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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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AerSimualtor options tests
from ddt import ddt, data
from qiskit_aer.noise import NoiseModel
from test.terra.backends.simulator_test_case import SimulatorTestCase, supported_methods
import qiskit
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile
from qiskit.quantum_info.random import random_unitary
from qiskit.quantum_info import state_fidelity
from qiskit.providers.fake_provider import GenericBackendV2
from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator
class TestOptions(SimulatorTestCase):
"""Tests of AerSimulator options"""
def test_seed_simulator_option_measure(self, method, device):
"""Test seed_simulator option fixes measurement outcomes"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device, seed_simulator=111)
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.h([0, 1])
qc = transpile(qc, backend, optimization_level=0)
counts1 = backend.run(qc).result().get_counts(0)
counts2 = backend.run(qc).result().get_counts(0)
self.assertEqual(counts1, counts2)
def test_seed_simulator_run_option_measure(self, method, device):
"""Test seed_simulator option fixes measurement outcomes"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.h([0, 1])
qc = transpile(qc, backend, optimization_level=0)
seed = 1234
counts1 = backend.run(qc, seed_simulator=seed).result().get_counts(0)
counts2 = backend.run(qc, seed_simulator=seed).result().get_counts(0)
self.assertEqual(counts1, counts2)
def test_method_option(self, method, device):
"""Test method option works"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
qc = transpile(qc, backend)
# Target simulation method
if method == "automatic":
target = "stabilizer"
target = method
result = backend.run(qc).result()
value = result.results[0].metadata.get("method", None)
self.assertEqual(value, target)
def test_device_option(self, method, device):
"""Test device option works"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
qc = transpile(qc, backend)
result = backend.run(qc).result()
value = result.results[0].metadata.get("device", None)
# device = 'GPU_cuStateVec' when cuStateVec is enabled
# so check if 'GPU' is included in value from result
self.assertTrue((value in device))
def test_option_basis_gates(self, method):
"""Test setting method and noise model has correct basis_gates"""
config = self.backend(method=method).configuration()
noise_gates = ["id", "sx", "x", "cx"]
noise_model = NoiseModel(basis_gates=noise_gates)
target_gates = (
sorted(set(config.basis_gates).intersection(noise_gates)) + config.custom_instructions
sim = self.backend(method=method, noise_model=noise_model)
basis_gates = sim.configuration().basis_gates
self.assertEqual(sorted(basis_gates), sorted(target_gates))
def test_option_order_basis_gates(self, method):
"""Test order of setting method and noise model gives same basis gates"""
noise_model = NoiseModel(basis_gates=["id", "sx", "x", "cx"])
sim1 = self.backend(method=method, noise_model=noise_model)
basis_gates1 = sim1.configuration().basis_gates
sim2 = self.backend(noise_model=noise_model, method=method)
basis_gates2 = sim2.configuration().basis_gates
self.assertEqual(sorted(basis_gates1), sorted(basis_gates2))
def test_shots_option(self, method, device):
"""Test shots option is observed"""
shots = 99
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device, shots=shots)
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
qc = transpile(qc, backend)
result = backend.run(qc).result()
value = sum(result.get_counts().values())
self.assertEqual(value, shots)
def test_shots_run_option(self, method, device):
"""Test shots option is observed"""
shots = 99
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
qc = QuantumCircuit(1)
qc = transpile(qc, backend)
result = backend.run(qc, shots=shots).result()
value = sum(result.get_counts().values())
self.assertEqual(value, shots)
def test_mps_options(self):
"""Test MPS options"""
shots = 4000
method = "matrix_product_state"
backend_swap_left = self.backend(method=method, mps_swap_direction="mps_swap_left")
backend_swap_right = self.backend(method=method, mps_swap_direction="mps_swap_right")
backend_approx = self.backend(method=method, matrix_product_state_max_bond_dimension=8)
# The test must be large enough and entangled enough so that
# approximation actually truncates something
n = 10
circuit = QuantumCircuit(n)
for times in range(2):
for i in range(0, n, 2):
circuit.unitary(random_unitary(4), [i, i + 1])
for i in range(1, n - 1):
circuit.cx(0, i)
result_swap_left = backend_swap_left.run(circuit, shots=shots).result()
sv_left = result_swap_left.data(0)["sv"]
result_swap_right = backend_swap_right.run(circuit, shots=shots).result()
sv_right = result_swap_right.data(0)["sv"]
result_approx = backend_approx.run(circuit, shots=shots).result()
sv_approx = result_approx.data(0)["sv"]
# swap_left and swap_right should give the same state vector
self.assertAlmostEqual(state_fidelity(sv_left, sv_right), 1.0)
# Check that the fidelity of approximation is reasonable
self.assertGreaterEqual(state_fidelity(sv_left, sv_approx), 0.80)
# Check that the approximated result is not identical to the exact
# result, because that could mean there was actually no approximation
self.assertLessEqual(state_fidelity(sv_left, sv_approx), 0.999)
def test_statevector_memory(self):
"""Test required memory is correctly checked in statevector"""
method = "statevector"
backend = self.backend(method=method)
# attempt to simulate a circuit with too many qubits
n = 50
circuit = QuantumCircuit(n)
for q in range(n):
result = backend.run(circuit).result()
self.assertTrue("Insufficient memory" in result.results[0].status)
"Required memory: {}".format(2 ** (n - 20) * 16) in result.results[0].status
n = 30
max_memory_mb = 16
circuit = QuantumCircuit(n)
for q in range(n):
result = backend.run(circuit, max_memory_mb=max_memory_mb).result()
self.assertTrue("Insufficient memory" in result.results[0].status)
"Required memory: {}".format(2 ** (n - 20) * 16) in result.results[0].status
self.assertTrue("max memory: {}".format(max_memory_mb) in result.results[0].status)
def test_num_qubits(self, method):
"""Test number of qubits is correctly checked"""
num_qubits = 20
fake_backend = GenericBackendV2(num_qubits=num_qubits)
backend = AerSimulator.from_backend(fake_backend, method=method)
self.assertGreaterEqual(backend.configuration().num_qubits, num_qubits)
def test_mps_svd_method(self):
"""Test env. variabe to change MPS SVD method"""
# based on test_mps_options test
import os
shots = 4000
method = "matrix_product_state"
backend_og = self.backend(method=method)
backend_lapack = self.backend(method=method)
n = 10
circuit = QuantumCircuit(n)
for times in range(2):
for i in range(0, n, 2):
circuit.unitary(random_unitary(4), [i, i + 1])
for i in range(1, n - 1):
circuit.cx(0, i)
result_og = backend_og.run(circuit, shots=shots).result()
original_sv = result_og.data(0)["sv"]
# run with lapack svd method
result_lapack = backend_lapack.run(circuit, shots=shots, mps_lapack=True).result()
lapack_sv = result_lapack.data(0)["sv"]
# result_lapack should have the metadata indicating that it used LAPACK
# for the SVD
self.assertTrue("matrix_product_state_lapack" in result_lapack._get_experiment().metadata)
# should give the same state vector
self.assertAlmostEqual(state_fidelity(original_sv, lapack_sv), 1.0)