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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
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QuantumError class tests
from test.terra.common import QiskitAerTestCase
import unittest
import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, Reset, Measure
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import IGate, XGate, YGate, ZGate
from qiskit.circuit.library.generalized_gates import UnitaryGate
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import SuperOp, Kraus, Pauli
from qiskit_aer.noise import QuantumError, pauli_error, reset_error
from qiskit_aer.noise.noiseerror import NoiseError
class TestQuantumError(QiskitAerTestCase):
"""Testing QuantumError class"""
def test_empty(self):
"""Test construction with empty noise_ops."""
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
QuantumError() # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
def test_init_with_circuits(self):
"""Test construction with mixture of quantum circuits."""
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.cx(0, 1)
self.assertEqual(QuantumError(qc).size, 1)
self.assertEqual(QuantumError([(qc, 0.7), (qc, 0.3)]).size, 2)
def test_init_with_operators(self):
"""Test construction with mixture of operators."""
kraus = Kraus([np.sqrt(0.7) * np.eye(2), np.sqrt(0.3) * np.diag([1, -1])])
self.assertEqual(QuantumError(kraus).size, 1)
self.assertEqual(QuantumError([(kraus, 0.7), (kraus, 0.3)]).size, 2)
self.assertEqual(QuantumError(Pauli("X")).probabilities, [1.0])
self.assertEqual(QuantumError([(Pauli("I"), 0.7), (Pauli("Z"), 0.3)]).size, 2)
self.assertEqual(QuantumError([(Pauli("I"), 0.7), (kraus, 0.3)]).size, 2)
def test_init_with_instructions(self):
"""Test construction with mixture of instructions."""
self.assertEqual(QuantumError(Reset()).size, 1)
self.assertEqual(QuantumError([(IGate(), 0.7), (Reset(), 0.3)]).size, 2)
mixed_insts = QuantumError(
((IGate(), [1]), 0.4),
(ZGate(), 0.3),
([(Reset(), [0])], 0.2),
([(Reset(), [0]), (XGate(), [0])], 0.1),
self.assertEqual(mixed_insts.size, 4)
self.assertEqual(QuantumError(XGate()).size, 1)
self.assertEqual(QuantumError([(IGate(), 0.7), (ZGate(), 0.3)]).size, 2)
mixed_gates = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.6), ((XGate(), [1]), 0.4)])
self.assertEqual(mixed_gates.size, 2)
mixed_ops = QuantumError([(IGate(), 0.7), (Pauli("Z"), 0.3)]) # Gate # Operator
self.assertEqual(mixed_ops.size, 2)
mixed_ops = QuantumError(
[(IGate(), 0.7), ((Reset(), [1]), 0.3)] # Instruction
) # Tuple[Instruction, List[int]
self.assertEqual(mixed_ops.size, 2)
def test_raise_if_invalid_op_type_for_init(self):
"""Test exception is raised when input with invalid type are supplied."""
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
QuantumError(Measure()) # instruction with clbits
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
QuantumError([Reset(), XGate()]) # list of instructions expecting default qubits
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
QuantumError([(Reset(), [0]), XGate()]) # partially supplied
def test_raise_negative_probabilities(self):
"""Test exception is raised for negative probabilities."""
noise_ops = [((IGate(), [0]), 1.1), ((XGate(), [0]), -0.1)]
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
def test_raise_unnormalized_probabilities(self):
"""Test exception is raised for probabilities greater than 1."""
noise_ops = [((IGate(), [0]), 0.9), ((XGate(), [0]), 0.2)]
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
def test_raise_unnormalized_probabilities_unitary_kraus(self):
"""Test exception is raised for unitary kraus probs greater than 1."""
a_0 = np.sqrt(0.9) * np.eye(2)
a_1 = np.sqrt(0.2) * np.diag([1, -1])
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
QuantumError(Kraus([a_0, a_1]))
def test_raise_unnormalized_probabilities_nonunitary_kraus(self):
"""Test exception is raised for non-unitary kraus probs greater than 1."""
a_0 = np.sqrt(0.9) * np.array([[1, 0], [0, np.sqrt(1 - 0.3)]], dtype=complex)
a_1 = np.sqrt(0.2) * np.array([[0, np.sqrt(0.3)], [0, 0]], dtype=complex)
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
QuantumError(Kraus([a_0, a_1]))
def test_raise_if_construct_with_non_cptp_kraus(self):
"""Test exception is raised for non-CPTP input."""
a_0 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, np.sqrt(1 - 0.3)]], dtype=complex)
a_1 = np.array([[0, 0], [np.sqrt(0.3), 0]], dtype=complex)
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
QuantumError(Kraus([a_0, a_1]))
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
def test_raise_if_construct_with_non_multiqubit_kraus(self):
"""Test exception is raised for non-multiqubit input."""
a_0 = np.sqrt(0.5) * np.diag([1, 1, 1])
a_1 = np.sqrt(0.5) * np.diag([1, 1, -1])
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
QuantumError(Kraus([a_0, a_1]))
def test_ideal(self):
"""Test ideal gates are identified correctly."""
self.assertTrue(QuantumError([(IGate(), 0.7), (IGate(), 0.3)]).ideal())
# up to global phase
qc = QuantumCircuit(1, global_phase=0.5)
self.assertTrue(QuantumError(UnitaryGate(-1.0 * np.eye(2))).ideal())
def test_to_quantum_channel(self):
"""Test conversion into quantum channel."""
meas_kraus = Kraus([np.diag([1, 0]), np.diag([0, 1])])
actual = QuantumError(meas_kraus).to_quantumchannel()
expected = SuperOp(np.diag([1, 0, 0, 1]))
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_compose(self):
"""Test compose two quantum errors."""
noise_x = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.9), ((XGate(), [0]), 0.1)])
noise_y = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.8), ((YGate(), [0]), 0.2)])
actual = noise_x.compose(noise_y)
expected = QuantumError(
([(IGate(), [0]), (IGate(), [0])], 0.9 * 0.8),
([(IGate(), [0]), (YGate(), [0])], 0.9 * 0.2),
([(XGate(), [0]), (IGate(), [0])], 0.1 * 0.8),
([(XGate(), [0]), (YGate(), [0])], 0.1 * 0.2),
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_dot(self):
"""Test dot two quantum errors."""
noise_x = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.9), ((XGate(), [0]), 0.1)])
noise_y = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.8), ((YGate(), [0]), 0.2)])
actual = noise_y.dot(noise_x) # reversed order of compose
expected = QuantumError(
([(IGate(), [0]), (IGate(), [0])], 0.9 * 0.8),
([(IGate(), [0]), (YGate(), [0])], 0.9 * 0.2),
([(XGate(), [0]), (IGate(), [0])], 0.1 * 0.8),
([(XGate(), [0]), (YGate(), [0])], 0.1 * 0.2),
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_compose_one_with_different_num_qubits(self):
"""Test compose errors with different number of qubits."""
noise_1q = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.9), ((XGate(), [0]), 0.1)])
noise_2q = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.8), ((XGate(), [1]), 0.2)])
actual = noise_1q.compose(noise_2q)
expected = QuantumError(
([(IGate(), [0]), (IGate(), [0])], 0.9 * 0.8),
([(IGate(), [0]), (XGate(), [1])], 0.9 * 0.2),
([(XGate(), [0]), (IGate(), [0])], 0.1 * 0.8),
([(XGate(), [0]), (XGate(), [1])], 0.1 * 0.2),
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_compose_with_different_type_of_operator(self):
"""Test compose with Kraus operator."""
noise_x = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.9), ((XGate(), [0]), 0.1)])
meas_kraus = Kraus([np.diag([1, 0]), np.diag([0, 1])])
actual = noise_x.compose(meas_kraus)
expected = QuantumError(
([(IGate(), [0]), (meas_kraus.to_instruction(), [0])], 0.9),
([(XGate(), [0]), (meas_kraus.to_instruction(), [0])], 0.1),
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_tensor(self):
"""Test tensor two quantum errors."""
noise_x = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.9), ((XGate(), [0]), 0.1)])
noise_y = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.8), ((YGate(), [0]), 0.2)])
actual = noise_x.tensor(noise_y)
expected = QuantumError(
([(IGate(), [1]), (IGate(), [0])], 0.9 * 0.8),
([(IGate(), [1]), (YGate(), [0])], 0.9 * 0.2),
([(XGate(), [1]), (IGate(), [0])], 0.1 * 0.8),
([(XGate(), [1]), (YGate(), [0])], 0.1 * 0.2),
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_expand(self):
"""Test tensor two quantum errors."""
noise_x = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.9), ((XGate(), [0]), 0.1)])
noise_y = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.8), ((YGate(), [0]), 0.2)])
actual = noise_y.expand(noise_x) # reversed order of expand
expected = QuantumError(
([(IGate(), [1]), (IGate(), [0])], 0.9 * 0.8),
([(IGate(), [1]), (YGate(), [0])], 0.9 * 0.2),
([(XGate(), [1]), (IGate(), [0])], 0.1 * 0.8),
([(XGate(), [1]), (YGate(), [0])], 0.1 * 0.2),
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_tensor_with_different_type_of_operator(self):
"""Test tensor with Kraus operator."""
noise_x = QuantumError([((IGate(), [0]), 0.9), ((XGate(), [0]), 0.1)])
meas_kraus = Kraus([np.diag([1, 0]), np.diag([0, 1])])
actual = noise_x.tensor(meas_kraus)
expected = QuantumError(
([(IGate(), [1]), (meas_kraus.to_instruction(), [0])], 0.9),
([(XGate(), [1]), (meas_kraus.to_instruction(), [0])], 0.1),
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_from_dict_pauli(self):
"""Test from_dict method for pauli errors."""
p_error_rate = 0.05
error_quantum = pauli_error([("X", p_error_rate), ("I", 1 - p_error_rate)])
error_dict = error_quantum.to_dict()
error_quantum2 = QuantumError.from_dict(error=error_dict)
self.assertEqual(error_quantum, error_quantum2)
def test_from_dict_kraus(self):
"""Test from_dict method for kraus channels."""
noise_ops = Kraus(
[np.sqrt(0.9) * np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), np.sqrt(0.1) * np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])]
error_quantum = QuantumError(noise_ops)
error_dict = error_quantum.to_dict()
error_kraus = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict)
self.assertEqual(error_quantum, error_kraus)
def test_from_dict_reset(self):
"""Test from_dict method for reset errors."""
error_quantum = reset_error(0.98, 0.02)
error_dict = error_quantum.to_dict()
error_reset = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict)
self.assertEqual(error_quantum, error_reset)
def test_from_dict_unitarygate(self):
"""Test from_dict method for unitarygate errors."""
error_quantum = QuantumError(UnitaryGate(np.eye(2)))
error_dict = error_quantum.to_dict()
error_unitary = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict)
self.assertEqual(error_quantum, error_unitary)
def test_from_dict_raise_if_error_is_measure(self):
"""Test exception is raised by from_dict method for measure errors."""
error_quantum = QuantumError(UnitaryGate(np.eye(2)))
error_dict = error_quantum.to_dict()
# exchange instruction "unitary" with "measure" to provoke exception
error_dict["instructions"][0][0]["name"] = "measure"
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
error_unitary = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict)
def test_from_dict_raise_if_parameter_is_non_dict(self):
"""Test exception is raised by from_dict if parameter is not a dict"""
dict_param = []
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
def test_from_dict_raise_if_parameter_is_not_well_formed(self):
"""Test exception is raised by from_dict if parameter is not well formed"""
error_quantum = QuantumError(UnitaryGate(np.eye(2)))
# remove 'type'
error_dict_type = error_quantum.to_dict()
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
error_unitary = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict_type)
# remove 'id'
error_dict_id = error_quantum.to_dict()
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
error_unitary = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict_id)
# remove 'operations'
error_dict_operations = error_quantum.to_dict()
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
error_unitary = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict_operations)
# remove 'instructions'
error_dict_instructions = error_quantum.to_dict()
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
error_unitary = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict_instructions)
# remove 'probabilities'
error_dict_probabilities = error_quantum.to_dict()
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
error_unitary = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict_probabilities)
def test_from_dict_raise_if_len_probabilites_is_not_len_instructions(self):
"""Test exception is raised by from_dict if length of probabilities does not meet length of instructions"""
# test more probabilities than instructions
error_quantum = QuantumError(UnitaryGate(np.eye(2)))
error_dict = error_quantum.to_dict()
# add another probabilities not matching no instructions
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
error_unitary = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict)
# test less probabilities than instructions
error_dict2 = error_quantum.to_dict()
# remove another probabilities not matching no instructions
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
error_unitary = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict2)
def test_from_dict_raise_if_kraus_has_no_params(self):
"""Test exception is raised by from_dict if kraus has not attribute params"""
noise_ops = Kraus(
[np.sqrt(0.9) * np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), np.sqrt(0.1) * np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])]
error_quantum = QuantumError(noise_ops)
error_dict = error_quantum.to_dict()
# remove params to provoke exception
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
error_kraus = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict)
def test_from_dict_raise_if_unitary_has_no_params(self):
error_quantum = QuantumError(UnitaryGate(np.eye(2)))
error_dict = error_quantum.to_dict()
# remove params to provoke exception
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
error_unitary = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict)
def test_from_dict_raise_if_instruction_not_supported(self):
"""Test exception is raised by from_dict if instruction is not supported"""
error_quantum = QuantumError(UnitaryGate(np.eye(2)))
error_dict = error_quantum.to_dict()
# exchange instruction "unitary" with "blubb" to provoke exception
error_dict["instructions"][0][0]["name"] = "blubb"
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
error_unitary = QuantumError.from_dict(error_dict)
if __name__ == "__main__":