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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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AerSimulator test case class
from qiskit_aer.backends.backend_utils import available_devices
import ddt
import itertools as it
from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator
from test.terra.common import QiskitAerTestCase
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
class SimulatorTestCase(QiskitAerTestCase):
"""Simulator test class"""
BACKEND = AerSimulator
OPTIONS = {"seed_simulator": 9000}
def backend(self, **options):
"""Return AerSimulator backend using current class options"""
sim_options = self.OPTIONS.copy()
for key, val in options.items():
if "device" == key and "cuStateVec" in val:
sim_options["device"] = "GPU"
sim_options["cuStateVec_enable"] = True
elif "device" == key and "batch" in val:
sim_options["device"] = "GPU"
sim_options["batched_shots_gpu"] = True
sim_options[key] = val
# enable shot_branching is method is tensor_network
if "method" == key and "tensor_network" in val:
sim_options["shot_branching_enable"] = True
sim_options["shot_branching_sampling_enable"] = True
return self.BACKEND(**sim_options)
def supported_methods(methods, *other_args, product=True):
"""ddt decorator for iterating over supported methods and args"""
method_args = _method_device(methods)
if other_args:
data_args = []
if product:
items = list(it.product(*other_args))
items = list(zip(*other_args))
for method, device in method_args:
for args in items:
data_args.append((method, device, *args))
data_args = method_args
def decorator(func):
return ddt.data(*data_args)(ddt.unpack(func))
return decorator
def supported_devices(func):
"""ddt decorator for iterative over supported devices on current system."""
devices = AerSimulator().available_devices()
return ddt.data(*devices)(func)
def _method_device(methods):
"""Return list of (methods, device) supported on current system"""
available_methods = AerSimulator().available_methods()
if not methods:
methods = available_methods
available_devices = AerSimulator().available_devices()
# add special test device for cuStateVec if available
cuStateVec = check_cuStateVec(available_devices)
gpu_methods = ["statevector", "density_matrix", "unitary", "tensor_network"]
batchable_methods = ["statevector", "density_matrix"]
data_args = []
for method in methods:
if method in available_methods:
if method in gpu_methods:
if "tensor_network" == method:
for device in available_devices:
if device == "GPU":
data_args.append((method, "GPU"))
for device in available_devices:
data_args.append((method, device))
if device == "GPU":
if method in batchable_methods:
# add batched optimization test for GPU
data_args.append((method, "GPU_batch"))
# add test cases for cuStateVec if available using special device = 'GPU_cuStateVec'
#'GPU_cuStateVec' is used only inside tests not available in Aer
# and this is converted to "device='GPU'" and option "cuStateVec_enalbe = True" is added
if cuStateVec and "tensor_network" != method:
data_args.append((method, "GPU_cuStateVec"))
data_args.append((method, "CPU"))
return data_args
def check_cuStateVec(devices):
"""Return if the system supports cuStateVec or not"""
if "GPU" in devices:
dummy_circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
# run dummy circuit to check if Aer is built with cuStateVec
sim = AerSimulator()
result = sim.run(
dummy_circ, shots=1, method="statevector", device="GPU", cuStateVec_enable=True
success = getattr(result, "success", False)
return success
return False