(calculator_interfaces)= # Interfaces to calculators The interfaces for VASP, WIEN2k, Quantum ESPRESSO (QE), ABINIT, Elk, SIESTA, CRYSTAL, DFTB+, TURBOMOLE, FHI-AIMS, CASTEP, ABACUS, and LAMMPS are built in to the usual phonopy command. See the command options and how to invoke each of them at {ref}`force_calculators`. {ref}`LAMMPS interface ` is provided as an external tool by Abel Carreras. (interfaces_to_force_calculators)= ## List of force calculators Short tutorials for the force calculators are found in the following pages. ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 vasp wien2k qe abinit siesta elk crystal dftb+ turbomole cp2k aims castep Fleur abacus lammps ``` The VASP DFPT interface reads `vasprun.xml` and creates `FORCE_CONSTANTS` file. ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 vasp-dfpt ``` (interfaces-physical-units)= ## Physical unit system for calculator Physical unit systems used for the calculators are as follows: ``` | Distance Atomic mass Force Force constants ----------------------------------------------------------------- VASP | Angstrom AMU eV/Angstrom eV/Angstrom^2 WIEN2k | au (bohr) AMU mRy/au mRy/au^2 QE | au (bohr) AMU Ry/au Ry/au^2 ABINIT | au (bohr) AMU eV/Angstrom eV/Angstrom.au SIESTA | au (bohr) AMU eV/Angstrom eV/Angstrom.au Elk | au (bohr) AMU hartree/au hartree/au^2 CRYSTAL | Angstrom AMU eV/Angstrom eV/Angstrom^2 TURBOMOLE | au (bohr) AMU hartree/au hartree/au^2 CP2K | Angstrom AMU hartree/au hartree/Angstrom.au FHI-AIMS | Angstrom AMU eV/Angstrom eV/Angstrom^2 Fleur | au (bohr) AMU hartree/au hartree/au^2 CASTEP | Angstrom AMU eV/angstrom eV/angstrom^2 ABACUS | au (bohr) AMU eV/angstrom eV/angstrom.au LAMMPS | Angstrom AMU eV/Angstrom eV/Angstrom^2 ``` For these sets of physical properties, phonon frequency is calculated in THz. ## Default file name, value, and conversion factor ### Default unit cell file name for calculator Without specifying `-c` option, default file names of unit cell shown below is searched in current directory. When generating supercells with `-c` option, the default supercell file names based on those shown below are used. ``` VASP | POSCAR | SPOSCAR WIEN2k | case.struct | case.structS QE | unitcell.in | supercell.in ABINIT | unitcell.in | supercell.in SIESTA | input.fdf | supercell.fdf Elk | elk.in | supercell.in CRYSTAL | crystal.o | - DFTB+ | geo.gen | geo.genS TURBOMOLE | control | - CP2K | unitcell.inp | - FHI-AIMS | geometry.in | geometry.in.supercell Fleur | fleur.in | supercell.in CASTEP | unitcell.cell | supercell.cell ABACUS | STRU | STRU.in LAMMPS | unitcell | supercell ``` ### Default displacement distances Without specifying `DISPLACEMENT_DISTANCE` tag or `--amplitude` option, default displacement distance is used when creating supercells with displacements `CREATE_DISPLACEMENTS = .TRUE.` or `-d` option. The default value is dependent on calculator, and the list is shown below: ``` VASP | 0.01 Angstrom WIEN2k | 0.02 au (bohr) QE | 0.02 au (bohr) ABINIT | 0.02 au (bohr) SIESTA | 0.02 au (bohr) Elk | 0.02 au (bohr) CRYSTAL | 0.01 Angstrom DFTB+ | 0.01 au (bohr) TURBOMOLE | 0.02 au (bohr) CP2K | 0.01 Angstrom FHI-AIMS | 0.01 Angstrom Fleur | 0.02 au (bohr) CASTEP | 0.01 Angstrom ABACUS | 0.02 au (bohr) LAMMPS | 0.01 Angstrom ``` (frequency_default_value_interfaces)= ### Default unit conversion factor of phonon frequency to THz ``` VASP | 15.633302 WIEN2k | 3.44595837 QE | 108.97077 ABINIT | 21.49068 SIESTA | 21.49068 Elk | 154.10794 CRYSTAL | 15.633302 DFTB+ | 154.10794 TURBOMOLE | 154.10794 CP2K | 112.10516 FHI-AIMS | 15.633302 Fleur | 154.10794 CASTEP | 15.633302 ABACUS | 21.49068 LAMMPS | 15.633302 ``` (nac_default_value_interfaces)= ### Default unit conversion factor for non-analytical term correction ``` VASP | 14.399652 WIEN2k | 2000 QE | 2 ABINIT | 51.422090 SIESTA | 51.422090 Elk | 1 CRYSTAL | 14.399652 DFTB+ | 14.399652 TURBOMOLE | 1 CP2K | None (N/A) FHI-AIMS | 14.399652 Fleur | 1 (but feature N/A) CASTEP | 14.399652 ABACUS | 51.422090 LAMMPS | 14.399652 ```