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## The package attribure specifies a binstar package namespace to build the package to.
## This can be specified here or on the command line
package: phonopy
## You can also specify the account to upload to,
## you must be an admin of that account, this
## defaults to your user account
# user: USERNAME
# Build Matrix Options
# Thes options may be a single item, a list or empty
# The resulting number of builds is [platform * engine * env]
## The platforms to build on.
## platform defaults to linux-64
- linux-64
# - linux-32
## The engine are the inital conda packages you want to run with
- python=2
- python=3.4
- python=3
## The env param is an environment variable list
# engine:
# - MY_ENV=A CC=gcc
# - MY_ENV=B
# Scrip options
# Thes options may be broken out into the before_script, script and after_script
# or not, that is up to you
## Run before the script
- conda update -n root conda conda-build --yes
- conda config --add channels jochym
## Put your main computations here!
- conda build .
## This will run after the script regardless of the result of script
## BINSTAR_BUILD_RESULT=[succcess|failure]
- echo "The build was a $BINSTAR_BUILD_RESULT" | tee artifact1.txt
## This will be run only after a successfull build
- echo "after_success!"
## This will be run only after a build failure
- echo "after_failure!"
# Build Results
# Build results are split into two categories: artifacts and targets
# You may omit either key and stiff have a successfull build
# They may be a string, list and contain any bash glob
## Build Artifacts: upload anything you want!
## Your build artifacts will be put into the website
## You can store all logs or any derived data here
## Remember, the site is NOT secure and does not
## require a user to log in to view
# build_artifacts:
# - *.log
## Build Targets: Upload these files to your binstar package
## build targets may be a list of files (globs allows) to upload
## The special build targets 'conda' and 'pypi' may be used to
## upload conda builds
## e.g. conda is an alias for /opt/anaconda/conda-bld/<os-arch>/*.tar.bz2
- conda