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.. phonopy documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Mon Apr 13 15:11:21 2009.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
**Phonopy** is an open source package of phonon calculations based on the
supercell approach.
- Phonon dispersion relation (band structure)
- Phonon DOS and partial-DOS
- Phonon thermal properties, free energy, heat capacity, and entropy
- Phonon group velocity
- Thermal expansion and heat capacity at constant pressure within
quasi-harmonic approximation (:ref:`phonopy-qha <phonopy_qha>`)
- Mode Grüneisen parameters (:ref:`gruneisen <phonopy_gruneisen>`)
- Non-analytical-term correction, LO-TO splitting (Born effective
charges and dielectric constant are required.)
- Animation of normal modes for crystal viewers
- Characters of irreducible representations of normal modes
- Crystal symmetry tools
- :ref:`Python module <phonopy_module>` (Phonopy can be used in python script.)
- Graphical plots
.. |i0| image:: band.png
:width: 20%
.. |i1| image:: pdos.png
:width: 20%
.. |i2| image:: thermalprop.png
:width: 20%
.. |i3| image:: QHA.png
:width: 20%
|i0| |i1|
|i2| |i3|
Interfaces for calculators
- :ref:`VASP interface <tutorial>` (:ref:`finite displacement method <reference_plk>`)
- :ref:`Wien2k interface <wien2k_interface>` (:ref:`finite displacement method <reference_plk>`)
- :ref:`VASP DFPT interface <vasp_dfpt_interface>` (force constants)
- :ref:`FHI-aims interface <FHI_aims_interface>` (:ref:`finite displacement method <reference_plk>`)
For the other calculators, input files under certain formats
(:ref:`force sets <file_forces>` or :ref:`force constants
<file_force_constants>`) are required. But the interfaces for popular
calculators may be implemented if requested.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
- `Manual in PDF <>`_
- `Presentation: Introduction to phonopy <>`_
- `Presentation: Introduction to phonons <>`_
.. _mailinglist:
Mailing list
For questions, bug reports, and comments, please visit following
mailing list:
New BSD from version 1.3.
(LGPL from ver. 0.9.3 to version 1.2.1., GPL to version 0.9.2.)
* Author: `Atsushi Togo <>`_
.. |sflogo| image::