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.. _vasp_interface:
VASP & phono3py calculation
.. _vasp_workflow:
1. Create POSCARs with displacements
This is the same way as usual phonopy::
% phono3py -d --dim="2 2 2" -c POSCAR-unitcell
``disp_fc3.yaml`` and ``POSCAR-xxxxx`` files are created.
If you want to use larger supercell size for
second-order force constants (fc2) calculation than that
for third-order force constants (fc3) calculation::
% phono3py -d --dim_fc2="4 4 4" --dim="2 2 2" -c POSCAR-unitcell
In this case, ``disp_fc2.yaml`` and ``POSCAR_FC2-xxxxx`` files are
also created.
2. Run VASP for supercell force calculations
To calculate forces on atoms in supercells, ``POSCAR-xxxxx`` (and
``POSCAR_FC2-xxxxx`` if they exist) are used as VASP (or any force
calculator) calculations.
It is supposed that each force calculation is executed under the
directory named ``disp-xxxxx`` (and ``disp_fc2-xxxxx``), where
``xxxxx`` is sequential number.
3. Collect ``vasprun.xml``'s
When VASP is used as the force calculator, force sets to calculate
fc3 and fc2 are created as follows.
% phono3py --cf3 disp-{00001..00755}/vasprun.xml
where 0755 is an example of the index of the last displacement
supercell. To perform this collection, ``disp_fc3.yaml`` created at
step 1 is required. Then ``FORCES_FC3`` is created.
When you use larger supercell for fc2 calculation::
% phono3py --cf2 disp_fc2-{00001..00002}/vasprun.xml
``disp_fc2.yaml`` is necessary in this case and ``FORCES_FC2`` is
4. Create fc2.hdf and fc3.hdf
% phono3py --dim="2 2 2" -c POSCAR-unitcell
``fc2.hdf5`` and ``fc3.hdf5`` are created from ``FORCES_FC3`` and
``disp_fc3.yaml``. This step is not mandatory, but you can avoid
calculating fc2 and fc3 at every run time.
When you use larger supercell for fc2 calculation::
% phono3py --dim_fc2="4 4 4" --dim="2 2 2" -c POSCAR-unitcell
Similarly ``fc2.hdf5`` and ``fc3.hdf5`` are created from ``FORCES_FC3``,
``FORCES_FC2``, ``disp_fc3.yaml``, and ``disp_fc2.yaml``.
5. Thermal conductivity calculation
An example of thermal conductivity calculation is::
% phono3py --fc3 --fc2 --dim="2 2 2" --mesh="11 11 11" \
-c POSCAR-unitcell --br
or with larger supercell for fc2::
% phono3py --fc3 --fc2 --dim_fc2="4 4 4" --dim="2 2 2" --mesh="11 11 11" \
-c POSCAR-unitcell --br
This calculation may take very long time. ``--thm`` invokes a
tetrahedron method for Brillouin zone integration for phonon
lifetime calculation, which is the default option. Instead,
``--sigma`` option can be used with the smearing widths.
In this command, phonon lifetimes at many grid points are
calculated in series. The phonon lifetime calculation at each grid
point can be separately calculated since they
are independent and no communication is necessary at the
computation. The procedure is as follows:
First run the same command with the addition option of ``--wgp``::
% phono3py --fc3 --fc2 --dim="2 2 2" --mesh="11 11 11" \
-c POSCAR-unitcell --br --wgp
``ir_grid_points.yaml`` is obtained. In this file, irreducible
q-points are shown. Then distribute calculations of phonon
lifetimes on grid points with ``--write_gamma`` option by::
% phono3py --fc3 --fc2 --dim="2 2 2" --mesh="11 11 11" \
-c POSCAR-unitcell --br --write_gamma --gp="[grid ponit(s)]"
After finishing all distributed calculations, run with
``--read_gamma`` option::
% phono3py --fc3 --fc2 --dim="2 2 2" --mesh="11 11 11" \
-c POSCAR-unitcell --br --read_gamma
Once this calculation runs without problem, separately calculated
hdf5 files on grid points are no more necessary and may be deleted.