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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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AerSimulator Integration Tests for circuit library standard gates
from ddt import ddt
from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import QuantumCircuit
from test.terra.backends.simulator_test_case import SimulatorTestCase, supported_methods
from qiskit import transpile
import qiskit.quantum_info as qi
class TestPauliGate(SimulatorTestCase):
"""Test standard gate library."""
["I", "X", "Y", "Z", "XY", "ZXY"],
def test_pauli_gate(self, method, device, pauli):
"""Test multi-qubit Pauli gate."""
pauli = qi.Pauli(pauli)
circuit = QuantumCircuit(pauli.num_qubits)
circuit.append(pauli, range(pauli.num_qubits))
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
label = "final"
if method == "density_matrix":
target = qi.DensityMatrix(circuit)
fidelity_fn = qi.state_fidelity
elif method == "stabilizer":
target = qi.StabilizerState(qi.Clifford(circuit))
fidelity_fn = qi.process_fidelity
elif method == "unitary":
target = qi.Operator(circuit)
fidelity_fn = qi.process_fidelity
elif method == "superop":
target = qi.SuperOp(circuit)
fidelity_fn = qi.process_fidelity
target = qi.Statevector(circuit)
fidelity_fn = qi.state_fidelity
result = backend.run(transpile(circuit, backend, optimization_level=0), shots=1).result()
# Check results
success = getattr(result, "success", False)
self.assertTrue(success, msg="Simulation unexpectedly failed")
data = result.data(0)
self.assertIn(label, data)
fidelity = fidelity_fn(target, data[label])
threshold = 0.9999
self.assertGreater(fidelity, threshold, msg="Fidelity {fidelity} not > {threshold}")