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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
Aer simulator backend utils
import os
from math import log2
from types import SimpleNamespace
import psutil
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.result import ProbDistribution
from qiskit.quantum_info import Clifford
from .compatibility import Statevector, DensityMatrix, StabilizerState, Operator, SuperOp
# pylint: disable=import-error, no-name-in-module, abstract-method
from .controller_wrappers import aer_initialize_libraries
# Available system memory
SYSTEM_MEMORY_GB = psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024**3)
# Max number of qubits for complex double statevector
# given available system memory
MAX_QUBITS_STATEVECTOR = int(log2(SYSTEM_MEMORY_GB * (1024**3) / 16))
# Location where we put external libraries that will be
# loaded at runtime by the simulator extension
LIBRARY_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
"statevector_cpu": ("statevector", "CPU"),
"statevector_gpu": ("statevector", "GPU"),
"statevector_thrust": ("statevector", "Thrust"),
"density_matrix_cpu": ("density_matrix", "CPU"),
"density_matrix_gpu": ("density_matrix", "GPU"),
"density_matrix_thrust": ("density_matrix", "Thrust"),
"unitary_cpu": ("unitary", "CPU"),
"unitary_gpu": ("unitary", "GPU"),
"unitary_thrust": ("unitary", "Thrust"),
"statevector": sorted(
"density_matrix": sorted(
"matrix_product_state": sorted(
"stabilizer": sorted(
"extended_stabilizer": sorted(
"unitary": sorted(
"superop": sorted(
"tensor_network": sorted(
# Automatic method basis gates are the union of statevector,
# density matrix, and stabilizer methods
BASIS_GATES[None] = BASIS_GATES["automatic"] = sorted(
def cpp_execute_circuits(controller, aer_circuits, noise_model, config):
"""Execute aer circuits on C++ controller wrapper"""
# Location where we put external libraries that will be
# loaded at runtime by the simulator extension
config.library_dir = LIBRARY_DIR
noise_model = noise_model.to_dict(serializable=True) if noise_model else {}
return controller.execute(aer_circuits, noise_model, config)
def available_methods(methods, devices):
"""Check available simulation methods"""
valid_methods = []
for method in methods:
if method == "tensor_network":
if "GPU" in devices:
return tuple(valid_methods)
def available_devices(controller):
"""return available simulation devices"""
dev = controller.available_devices()
return tuple(dev)
def add_final_save_op(aer_circuits, state):
"""Add final save state op to all experiments in a qobj."""
for aer_circuit in aer_circuits:
num_qubits = aer_circuit.num_qubits
aer_circuit.save_state(list(range(num_qubits)), f"save_{state}", "single", state)
return aer_circuits
def map_legacy_method_config(config):
"""Map legacy method names of qasm simulator to aer simulator options"""
method = config.method
if method in LEGACY_METHOD_MAP:
config.method, config.device = LEGACY_METHOD_MAP[method]
return config
def format_save_type(data, save_type, save_subtype):
"""Format raw simulator result data based on save type."""
init_fns = {
"save_statevector": Statevector,
"save_density_matrix": DensityMatrix,
"save_unitary": Operator,
"save_superop": SuperOp,
"save_stabilizer": (lambda data: StabilizerState(Clifford.from_dict(data))),
"save_clifford": Clifford.from_dict,
"save_probabilities_dict": ProbDistribution,
# Non-handled cases return raw data
if save_type not in init_fns:
return data
if save_subtype in ["list", "c_list"]:
def func(data):
init_fn = init_fns[save_type]
return [init_fn(i) for i in data]
func = init_fns[save_type]
# Conditional save
if save_subtype[:2] == "c_":
return {key: func(val) for key, val in data.items()}
return func(data)
def circuit_optypes(circuit):
"""Return set of all operation types and parent types in a circuit."""
if not isinstance(circuit, QuantumCircuit):
return set()
optypes = set()
for instruction in circuit.data:
return optypes
class CircuitHeader(SimpleNamespace):
"""A class used to represent a dictionary header in circuit objects."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Instantiate a new circuit dict field object.
kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments that can be accessed as
attributes of the object.
def to_dict(self):
"""Return a dictionary format representation of the circuit.
dict: The dictionary form of the CircuitHeader.
return self.__dict__
def from_dict(cls, data):
"""Create a new header object from a dictionary.
data (dict): A dictionary representing the header to create. It
will be in the same format as output by :func:`to_dict`.
CircuitHeader: The CircuitHeader from the input dictionary.
return cls(**data)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
if self.__dict__ == other.__dict__:
return True
return False