are rejected immediately. ([1780](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1780))
* The input parameters for jobs will no longer be cached. These parameters can include large circuits and should not be automatically kept in memory. ([1783](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1783))
* `QiskitRuntimeLocalService` was created to support a local testing mode. To avoid having to initialize a separate class, “local” has been added as a valid `QiskitRuntimeService` channel.
service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="local")
will return a `QiskitRuntimeLocalService` instance. ([1793](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1793))
* When running jobs on the open plan, there will now be a warning if the limit for the maximum number of pending jobs has been reached. The service will also attempt to wait for the oldest pending jobs to finish running before submitting a new job. ([1794](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1794))
* Added `NoiseLearner` and related functionality, such as `NoiseLearnerOptions` and `NoiseLearnerResults`. ([1805](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1805))
<span id="id12" />
### Bug Fixes
* Every circuit is checked to be ISA compliant. As part of this check, an error is raised if instructions that are not supported by the backend are detected. Previously, a bug caused some of the instructions to be skipped (those that reside inside bodies of control flow operations). We have fixed the bug in this release. ([1784](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1784))
* Fixed an issue where calling `IBMBackend.target_history()` would cache the backend target and then calling `IBMBackend.target()` would incorrectly return that cached target. ([1791](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1791))
* The options validation for checking if `zne_mitigation` or `pec_mitigation` are set to `True` when using other related options has been removed. ([1792](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1792))
* Fixed an issue where users were unable to retrieve job results if the python library `simplejson` was installed in their environment. ([1800](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1800))
<span id="id13" />
## 0.25.0 (2024-07-02)
<span id="id14" />
### Deprecation Notes
* The `optimization_level` option in `EstimatorV2` is deprecated. Instead, you can perform circuit optimization using the Qiskit transpiler or Qiskit transpiler service. ([1748](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1748))
* [`qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJobV2.interim_results()`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJobV2#interim_results "qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJobV2.interim_results"), [`qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJobV2.stream_results()`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJobV2#stream_results "qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJobV2.stream_results"), [`qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob.interim_results()`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#interim_results "qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob.interim_results"), and [`qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob.stream_results()`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#stream_results "qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob.stream_results") are now all deprecated. ([1776](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1776))
<span id="id15" />
### New Features
* Added `backend`, `backends`, and `least_busy` methods to `QiskitRuntimeLocalService`. ([1764](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1764))
* Added an `instance` property to `BaseRuntimeJob` which returns the instance where the job was run. ([1771](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1771))
* `default_shots` are now a supported option when using `EstimatorV2` in local testing mode. ([1773](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1773))
<span id="id16" />
## 0.24.1 (2024-06-18)
<span id="id17" />
### Bug Fixes
* Disallowing fractional gates by default, so backend target would not exclude control flow. ([1755](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1755))
<span id="id18" />
## 0.24.0 (2024-06-10)
<span id="id19" />
### Deprecation Notes
* `name` will now be a required parameter in [backend()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#backend). `backend()` will no longer return the first backend out of all backends if `name` is not provided. ([1147](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1147))
* After the removal of custom programs, the following methods are being deprecated and renamed. [`qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.run()`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#run "qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.run") is deprecated and will be replaced by a private method `qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService._run()`.
[`qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session.run()`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session#run "qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session.run") is deprecated and will be replaced by a private method `qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session._run()`.
[`qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob.program_id()`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#program_id "qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob.program_id") is deprecated and will be replaced by [`qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob.primitive_id()`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#primitive_id "qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob.primitive_id"). ([1238](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1238))
* The `backend` argument in [Sampler](/guides/get-started-with-primitives#3-initialize-the-qiskit-runtime-sampler) and [Estimator](/guides/get-started-with-primitives#3-initialize-qiskit-runtime-estimator) has been deprecated. Please use `mode` instead. The `session` argument in [Sampler](/guides/get-started-with-primitives#3-initialize-the-qiskit-runtime-sampler) and [Estimator](/guides/get-started-with-primitives#3-initialize-qiskit-runtime-estimator) has also been deprecated. Please use `mode` instead. ([1556](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1556))
* [`qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.get_backend()`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#get_backend "qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.get_backend") is deprecated. Please [`qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.backend()`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#backend "qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.backend") use instead. The V1 fake backends, `FakeBackend`, along with [`FakeProvider`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider.FakeProvider "qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider.FakeProvider") are also being deprecated in favor of the V2 fake backends and [`FakeProviderForBackendV2`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider.FakeProviderForBackendV2 "qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider.FakeProviderForBackendV2"). ([1689](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1689))
* Specifying options without the full dictionary structure is deprecated. Instead, pass in a fully structured dictionary. For example, use `{'environment': {'log_level': 'INFO'}}` instead of `{'log_level': 'INFO'}`. ([1731](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1731))
<span id="id20" />
### New Features
* Related to the execution modes, Sampler and Estimator now include a `mode` argument. The `mode` parameter can be a Backend, Session, Batch, or None. As a result, the backend name has been deprecated, and will no longer be supported as a valid execution mode. ([1556](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1556))
* The ZneOptions.amplifier option was added, which can be one of these strings:
* `"gate_folding"` (default) uses 2-qubit gate folding to amplify noise. If the noise factor requires amplifying only a subset of the gates, then these gates are chosen randomly.
* `"gate_folding_front"` uses 2-qubit gate folding to amplify noise. If the noise factor requires amplifying only a subset of the gates, then these gates are selected from the front of the topologically ordered DAG circuit.
* `"gate_folding_back"` uses 2-qubit gate folding to amplify noise. If the noise factor requires amplifying only a subset of the gates, then these gates are selected from the back of the topologically ordered DAG circuit. ([1679](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1679))
* When saving an account, there is a new parameter, `private_endpoint` that if set to `True`, allows users to connect to a private IBM Cloud API. This parameter can also be used when the service is initialized, for example: `QiskitRuntimeService(private_endpoint = True)`. ([1699](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1699))
* New opt-in feature to support fractional gates is added to [`IBMBackend`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend "qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend"). IBM backends currently support dynamic circuits and fractional gates exclusively and the two features cannot be used in the same primitive job. In addition, some error mitigation protocols you can use with the estimator primitive, such as PEC or PEA, may not support gate twirling with the fractional gates. Since Qiskit Target model doesn’t represent such constraint, we adopted the opt-in approach, where your backend target includes only fractional gates (control flow instructions) when the backend is (not) opted. This feature is controlled when you retrieve the target backend from the [`QiskitRuntimeService`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService "qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService").
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService
backend = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum").backends(
When the fractional feature is enabled, transpiled circuits may have shorter depth compared with the conventional IBM basis gates, e.g. \[sx, rz, ecr].
When you use control flow instructions, e.g. `if_else`, in your circuit, you must disable the fractional gate feature to get executable ISA circuits. The choice of the instruction set is now responsibility of users.
Note that this pattern may be modified or removed without deprecation when the IBM backends is updated in future development. ([1715](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1715))
* You can now use the experimental option in [`qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.EstimatorOptions`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.EstimatorOptions "qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.EstimatorOptions") to enable Probabilistic Error Amplification (PEA) error mitigation method for your estimator jobs. ([1728](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1728))
* Qiskit version `1.1` is now supported and required. ([1700](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1700))
### Upgrade Notes
* [`QiskitRuntimeService.backends()`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#backends "qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.backends") now always returns a new `IBMBackend` instance even when the same query is used. The backend properties and defaults data are retrieved from the server for every instance when they are accessed for the first time, while the configuration data is cached internally in the service instance. ([1732](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1732))
<span id="id21" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed an issue where retrieving jobs with [job()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#job) and [jobs()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#jobs) would only return `RuntimeJob` instances, even if the job was run with a V2 primitive. Now, V2 primitive jobs will be returned correctly as `RuntimeJobV2` instances. ([1471](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1471))
* To avoid network disruptions during long job processes, websocket errors will no longer be raised. ([1518](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1518))
* Fixed the combination of `insert_multiple_cycles` and `coupling_map` options in [`PadDynamicalDecoupling`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.transpiler.passes.scheduling.PadDynamicalDecoupling "qiskit_ibm_runtime.transpiler.passes.scheduling.PadDynamicalDecoupling"). This combination allows to select staggered dynamical decoupling with multiple sequence cycles in each delay that crosses the threshold set by `sequence_min_length_ratios`. ([1630](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1630))
* Fixed a serialization issue where decoding job metadata resulted in an error. ([1682](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1682))
* Fixed measurement twirling docstring which incorrectly indicated it’s enabled by default for Sampler. ([1722](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1722))
* Fixed nested experimental suboptions override non-experimental suboptions. ([1731](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1731))
* The backend utils method `convert_to_target` has been replaced with the [convert\_to\_target](/api/qiskit/qiskit.providers.convert_to_target) method from Qiskit. This fixes some issues related to target generation and calibration data. ([1600](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1600))
<span id="id22" />
## 0.23.0 (2024-04-15)
<span id="id23" />
### Deprecation Notes
* [backend.run()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend#run) has been deprecated. Please use the primitives instead. More details can be found in the [migration guide](/migration-guides/qiskit-runtime) . ([1561](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1561))
* In a future release, the `service` parameter in [from\_id()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session#from_id) will be required. ([1311](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1311))
<span id="id24" />
### New Features
* Printing `Options` and `OptionsV2` will now be formatted as a table. ([1490](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1490))
* Add `block_ordering_callable` argument to [`BlockBasePadder`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.transpiler.passes.scheduling.BlockBasePadder "qiskit_ibm_runtime.transpiler.passes.scheduling.BlockBasePadder"), [`PadDynamicalDecoupling`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.transpiler.passes.scheduling.PadDynamicalDecoupling "qiskit_ibm_runtime.transpiler.passes.scheduling.PadDynamicalDecoupling"), [`PadDelay`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.transpiler.passes.scheduling.PadDelay "qiskit_ibm_runtime.transpiler.passes.scheduling.PadDelay"), and `BaseDynamicCircuitAnalysis`. This allows the user to construct blocks using an algorithm of their choosing. No assumptions or checks are made on the validity of the output that the `block_ordering_callable` produces. The motivation for this argument is that for some families of circuits, the existing function `block_order_op_nodes` can be very slow. ([1531](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1531))
* The Sampler and Estimator V2 Primitives have been enhanced to incorporate custom validation procedures when the channel\_strategy property is set as “q-ctrl.” This customized validation logic effectively rectifies incorrect input options and safeguards users against inadvertently disabling Q-CTRL’s performance enhancements. ([1550](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1550))
* [`SamplerV2`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.SamplerV2 "qiskit_ibm_runtime.SamplerV2") now supports twirling. Twirling will only be applied to those measurement registers not involved within a conditional logic. ([1557](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1557))
* Session [details()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session#details) now includes a new field, `usage_time`. Usage is defined as the time a quantum system is committed to complete a job. ([1567](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1567))
<span id="id25" />
### Bug Fixes
* [`RuntimeJobV2`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJobV2 "qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJobV2") will no longer error when the API returns an unknown status. Instead, the status from the API will directly be returned. ([1476](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1476))
* Fixed a bug where custom headers were not being sent in the `/jobs` request. ([1508](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1508))
* Fixed a bug with encoding/decoding `ParameterExpression`. ([1521](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1521))
* Fixed an issue where the [in\_final\_state()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJobV2#in_final_state) method in [`RuntimeJobV2`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJobV2 "qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJobV2") would not update the status when called. ([1547](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1547))
<span id="id26" />
## 0.22.0 (2024-03-21)
<span id="id27" />
### Upgrade Notes
* Modify `skip_reset_qubits` optional flag to the constructor for [`PadDynamicalDecoupling`](qiskit_ibm_runtime.transpiler.passes.scheduling.PadDynamicalDecoupling "qiskit_ibm_runtime.transpiler.passes.scheduling.PadDynamicalDecoupling"). If `False`, dynamical decoupling is applied on qubits regardless of their state, even on delays that are at the beginning of a circuit. This option now matches the behavior in Qiskit. ([1409](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1409))
<span id="id28" />
### New Features
* A new local testing mode is added. It allows you to validate your quantum prorams before sending them to a physical system. The local testing mode is activated if one of the fake backends in `qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider` or a Qiskit Aer backend instance is used when instantiating a primitive or a session. ([1495](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1495))
<span id="id29" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fix a bug that caused setting of `resilience_level=0` in `EstimatorV2` to be ignored (and the default value used instead). ([1541](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1541))
<span id="id30" />
## 0.21.2 (2024-03-18)
<span id="id31" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug where `RuntimeDecoder` could import arbitrary classes. ([1527](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/pull/1527))
<span id="id32" />
## 0.21.1
<span id="id33" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug where `SamplerV1` and `EstimatorV1` could not be imported because of an issue with how the aliases were defined.
<span id="id34" />
## 0.21.0
<span id="id35" />
### Upgrade Notes
* Circuits that do not match the target hardware definition are no longer supported by Qiskit Runtime primitives, unless `channel_strategy="q-ctrl"` is used. See the transpilation documentation ([transpile](/guides/transpile)) for instructions to transform circuits and the primitive examples ([run/primitives-examples](/guides/primitives-examples)) to see this coupled with operator transformations.
<span id="id36" />
### Deprecation Notes
* In a future release, `backend` will be a required parameter for `qiskit_ibm_runtime.Sampler`, and `qiskit_ibm_runtime.Estimator` if `session` is not specified, even when using the `ibm_cloud` channel.
It will also be a required parameter for `qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session` and `qiskit_ibm_runtime.Batch`.
<span id="id37" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed an issue with the `IBMBackend.target` where it would incorrectly exclude supported control flow operations (`IfElseOp`, `WhileLoop`, etc.) if a given backend supported them.
* Fixed a bug where retrieving a fake backend through `FakeProviderForBackendV2.backend()` would result in a type error.
* Fixes the check for ISA circuits to allow pulse gates and circuits that don’t have layout.
<span id="id38" />
## 0.20.0
<span id="id39" />
### New Features
* Add `dd_barrier` optional input to [PadDynamicalDecoupling](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.transpiler.passes.scheduling.PadDynamicalDecoupling) constructor to identify portions of the circuit to apply dynamical decoupling (dd) on selectively. If this string is contained in the label of a barrier in the circuit, dd is applied on the delays ending with it (on the same qubits); otherwise, it is not applied.
* Python 3.12 is now supported.
* Sessions will now be started with a new `/sessions` endpoint that allows for different execution modes. Batch mode is now supported through `Batch`, and [Session](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session) will work the same as way as before. Please see [run/sessions](/guides/sessions) for more information.
Note that `Session` and `Batch` created from `qiskit-ibm-runtime` prior to this release will no longer be supported after March 31, 2024. Please update your `qiskit-ibm-runtime` version as soon as possible before this date.
Also note that using simulators with sessions is no longer supported. Users can still start sessions with simulators without any issues but a session will not actually be created. There will be no session ID.
* Sessions started with [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.IBMBackend.open\_session()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend#open_session) will use the new `/sessions` endpoint.
The sessions functionality will not change but note that `backend.run()` sessions prior to this release will no longer be supported after March 31, 2024. Please update your `qiskit-ibm-runtime` version as soon as possible before this date.
<span id="id40" />
### Deprecation Notes
* Circuits that do not match the target hardware definition will no longer be supported after March 1, 2024. See the transpilation documentation ([transpile](/guides/transpile)) for instructions to transform circuits and the primitive examples ([run/primitives-examples](/guides/primitives-examples)) to see this coupled with operator transformations.
<span id="id41" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fix assignment of instruction durations when scheduling circuits with control flow. Prior to this fix, the indices for instructions on inner blocks were not mapped to the physical indices in the outer dag.
<span id="id42" />
### Other Notes
* The `InstructionDurations` durations input is now also required for the constructor of `PadDelay`.
<span id="id43" />
## 0.19.1
<span id="id44" />
### Upgrade Notes
* Extend `DynamicCircuitInstructions.from_backend()` to extract and patch durations from both `BackendV1` and `BackendV2` objects. Also add `DynamicCircuitInstructions.from_target()` to use a `Target` object instead.
<span id="id45" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fix the patching of `DynamicCircuitInstructions` for instructions with durations that are not in units of `dt`.
* Fixed an issue with the `qpy.dump()` function, when the `use_symengine` flag was set to a truthy object that evaluated to `True` but was not actually the boolean `True` the generated QPY payload would be corrupt.
<span id="id46" />
## 0.19.0
<span id="id47" />
### Upgrade Notes
* qiskit-ibm-provider is pending deprecation, and therefore will no longer be a dependency for qiskit-ibm-runtime.
* qiskit-ibm-runtime is now compatible with Qiskit versions >= 0.45, including 1.0.0.
<span id="id48" />
## 0.18.0
<span id="id49" />
### New Features
* Added a new parameter, dynamic\_circuits to [backends()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#backends) to allow filtering of backends that support dynamic circuits.
* Added `max_time` parameter to `IBMBackend.open_session()`.
* Added a method `RuntimeJob.queue_info()` to get the queue information from the backend. This feature was transferred from `qiskit_ibm_provider`.
<span id="id50" />
### Deprecation Notes
* [runtime()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#runtime) has been deprecated.
<span id="id51" />
### Bug Fixes
* Many methods in [RuntimeJob](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob) require retrieving the job data from the API with `job_get()`. This API call will now exclude the `params` field by default because they are only necessary in [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob.inputs()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#inputs).
<span id="id52" />
## 0.17.0
<span id="id53" />
### New Features
* Added a new method [properties()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#properties) which returns the backend properties of the job at the time the job was run.
* [details()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session#details) has a new field, activated\_at, which is the timestamp of when the session was changed to active.
<span id="id54" />
### Bug Fixes
* When a single backend is retrieved with the `instance` parameter,
service.backend('ibm_torino', instance='ibm-q/open/main')
# raises error if torino is not in ibm-q/open/main but in a different instance
# the user has access to
service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum", instance="ibm-q/open/main")
service.backend('ibm_torino') # raises the same error
if the backend is not in the instance but in a different one the user has access to, an error will be raised. The same error will now be raised if an instance is passed in at initialization and then a backend not in that instance is retrieved.
* Fixed an issue where retrieving the coupling\_map of some backends would result in a NameError.
<span id="id55" />
## 0.16.0
### Prelude
Sessions are now thread-safe and allow for multiple concurrent interactive experiments.
<span id="id56" />
### New Features
* Sessions are now thread-safe.
<span id="id57" />
### Upgrade Notes
* Methods related to using custom programs are removed.
<span id="id58" />
### Bug Fixes
* If a cloud instance that is `q-ctrl` enabled is used while `q-ctrl` is not passed in as the `channel_strategy`, an error will be raised.
<span id="id59" />
## 0.15.1
<span id="id60" />
### Bug Fixes
* Reverting 0.15.0 changes to [from\_id()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session#from_id) because it was a breaking change without proper deprecation.
<span id="id61" />
## 0.15.0
<span id="id62" />
### New Features
* A new module [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.fake\_provider](fake_provider#module-qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider), has been added to provide access to a series of fake backends derived from snapshots of IBM Quantum devices. This functionality was originally provided by the `qiskit.providers.fake_provider` module, but will soon be deprecated in favor of [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.fake\_provider](fake_provider#module-qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider).
The snapshots provided by the fake backends are useful for local testing of the transpiler and performing local noisy simulations of the system before running on real devices. Here is an example of using a fake backend for transpilation and simulation:
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit import transpile
from qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider import FakeManilaV2
# Get a fake backend from the fake provider
backend = FakeManilaV2()
# Create a simple circuit
circuit = QuantumCircuit(3)
# Transpile the ideal circuit to a circuit that can be directly executed by the backend
transpiled_circuit = transpile(circuit, backend)
# Run the transpiled circuit using the simulated fake backend
job = backend.run(transpiled_circuit)
counts = job.result().get_counts()
* Added support for `backend.run()`. The functionality is similar to that in `qiskit-ibm-provider`.
* An error will be raised during initialization if `q-ctrl` is passed in as the `channel_strategy` and the account instance does not have `q-ctrl` enabled.
* Removed storing result in `RuntimeJob._results`. Instead retrieve results every time the `results()` method is called.
<span id="id63" />
### Deprecation Notes
* Usage of the `~/.qiskit/qiskitrc.json` file for account information has been deprecated. Use `~/.qiskit/qiskit-ibm.json` instead.
<span id="id64" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed an issue where canceled and failed jobs would return an invalid result that resulted in a type error, preventing the actual error from being returned to the user.
* A warning will be raised at initialization if the DE environment is being used since not all features are supported there.
* The `backend` parameter in [from\_id()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session#from_id) is being deprecated because sessions do not support multiple backends. Additionally, the `service` parameter is no longer optional.
* The `circuit_indices` and `observable_indices` run inputs for [Estimator](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Estimator) and [Sampler](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Sampler) have been completely removed.
<span id="id65" />
### Other Notes
* Added migration code for running `backend.run` in qiskit\_ibm\_runtime instead of in qiskit\_ibm\_provider.
<span id="id66" />
## 0.14.0
<span id="id67" />
### New Features
* There is a new class, `qiskit_ibm_runtime.Batch` that currently works the same way as [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Session](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session) but will later be updated to better support submitting multiple jobs at once.
* Arbitrary keys and values are no longer allowed in `Options`.
<span id="id68" />
### Deprecation Notes
* Custom programs are being deprecated as of qiskit-ibm-runtime 0.14.0 and will be removed on November 27, 2023. Users can instead convert their custom programs to use Qiskit Runtime primitives with Qiskit Serverless. Refer to the migration guide for instructions: [https://qiskit.github.io/qiskit-serverless/migration/migration\_from\_qiskit\_runtime\_programs.html](https://qiskit.github.io/qiskit-serverless/migration/migration_from_qiskit_runtime_programs.html)
<span id="id69" />
## 0.13.0
<span id="id70" />
### New Features
* Added a new method, [details()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session#details) that returns information about a session, including: maximum session time, active time remaining, the current state, and whether or not the session is accepting jobs.
Also added [status()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session#status), which returns the current status of the session.
* At initialization, if not passed in directly, the default `instance` selected by the provider will be logged at the “INFO” level. When running a job, if the backend selected is not in the default instance but in a different instance the user also has access to, that instance will also be logged.
<span id="id71" />
### Upgrade Notes
* [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Session.close()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session#close) has been updated to mark a `Session` as no longer accepting new jobs. The session won’t accept more jobs but it will continue to run any queued jobs until they are done or the max time expires. This will also happen automatically when the session context manager is exited. When a session that is not accepting jobs has run out of jobs to run, it’s immediately closed, freeing up the backend to run more jobs rather than wait for the interactive timeout.
The old close method behavior has been moved to a new method, [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Session.cancel()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session#cancel), where all queued jobs within a session are cancelled and terminated.
<span id="id72" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug where `shots` passed in as a numpy type were not being serialized correctly.
* Fixed a bug in [target\_history()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend#target_history) where the datetime parameter was not being used to retrieve backend properties from the specified date.
<span id="id73" />
## 0.12.2
<span id="id74" />
### New Features
* If using a `channel_strategy`, only backends that support that `channel_strategy` will be accessible to the user.
* Added the option to define a default account in the account json file. To select an account as default, define `set_as_default=True` in `QiskitRuntimeService.save_account()`.
* Added new method `Session.from_id` which creates a new session with a given id.
* There will now be a warning if a user submits a job that is predicted to exceed their system execution time monthly quota of 10 minutes. This only applies to jobs run on real hardware in the instance `ibm-q/open/main`. If the job does end up exceeding the quota, it will be canceled.
<span id="id75" />
### Upgrade Notes
* Job error messages now include the error code. Error codes can be found in [errors](/errors).
<span id="id76" />
## 0.12.1
<span id="id77" />
### New Features
* Users can use a new environment variable, `USAGE_DATA_OPT_OUT` to opt out of user module usage tracking by setting this value to `True`. Additionally, only certain qiskit modules will be tracked instead of all modules that begin with qiskit or qiskit\_.
* Users can now pass in a value of `default` to the `channel_strategy` parameter in [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService). Now, if an account is configured with a certain channel strategy, the user can override it by passing in `default`.
* The Sampler and Estimator primitives have been enhanced to incorporate custom validation procedures when the channel\_strategy property within the :class:qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService is configured as “q-ctrl.” This customized validation logic effectively rectifies incorrect input options and safeguards users against inadvertently disabling Q-CTRL’s performance enhancements.
<span id="id78" />
### Bug Fixes
* Retrieving backend properties with [properties()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend#properties) now supports passing a `datetime` parameter to retrieve properties from a past date.
* The `noise_factors` and `extrapolator` options in [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.options.ResilienceOptions](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/0.27/qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.ResilienceOptions) will now default to `None` unless `resilience_level` is set to 2. Only options relevant to the resilience level will be set, so when using `resilience_level` 2, `noise_factors` will still default to `(1, 3, 5)` and `extrapolator` will default to `LinearExtrapolator`. Additionally, options with a value of `None` will no longer be sent to the server.
* Job error messages will no longer be returned in all uppercase.
* The max\_execution\_time option is now based on system execution time instead of wall clock time. System execution time is the amount of time that the system is dedicated to processing your job. If a job exceeds this time limit, it is forcibly cancelled. Simulator jobs continue to use wall clock time.
<span id="id79" />
## 0.12.0
<span id="id80" />
### New Features
* Added a `global_service`, so that if the user defines a QiskitRuntimeService, it will be used by the primitives, even if the service is not passed to them explicitly. For example:
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService, Sampler
service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum")
# Sampler._service field will be initialized to ``service``
sampler = Sampler(backend="ibmq_qasm_simulator")
* Added a new method, [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.instances()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#instances) that returns all instances(hub/group/project) the user is in. This is only for the `ibm_quantum` channel since the `ibm_cloud` channel does not have multiple instances.
* Added validations for options on the second level of the dict, i.e., for each of resilience, simulator, execution, and transpilation, check that their options are supported. Otherwise throw an exception.
* There is a new parameter, `channel_strategy` that can be set in the initialization of [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService) or saved in [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.save\_account()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#save_account). If `channel_strategy` is set to `q-ctrl`, all jobs within the service will use the Q-CTRL error mitigation strategy.
<span id="id81" />
### Upgrade Notes
* Circuits and other input parameters will no longer be automatically stored in runtime jobs. They can still be retrieved with [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob.inputs()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#inputs).
<span id="id82" />
### Deprecation Notes
* The `noise_amplifier` resilience options is deprecated. After the deprecation period, only local folding amplification will be supported. Refer to [https://github.com/qiskit-community/prototype-zne](https://github.com/qiskit-community/prototype-zne) for global folding amplification.
<span id="id83" />
### Bug Fixes
* When running on channel “ibm\_cloud”, it is possible not to specify the backend. In this case, the system selects one of the available backends for this service. Issue #625 [https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/issues/625](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/issues/625) reported that the the backend returned by `job.backend()` was not always the actual backend on which the job was run. This PR fixes this bug.
* Fixes a race condition in the test test\_cancel\_running\_job() in test\_job.py where job cancellation could not be performed. Refer to #1019 \<[https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/issues/1019](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/issues/1019)>\_ for more details.
* Previously we added validation when jobs were run to make sure the number of circuits was not greater than the maximum for that backend, `backend.max_circuits`. This limit isn’t actually necessary for primtives run from within a session.
<span id="id84" />
## 0.11.3
<span id="id85" />
### New Features
* Added reason for failure when invoking the method [error\_message()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#error_message).
* Added a new property, [usage\_estimation()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#usage_estimation) that returns the estimated system execution time, `quantum_seconds`. System execution time represents the amount of time that the system is dedicated to processing your job.
* Raise an exception if the number of circuits passed to `_run_primitive()` exceeds the number of circuits supported on the backend.
* There is a new method [update\_tags()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#update_tags) that can be used to update the `job_tags` of a job.
* If `instance` is provided as parameter to [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService), then this is used as a filter in `QiskitRuntimeService.backends()`. If `instance` is not recognized as one of the provider instances, an exception will be raised. Previously, we only issued a warning.
<span id="id86" />
## 0.11.2
<span id="id87" />
### New Features
* If a job has been cancelled, and job.result() is requested, throw an exception rather than returning None.
* A new method, [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.options.SimulatorOptions.set\_backend()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.SimulatorOptions#set_backend), allows users to more easily set simulator options for a backend.
from qiskit.providers.fake_provider import FakeManila
from qiskit_aer.noise import NoiseModel
# Make a noise model
fake_backend = FakeManila()
# Set options to include the noise model
options = Options()
options.simulator.seed_simulator = 42
<span id="id88" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed infinite recursion when attempting to deepcopy an IBMBackend. Added a method `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend.deepcopy()`.
* Fixed an issue where circuit metadata was not being serialized correctly resulting in a type error.
<span id="id89" />
## 0.11.1
<span id="id90" />
### Deprecation Notes
* In [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob.metrics()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#metrics), the bss field will be replaced by usage.
<span id="id91" />
## 0.11.0
<span id="id92" />
### New Features
* When retrieving a job with `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService.job()` the `params` will no longer be returned from the API. They will instead be loaded loazily when they are actually needed in [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob.inputs()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#inputs).
* Added warning when the backend is not active in QiskitRuntimeService.run.
* Support input of type `CouplingMap` when given as simulator option. Previously we supported, for example:
options.simulator = {"coupling_map": [[0, 1], [1, 0]]}
Now we also support the following:
options.simulator = {"coupling_map": CouplingMap.from_line(10)}
<span id="id93" />
### Upgrade Notes
* A default session is no longer open for you if you pass a backend name or backend instance to [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Sampler](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Sampler) or [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Estimator](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Estimator) constructors. The primitive will instead run without a session. In addition, you should now use the `backend` parameter to pass a backend name or instance instead of the `session` parameter (which can continue to be used to pass a session).
* The first parameter of the [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Sampler](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Sampler) and [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Estimator](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Estimator) constructors is now `backend` instead of `session`.
<span id="id94" />
### Deprecation Notes
* Passing a backend name or backend instance to the `session` parameter when initializing a [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Sampler](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Sampler) or [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Estimator](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Estimator) has been deprecated. Please use the `backend` parameter instead. You can continue to pass a session using the `session` parameter.
<span id="id95" />
## 0.10.0
<span id="id96" />
### New Features
* Python 3.11 is now supported.
<span id="id97" />
### Upgrade Notes
* Added error messages in case the user defines unsupported values for ‘max\_execution\_time’. Previously, this validation was done on the server side.
<span id="id98" />
### Bug Fixes
* Added deserialization of the params of RuntimeJob.inputs. Previously, the circuits were returned in serialized format. Fixes issue [#829](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/issues/829).
* Allow for users to retrieve all backends even if one of the backends has a missing configuration. The backend without a configuration will not be returned.
<span id="id99" />
## 0.9.4
<span id="id100" />
### New Features
* Added methods to validate input options to `transpilation` and `environment` options.
<span id="id101" />
### Upgrade Notes
* When constructing a backend `qiskit.transpiler.Target`, faulty qubits and gates from the backend configuration will be filtered out.
<span id="id102" />
### Deprecation Notes
* The deprecated arguments `circuits`, `parameters`, `service`, and `skip_transpilation` have been removed from [Sampler](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Sampler).
Similarly, the deprecated arguments `circuits`, `observables`, `parameters`, `service`, and `skip_transpilation` have been removed from [Estimator](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Estimator).
In [QiskitRuntimeService](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService), the `auth` parameter has been removed. Additionally, the `instance`, `job_tags`, and `max_execution_time` paramters have been removed from [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.run()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#run). They can be passed in through [RuntimeOptions](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeOptions) instead.
Within [RuntimeOptions](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeOptions), `backend_name` is no longer supported. Please use `backend` instead.
<span id="id103" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug where retrieving a job from a backend without `noise_model` or `seed_simulator` options would result in a key error.
<span id="id104" />
## 0.9.3
<span id="id105" />
### Upgrade Notes
* Added error messages in case the user defines unsupported values for ‘optimization\_level’ or for ‘resilience\_level’. Added validation checking for options given as input to `resilience`. Previously, this validation was done on the server side. By adding them on the client side, response will be much faster upon failure. The environment variable `QISKIT_RUNTIME_SKIP_OPTIONS_VALIDATION` is used to control validation. If set, validation will be skipped.
* Backend configurations are no longer loaded when [QiskitRuntimeService](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService) is initialized. Instead, the configuration is only loaded and cached during [get\_backend()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#get_backend) and [backends()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#backends).
<span id="id106" />
### Bug Fixes
* When creating an Option object and passing an input option to `resilience_options`, this option was included in `resilience_options`, but the other, default options were removed. This was fixed, so now inputs are handled correctly, like other option types.
<span id="id107" />
## 0.9.2
<span id="id108" />
### New Features
* Added a new argument called `session_time` to the program\_run method and [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeOptions](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeOptions). Now values entered by the user for session `max_time` will be sent to the server side as `session_time`. This allows users to specify different values for session `max_time` and `max_execution_time`.
* Added the method [target\_history()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend#target_history). This method is similar to [target()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend#target). The difference is that the new method enables the user to pass a datetime parameter, to retrieve historical data from the backend.
<span id="id109" />
### Upgrade Notes
* Accept all options on given on level 1 and assign them to the appropriate hierarchical option type. For example, if the user provides `options = {"shots": 10}` as input to Sampler/Estimator, this will be interpreted as `options = {"execution: {"shots": 10}}`.
* If a job is returned without a backend, retrieving the backend through [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob.backend()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#backend) will re-retrieve data from the server and attempt to update the backend. Additionally, `job_id` and `backend`, which were deprecated attributes of [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob) have now been removed.
* Added a user warning when the user passes an option that is not supported in Options.
<span id="id110" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug where the default values for `optimization_level` and for `resilience_level` were not being set correctly.
* Fixed an issue where if no backend was selected, `optimization_level` and `resilience_level` would default to `None`, causing the job to fail.
* If an instance is passed in to [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.get\_backend()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#get_backend) and then the backend is used in a session, all jobs within the session will be run from the original instance passed in.
* Removed additional decomposition of `BlueprintCircuit`s in the JSON encoder. This was introduced as a bugfix, but has since been fixed. Still doing the decomposition led to possible problems if the decomposed circuit was not in the correct basis set of the backend anymore.
<span id="id111" />
## 0.9.1
<span id="id112" />
### Upgrade Notes
* [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.jobs()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#jobs) now has a `backend_name` parameter that can be used to only return jobs run with the specified backend.
* Allow the user to store account details in a file specified by the user in the parameter. `filename`. The default remains \~/.qiskit/qiskit-ibm.json. Example of usage: Ex:
name = "my_account",
service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum",
name = "my_account",)
<span id="id113" />
### Deprecation Notes
* `backend` is no longer a supported option when using [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Session.run()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session#run). Sessions do not support multiple cross backends. Additionally, an exception will be raised if a backend passed in through options does not match the original session backend in an active session.
<span id="id114" />
### Bug Fixes
* `ECRGate` and `CZGate` mappings have been added to the `Target` constructor to fix a tranpile bug.
<span id="id115" />
### Other Notes
* Since error messages from a failing job may be long, we shortened them so that they begin from the last `Traceback` in the message.
<span id="id116" />
## 0.9.0
<span id="id117" />
### Upgrade Notes
* Changed the default values for `optimization_level` and for `resilience_level` in `qiskit_ibm_runtime.Options`. If their values are defined by the user, they are not modified. If not set, if the backend is a noiseless simulator then `optimization_level` is set to 1 and `resilience_level` is set to 0; Otherwise, they are be set to 3 and 1 respectively.
* [session\_id()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#session_id) and [tags()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#tags) were added for an easy way to return the session\_id and job\_tags of a job.
<span id="id118" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug where jobs that did not run before a session closes are not actually run as a part of that session. Jobs should run as a part of a session even if that session is closed by the exit of the context manager.
* Fixes the issue wherein submitting a large job fails due to write operation timeout.
<span id="id119" />
## 0.8.0
<span id="id120" />
### New Features
* Python 3.10 is now supported.
* Advanced resilience options can now be set under `options.resilience`. See [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.options.ResilienceOptions](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.ResilienceOptions) for all available options.
* You can now specify a pair of result decoders for the `result_decoder` parameter of [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.run()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#run) method. If a pair is specified, the first one is used to decode interim results and the second the final results.
<span id="id121" />
### Upgrade Notes
* The default `resilience_level` option for has been changed from 0 to 1. In addition, the default `optimization_level` option has been changed from 1 to 3.
<span id="id122" />
### Deprecation Notes
* The transpilation options `translation_method` and `timing_constraints` have been deprecated.
<span id="id123" />
### Bug Fixes
* If a [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.IBMBackend](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend) instance is passed to the [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Session](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session) constructor, the service used to initialize the `IBMBackend` instance is used for the session instead of the default account service.
<span id="id124" />
## 0.7.0
<span id="id125" />
### New Features
* `qiskit_ibm_runtime.Options` class now accepts arbitrary keyword arguments. This allows users to specify new options to the primitive programs without upgrading `qiskit_ibm_runtime`. These arbitrary keyword arguments, however, are not validated.
* The [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.options.EnvironmentOptions](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.options.EnvironmentOptions) class now accepts a `callback` parameter. This parameter can be used to stream the interim and final results of the primitives.
* The `qiskit_ibm_runtime.Options` class now accepts `max_execution_time` as a first level option and `job_tags` as an option under `environment`. [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeOptions](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeOptions) has also been updated to include these two parameters.
<span id="id126" />
### Upgrade Notes
* This version of qiskit-ibm-runtime requires qiskit-terra version 0.22 or higher. The `requirements.txt` file has been updated accordingly.
<span id="id127" />
### Deprecation Notes
* Qiskit Runtime programs `torch-train`, `torch-infer`, `sample-expval`, `sample-program`, and `quantum_kernal_alignment` have been deprecated due to low usage.
* Passing `instance` parameter to the [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService.run()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#run) has been deprecated. Instead, you can pass the `instance` parameter inside the `options` parameter.
* Passing `job_tags` and `max_execution_time` as parameters to [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService) has been deprecated. Please pass them inside `options`.
<span id="id128" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixes the missing section on retrieving jobs in the how-to guide.
<span id="rc2" />
## 0.7.0rc2
<span id="id129" />
### Upgrade Notes
* Added a validation check to [run()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Sampler#run). It raises an error if there is no classical bit.
* [Sampler](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Sampler) is updated to return `SamplerResult` with `SamplerResult.quasi_dists` as a list of `QuasiDistrbution`. It used to set a list of `dict` as `SamplerResult.quasi_dists`, but it did not follow the design of `SamplerResult`.
* The [RuntimeJob](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob) class is now a subclass of `qiskit.providers.Job`.
<span id="id130" />
### Deprecation Notes
* `job_id` and `backend` attributes of [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob) have been deprecated. Please use [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob.job\_id()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#job_id) and [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob.backend()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#backend) methods instead.
* The `backend_name` attribute in [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeOptions](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeOptions) is deprecated and replaced by `backend`.
<span id="rc1" />
## 0.7.0rc1
<span id="id131" />
### Prelude
There are significant changes to how primitives are invoked within a session, and the options available to the primitives. Please review the rest of the release notes and the tutorials for full information.
<span id="id132" />
### New Features
* You can now invoke the same or different primitive programs multiple times within a session. For example:
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService, Session, Sampler, Estimator, Options
from qiskit.test.reference_circuits import ReferenceCircuits
from qiskit.circuit.library import RealAmplitudes
from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
# Initialize account.
service = QiskitRuntimeService()
# Set options, which can be overwritten at job level.
options = Options(optimization_level=1)
# Prepare inputs.
bell = ReferenceCircuits.bell()
psi = RealAmplitudes(num_qubits=2, reps=2)
H1 = SparsePauliOp.from_list([("II", 1), ("IZ", 2), ("XI", 3)])
theta = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
with Session(service=service, backend="ibmq_qasm_simulator") as session:
# Submit a request to the Sampler primitive within the session.
sampler = Sampler(session=session, options=options)
job = sampler.run(circuits=bell)
print(f"Sampler results: {job.result()}")
# Submit a request to the Estimator primitive within the session.
estimator = Estimator(session=session, options=options)
job = estimator.run(
circuits=[psi], observables=[H1], parameter_values=[theta]
print(f"Estimator results: {job.result()}")
* A new `qiskit_ibm_runtime.Options` class is introduced. This class allows you to auto-complete options related to primitive programs. For example:
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import Session, Sampler, Options
from qiskit.test.reference_circuits import ReferenceCircuits
options = Options()
options.optimization_level = 3 # This can be done using auto-complete.
with Session(backend="ibmq_qasm_simulator") as session:
# Pass the options to Sampler.
sampler = Sampler(session=session, options=options)
# Or at job level.
job = sampler.run(circuits=ReferenceCircuits.bell(), shots=4000)
* [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob) has a new method [metrics()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#metrics). This method returns the metrics of a job, which includes timestamp information.
* The [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService) `channel` can now be stored as an environment variable, `QISKIT_IBM_CHANNEL`. This way, when using Runtime Primitives, the service does not have to be instantiated manually and can instead be created directly from environment variables.
<span id="id133" />
### Upgrade Notes
* Raise `RuntimeJobMaxTimeoutError` when a job runs for too long so that it can be handled appropriately by programs.
* The experimental parameters `transpilation_settings`, `resilience_settings`, and `max_time` to the :class:\`qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Sampler and [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Estimator](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Estimator) constructors have been removed. You can instead use the `qiskit_ibm_runtime.Options` class to specify the settings, and `max_time` can be specified when starting a new session. For example:
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import Session, Sampler, Options
options = Options()
# This can be done using auto-complete.
option.optimization_level = 3
options.resilience_level = 1
with Session(max_time="2h") as session:
# Pass the options to Sampler.
sampler = Sampler(session=session, options=options)
* Since some accounts have many runtime programs, caching a list of all programs on the first call of `programs()` has been removed. Instead, programs will only be cached up to the `limit` given, which has a default value of 20.
<span id="id134" />
### Deprecation Notes
* Invoking [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Sampler](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Sampler) and [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Estimator](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Estimator) as context managers has been deprecated. You can instead use the qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Session class to create a new session and invoke one or more primitives within the session.
As a result, passing input parameters, such as `circuits`, `observables`, and `parameter_values`, as well as `service` to the constructors of `Sampler` and `Estimator` has also been deprecated. The inputs can now be passed to the `run()` method of the primitive classes, and `service` can be passed to [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Session](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Session) when starting a new session.
* Passing `skip_transpilation` to the :class:\`qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Sampler and [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.Estimator](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Estimator) constructors has been deprecated. You can instead use the `qiskit_ibm_runtime.Options` class to specify this option. For example:
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import Options
options = Options()
# This can be done using auto-complete.
options.transpilation.skip_transpilation = True
<span id="id135" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixes issue [#428](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/issues/428) by raising the minimum required `qiskit-terra` version to `0.21.0`, since latest version of `qiskit-ibm-runtime` is not compatible with `0.20.0` or earlier of `qiskit-terra`.
<span id="id136" />
## 0.6.0
<span id="id137" />
### Upgrade Notes
* When migrating from `qiskit-ibmq-provider` your `ibm_quantum` channel credentials will get automatically copied over from the qiskitrc file and a qiskit-ibm.json file will get created if one doesn’t exist. You have to just initialize [QiskitRuntimeService](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService) class without passing any parameters to use this copied over default `ibm_quantum` account.
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService
service = QiskitRuntimeService()
* `IBMEstimator` class which was deprecated earlier is now removed. Use [Estimator](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Estimator) class going forward.
* `IBMRuntimeService` class which was deprecated earlier is now removed. Use [QiskitRuntimeService](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService) class going forward.
<span id="id138" />
## 0.5.0
<span id="id139" />
### Prelude
This release leverages the API and Queue enhancements to become more runtime session aware. As a result when using the primitives (sampler and estimator), runtime jobs in the same session will skip to the front of the queue, thereby speeding up the runtime session, once it has started.
<span id="id140" />
### New Features
* The `service` object which is an instance of [QiskitRuntimeService](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService) class can now be accessed from [IBMBackend](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend) class using the `service` property.
backend = service.get_backend("ibmq_qasm_simulator")
backend.service # QiskitRuntimeService instance used to instantiate the backend
<span id="id141" />
### Upgrade Notes
* [jobs()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#jobs) has two new parameters, `created_after` and `created_before`. These can be used to filter jobs by creation date in local time.
* The parameters `circuit_indices` and `observable_indices` when calling `estimator` are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. You can now pass either indices or objects using the `circuits` and `observables` parameters.
with Estimator(
circuits=[qc1, qc2],
observables=[H1, H2, H3],
) as estimator:
# pass circuits and observables as indices
result = estimator(circuits=[0, 1], observables=[0, 1], parameter_values=[theta1, theta2])
# pass circuits and observables as objects
result = estimator(circuits=[qc1, qc2], observables=[H1, H3], parameter_values=[theta1, theta3])
* The parameters `circuit_indices` and `observable_indices` when calling `estimator` are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. You can now pass either indices or objects using the `circuits` and `observables` parameters.
with Sampler(
circuits=[qc1, qc2],
) as sampler:
# pass circuits as indices
result = sampler(circuits=[0, 1], parameter_values=[theta1, theta2])
# pass circuit as objects
result = sampler(circuits=[qc1, qc2], parameter_values=[theta2, theta3])
* The `session_id`, which is the Job ID of the first job in a runtime session can now be used as a filter in [jobs()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#jobs) with the parameter `session_id`.
* [run()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#run) now supports a new parameter, `job_tags`. These tags can be used when filtering jobs with [jobs()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#jobs).
* [run()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#run) now supports a new parameter, `max_execution_time`, which can be used to override the default program maximum execution time. It should be less than or equal to the program maximum execution time.
* [jobs()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService#jobs) has a new parameter, `descending`. This parameter defaults to `True`, where jobs will be returned in descending order based on creation date.
* `RuntimeJobTimeoutError` is now raised when the `timeout` set in [result()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#result) or [wait\_for\_final\_state()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#wait_for_final_state) expires.
* When initializing [QiskitRuntimeService](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService) and an invalid token is used, `IBMNotAuthorizedError` will be raised instead of `RequestsApiError`.
* `IBMSampler` class which was deprecated earlier is now removed. Use [Sampler](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Sampler) class going forward.
* [qubit\_properties()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend#qubit_properties) will now return a sub class of `QubitProperties` called `IBMQubitProperties` and will expose anharmonicity in addition to the t1, t2 and frequency already exposed by the `QubitProperties` class.
<span id="id142" />
## 0.4.0
<span id="id143" />
### Upgrade Notes
* `IBMRuntimeService` has been renamed to `QiskitRuntimeSerice`. `IBMRuntimeService` class is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import IBMRuntimeService
service = IBMRuntimeService(channel="ibm_cloud", token="...", instance="...")
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService
service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_cloud", token="...", instance="...")
* `IBMEstimator` class is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use [Estimator](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Estimator) class going forward.
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import IBMRuntimeService, IBMEstimator
service = IBMRuntimeService(channel="ibm_cloud", token="...", instance="...")
estimator_factory = IBMEstimator(service=service, backend="ibmq_qasm_simulator")
with estimator_factory(circuits=[qc], observables="...", parameters="...") as estimator:
result = estimator(circuit_indices=[0], ...)
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService, Estimator
service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_cloud", token="...", instance="...")
with Estimator(
options={ "backend": "ibmq_qasm_simulator" }, # or IBMBackend<"ibmq_qasm_simulator">
) as estimator:
result = estimator(circuit_indices=[0], ...)
* `IBMSampler` class is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use [Sampler](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Sampler) class going forward.
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import IBMRuntimeService, IBMSampler
service = IBMRuntimeService(channel="ibm_cloud", token="...", instance="...")
sampler_factory = IBMSampler(service=service, backend="ibmq_qasm_simulator")
with sampler_factory(circuits=[qc], parameters="...") as sampler:
result = sampler(circuit_indices=[0], ...)
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService, Sampler
service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_cloud", token="...", instance="...")
with Sampler(
options={ "backend": "ibmq_qasm_simulator" }, # or IBMBackend<"ibmq_qasm_simulator">
) as sampler:
result = sampler(circuit_indices=[0], ...)
<span id="id144" />
### Deprecation Notes
* `IBMRuntimeService`, `IBMEstimator` and `IBMSampler` classes have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use [QiskitRuntimeService](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.QiskitRuntimeService), [Estimator](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Estimator) and [Sampler](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.Sampler) classes instead. See upgrade notes section for a detailed explanation with examples.
<span id="id145" />
## 0.3.0
<span id="id146" />
### Upgrade Notes
* A new parameter `channel` has now been added to `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService` class and also to methods like `save_account()`, `saved_accounts()` and `delete_account()`. It can be set to `ibm_quantum` or `ibm_cloud` to authenticate to either of the two different channels through which Qiskit Runtime service is currently offered. `channel` replaces the `auth` parameter which has now been deprecated.
<span id="id147" />
### Deprecation Notes
* The `auth` parameter to `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService` class and also to methods like `save_account()`, `saved_accounts()` and `delete_account()` has now been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the new `channel` parameter instead.
<span id="id148" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed [#291](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-ibm-runtime/issues/219) where passing a single `QuantumCircuit` to sampler or estimator primitives was throwing an error.
<span id="id149" />
## 0.2.0
<span id="id150" />
### New Features
* `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMEstimator` and `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMSampler` classes now allow you to easily interact with the `estimator` and `sampler` primitive programs. Refer to the examples in the respective class doc strings to learn more about how to use them.
<span id="id151" />
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug where [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob.wait\_for\_final\_state()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#wait_for_final_state) would result in a NoneType error if the job already completed and [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob.status()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#status) was called beforehand.
<span id="id152" />
## 0.1.0
<span id="id153" />
### Prelude
qiskit-ibm-runtime is a new Python API client for accessing the quantum programs, systems and simulators at IBM Quantum via the Qiskit Runtime Service.
This new package is built upon the work already done in qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime module in the qiskit-ibmq-provider package and replaces it going forward. The runtime module in qiskit-ibmq-provider package is now deprecated.
qiskit-ibm-runtime is not included as part of Qiskit meta package and thereby you have to install it separately using `pip install qiskit-ibm-runtime`.
<span id="id154" />
### New Features
* `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService.least_busy()` will now allow you find the least busy backend.
<span id="id155" />
### Upgrade Notes
* qiskit-ibm-runtime package no longer uses the \$HOME/.qiskit/qiskitrc file used by qiskit-ibmq-provider to save credentials. Credentials are now stored in a JSON format in \$HOME/.qiskit/qiskit-ibm.json file when you use `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService.save_account()` method.
You can now save multiple credentials and give an optional name for each credential.
* Qiskit Runtime service is accessible using an IBM Quantum (legacy) account or an IBM Cloud (cloud) account. qiskit-ibm-runtime enables you to connect to either of these accounts:
# Legacy
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import IBMRuntimeService
service = IBMRuntimeService(auth="legacy", token="abc")
# Cloud
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import IBMRuntimeService
service = IBMRuntimeService(auth="cloud", token="abc", instance="IBM Cloud CRN or Service instance name")
* [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.IBMBackend](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend) class now implements the `qiskit.providers.BackendV2` interface and provides flatter access to the configuration of a backend, for example:
# BackendV1:
# BackendV2:
Only breaking change when compared to BackendV1 is backend.name is now an attribute instead of a method.
Refer to the [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.IBMBackend](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMBackend) class doc string for a list of all available attributes.
* If you used qiskit.providers.ibmq.AccountProvider.get\_backend method (for example, `provider.get_backend("ibmq_qasm_simulator")`) in the qiskit-ibmq-provider package, it’s equivalent method in this new package is `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService.backend()`:
service = IBMRuntimeService()
backend = service.backend("ibmq_qasm_simulator")
* It is now optional to specify a hub/group/project upfront when connecting to the legacy IBM Quantum account. The hub/group/project is selected in the following order.
> * hub/group/project if passed via `instance` parameter when initializing `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService`
> * the specific hub/group/project required by the backend specified when calling `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService.run()`
> * the default set previously via `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService.save_account()`
> * a premium hub/group/project in your account
> * open access hub/group/project
* It is now optional to specify backend\_name in options when executing `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService.run()` method when using cloud runtime (IBM Cloud only). The server will automatically pick a backend and return the name.
* qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.IBMRuntimeService.logout method in qiskit-ibmq-provider which was used to clear authorization cache on the server has been removed.
* Python 3.6 has reached end of life and will no longer be supported in the new qiskit-ibm-runtime package.
* qiskit.providers.ibmq.runtime.IBMRuntimeService.run\_circuits method in qiskit-ibmq-provider has been removed and will be replaced by the `Sampler` primitive program.
* `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService.run()` method now accepts runtime execution options as [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeOptions](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeOptions) class in addition to already supported Dict. backend\_name, image and log\_level are the currently available options.
* Final result is also streamed now after interim results when you specify a `callback` to `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService.run()` or [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob.stream\_results()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#stream_results).
<span id="id156" />
## 0.1.0rc2
<span id="id157" />
### New Features
* For convenience, you can now set the `IBM Cloud service name` as a value for the account `instance` parameter. If you choose to set the name instead of the `CRN`, the initialization time of the `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService` class is slightly higher because the required `CRN` value is internally resolved via IBM Cloud APIs.
<span id="id158" />
### Bug Fixes
* [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.utils.json.RuntimeEncoder](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeEncoder) and [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.utils.json.RuntimeDecoder](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeDecoder) have been updated to handle instances of the Instruction class.
* Fixed an issue where numpy ndarrays with object types could not be serialized. [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.utils.json.RuntimeEncoder](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeEncoder) and [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.utils.json.RuntimeDecoder](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeDecoder) have been updated to handle these ndarrays.
<span id="id159" />
## 0.1.0rc1
<span id="id160" />
### New Features
* You can now pass `instance` parameter in the hub/group/project format to `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService.jobs()` to filter jobs. Currently only supported for legacy authentication.
* You can now use the [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob.interim\_results()](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob#interim_results) method to retrieve runtime program interim results. Note that interim results will only be available for up to two days.
<span id="id161" />
### Upgrade Notes
* In order to be consistent with other properties in [qiskit\_ibm\_runtime.RuntimeJob](/api/qiskit-ibm-runtime/qiskit_ibm_runtime.RuntimeJob) class the job\_id and backend methods have been converted to properties.
* When uploading a program with `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService.upload_program()`, the program description is now optional.
* When printing programs with `qiskit_ibm_runtime.IBMRuntimeService.pprint_programs()`, `backend_requirements` will now be listed.
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### Bug Fixes
* Fixed an issue with JSON encoding and decoding when using `ParameterExpression`s in conjunction with Qiskit Terra 0.19.1 and above. Previously, the `Parameter` instances reconstructed from the JSON output would have different unique identifiers, causing them to seem unequal to the input. They will now have the correct backing identities.