Improve interface usedfrom interactive python.

This commit is contained in:
Atsushi Togo 2019-01-16 15:59:51 +09:00
parent 7cc8ca802e
commit c8ad183272
8 changed files with 158 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import warnings
import numpy as np
from phonopy.version import __version__
from phonopy.interface import PhonopyYaml
from phonopy.structure.atoms import PhonopyAtoms as Atoms
from phonopy.structure.atoms import PhonopyAtoms
from phonopy.structure.symmetry import Symmetry, symmetrize_borns_and_epsilon
from phonopy.structure.cells import get_supercell, get_primitive
from phonopy.harmonic.displacement import (get_least_displacements,
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class Phonopy(object):
self._log_level = log_level
# Create supercell and primitive cell
self._unitcell = Atoms(atoms=unitcell)
self._unitcell = PhonopyAtoms(atoms=unitcell)
self._supercell_matrix = supercell_matrix
self._primitive_matrix = primitive_matrix
self._supercell = None
@ -250,6 +250,27 @@ class Phonopy(object):
def displacements(self):
"""Return displacements
There are two types of displacement dataset. See the docstring
of set_displacement_dataset about types 1 and 2 for displacement
dataset format.
Type-1, List of list
The internal list has 4 elements such as [32, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0]].
The first element is the supercell atom index starting with 0.
The remaining three elements give the displacement in Cartesian
Type-2, array_like
Displacements of all atoms of all supercells in Cartesian
shape=(supercells, natom, 3)
disps = []
if 'first_atoms' in self._displacement_dataset:
for disp in self._displacement_dataset['first_atoms']:
@ -270,9 +291,9 @@ class Phonopy(object):
displacemens : array_like
Snapshots of atomic displacements of all atoms in supercell.
Atomic displacements of all atoms of all supercells.
Only all displacements in each supercell case is supported.
shape=(snapshots, natom, 3)
shape=(supercells, natom, 3)
@ -303,10 +324,10 @@ class Phonopy(object):
forces = []
for disp in self._displacement_dataset['first_atoms']:
if 'forces' in disp:
forces.append = disp['forces']
return forces
return []
return None
def dynamical_matrix(self):
@ -429,22 +450,36 @@ class Phonopy(object):
displacement_dataset : dict
There are two dict structures.
1. One atomic displacement in each supercell:
Type 1. One atomic displacement in each supercell:
{'natom': number of atoms in supercell,
'first_atoms': [
{'number': atom index of displaced atom,
'displacement': displacement in Cartesian coordinates,
'forces': forces on atoms in supercell},
{...}, ...]}
2. All atomic displacements in each supercell:
Type 2. All atomic displacements in each supercell:
{'natom': number of atoms in supercell,
'displacements': ndarray, dtype='double', order='C',
shape=(natom, snapshots, 3)
shape=(supercells, natom, 3)
'forces': ndarray, dtype='double',, order='C',
shape=(natom, snapshots, 3)}
shape=(supercells, natom, 3)}
In type 2, displacements and forces can be given by numpy array
with different shape but that can be reshaped to
(supercells, natom, 3).
self._displacement_dataset = displacement_dataset
dds = displacement_dataset
if 'displacements' in dds:
natom = self._supercell.get_number_of_atoms()
if type(dds['displacements']) is np.ndarray:
if dds['displacements'].ndim in (1, 2):
d = dds['displacements'].reshape((-1, natom, 3))
dds['displacements'] = d
if type(dds['forces']) is np.ndarray:
if dds['forces'].ndim in (1, 2):
f = dds['forces'].reshape((-1, natom, 3))
dds['forces'] = f
self._displacement_dataset = dds
self._supercells_with_displacements = None
@ -1527,7 +1562,7 @@ class Phonopy(object):
return True
def get_modulated_supercells(self):
"""Returns cells with modulations as Atoms instances"""
"""Returns cells with modulations as PhonopyAtoms instances"""
return self._modulation.get_modulated_supercells()
def get_modulations_and_supercell(self):
@ -1536,7 +1571,7 @@ class Phonopy(object):
(modulations, supercell)
modulations: Atomic modulations of supercell in Cartesian coordinates
supercell: Supercell as an Atoms instance.
supercell: Supercell as an PhonopyAtoms instance.
return self._modulation.get_modulations_and_supercell()
@ -1749,7 +1784,7 @@ class Phonopy(object):
for disp in self._displacement_dataset['first_atoms']:
positions = self._supercell.get_positions()
positions[disp['number']] += disp['displacement']

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@ -50,6 +50,22 @@ def write_FORCE_SETS(dataset, filename='FORCE_SETS'):
def get_FORCE_SETS_lines(dataset, forces=None):
"""Generate FORCE_SETS string
See the format of dataset in the docstring of
Phonopy.set_displacement_dataset. Optionally for the type-1 (traditional)
format, forces can be given. In this case, sets of forces are
unnecessary to be stored in the dataset.
if 'first_atoms' in dataset:
return _get_FORCE_SETS_lines_type1(dataset, forces=forces)
elif 'forces' in dataset:
return _get_FORCE_SETS_lines_type2(dataset)
def _get_FORCE_SETS_lines_type1(dataset, forces=None):
num_atom = dataset['natom']
displacements = dataset['first_atoms']
if forces is None:
@ -69,6 +85,17 @@ def get_FORCE_SETS_lines(dataset, forces=None):
return lines
def _get_FORCE_SETS_lines_type2(dataset):
lines = []
for displacements, forces in zip(dataset['displacements'],
for d, f in zip(displacements, forces):
lines.append(("%15.8f" * 6) % (tuple(d) + tuple(f)))
return lines
def parse_FORCE_SETS(natom=None,
@ -103,14 +130,19 @@ def _get_set_of_forces(f, natom=None, is_translational_invariance=False):
def _get_set_of_forces_type2(f, natom):
data = np.loadtxt(f, dtype='double')
if data.shape[1] != 6 or data.shape[0] % natom != 0:
if data.shape[1] != 6 or (natom and data.shape[0] % natom != 0):
msg = "Data shape of forces and displacements is incorrect."
raise RuntimeError(msg)
data = data.reshape(-1, natom, 6)
dataset = {'natom': natom}
dataset['displacements'] = np.array(data[:, :, :3],
dtype='double', order='C')
dataset['forces'] = np.array(data[:, :, 3:], dtype='double', order='C')
if natom:
data = data.reshape(-1, natom, 6)
displacements = data[:, :, :3]
forces = data[:, :, 3:]
displacements = data[:, :3]
forces = data[:, 3:]
dataset = {'displacements':
np.array(displacements, dtype='double', order='C'),
'forces': np.array(forces, dtype='double', order='C')}
return dataset

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@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ def get_rotated_displacement(displacements, site_sym_cart):
rot_disps = []
for u in displacements:
rot_disps.append([, u) for sym in site_sym_cart])
return np.reshape(rot_disps, (-1, 3))
return np.array(np.reshape(rot_disps, (-1, 3)), dtype='double', order='C')
def get_rotated_forces(forces_syms, site_sym_cart):

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@ -48,13 +48,14 @@ def get_interface_mode(args):
calculator_list = ['wien2k', 'abinit', 'qe', 'elk', 'siesta', 'cp2k',
'crystal', 'vasp','dftbp']
'crystal', 'vasp', 'dftbp']
for calculator in calculator_list:
mode = "%s_mode" % calculator
if mode in args and args.__dict__[mode]:
return calculator
return None
def write_supercells_with_displacements(interface_mode,
@ -188,6 +189,7 @@ def read_crystal_structure(filename=None,
unitcell = read_dftbp(cell_filename)
return unitcell, (cell_filename,)
def get_default_cell_filename(interface_mode):
if interface_mode == 'phonopy_yaml':
return "phonopy_disp.yaml"
@ -210,6 +212,7 @@ def get_default_cell_filename(interface_mode):
return None
def get_default_supercell_filename(interface_mode):
if interface_mode == 'phonopy_yaml':
return "phonopy_disp.yaml"
@ -226,7 +229,7 @@ def get_default_supercell_filename(interface_mode):
elif interface_mode == 'crystal':
return None # supercell.ext can not be parsed by crystal interface.
elif interface_mode == 'dftbp':
return "geo.gen"
return "geo.genS"
return None
@ -319,7 +322,7 @@ def get_default_physical_units(interface_mode):
units['nac_factor'] = Hartree * Bohr
units['distance_to_A'] = Bohr
units['force_constants_unit'] = 'hartree/au^2'
units['length_unit'] = 'Angstrom'
units['length_unit'] = 'au'
return units

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@ -248,15 +248,37 @@ class PhonopyYaml(object):
return lines
def _force_sets_yaml_lines(self):
if 'first_atoms' in self._dataset:
return self._force_sets_yaml_lines_type1()
elif 'displacements' in self._dataset:
return self._force_sets_yaml_lines_type2()
return []
def _force_sets_yaml_lines_type1(self):
lines = ["displacements:", ]
for i, d in enumerate(self._dataset['first_atoms']):
lines.append("- atom: %4d" % (d['number'] + 1))
lines.append(" displacement:")
lines.append(" [ %20.16f,%20.16f,%20.16f ]"
% tuple(d['displacement']))
lines.append(" forces:")
for f in d['forces']:
lines.append(" - [ %20.16f,%20.16f,%20.16f ]" % tuple(f))
if 'forces' in d:
lines.append(" forces:")
for f in d['forces']:
lines.append(" - [ %20.16f,%20.16f,%20.16f ]" % tuple(f))
return lines
def _force_sets_yaml_lines_type2(self):
lines = ["displacements:", ]
for i, (dset, fset) in enumerate(zip(self._dataset['displacements'],
lines.append("- # %4d" % (i + 1))
for j, (d, f) in enumerate(zip(dset, fset)):
lines.append(" - displacement: # %d" % (j + 1))
lines.append(" [ %20.16f,%20.16f,%20.16f ]" % tuple(d))
lines.append(" force:")
lines.append(" [ %20.16f,%20.16f,%20.16f ]" % tuple(f))
return lines
@ -294,8 +316,11 @@ class PhonopyYaml(object):
('points' in self.yaml or 'atoms' in self.yaml)):
self.unitcell = self._parse_cell(self.yaml)
if 'displacements' in self.yaml:
if 'forces' in self.yaml['displacements'][0]:
self.dataset = self._parse_force_sets()
disp = self.yaml['displacements'][0]
if type(disp) is dict and 'forces' in disp:
self.dataset = self._parse_force_sets_type1()
elif type(disp) is list and 'forces' in disp[0]:
self.dataset = self._parse_force_sets_type2()
if 'supercell_matrix' in self.yaml:
self.supercell_matrix = np.array(self.yaml['supercell_matrix'],
dtype='intc', order='C')
@ -368,7 +393,7 @@ class PhonopyYaml(object):
return None
def _parse_force_sets(self):
def _parse_force_sets_type1(self):
natom = len(self.yaml['displacements'][0]['forces'])
dataset = {'natom': natom}
first_atoms = []
@ -379,3 +404,14 @@ class PhonopyYaml(object):
'forces': np.array(d['forces'], dtype='double', order='C')})
dataset['first_atoms'] = first_atoms
return dataset
def _parse_force_sets_type2(self):
nsets = len(self.yaml['displacements'])
natom = len(self.yaml['displacements'][0])
forces = np.zeros((nsets, natom, 3), dtype='double', order='C')
displacements = np.zeros((nsets, natom, 3), dtype='double', order='C')
for i, dfset in enumerate(self.yaml['displacements']):
for j, df in enumerate(dfset):
forces[i, j] = df['force']
displacements[i, j] = df['displacement']
return {'forces': forces, 'displacements': displacements}

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@ -36,11 +36,13 @@
import warnings
import numpy as np
def Atoms(*args, **kwargs):
warnings.warn("phonopy.atoms.Atoms is deprecated. Please use "
"PhonopyAtoms instead of Atoms.", DeprecationWarning)
return PhonopyAtoms(*args, **kwargs)
class _Atoms(object):
"""A class compatible with the ASE Atoms class.
@ -266,8 +268,18 @@ class PhonopyAtoms(_Atoms):
def totuple(self):
if self.magmoms:
return (self.cell, self.scaled_positions, self.numbers,
return (self.cell, self.scaled_positions, self.numbers)
def to_tuple(self):
return (self.cell, self.scaled_positions, self.numbers)
"PhonopyAtoms.to_tuple is deprecated. Please use "
"PhonopyAtoms.totuple instead.", DeprecationWarning)
return self.totuple()
def get_yaml_lines(self):
lines = ["lattice:"]

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@ -181,7 +181,8 @@ class Symmetry(object):
return np.array(site_symmetries, dtype='intc')
def _set_symmetry_dataset(self):
self._dataset = spg.get_symmetry_dataset(self._cell, self._symprec)
self._dataset = spg.get_symmetry_dataset(self._cell.totuple(),
self._symmetry_operations = {
'rotations': self._dataset['rotations'],
'translations': self._dataset['translations']}
@ -192,11 +193,7 @@ class Symmetry(object):
self._map_atoms = self._dataset['equivalent_atoms']
def _set_symmetry_operations_with_magmoms(self):
cell = (self._cell.get_cell(),
self._symmetry_operations = spg.get_symmetry(cell,
self._symmetry_operations = spg.get_symmetry(self._cell.totuple(),
self._map_atoms = self._symmetry_operations['equivalent_atoms']
@ -302,7 +299,7 @@ def find_primitive(cell, symprec=1e-5):
cell is found, an object of Atoms class of the primitive cell is
returned. When not, None is returned.
lattice, positions, numbers = spg.find_primitive(cell, symprec)
lattice, positions, numbers = spg.find_primitive(cell.totuple(), symprec)
if lattice is None:
return None

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@ -555,7 +555,11 @@ else: # Read FORCE_SETS, FORCE_CONSTANTS, or force_constants.hdf5
file_exists("FORCE_SETS", log_level)
force_sets = parse_FORCE_SETS(natom=num_satom)
if force_sets['natom'] != num_satom:
if 'natom' in force_sets:
natom = force_sets['natom']
natom = force_sets['forces'].shape[1]
if natom != num_satom:
error_text = "Number of atoms in supercell is not consistent with "
error_text += "the data in FORCE_SETS.\n"
error_text += ("Please carefully check DIM, FORCE_SETS,"