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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
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AerSimulator Integration Tests
from ddt import ddt
from test.terra.reference import ref_measure
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit import transpile
import qiskit.quantum_info as qi
from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator
from qiskit_aer.noise import NoiseModel
from qiskit_aer.noise.errors import ReadoutError, depolarizing_error
from qiskit.circuit.library import QuantumVolume
from qiskit.quantum_info.random import random_unitary
from test.terra.backends.simulator_test_case import SimulatorTestCase, supported_methods
import numpy as np
import os
class TestMeasure(SimulatorTestCase):
"""AerSimulator measure tests."""
OPTIONS = {"seed_simulator": 41411}
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test measure
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_measure_deterministic_with_sampling(self, method, device):
"""Test AerSimulator measure with deterministic counts with sampling"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
shots = 100
circuits = ref_measure.measure_circuits_deterministic(allow_sampling=True)
target_counts = ref_measure.measure_counts_deterministic(shots)
target_memory = ref_measure.measure_memory_deterministic(shots)
result = backend.run(circuits, memory=True, shots=shots).result()
self.compare_counts(result, circuits, target_counts, delta=0)
self.compare_memory(result, circuits, target_memory)
self.compare_result_metadata(result, circuits, "measure_sampling", True)
def test_measure_deterministic_without_sampling(self, method, device):
"""Test AerSimulator measure with deterministic counts without sampling"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
shots = 100
circuits = ref_measure.measure_circuits_deterministic(allow_sampling=False)
target_counts = ref_measure.measure_counts_deterministic(shots)
target_memory = ref_measure.measure_memory_deterministic(shots)
result = backend.run(circuits, memory=True, shots=shots).result()
self.compare_counts(result, circuits, target_counts, delta=0)
self.compare_memory(result, circuits, target_memory)
self.compare_result_metadata(result, circuits, "measure_sampling", False)
def test_measure_nondeterministic_with_sampling(self, method, device):
"""Test AerSimulator measure with non-deterministic counts with sampling"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
shots = 4000
circuits = ref_measure.measure_circuits_nondeterministic(allow_sampling=True)
targets = ref_measure.measure_counts_nondeterministic(shots)
result = backend.run(circuits, shots=shots).result()
self.compare_counts(result, circuits, targets, delta=0.05 * shots)
# Test sampling was enabled
for res in result.results:
self.assertIn("measure_sampling", res.metadata)
self.assertEqual(res.metadata["measure_sampling"], True)
def test_measure_nondeterministic_without_sampling(self, method, device):
"""Test AerSimulator measure with non-deterministic counts without sampling"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
shots = 4000
delta = 0.05
circuits = ref_measure.measure_circuits_nondeterministic(allow_sampling=False)
targets = ref_measure.measure_counts_nondeterministic(shots)
result = backend.run(circuits, shots=shots).result()
self.compare_counts(result, circuits, targets, delta=delta * shots)
self.compare_result_metadata(result, circuits, "measure_sampling", False)
def test_measure_sampling_with_readouterror(self, method, device):
"""Test AerSimulator measure with deterministic counts with sampling and readout-error"""
readout_error = [0.01, 0.1]
noise_model = NoiseModel()
readout = [
[1.0 - readout_error[0], readout_error[0]],
[readout_error[1], 1.0 - readout_error[1]],
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device, noise_model=noise_model)
shots = 1000
circuits = ref_measure.measure_circuits_deterministic(allow_sampling=True)
targets = ref_measure.measure_counts_deterministic(shots)
result = backend.run(circuits, shots=shots).result()
self.compare_result_metadata(result, circuits, "measure_sampling", True)
def test_measure_sampling_with_quantum_noise(self, method, device):
"""Test AerSimulator measure with deterministic counts with sampling and readout-error"""
readout_error = [0.01, 0.1]
noise_model = NoiseModel()
depolarizing = {"u3": (1, 0.001), "cx": (2, 0.02)}
readout = [
[1.0 - readout_error[0], readout_error[0]],
[readout_error[1], 1.0 - readout_error[1]],
for gate, (num_qubits, gate_error) in depolarizing.items():
depolarizing_error(gate_error, num_qubits), gate
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device, noise_model=noise_model)
shots = 1000
circuits = ref_measure.measure_circuits_deterministic(allow_sampling=True)
targets = ref_measure.measure_counts_deterministic(shots)
result = backend.run(circuits, shots=shots).result()
method_used = result.results[0].metadata.get("method")
sampling = method_used == "density_matrix" or method_used == "tensor_network"
self.compare_result_metadata(result, circuits, "measure_sampling", sampling)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test multi-qubit measure qobj instruction
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_measure_deterministic_multi_qubit_with_sampling(self, method, device):
"""Test AerSimulator multi-qubit measure with deterministic counts with sampling"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
shots = 100
circuits = ref_measure.multiqubit_measure_circuits_deterministic(allow_sampling=True)
target_counts = ref_measure.multiqubit_measure_counts_deterministic(shots)
target_memory = ref_measure.multiqubit_measure_memory_deterministic(shots)
result = backend.run(circuits, memory=True, shots=shots).result()
self.compare_counts(result, circuits, target_counts, delta=0)
self.compare_memory(result, circuits, target_memory)
self.compare_result_metadata(result, circuits, "measure_sampling", True)
def test_measure_deterministic_multi_qubit_without_sampling(self, method, device):
"""Test AerSimulator multi-qubit measure with deterministic counts without sampling"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
shots = 100
circuits = ref_measure.multiqubit_measure_circuits_deterministic(allow_sampling=False)
target_counts = ref_measure.multiqubit_measure_counts_deterministic(shots)
target_memory = ref_measure.multiqubit_measure_memory_deterministic(shots)
result = backend.run(circuits, memory=True, shots=shots).result()
self.compare_counts(result, circuits, target_counts, delta=0)
self.compare_memory(result, circuits, target_memory)
self.compare_result_metadata(result, circuits, "measure_sampling", False)
def test_measure_nondeterministic_multi_qubit_with_sampling(self, method, device):
"""Test AerSimulator measure with non-deterministic counts"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
shots = 4000
circuits = ref_measure.multiqubit_measure_circuits_nondeterministic(allow_sampling=True)
targets = ref_measure.multiqubit_measure_counts_nondeterministic(shots)
result = backend.run(circuits, shots=shots).result()
self.compare_counts(result, circuits, targets, delta=0.05 * shots)
self.compare_result_metadata(result, circuits, "measure_sampling", True)
def test_measure_nondeterministic_multi_qubit_without_sampling(self, method, device):
"""Test AerSimulator measure with non-deterministic counts"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
shots = 4000
delta = 0.05
circuits = ref_measure.multiqubit_measure_circuits_nondeterministic(allow_sampling=False)
targets = ref_measure.multiqubit_measure_counts_nondeterministic(shots)
result = backend.run(circuits, shots=shots).result()
self.compare_counts(result, circuits, targets, delta=delta * shots)
self.compare_result_metadata(result, circuits, "measure_sampling", False)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test stabilizer measure
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_measure_stablizer_64bit(self, method, device):
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
shots = 10000
delta = 0.05
circ = QuantumCircuit(65, 32)
for i in range(0, 30, 6):
circ.h(i + 4)
for i in range(1, 32, 2):
circ.cx(i + 32, i)
for i in range(0, 30, 6):
circ.cx(i, i + 32)
circ.cx(i + 4, i + 36)
circ.cx(30, 62)
for i in range(1, 30, 2):
circ.cx(i + 35, i)
for i in range(4, 32, 4):
circ.cx(i, i + 29)
for i in range(0, 30, 2):
circ.cx(i + 35, i)
for i in range(1, 30, 6):
circ.cx(i, i + 33)
circ.cx(i + 2, i + 35)
circ.cx(31, 64)
for i in range(0, 32):
circ.measure(i, i)
result = backend.run(circ, shots=shots).result()
counts = result.get_counts()
n_anc = 32
totals = np.zeros(n_anc, dtype=int)
for outcomes, num_counts in counts.items():
new_totals = num_counts * np.array([int(bit) for bit in outcomes][::-1])
assert len(new_totals) == n_anc
totals += new_totals
output = {}
for i in range(0, 32):
output[hex(i)] = totals[i]
targets = {}
for i in range(0, 30, 3):
targets[hex(i)] = shots / 2
targets[hex(i + 1)] = shots / 2
targets[hex(i + 2)] = 0
targets[hex(30)] = shots / 2
targets[hex(31)] = shots / 2
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(output, targets, delta=delta * shots)
@supported_methods(["stabilizer"], [65, 127, 433])
def test_measure_sampling_large_ghz_stabilizer(self, method, device, num_qubits):
"""Test sampling measure for large stabilizer circuit"""
shots = 1000
delta = 0.05
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
for q in range(1, num_qubits):
qc.cx(q - 1, q)
backend = self.backend(method=method)
result = backend.run(qc, shots=shots).result()
counts = result.get_counts()
targets = {}
targets["0" * num_qubits] = shots / 2
targets["1" * num_qubits] = shots / 2
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(counts, targets, delta=delta * shots)
def test_measure_stablizer_deterministic(self, method, device):
"""Test stabilizer measure for deterministic case"""
backend = self.backend(method=method, device=device)
shots = 10000
qc = QuantumCircuit(5, 1)
qc.h([2, 4])
qc.cx(2, 0)
qc.cx(4, 2)
qc.cx(2, 3)
qc.cx(1, 0)
qc.h([3, 4])
qc.cx(3, 2)
qc.cx(0, 3)
qc.cx(3, 1)
qc.cx(4, 0)
qc.cx(0, 1)
qc.measure(1, 0)
result = backend.run(qc, shots=shots).result()
counts = result.get_counts()
self.assertDictEqual(counts, {"1": shots})
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test MPS algorithms for measure
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_mps_measure_alg_qv(self):
"""Test MPS measure algorithms with quantum volume"""
backend = self.backend(method="matrix_product_state")
shots = 1000
n = 5
depth = 2
circuit = QuantumVolume(n, depth, seed=9)
circuit = transpile(circuit, backend)
result1 = backend.run(
circuit, shots=shots, mps_sample_measure_algorithm="mps_apply_measure"
self.assertTrue(getattr(result1, "success", "True"))
result2 = backend.run(
circuit, shots=shots, mps_sample_measure_algorithm="mps_probabilities"
self.assertTrue(getattr(result2, "success", "True"))
result1.get_counts(circuit), result2.get_counts(circuit), delta=0.1 * shots
def test_mps_measure_subset_alg_qv(self):
"""Test MPS measure algorithms with quantum volume"""
backend = self.backend(method="matrix_product_state")
shots = 1000
n = 5
circuits = []
for i in range(2):
circuit = QuantumCircuit(n, n)
circuit.unitary(random_unitary(4), [0, 1])
circuit.unitary(random_unitary(4), [1, 2])
circuit.unitary(random_unitary(4), [2, 3])
circuit.unitary(random_unitary(4), [3, 4])
circuits[0].measure([0, 2, 4], [0, 2, 4])
circuits[1].measure([4, 1], [4, 1])
for circuit in circuits:
result1 = backend.run(
circuit, shots=shots, mps_sample_measure_algorithm="mps_apply_measure"
self.assertTrue(getattr(result1, "success", "True"))
result2 = backend.run(
circuit, shots=shots, mps_sample_measure_algorithm="mps_probabilities"
self.assertTrue(getattr(result2, "success", "True"))
result1.get_counts(circuit), result2.get_counts(circuit), delta=0.1 * shots
# Test also parallel version
os.environ["PRL_PROB_MEAS"] = "1"
result2_prl = backend.run(
circuit, shots=shots, mps_sample_measure_algorithm="mps_probabilities"
self.assertTrue(getattr(result2_prl, "success", "True"))
del os.environ["PRL_PROB_MEAS"] # Python 3.8 in Windows
# os.unsetenv("PRL_PROB_MEAS") # SInce Python 3.9
result1.get_counts(circuit), result2_prl.get_counts(circuit), delta=0.1 * shots
result2.get_counts(circuit), result2_prl.get_counts(circuit), delta=0.1 * shots
def test_mps_measure_with_limited_bond_dimension(self):
"""Test MPS measure with limited bond dimension,
where the qubits are not in sorted order
backend_statevector = self.backend(method="statevector")
shots = 1000
n = 4
for bd in [2, 4]:
backend_mps = self.backend(
method="matrix_product_state", matrix_product_state_max_bond_dimension=bd
for measured_qubits in [
[0, 1, 2, 3],
[3, 2, 1, 0],
[2, 0, 1, 3],
[0, 1, 2],
[2, 1, 3],
[1, 3, 0],
[0, 2, 3],
circuit = QuantumCircuit(n, n)
circuit.cx(1, 2)
circuit.cx(3, 0)
circuit.measure(measured_qubits, measured_qubits)
res_mps = backend_mps.run(circuit, shots=shots).result().get_counts()
self.assertTrue(getattr(res_mps, "success", "True"))
res_sv = backend_statevector.run(circuit, shots=shots).result().get_counts()
self.assertDictAlmostEqual(res_mps, res_sv, delta=0.1 * shots)