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.. _running_gpu:
Running with multiple-GPUs and/or multiple nodes
Qiskit Aer parallelizes simulations by distributing quantum states into
distributed memory space. To decrease data transfer between spaces the
distributed states are managed as chunks that is a sub-state for smaller
qubits than the input circuits.
For example, 30-qubits circuit is distributed into 2^10 chunks with
To decrease data exchange between chunks and also to simplify the
implementation, we are applying cache blocking technique. This technique
allows applying quantum gates to each chunk independently without data
exchange, and serial simulation codes can be reused without special
implementation. Before the actual simulation, we apply transpilation to
remap the input circuits to the equivalent circuits that has all the
quantum gates on the lower qubits than the chunk’s number of qubits. And
the (noiseless) swap gates are inserted to exchange data.
Please refer to this paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.02957) for more
detailed algorithm and implementation of parallel simulation.
So to simulate by using multiple GPUs or multiple nodes on the cluster,
following configurations should be set to backend options. (If there is
not enough memory to simulate the input circuit, Qiskit Aer
automatically set following options, but it is recommended to explicitly
set them)
- blocking_enable
should be set to True for distributed parallelization. (Default = False)
- blocking_qubits
this flag sets the qubit number for chunk, should be smaller than the
smallest memory space on the system (i.e. GPU). Set this parameter to
``sizeof(complex)*2^(blocking_qubits+4) < size of the smallest memory space``
in byte.
Here is an example how we parallelize simulation with multiple GPUs.
.. code:: python
sim = AerSimulator(method='statevector', device='GPU')
circ = transpile(QuantumVolume(qubit, 10, seed = 0))
result = execute(circ, sim, shots=100, blocking_enable=True, blocking_qubits=23).result()
To run Qiskit Aer with Python script with MPI parallelization, MPI
executer such as mpirun should be used to submit a job on the cluster.
Following example shows how to run Python script using 4 processes by
using mpirun.
.. code:: sh
mpirun -np 4 python example.py
MPI_Init function is called inside Qiskit Aer, so you do not have to
manage MPI processes in Python script. Following metadatas are useful to
find on which process is this script running.
- num_mpi_processes : shows number of processes using for this
- mpi_rank : shows zero based rank (process ID)
Here is an example how to get my rank.
.. code:: python
sim = AerSimulator(method='statevector', device='GPU')
result = execute(circuit, sim, blocking_enable=True, blocking_qubits=23).result()
dict = result.to_dict()
meta = dict['metadata']
myrank = meta['mpi_rank']
Multiple shots are also distributed to multiple nodes when setting
``device=GPU`` and ``batched_shots_gpu=True``. The results are
distributed to each processes.
Note : In the script, make sure that the same random seed should be used
for all processes so that the consistent circuits and parameters are
passed to Qiskit Aer. To do so add following option to the script.
.. code:: python
from qiskit.utils import algorithm_globals
algorithm_globals.random_seed = consistent_seed_to_all_processes