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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022.
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Tests for utility functions to create device noise model.
import numpy as np
from test.terra.common import QiskitAerTestCase
from qiskit.circuit import library, Reset, Measure, Parameter
from qiskit.transpiler import CouplingMap, Target, QubitProperties, InstructionProperties
from qiskit_aer.noise.device.models import basic_device_gate_errors
from qiskit_aer.noise.errors.standard_errors import thermal_relaxation_error
def target_7q():
"""Build an arbitrary 7q ``Target`` with noisy instructions."""
num_qubits = 7
qubit_properties = [
QubitProperties(t1=1.5e-4, t2=1.5e-4, frequency=4_700_000_000.0 + q * 50_000_000.0)
for q in range(num_qubits)
target = Target(num_qubits=7, qubit_properties=qubit_properties)
for gate in (library.SXGate(), library.XGate(), library.RZGate(Parameter("a"))):
(q,): InstructionProperties(duration=50e-9, error=2e-4) for q in range(num_qubits)
link: InstructionProperties(duration=300e-9, error=1e-3)
for link in CouplingMap.from_ring(num_qubits)
(q,): InstructionProperties(duration=4e-6, error=None) for q in range(num_qubits)
(q,): InstructionProperties(duration=3e-6, error=1.5e-2) for q in range(num_qubits)
return target
class TestDeviceNoiseModel(QiskitAerTestCase):
"""Testing device noise model"""
def test_basic_device_gate_errors_from_target(self):
"""Test if the resulting gate errors never include errors on non-gate instructions"""
target = target_7q()
gate_errors = basic_device_gate_errors(target=target)
errors_on_measure = [name for name, _, _ in gate_errors if name == "measure"]
errors_on_reset = [name for name, _, _ in gate_errors if name == "reset"]
self.assertEqual(len(errors_on_measure), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(errors_on_reset), 7)
self.assertEqual(len(gate_errors), 42)
def test_basic_device_gate_errors_from_target_with_non_operational_qubits(self):
"""Test if no thermal relaxation errors are generated for qubits with undefined T1 and T2."""
target = target_7q()
# tweak target to have non-operational qubits
faulty_qubits = (1, 2)
q_prop = target.qubit_properties
for q in faulty_qubits:
q_prop[q] = QubitProperties(t1=None, t2=None, frequency=0)
target.qubit_properties = q_prop
# build gate errors with only relaxation errors i.e. without depolarizing errors
gate_errors = basic_device_gate_errors(target=target, gate_error=False)
errors_on_sx = {qubits: error for name, qubits, error in gate_errors if name == "sx"}
errors_on_cx = {qubits: error for name, qubits, error in gate_errors if name == "cx"}
self.assertEqual(len(gate_errors), 42)
# check if no errors are added on sx gates on qubits without T1 and T2 definitions
for q in faulty_qubits:
# check if no error is added on cx gate on a qubit pair without T1 and T2 definitions
def test_basic_device_gate_errors_from_target_with_no_t2_value(self):
"""Test if gate errors are successfully created from a target with qubits not reporting T2.
See https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/issues/1896 for the details."""
target = target_7q()
target.qubit_properties[0].t2 = None
def test_non_zero_temperature(self):
"""Test if non-zero excited_state_population is obtained when positive temperature is supplied.
See https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/issues/1937 for the details."""
t1, t2, frequency, duration = 1e-4, 1e-4, 5e9, 5e-8
target = Target(
num_qubits=1, qubit_properties=[QubitProperties(t1=t1, t2=t2, frequency=frequency)]
target.add_instruction(library.XGate(), {(0,): InstructionProperties(duration=duration)})
errors = basic_device_gate_errors(target=target, gate_error=False, temperature=100)
_, _, x_error = errors[0]
no_excitation_error = thermal_relaxation_error(t1, t2, duration, excited_state_population=0)
x_error_matrix = x_error.to_quantumchannel().data
no_excitation_error_matrix = no_excitation_error.to_quantumchannel().data
self.assertFalse(np.allclose(x_error_matrix, no_excitation_error_matrix))