Edits to operators pages (#1574)

Noticed a few edits to make in a [recent closed

- Changed "we" to "you"
- avoided "will" when appropriate
- replaced "may" with either "can" or "might" depending on context
- general typo/punctuation/capitalization cleanup
This commit is contained in:
abbycross 2024-06-19 11:58:59 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 45111f70c8
commit 53e8bde652
2 changed files with 33 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"id": "8292bbef-0a61-44db-a096-cee8c9b23827",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Converting classes to Operators\n",
"## Convert classes to Operators\n",
"Several other classes in Qiskit can be directly converted to an `Operator` object using the operator initialization method. For example:\n",
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
"* `Gate` and `Instruction` objects\n",
"* `QuantumCircuit` objects\n",
"Note that the last point means we can use the `Operator` class as a unitary simulator to compute the final unitary matrix for a quantum circuit, without having to call a simulator backend. If the circuit contains any unsupported operations, an exception will be raised. Unsupported operations are: measure, reset, conditional operations, or a gate that does not have a matrix definition or decomposition in terms of gate with matrix definitions."
"Note that the last point means you can use the `Operator` class as a unitary simulator to compute the final unitary matrix for a quantum circuit, without having to call a simulator backend. If the circuit contains any unsupported operations, an exception is raised. Unsupported operations are: measure, reset, conditional operations, or a gate that does not have a matrix definition or decomposition in terms of gate with matrix definitions."
@ -151,11 +151,11 @@
"id": "693e4885-bd79-4a2f-8e2b-8e4d81892c05",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Using Operators in circuits\n",
"## Use Operators in circuits\n",
"Unitary `Operators` can be directly inserted into a `QuantumCircuit` using the `QuantumCircuit.append` method. This converts the `Operator` into a `UnitaryGate` object, which is added to the circuit.\n",
"If the operator is not unitary, an exception will be raised. This can be checked using the `Operator.is_unitary()` function, which will return `True` if the operator is unitary and `False` otherwise."
"If the operator is not unitary, an exception is raised. This can be checked using the `Operator.is_unitary()` function, which returns `True` if the operator is unitary and `False` otherwise."
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
"id": "04a90485-7b03-4ae3-a37d-0ae87feee6a4",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Note that in the above example we initialize the operator from a `Pauli` object. However, the `Pauli` object may also be directly inserted into the circuit itself and will be converted into a sequence of single-qubit Pauli gates:"
"Note that in the above example the operator is initialized from a `Pauli` object. However, the `Pauli` object may also be directly inserted into the circuit itself and will be converted into a sequence of single-qubit Pauli gates:"
@ -240,13 +240,13 @@
"id": "59bf4972-731f-40c4-9d26-ca0110827cdc",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Combining Operators\n",
"## Combine Operators\n",
"Operators may be combined using several methods.\n",
"### Tensor Product\n",
"### Tensor product\n",
"Two operators $A$ and $B$ may be combined into a tensor product operator $A\\otimes B$ using the `Operator.tensor` function. Note that if both $A$ and $B$ are single-qubit operators, then `A.tensor(B)` = $A\\otimes B$ will have the subsystems indexed as matrix $B$ on subsystem 0, and matrix $A$ on subsystem 1."
"Two operators $A$ and $B$ can be combined into a tensor product operator $A\\otimes B$ using the `Operator.tensor` function. Note that if both $A$ and $B$ are single-qubit operators, then `A.tensor(B)` = $A\\otimes B$ will have the subsystems indexed as matrix $B$ on subsystem 0, and matrix $A$ on subsystem 1."
@ -278,9 +278,9 @@
"id": "bca7c8a7-5f19-405c-9f27-3e75db53cb5e",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Tensor Expansion\n",
"### Tensor expansion\n",
"A closely related operation is `Operator.expand`, which acts like a tensor product but in the reverse order. Hence, for two operators $A$ and $B$ we have `A.expand(B)` = $B\\otimes A$ where the subsystems indexed as matrix $A$ on subsystem 0, and matrix $B$ on subsystem 1."
"A closely related operation is `Operator.expand`, which acts like a tensor product but in the reverse order. Hence, for two operators $A$ and $B$ you have `A.expand(B)` = $B\\otimes A$ where the subsystems are indexed as matrix $A$ on subsystem 0, and matrix $B$ on subsystem 1."
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
"source": [
"### Composition\n",
"We can also compose two operators $A$ and $B$ to implement matrix multiplication using the `Operator.compose` method. We have that `A.compose(B)` returns the operator with matrix $B.A$:"
"You can also compose two operators $A$ and $B$ to implement matrix multiplication using the `Operator.compose` method. `A.compose(B)` returns the operator with matrix $B.A$:"
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
"id": "f54c6b4e-e8ac-4ae7-ac02-60300a46c88c",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"We can also compose in the reverse order by applying $B$ in front of $A$ using the `front` kwarg of `compose`: `A.compose(B, front=True)` = $A.B$:"
"You can also compose in the reverse order by applying $B$ in front of $A$ using the `front` kwarg of `compose`: `A.compose(B, front=True)` = $A.B$:"
@ -374,13 +374,13 @@
"id": "f08c91f5-88f0-408f-ae9e-03cec65de305",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Subsystem Composition\n",
"### Subsystem composition\n",
"Note that the previous compose requires that the total output dimension of the first operator $A$ is equal to total input dimension of the composed operator $B$ (and similarly, the output dimension of $B$ must be equal to the input dimension of $A$ when composing with `front=True`).\n",
"Note that the previous compose requires that the total output dimension of the first operator $A$ is equal to the total input dimension of the composed operator $B$ (and similarly, the output dimension of $B$ must be equal to the input dimension of $A$ when composing with `front=True`).\n",
"We can also compose a smaller operator with a selection of subsystems on a larger operator using the `qargs` kwarg of `compose`, either with or without `front=True`. In this case, the relevant input and output dimensions of the subsystems being composed must match. *Note that the smaller operator must always be the argument of* `compose` *method.*\n",
"You can also compose a smaller operator with a selection of subsystems on a larger operator using the `qargs` kwarg of `compose`, either with or without `front=True`. In this case, the relevant input and output dimensions of the subsystems being composed must match. *Note that the smaller operator must always be the argument of the* `compose` *method.*\n",
"For example, to compose a two-qubit gate with a three-qubit Operator:"
"For example, to compose a two-qubit gate with a three-qubit operator:"
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
"source": [
"### Linear combinations\n",
"Operators may also be combined using standard linear operators for addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication by complex numbers."
"Operators may also be combined using standard linear operators for addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication by complex numbers."
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
"id": "235d9549-a7f6-4c8c-8592-de57e5e45fc6",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"An important point is that while `tensor`, `expand` and `compose` will preserve the unitarity of unitary operators, linear combinations will not; hence, adding two unitary operators will, in general, result in a non-unitary operator:"
"An important point is that while `tensor`, `expand`, and `compose` preserves the unitarity of unitary operators, linear combinations do not; hence, adding two unitary operators will, in general, result in a non-unitary operator:"
@ -520,9 +520,9 @@
"id": "1a2bf1cd-6f0f-446f-a993-ae9c2d22984e",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Implicit Conversion to Operators\n",
"### Implicit conversion to Operators\n",
"Note that for all the following methods, if the second object is not already an `Operator` object, it will be implicitly converted into one by the method. This means that matrices can be passed in directly without being explicitly converted to an `Operator` first. If the conversion is not possible, an exception will be raised."
"Note that for all the following methods, if the second object is not already an `Operator` object, it is implicitly converted into one by the method. This means that matrices can be passed in directly without being explicitly converted to an `Operator` first. If the conversion is not possible, an exception is raised."
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
"id": "0ee93f02-c3ea-44b0-8b87-f79e3107749e",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Comparison of Operators\n",
"## Compare Operators\n",
"Operators implement an equality method that can be used to check if two operators are approximately equal."
@ -582,7 +582,7 @@
"id": "36bbbbf9-3ed7-4aab-bc9e-f542325372f1",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Note that this checks that each matrix element of the operators is approximately equal; two unitaries that differ by a global phase will not be considered equal:"
"Note that this checks that each matrix element of the operators is approximately equal; two unitaries that differ by a global phase are not considered equal:"
@ -611,9 +611,9 @@
"id": "c06612c0-be6e-41b5-9ba5-92a9d7755c2f",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Process Fidelity\n",
"### Process fidelity\n",
"We may also compare operators using the `process_fidelity` function from the *Quantum Information* module. This is an information theoretic quantity for how close two quantum channels are to each other, and in the case of unitary operators it does not depend on global phase."
"You can also compare operators using the `process_fidelity` function from the *Quantum Information* module. This is an information-theoretic quantity for how close two quantum channels are to each other, and in the case of unitary operators it does not depend on global phase."
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@
"id": "993bab6d-7f37-4363-a17e-8b8e3b7de30a",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Note that process fidelity is generally only a valid measure of closeness if the input operators are unitary (or CP in the case of quantum channels), and an exception will be raised if the inputs are not CP."
"Note that process fidelity is generally only a valid measure of closeness if the input operators are unitary (or CP in the case of quantum channels), and an exception is raised if the inputs are not CP."

View File

@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
"id": "4c4b1efe-4025-4b88-bbce-d0b3060e0ab1",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"`Pauli` objects possess a number of other methods to manipulate the operators such as determining its adjoint, if it (anti)commutes with another `Pauli`, and compute the dot product with another `Pauli`. Refer to the [api documentation](/api/qiskit/qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli) for more info."
"`Pauli` objects possess a number of other methods to manipulate the operators such as determining its adjoint, whether it (anti)commutes with another `Pauli`, and computing the dot product with another `Pauli`. Refer to the [API documentation](/api/qiskit/qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli) for more info."
@ -251,8 +251,8 @@
"source": [
"The operator object stores the underlying matrix, and the input and output dimension of subsystems.\n",
"* `data`: To access the underlying Numpy array, we may use the `Operator.data` property.\n",
"* `dims`: To return the total input and output dimension of the operator, we may use the `Operator.dim` property. *Note: the output is returned as a tuple* `(input_dim, output_dim)`, *which is the reverse of the shape of the underlying matrix.*"
"* `data`: To access the underlying Numpy array, you can use the `Operator.data` property.\n",
"* `dims`: To return the total input and output dimension of the operator, you can use the `Operator.dim` property. *Note: the output is returned as a tuple* `(input_dim, output_dim)`, *which is the reverse of the shape of the underlying matrix.*"
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
"source": [
"The operator class also keeps track of subsystem dimensions, which can be used for composing operators together. These can be accessed using the `input_dims` and `output_dims` functions.\n",
"For $2^N$ by $2^M$ operators, the input and output dimension will be automatically assumed to be M-qubit and N-qubit:"
"For $2^N$ by $2^M$ operators, the input and output dimensions are automatically assumed to be M-qubit and N-qubit:"
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"id": "9bae9b8c-b7f5-4e1e-ad8b-4482f19af531",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"If the input matrix is not divisible into qubit subsystems, then it will be stored as a single-qubit operator. For example, if we have a $6\\times6$ matrix:"
"If the input matrix is not divisible into qubit subsystems, then it will be stored as a single-qubit operator. For example, for a $6\\times6$ matrix:"
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
"id": "1ed55128-5b97-4733-ac0f-6b762e48691b",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"We can also extract just the input or output dimensions of a subset of subsystems using the `input_dims` and `output_dims` functions:"
"You can also extract just the input or output dimensions of a subset of subsystems using the `input_dims` and `output_dims` functions:"
@ -484,9 +484,9 @@
"## Next steps\n",
"<Admonition type=\"tip\" title=\"Recommendations\">\n",
" - Learn how to [specify observables in the Pauli basis](/build/specify-observables-pauli)\n",
" - Learn how to [specify observables in the Pauli basis](/build/specify-observables-pauli).\n",
" - See an example of using operators in the [Combine error mitigation options with the estimator primitive](https://learning.quantum.ibm.com/tutorial/combine-error-mitigation-options-with-the-estimator-primitive) tutorial.\n",
" - Read more [in-depth coverage of the Operator class](/build/operator-class)\n",
" - Read more [in-depth coverage of the Operator class](/build/operator-class).\n",
" - Explore the [Operator API](/api/qiskit/qiskit.quantum_info.Operator#operator) reference.\n",