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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
Shared functionality and helpers for the unit tests.
import inspect
import logging
import os
import warnings
import unittest
from enum import Enum
from itertools import repeat
from math import pi
from random import choice, sample
from unittest.util import safe_repr
import fixtures
import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit_aer import __path__ as main_path
from qiskit.quantum_info import Operator, Statevector
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.predicates import matrix_equal
from .decorators import enforce_subclasses_call
class Path(Enum):
"""Helper with paths commonly used during the tests."""
MAIN = main_path[0]
TEST = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# Examples path: examples/
EXAMPLES = os.path.join(MAIN, "../examples")
@enforce_subclasses_call(["setUp", "setUpClass", "tearDown", "tearDownClass"])
class BaseQiskitAerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__setup_called = False
self.__teardown_called = False
def setUp(self):
if self.__setup_called:
raise ValueError(
"In File: %s\n"
"TestCase.setUp was already called. Do not explicitly call "
"setUp from your tests. In your own setUp, use super to call "
"the base setUp." % (sys.modules[self.__class__.__module__].__file__,)
self.__setup_called = True
def tearDown(self):
if self.__teardown_called:
raise ValueError(
"In File: %s\n"
"TestCase.tearDown was already called. Do not explicitly call "
"tearDown from your tests. In your own tearDown, use super to "
"call the base tearDown." % (sys.modules[self.__class__.__module__].__file__,)
self.__teardown_called = True
def _get_resource_path(filename, path=Path.TEST):
"""Get the absolute path to a resource.
filename (string): filename or relative path to the resource.
path (Path): path used as relative to the filename.
str: the absolute path to the resource.
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path.value, filename))
def assertDictAlmostEqual(
self, dict1, dict2, delta=None, msg=None, places=None, default_value=0
"""Assert two dictionaries with numeric values are almost equal.
Fail if the two dictionaries are unequal as determined by
comparing that the difference between values with the same key are
not greater than delta (default 1e-8), or that difference rounded
to the given number of decimal places is not zero. If a key in one
dictionary is not in the other the default_value keyword argument
will be used for the missing value (default 0). If the two objects
compare equal then they will automatically compare almost equal.
dict1 (dict): a dictionary.
dict2 (dict): a dictionary.
delta (number): threshold for comparison (defaults to 1e-8).
msg (str): return a custom message on failure.
places (int): number of decimal places for comparison.
default_value (number): default value for missing keys.
TypeError: if the arguments are not valid (both `delta` and
`places` are specified).
AssertionError: if the dictionaries are not almost equal.
error_msg = dicts_almost_equal(dict1, dict2, delta, places, default_value)
if error_msg:
msg = self._formatMessage(msg, error_msg)
raise self.failureException(msg)
def dicts_almost_equal(dict1, dict2, delta=None, places=None, default_value=0):
"""Test if two dictionaries with numeric values are almost equal.
Fail if the two dictionaries are unequal as determined by
comparing that the difference between values with the same key are
not greater than delta (default 1e-8), or that difference rounded
to the given number of decimal places is not zero. If a key in one
dictionary is not in the other the default_value keyword argument
will be used for the missing value (default 0). If the two objects
compare equal then they will automatically compare almost equal.
dict1 (dict): a dictionary.
dict2 (dict): a dictionary.
delta (number): threshold for comparison (defaults to 1e-8).
places (int): number of decimal places for comparison.
default_value (number): default value for missing keys.
TypeError: if the arguments are not valid (both `delta` and
`places` are specified).
String: Empty string if dictionaries are almost equal. A description
of their difference if they are deemed not almost equal.
def valid_comparison(value):
"""compare value to delta, within places accuracy"""
if places is not None:
return round(value, places) == 0
return value < delta
# Check arguments.
if dict1 == dict2:
return ""
if places is not None:
if delta is not None:
raise TypeError("specify delta or places not both")
msg_suffix = " within %s places" % places
delta = delta or 1e-8
msg_suffix = " within %s delta" % delta
# Compare all keys in both dicts, populating error_msg.
error_msg = ""
for key in set(dict1.keys()) | set(dict2.keys()):
val1 = dict1.get(key, default_value)
val2 = dict2.get(key, default_value)
if not valid_comparison(abs(val1 - val2)):
error_msg += f"({safe_repr(key)}: {safe_repr(val1)} != {safe_repr(val2)}), "
if error_msg:
return error_msg[:-2] + msg_suffix
return ""
class QiskitAerTestCase(BaseQiskitAerTestCase):
"""Helper class that contains common functionality."""
def setUp(self):
def setUpClass(cls):
allow_DeprecationWarning_modules = [
for mod in allow_DeprecationWarning_modules:
warnings.filterwarnings("default", category=DeprecationWarning, module=mod)
cls.moduleName = os.path.splitext(inspect.getfile(cls))[0]
cls.log = logging.getLogger(cls.__name__)
# Set logging to file and stdout if the LOG_LEVEL environment variable
# is set.
if os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL"):
# Set up formatter.
log_fmt = "{}.%(funcName)s:%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s:" " %(message)s".format(
formatter = logging.Formatter(log_fmt)
# Set up the file handler.
log_file_name = "%s.log" % cls.moduleName
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file_name)
# Set the logging level from the environment variable, defaulting
# to INFO if it is not a valid level.
level = logging._nameToLevel.get(os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL"), logging.INFO)
def _get_resource_path(filename, path=Path.TEST):
"""Get the absolute path to a resource.
filename (string): filename or relative path to the resource.
path (Path): path used as relative to the filename.
str: the absolute path to the resource.
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path.value, filename))
def assertSuccess(self, result):
"""Assert that simulation executed without errors"""
success = getattr(result, "success", False)
msg = result.status
if not success:
for i, res in enumerate(getattr(result, "results", [])):
if res.status != "DONE":
msg += ", (Circuit {}) {}".format(i, res.status)
self.assertTrue(success, msg=msg)
def assertNotSuccess(self, result):
"""Assert that simulation executed with errors"""
success = getattr(result, "success", False)
msg = result.status
self.assertFalse(success, msg=msg)
def gate_circuits(gate_cls, num_angles=0, has_ctrl_qubits=False, rng=None, basis_states=None):
Construct circuits from a gate class.
Example of basis_states: ['010, '100'].
When basis_states is None, tests all basis states
with the gate's number of qubits.
if rng is None:
rng = np.random.default_rng()
if num_angles:
params = list(rng.random(num_angles))
params = []
if has_ctrl_qubits:
gate = gate_cls(*params)
if basis_states is None:
basis_states = [bin(i)[2:].zfill(gate.num_qubits) for i in range(1 << gate.num_qubits)]
circs = []
qubit_permutation = list(rng.permutation(gate.num_qubits))
for state in basis_states:
circ = QuantumCircuit(gate.num_qubits)
for i in qubit_permutation:
if state[i] == "1":
circ.append(gate, qubit_permutation)
return circs
def check_position(obj, items, precision=15):
"""Return position of numeric object in a list."""
for pos, item in enumerate(items):
# Try numeric difference first
delta = round(np.linalg.norm(np.array(obj) - np.array(item)), precision)
if delta == 0:
return pos
# If objects aren't numeric try direct equality comparison
if obj == item:
return pos
return None
return None
def remove_if_found(obj, items, precision=15):
"""If obj is in list of items, remove first instance"""
pos = QiskitAerTestCase.check_position(obj, items)
if pos is not None:
def compare_statevector(
self, result, circuits, targets, ignore_phase=False, atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-5
"""Compare final statevectors to targets."""
for pos, test_case in enumerate(zip(circuits, targets)):
circuit, target = test_case
target = Statevector(target)
output = Statevector(result.get_statevector(circuit))
test_msg = "Circuit ({}/{}):".format(pos + 1, len(circuits))
with self.subTest(msg=test_msg):
msg = " {} != {}".format(output, target)
delta = matrix_equal(
output.data, target.data, ignore_phase=ignore_phase, atol=atol, rtol=rtol
self.assertTrue(delta, msg=msg)
def compare_unitary(self, result, circuits, targets, ignore_phase=False, atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-5):
"""Compare final unitary matrices to targets."""
for pos, test_case in enumerate(zip(circuits, targets)):
circuit, target = test_case
target = Operator(target)
output = Operator(result.get_unitary(circuit))
test_msg = "Circuit ({}/{}):".format(pos + 1, len(circuits))
with self.subTest(msg=test_msg):
msg = test_msg + " {} != {}".format(output.data, target.data)
delta = matrix_equal(
output.data, target.data, ignore_phase=ignore_phase, atol=atol, rtol=rtol
self.assertTrue(delta, msg=msg)
def compare_counts(self, result, circuits, targets, hex_counts=True, delta=0):
"""Compare counts dictionary to targets."""
for pos, test_case in enumerate(zip(circuits, targets)):
circuit, target = test_case
if hex_counts:
# Don't use get_counts method which converts hex
output = result.data(circuit)["counts"]
# Use get counts method which converts hex
output = result.get_counts(circuit)
test_msg = "Circuit ({}/{}):".format(pos + 1, len(circuits))
with self.subTest(msg=test_msg):
msg = test_msg + " {} != {}".format(output, target)
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(output, target, delta=delta, msg=msg)
def compare_memory(self, result, circuits, targets, hex_counts=True):
"""Compare memory list to target."""
for pos, test_case in enumerate(zip(circuits, targets)):
circuit, target = test_case
self.assertIn("memory", result.data(circuit))
if hex_counts:
# Don't use get_counts method which converts hex
output = result.data(circuit)["memory"]
# Use get counts method which converts hex
output = result.get_memory(circuit)
test_msg = "Circuit ({}/{}):".format(pos + 1, len(circuits))
with self.subTest(msg=test_msg):
msg = " {} != {}".format(output, target)
self.assertEqual(output, target, msg=msg)
def compare_result_metadata(self, result, circuits, key, targets):
"""Compare result metadata key value."""
if not isinstance(targets, (list, tuple)):
targets = len(circuits) * [targets]
for pos, test_case in enumerate(zip(circuits, targets)):
circuit, target = test_case
value = None
metadata = getattr(result.results[0], "metadata")
if metadata:
value = metadata.get(key)
test_msg = "Circuit ({}/{}):".format(pos + 1, len(circuits))
with self.subTest(msg=test_msg):
msg = " metadata {} value {} != {}".format(key, value, target)
self.assertEqual(value, target, msg=msg)
def assertDictAlmostEqual(
self, dict1, dict2, delta=None, msg=None, places=None, default_value=0
Assert two dictionaries with numeric values are almost equal.
Fail if the two dictionaries are unequal as determined by
comparing that the difference between values with the same key are
not greater than delta (default 1e-8), or that difference rounded
to the given number of decimal places is not zero. If a key in one
dictionary is not in the other the default_value keyword argument
will be used for the missing value (default 0). If the two objects
compare equal then they will automatically compare almost equal.
dict1 (dict): a dictionary.
dict2 (dict): a dictionary.
delta (number): threshold for comparison (defaults to 1e-8).
msg (str): return a custom message on failure.
places (int): number of decimal places for comparison.
default_value (number): default value for missing keys.
TypeError: raises TestCase failureException if the test fails.
if dict1 == dict2:
# Shortcut
if delta is not None and places is not None:
raise TypeError("specify delta or places not both")
if places is not None:
success = True
standard_msg = ""
# check value for keys in target
keys1 = set(dict1.keys())
for key in keys1:
val1 = dict1.get(key, default_value)
val2 = dict2.get(key, default_value)
if round(abs(val1 - val2), places) != 0:
success = False
standard_msg += "(%s: %s != %s), " % (
# check values for keys in counts, not in target
keys2 = set(dict2.keys()) - keys1
for key in keys2:
val1 = dict1.get(key, default_value)
val2 = dict2.get(key, default_value)
if round(abs(val1 - val2), places) != 0:
success = False
standard_msg += "(%s: %s != %s), " % (
if success is True:
standard_msg = standard_msg[:-2] + " within %s places" % places
if delta is None:
delta = 1e-8 # default delta value
success = True
standard_msg = ""
# check value for keys in target
keys1 = set(dict1.keys())
for key in keys1:
val1 = dict1.get(key, default_value)
val2 = dict2.get(key, default_value)
if abs(val1 - val2) > delta:
success = False
standard_msg += "(%s: %s != %s), " % (
# check values for keys in counts, not in target
keys2 = set(dict2.keys()) - keys1
for key in keys2:
val1 = dict1.get(key, default_value)
val2 = dict2.get(key, default_value)
if abs(val1 - val2) > delta:
success = False
standard_msg += "(%s: %s != %s), " % (
if success is True:
standard_msg = standard_msg[:-2] + " within %s delta" % delta
msg = self._formatMessage(msg, standard_msg)
raise self.failureException(msg)
def _is_ci_fork_pull_request():
Check if the tests are being run in a CI environment and if it is a pull
bool: True if the tests are executed inside a CI tool, and the changes
are not against the "main" branch.
if os.getenv("TRAVIS"):
# Using Travis CI.
return True
elif os.getenv("APPVEYOR"):
# Using AppVeyor CI.
return True
return False
def generate_random_circuit(n_qubits, n_gates, gate_types):
Generation of a random circuit has a history in Qiskit.
Terra used to have a file _random_circuit_generator.py, but it is not there anymore.
This file was located in folder `test`,
hence accessible only to Qiskit developers and not to users.
Currently, as far as I know, each test that requires random circuits has its own
implementation of a random circuit generator.
This includes tests in qiskit-addon-sympy and test_visualization in terra.
Aqua had an issue of writing a random circuit generator, which was closed
with the justification that it is moved to ignes.
qr = QuantumRegister(n_qubits, "qr")
cr = ClassicalRegister(n_qubits, "cr")
circuit = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)
for _ in repeat(None, n_gates):
# Choose the next gate
op_name = choice(gate_types)
if op_name == "id":
op_name = "iden"
operation = eval("QuantumCircuit." + op_name)
# Check if operation is one of u1, u2, u3
if op_name[0] == "u" and op_name[1].isdigit():
# Number of angles
n_angles = int(op_name[1])
# Number of qubits manipulated by the gate
n_params = 1
n_angles = 0
if op_name == "measure":
n_params = 1
n_params = len(inspect.signature(operation).parameters) - 1
# Choose qubits
qubit_indices = sample(range(n_qubits), n_params)
qubits = [qr[i] for i in qubit_indices]
# Choose angles
angles = np.random.rand(n_angles) * pi
# Measurement operation
# In all measure operations, the classical register is not random,
# but has the same index as the quantum register
if op_name == "measure":
classical_regs = [cr[i] for i in qubit_indices]
classical_regs = []
# Add operation to the circuit
operation(circuit, *angles, *qubits, *classical_regs)
return circuit