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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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Integration Tests for Parameterized Qobj execution, testing qasm_simulator,
statevector_simulator, and expectation value snapshots.
import unittest
from math import pi
import numpy as np
from test.terra import common
from qiskit.compiler import transpile
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, Parameter
from test.terra.reference.ref_save_expval import (
from qiskit_aer.library import SaveStatevector
from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator, AerError
class TestParameterizedCircuit(common.QiskitAerTestCase):
"""Parameterized circuit extension tests"""
BACKEND_OPTS = {"seed_simulator": 2113}
def test_run_path(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit path via backed.run()"""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta = Parameter("theta")
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [0, pi, 2 * pi]}]
res = backend.run(circuit, shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds).result()
counts = res.get_counts()
self.assertEqual(counts, [{"00": shots}, {"11": shots}, {"00": shots}])
def test_run_path_already_bound_parameter_expression(self):
"""Test parameterizations with a parameter expression that's already bound."""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
tmp = Parameter("x")
theta = Parameter("theta")
expr = tmp - tmp
bound_expr = expr.bind({tmp: 1})
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.rx(bound_expr, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [0, pi, 2 * pi]}]
res = backend.run(circuit, shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds).result()
counts = res.get_counts()
self.assertEqual(counts, [{"00": shots}, {"11": shots}, {"00": shots}])
def test_run_path_already_transpiled_parameter_expression(self):
"""Test parameterizations with a transpiled parameter expression."""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(1)
theta = Parameter("theta")
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [0, pi, 2 * pi]}]
tqc = transpile(circuit, basis_gates=["u3"])
res = backend.run(tqc, shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds).result()
counts = res.get_counts()
self.assertEqual(counts, [{"0": shots}, {"1": shots}, {"0": shots}])
def test_run_path_with_expressions(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit path via backed.run()"""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta = Parameter("theta")
theta_squared = theta * theta
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
circuit.rz(theta_squared, 1)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [0, pi, 2 * pi]}]
res = backend.run(circuit, shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds).result()
counts = res.get_counts()
self.assertEqual(counts, [{"00": shots}, {"11": shots}, {"00": shots}])
def test_run_path_with_expressions_multiple_params_per_instruction(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit path via backed.run()"""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta = Parameter("theta")
theta_squared = theta * theta
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
circuit.rz(theta_squared, 1)
circuit.u(theta, theta_squared, theta, 1)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [0, pi, 2 * pi]}]
res = backend.run(circuit, shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds).result()
counts = res.get_counts()
self.assertEqual(counts, [{"00": shots}, {"01": shots}, {"00": shots}])
def test_run_path_with_more_params_than_expressions(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit path via backed.run()"""
shots = 2000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta = Parameter("theta")
theta_squared = theta * theta
phi = Parameter("phi")
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
circuit.rz(theta_squared, 1)
circuit.ry(phi, 1)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [0, pi, 2 * pi], phi: [0, 1, pi]}]
res = backend.run(
circuit, shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds, **self.BACKEND_OPTS
counts = res.get_counts()
for index, expected in enumerate(
[{"00": shots}, {"01": 0.25 * shots, "11": 0.75 * shots}, {"10": shots}]
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(counts[index], expected, delta=0.05 * shots)
def test_run_path_multiple_circuits(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit path via backed.run()"""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta = Parameter("theta")
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [0, pi, 2 * pi]}] * 3
res = backend.run([circuit] * 3, shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds).result()
counts = res.get_counts()
self.assertEqual(counts, [{"00": shots}, {"11": shots}, {"00": shots}] * 3)
def test_run_path_multiple_different_circuits(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit path via backed.run()"""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit1 = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta1 = Parameter("theta1")
circuit1.rx(theta1, 0)
circuit1.cx(0, 1)
circuit2 = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta2 = Parameter("theta2")
circuit2.rx(theta2, 0)
circuit2.cx(0, 1)
circuit3 = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta3_1 = Parameter("theta3_1")
theta3_2 = Parameter("theta3_2")
circuit3.rx(theta3_1, 0)
circuit3.rx(theta3_2, 0)
circuit3.cx(0, 1)
parameter_binds = [
{theta1: [0, pi, 2 * pi]},
{theta2: [0, pi, 2 * pi]},
{theta3_1: [0, pi / 2, pi], theta3_2: [0, pi / 2, pi]},
res = backend.run(
[circuit1, circuit2, circuit3], shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds
counts = res.get_counts()
self.assertEqual(counts, [{"00": shots}, {"11": shots}, {"00": shots}] * 3)
def test_run_path_with_expressions_multiple_circuits(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit path via backed.run()"""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta = Parameter("theta")
theta_squared = theta * theta
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
circuit.rz(theta_squared, 1)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [0, pi, 2 * pi]}] * 3
res = backend.run([circuit] * 3, shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds).result()
counts = res.get_counts()
self.assertEqual(counts, [{"00": shots}, {"11": shots}, {"00": shots}] * 3)
def test_run_path_with_expressions_multiple_params_per_instruction(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit path via backed.run()"""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta = Parameter("theta")
theta_squared = theta * theta
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
circuit.rz(theta_squared, 1)
circuit.u(theta, theta_squared, theta, 1)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [0, pi, 2 * pi]}] * 3
res = backend.run([circuit] * 3, shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds).result()
counts = res.get_counts()
self.assertEqual(counts, [{"00": shots}, {"01": shots}, {"00": shots}] * 3)
def test_run_path_with_more_params_than_expressions_multiple_circuits(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit path via backed.run()"""
shots = 2000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta = Parameter("theta")
theta_squared = theta * theta
phi = Parameter("phi")
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
circuit.rz(theta_squared, 1)
circuit.ry(phi, 1)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [0, pi, 2 * pi], phi: [0, 1, pi]}] * 3
res = backend.run(
[circuit] * 3, shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds, **self.BACKEND_OPTS
counts = res.get_counts()
for index, expected in enumerate(
[{"00": shots}, {"01": 0.25 * shots, "11": 0.75 * shots}, {"10": shots}] * 3
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(counts[index], expected, delta=0.05 * shots)
def test_run_path_multiple_circuits_mismatch_length(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit path via backed.run()"""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta = Parameter("theta")
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [0, pi, 2 * pi]}]
with self.assertRaises(AerError):
backend.run([circuit] * 3, shots=shots, parameter_binds=[parameter_binds]).result()
def test_run_path_with_truncation(self):
"""Test parameterized circuits with truncation"""
backend = AerSimulator(method="statevector")
theta = Parameter("theta")
circuit = QuantumCircuit(5, 2)
for q in range(5):
circuit.ry(theta, q)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
circuit.cx(1, 2)
for q in range(5):
circuit.ry(theta, q)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
circuit.cx(1, 2)
circuit.append(SaveStatevector(3, label="sv", pershot=False, conditional=False), range(3))
param_map = {theta: [0.1 * i for i in range(3)]}
param_sets = [{theta: 0.1 * i} for i in range(3)]
resolved_circuits = [circuit.assign_parameters(param_set) for param_set in param_sets]
result = backend.run(circuit, parameter_binds=[param_map]).result()
result_without_parameters = backend.run(resolved_circuits).result()
for actual_result in result.results:
metadata = actual_result.metadata
self.assertEqual(metadata["active_input_qubits"], [q for q in range(3)])
for i in range(3):
self.assertEqual(result.data(i)["sv"], result_without_parameters.data(i)["sv"])
def test_different_seed(self):
"""Test parameterized circuits have different seeds"""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta = Parameter("theta")
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [0, pi, 2 * pi]}]
res = backend.run(circuit, shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds).result()
seed_simulator_list = [result.seed_simulator for result in res.results]
self.assertEqual(len(seed_simulator_list), len(np.unique(seed_simulator_list)))
res2 = backend.run(
self.assertEqual(seed_simulator_list, [result.seed_simulator for result in res2.results])
def test_run_empty(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit with empty dict path via backed.run()"""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta = Parameter("theta")
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
parameter_binds = [{}]
with self.assertRaises(AerError):
res = backend.run(circuit, shots=shots, parameter_binds=parameter_binds).result()
def test_parameters_with_barrier(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit path with barrier"""
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(3)
theta = Parameter("theta")
phi = Parameter("phi")
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.rx(theta, 1)
circuit.rx(theta, 2)
circuit.rx(phi, 0)
circuit.rx(phi, 1)
circuit.rx(phi, 2)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [pi / 2], phi: [pi / 2]}]
res = backend.run([circuit], shots=1024, parameter_binds=parameter_binds).result()
self.assertEqual(res.get_counts(), {"111": 1024})
def test_parameters_with_conditional(self):
"""Test parameterized circuit path with conditional"""
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(3, 3)
theta = Parameter("theta")
phi = Parameter("phi")
circuit.rx(theta, 0).c_if(1, False)
circuit.rx(theta, 1).c_if(2, False)
circuit.rx(theta, 2).c_if(0, False)
circuit.rx(phi, 0)
circuit.rx(phi, 1)
circuit.rx(phi, 2)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [pi / 2], phi: [pi / 2]}]
res = backend.run([circuit], shots=1024, parameter_binds=parameter_binds).result()
self.assertEqual(res.get_counts(), {"111 000": 1024})
def test_check_parameter_binds_exist(self):
"""Test parameter_binds exists to simulate parameterized circuits"""
shots = 1000
backend = AerSimulator()
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
theta = Parameter("theta")
circuit.rx(theta, 0)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
with self.assertRaises(AerError):
res = backend.run(circuit, shots=shots).result()
def test_global_phase_parameters(self):
"""Test parameterized global phase"""
backend = AerSimulator(method="extended_stabilizer", basis_gates=["h", "x", "u1"])
theta = Parameter("theta")
circ = QuantumCircuit(2)
circ.ry(theta, 0)
circ.ry(theta, 1)
circ = transpile(circ, backend)
parameter_binds = [{theta: [1, 2, 3]}]
res = backend.run(
[circ], shots=10, parameter_binds=parameter_binds, seed_simulator=100
circs = []
for v in [1, 2, 3]:
circs.append(circ.assign_parameters({theta: v}))
expected = backend.run(circs, shots=10, seed_simulator=100).result()
self.assertEqual(res.get_counts(), expected.get_counts())
if __name__ == "__main__":