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.. _cp2k_interface:
CP2K & phonopy calculation
Supported CP2K configuration options
All CP2K input file features like unit prefixes (``[rad]`` or ``[Bohr]``) or preprocessor variables are supported,
except for the functionality to load cell information or coordinates from external/referenced files (CIF, XYZ).
The cell information has to be provided using one of the following options.
Either by specifying the ``A``, ``B`` and ``C`` cell vectors directly::
A 11.452705822048308 0.0 0.0
B 0.0 11.452705822048308 0.0
C 0.0 0.0 11.452705822048308
or by using the ``ABC`` scalings and ``ALPHA_BETA_GAMMA`` angles (the latter is optional, the cell is assumed to be orthorombic if no angles are specified)::
ALPHA_BETA_GAMMA 11.452705822048308 11.452705822048308 11.452705822048308
! ALPHA_BETA_GAMMA 90. 90. 90
The coordinates have to be specified in a coordinate section and can be either specified as scaled coordinates
(in cell vector coordinates) or as absolute coordinates (Angstrom if not otherwise specified)::
Na 0 0 0
Na 0 1/2 1/2
Na 1/2 0 1/2
Na 1/2 1/2 0
Cl 1/2 1/2 1/2
Cl 1/2 0 0
Cl 0 1/2 0
Cl 0 0 1/2
Please note:
* The cell information in the generated (supercell) configuration files will always be using the ``A``, ``B``, ``C`` configuration options.
* All other configuration options will be forwarded to the generated supercell configurations and all preprocessor options will be resolved prior to it.
* Multiple ``&FORCE_EVAL`` sections are not allowed.
* A ``&CELL_REF`` section and the ``MULTIPLE_UNIT_CELL`` will not be read or modified but simply forwarded to the generated configurations.
How to run
A procedure of CP2K-phonopy calculation is as follows:
1) Read a CP2K input file and create supercells with the :ref:`cp2k_mode` option::
% phonopy --cp2k -d --dim="2 2 2" -c NaCl.inp
In this example, 2x2x2 supercells are created. ``NaCl-supercell.inp`` and
``NaCl-supercell-xxx.inp`` (``xxx`` are numbers) give the perfect
supercell and supercells with displacements, respectively.
Almost all other options will be copied from the original input ``NaCl.inp``, except for the following:
* the ``PROJECT_NAME`` will be suffixed to avoid name clashes of output files
* additional ``&PRINT`` sections will be added to generate separate output files containing the forces
* the ``RUN_TYPE`` is set to ``ENERGY_FORCE``
The ``phonopy_disp.yaml`` will also be created containing the Phonopy configuration.
2) Calculate forces on atoms in the supercells with displacements.
In this example there are two supercells with displacements to run.
Using ``mpirun`` and an MPI-enabled ``CP2K`` this would simply be::
% mpirun -np 16 cp2k.popt NaCl-supercell-001.inp
% mpirun -np 16 cp2k.popt NaCl-supercell-002.inp
Please do not change any options in the ``NaCl-supercell-002.inp`` which would
require a re-relaxation of the cell parameters/structure.
Also do not relax the generated supercells with displacements,
because atomic forces induced by a small atomic displacement are
what is need for phonon calculation.
3) Create ``FORCE_SETS`` by running::
% phonopy --cp2k -f ...
To run this command, ``phonopy_disp.yaml`` has to be located in the current
directory. More information about the configuration options can be found in :ref:`cp2k_force_sets_option`.
The example outputs are located in ``example/NaCl-CP2K``.
4) Run post-process of phonopy with the original CP2K main input file for the
unit cell used in step 1::
% phonopy --cp2k -c NaCl.inp -p band.conf
% phonopy --cp2k -c NaCl.inp --dim="2 2 2" [other-OPTIONS] [setting-file]