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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019, 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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NoiseTransformer class tests
from test.terra.common import QiskitAerTestCase
import unittest
import numpy
from qiskit.circuit import Reset
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import IGate, XGate, YGate, ZGate, HGate, SGate
from qiskit.circuit.library.generalized_gates import UnitaryGate
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.channel import Kraus
from qiskit.quantum_info.random import random_unitary
from qiskit_aer.noise import NoiseModel
from qiskit_aer.noise.errors.quantum_error import QuantumError
from qiskit_aer.noise.errors.standard_errors import amplitude_damping_error
from qiskit_aer.noise.errors.standard_errors import pauli_error
from qiskit_aer.noise.errors.standard_errors import reset_error
from qiskit_aer.noise.noiseerror import NoiseError
from qiskit_aer.utils import approximate_noise_model
from qiskit_aer.utils import approximate_quantum_error
import cvxpy
except ImportError:
@unittest.skipUnless(HAS_CVXPY, "cvxpy is required to run these tests")
class TestNoiseTransformer(QiskitAerTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.ops = {"X": XGate(), "Y": YGate(), "Z": ZGate(), "H": HGate(), "S": SGate()}
def assertNoiseModelsAlmostEqual(self, lhs, rhs, places=3):
lhs._local_quantum_errors, rhs._local_quantum_errors, places=places
lhs._default_quantum_errors, rhs._default_quantum_errors, places=places
lhs._local_readout_errors, rhs._local_readout_errors, places=places
if lhs._default_readout_error is not None:
self.assertTrue(rhs._default_readout_error is not None)
lhs._default_readout_error, rhs._default_readout_error, places=places
self.assertTrue(rhs._default_readout_error is None)
def assertNoiseDictsAlmostEqual(self, lhs, rhs, places=3):
keys = set(lhs.keys()).union(set(rhs.keys()))
for key in keys:
self.assertTrue(key in lhs.keys(), msg="Key {} is missing from lhs".format(key))
self.assertTrue(key in rhs.keys(), msg="Key {} is missing from rhs".format(key))
if isinstance(lhs[key], dict):
self.assertNoiseDictsAlmostEqual(lhs[key], rhs[key], places=places)
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(lhs[key], rhs[key], places=places)
def assertErrorsAlmostEqual(self, lhs, rhs, places=3):
lhs.to_quantumchannel()._data, rhs.to_quantumchannel()._data, places
def assertDictAlmostEqual(self, lhs, rhs, places=None):
keys = set(lhs.keys()).union(set(rhs.keys()))
for key in keys:
msg="Not almost equal for key {}: {} !~ {}".format(key, lhs.get(key), rhs.get(key)),
def assertListAlmostEqual(self, lhs, rhs, places=None):
len(lhs), len(rhs), msg="List lengths differ: {} != {}".format(len(lhs), len(rhs))
for i in range(len(lhs)):
if isinstance(lhs[i], numpy.ndarray) and isinstance(rhs[i], numpy.ndarray):
self.assertMatricesAlmostEqual(lhs[i], rhs[i], places=places)
self.assertAlmostEqual(lhs[i], rhs[i], places=places)
def assertMatricesAlmostEqual(self, lhs, rhs, places=None):
self.assertEqual(lhs.shape, rhs.shape, "Marix shapes differ: {} vs {}".format(lhs, rhs))
n, m = lhs.shape
for x in range(n):
for y in range(m):
lhs[x, y],
rhs[x, y],
msg="Matrices {} and {} differ on ({}, {})".format(lhs, rhs, x, y),
def test_transformation_by_pauli(self):
# polarization in the XY plane; we represent via Kraus operators
X = self.ops["X"]
Y = self.ops["Y"]
Z = self.ops["Z"]
p = 0.22
theta = numpy.pi / 5
E0 = numpy.sqrt(1 - p) * numpy.array(numpy.eye(2))
E1 = numpy.sqrt(p) * (numpy.cos(theta) * numpy.array(X) + numpy.sin(theta) * numpy.array(Y))
results = approximate_quantum_error(Kraus([E0, E1]), operator_dict={"X": X, "Y": Y, "Z": Z})
expected_results = pauli_error(
("X", p * numpy.cos(theta) * numpy.cos(theta)),
("Y", p * numpy.sin(theta) * numpy.sin(theta)),
("Z", 0),
("I", 1 - p),
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(expected_results, results)
def test_transformation_by_kraus(self):
gamma = 0.23
error = amplitude_damping_error(gamma)
reset_to_0 = [numpy.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]]), numpy.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]])]
reset_to_1 = [numpy.array([[0, 0], [1, 0]]), numpy.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])]
reset_kraus = [Kraus(reset_to_0), Kraus(reset_to_1)]
actual = approximate_quantum_error(error, operator_list=reset_kraus)
p = (1 + gamma - numpy.sqrt(1 - gamma)) / 2
expected_probs = [1 - p, p, 0]
self.assertListAlmostEqual(expected_probs, actual.probabilities)
def test_reset(self):
# approximating amplitude damping using relaxation operators
gamma = 0.23
error = amplitude_damping_error(gamma)
p = (gamma - numpy.sqrt(1 - gamma) + 1) / 2
q = 0
expected_results = reset_error(p, q)
results = approximate_quantum_error(error, operator_string="reset")
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(results, expected_results)
def test_transform(self):
X = self.ops["X"]
Y = self.ops["Y"]
Z = self.ops["Z"]
p = 0.34
theta = numpy.pi / 7
E0 = numpy.sqrt(1 - p) * numpy.array(numpy.eye(2))
E1 = numpy.sqrt(p) * (numpy.cos(theta) * numpy.array(X) + numpy.sin(theta) * numpy.array(Y))
results_dict = approximate_quantum_error(
Kraus([E0, E1]), operator_dict={"X": X, "Y": Y, "Z": Z}
results_string = approximate_quantum_error(Kraus([E0, E1]), operator_string="pauli")
results_list = approximate_quantum_error(Kraus([E0, E1]), operator_list=[X, Y, Z])
results_tuple = approximate_quantum_error(Kraus([E0, E1]), operator_list=(X, Y, Z))
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(results_dict, results_string)
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(results_string, results_list)
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(results_list, results_tuple)
def test_approx_noise_model(self):
noise_model = NoiseModel()
gamma = 0.23
p = 0.4
q = 0.33
ad_error = amplitude_damping_error(gamma)
r_error = reset_error(p, q) # should be approximated as-is
noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(ad_error, "iden x y s")
noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(r_error, "iden z h")
result = approximate_noise_model(noise_model, operator_string="reset")
expected_result = NoiseModel()
gamma_p = (gamma - numpy.sqrt(1 - gamma) + 1) / 2
gamma_q = 0
ad_error_approx = reset_error(gamma_p, gamma_q)
expected_result.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(ad_error_approx, "iden x y s")
expected_result.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(r_error, "iden z h")
self.assertNoiseModelsAlmostEqual(expected_result, result)
def test_approx_names(self):
gamma = 0.23
error = amplitude_damping_error(gamma)
results_1 = approximate_quantum_error(error, operator_string="pauli")
results_2 = approximate_quantum_error(error, operator_string="Pauli")
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(results_1, results_2)
def test_paulis_1_and_2_qubits(self):
probs = [0.5, 0.3, 0.2]
paulis_1q = ["X", "Y", "Z"]
paulis_2q = ["XI", "YI", "ZI"]
error_1q = pauli_error(zip(paulis_1q, probs))
error_2q = pauli_error(zip(paulis_2q, probs))
results_1q = approximate_quantum_error(error_1q, operator_string="pauli")
results_2q = approximate_quantum_error(error_2q, operator_string="pauli")
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(error_1q, results_1q)
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(error_2q, results_2q, places=2)
paulis_2q = ["XY", "ZZ", "YI"]
error_2q = pauli_error(zip(paulis_2q, probs))
results_2q = approximate_quantum_error(error_2q, operator_string="pauli")
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(error_2q, results_2q, places=2)
def test_reset_2_qubit(self):
# approximating amplitude damping using relaxation operators
gamma = 0.23
p = (gamma - numpy.sqrt(1 - gamma) + 1) / 2
A0 = [[1, 0], [0, numpy.sqrt(1 - gamma)]]
A1 = [[0, numpy.sqrt(gamma)], [0, 0]]
error_1 = QuantumError([([(Kraus([A0, A1]), [0]), (IGate(), [1])], 1)])
error_2 = QuantumError([([(Kraus([A0, A1]), [1]), (IGate(), [0])], 1)])
expected_results_1 = QuantumError(
[([(IGate(), [0]), (IGate(), [1])], 1 - p), ([(Reset(), [0]), (IGate(), [1])], p)]
expected_results_2 = QuantumError(
[([(IGate(), [1]), (IGate(), [0])], 1 - p), ([(Reset(), [1]), (IGate(), [0])], p)]
results_1 = approximate_quantum_error(error_1, operator_string="reset")
results_2 = approximate_quantum_error(error_2, operator_string="reset")
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(results_1, expected_results_1)
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(results_2, expected_results_2)
def test_clifford(self):
x_p = 0.1
y_p = 0.2
z_p = 0.3
error = pauli_error([("X", x_p), ("Y", y_p), ("Z", z_p), ("I", 1 - (x_p + y_p + z_p))])
results = approximate_quantum_error(error, operator_string="clifford")
self.assertErrorsAlmostEqual(error, results, places=1)
def test_errors(self):
gamma = 0.23
error = amplitude_damping_error(gamma)
# kraus error is legit, transform_channel_operators are not
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given"):
approximate_quantum_error(error, 7)
with self.assertRaises(NoiseError):
approximate_quantum_error(error, operator_string="seven")
def test_approx_random_unitary_channel(self):
# run without raising any error
noise = Kraus(random_unitary(2, seed=123))
for opstr in ["pauli", "reset", "clifford"]:
approximate_quantum_error(noise, operator_string=opstr)
noise = Kraus(random_unitary(4, seed=123))
for opstr in ["pauli", "reset"]:
approximate_quantum_error(noise, operator_string=opstr)
def test_approx_random_mixed_unitary_channel_1q(self):
# run without raising any error
noise1 = UnitaryGate(random_unitary(2, seed=123))
noise2 = UnitaryGate(random_unitary(2, seed=456))
noise = QuantumError([(noise1, 0.7), (noise2, 0.3)])
for opstr in ["pauli", "reset", "clifford"]:
approximate_quantum_error(noise, operator_string=opstr)
def test_approx_random_mixed_unitary_channel_2q(self):
# run without raising any error
noise1 = UnitaryGate(random_unitary(4, seed=123))
noise2 = UnitaryGate(random_unitary(4, seed=456))
noise = QuantumError([(noise1, 0.7), (noise2, 0.3)])
for opstr in ["pauli", "reset"]:
approximate_quantum_error(noise, operator_string=opstr)
if __name__ == "__main__":