(changelog)= # Change Log ## Jul-8-2024: Version 3.3.1 - Major refactoring to isolate reciprocal space grid code. ## Jul-8-2024: Version 3.3.0 - Build system of phono3py was renewed. Now nanobind, cmake, and scikit-build-core are used for the building, and the receipt is written in `CMakeLists.txt` and `pyproject.toml`. ## Jun-29-2024: Version 3.2.0 - `--rd` and `--rd-fc2` options for generating random directional displacements. - Experimental implementation for using pypolymlp. ## Jun-19-2024: Version 3.1.2 - Treatment of numpy 2.0. - Experimental support of symfc. ## Jun-7-2024: Version 3.1.1 - Minor fix related to typehint for python-3.8. ## Jun-7-2024: Version 3.1.0 - Change to write forces in phono3py-yaml as default. ## Jun-7-2024: Version 3.0.4 - Bug fix when handling different supercell size of fc2 than that of fc3. ## May-4-2024: Version 3.0.3 - Release to follow the update of phonopy. ## Apr-21-2024: Version 3.0.2 - New way of ph-ph interaction calculation (see {ref}`changelog_v290`) is used as default. In versions 3.0.0 and 3.0.1, it was not the default by mistake. ## Apr-20-2024: Version 3.0.1 - Minor fix to build phono3py C-library on conda-forge. ## Apr-19-2024: Version 3.0.0 This is a major version release. There are backward-incompatible changes. - Calculation method to transform supercell third-order force constants fc3 in real to reciprocal space was changed as described at {ref}`changelog_v290`. This results in the change of results with respect to those obtained by phono3py version 2. To emulate v2 behaviour, use `--v2` option in phono3py command line script. For `Phono3py` class , `make_r0_average=True` (default) when instantiating it, and similarly for `phono3py.load` function. - Completely dropped support of `disp_fc3.yaml` and `disp_fc2.yaml`. - Dropped support of old style usage of `phono3py-kaccum` script. - Removed functions `write_fc3_dat`, `write_triplets`, `write_grid_address` in `file_IO.py`. - Removed methods marked by `DeprecationWarning`. - Removed `masses`, `band_indices`, `sigmas`, `sigma_cutoff` parameters from `Phono3py.__init__()`. ## Mar-20-2024: Version 2.10.0 - Maintenance release ## Feb-2-2024: Version 2.9.2 - `boundary_mfp` value is stored in `kappa-*.hdf5` file when it is specified. ## Dec-26-2023: Version 2.9.1 - Release to build conda-forge package. (changelog_v290)= ## Dec-25-2023: Version 2.9.0 - Pre-release of version 3.0. - `--v3` option enables phono3py version 3 behaviour. In phono3py-v3, it is planned to replace $\sum_{l'l''}\Phi_{\alpha\beta\gamma}(0\kappa, l'\kappa', l''\kappa'') \cdots$ in Eq.(41) of by $[\sum_{l'l''}\Phi_{\alpha\beta\gamma}(0\kappa, l'\kappa', l''\kappa'') \cdots + \sum_{ll''}\Phi_{\alpha\beta\gamma}(l\kappa, 0\kappa', l''\kappa'') \cdots + \sum_{ll'}\Phi_{\alpha\beta\gamma}(l\kappa, l'\kappa', 0\kappa'') \cdots] / 3$ for better treatment of lattice sum in supercell although this requires more computational demand. In phono3py-v3, `--v2` option will be prepared. ## Dec-4-2023: Version 2.8.0 - Maintenance release - Fix unit conversion for non-VASP calculators ## Jul-3-2023: Version 2.7.0 - Drop python 3.7 support ## Apr-3-2023: Version 2.6.0 - Release to follow the change of phonopy at v2.18, which fixes to be able to read `phono3py*.yaml` file with `phono3py-load`. ## Dec-31-2022: Version 2.5.1 - Release to trigger phono3py conda-forge package build. ## Dec-29-2022: Version 2.5.0 - Maintenance release to follow the change of phonopy at v2.17. - Bug fix of phonon-isotope scattering strength. The scattering strength was slightly overestimated (commit c4c54c73). ## Oct-6-2022: Version 2.4.1 - Release for pypi packaging ## Oct-5-2022: Version 2.4.0 - Maintenance release to follow the change of phonopy at v2.16. - Installation procedure from source code is changed. See {ref}`install_from_source_code`. ## May-28-2022: Version 2.3.2 - Fix `--cf2` command. ## May-7-2022: Version 2.3.1 - Fix wrongly displaying q-point in conductivity calculation. ## Apr-9-2022: Version 2.3.0 - Maintenance release including small bug fixes. ## Feb-14-2022: Version 2.2.0 - Maintenance release to follow the change of phonopy at v2.12.1. - Installation using `setup.py` now requires creating `site.cfg` file. See and [PR #59](https://github.com/phonopy/phono3py/pull/59). - Dorp python 3.6 support, and dependencies of numpy and matplotlib versions are updated: - Python >= 3.7 - numpy >= 1.15.0 - matplotlib >= 2.2.2 ## Nov-3-2021: Version 2.1.0 - Fix of a critical bung in the direct solution. See the detail as commit log of [54d4ddab](https://github.com/phonopy/phono3py/commit/54d4ddab6f3fbf9435bdfe8b27757be1d5c4ebf6). - Aiming modernizing phono3py code, required python version and package versions were changed to - Python >= 3.6 - numpy >= 1.11 - matplotlib >= 2.0 - For developers, flake8, black, pydocstyle, and isort were introduced. See `REAEME.md` and `.pre-commit-config.yaml`. ## Jul-22-2021: Version 2.0.0 This is a major version release. There are some backward-incompatible changes. 1. Grid point indexing system to address grid points of q-points is changed. 2. Array data types of most of the integer arrays are changed to `dtype='int_'` from `dtype='intc'`. 3. Python 3.5 or later is required. To emulate the version 1.x behaviour in `phono3py` command, try `--v1` option. To emurate the version 1.x behaviour in API, specify `store_dense_gp_map=False` and `store_dense_svecs=False` in instatiation of `Phono3py` class or phon3py loader. ## Mar-17-2021: Version 1.22.3 - Fix `--read-gamma` option to work. ## Feb-21-2021: Version 1.22.2 - Fix PyPI source distribution package ## Feb-21-2021: Version 1.22.1 - `phono3py` command didn't work. This was fixed. - Fix behaviour when specifying `--thm` and `--sigma` simultaneously. ## Jan-29-2021: Version 1.22.0 - Maintenance release to follow phonopy v2.9.0. ## Sep-30-2020: Version 1.21.0 - Maintenance release to follow the change of phonopy at v2.8.1 - Improvements of phono3py loader (`phono3py.load`), `phono3py-load` command, API, and `phono3py_disp.yaml`. - Harmonic phonon calculation on mesh was multithreaded. This is effective when using very dense mesh with non-analytical term correction (probably rare case). - Real and imaginary parts of self energy and spectral function of bubble diagram at API level ## Mar-3-2020: Version 1.20.0 - `phono3py_disp.yaml` is made when creating displacements in addition to `disp_fc3.yaml` and `disp_fc2.yaml`. `phono3py_disp.yaml` will be used instead of `disp_fc3.yaml` and `disp_fc2.yaml` in the future major release (v2.0). ## Mar-3-2020: Version 1.19.1 - Release for pypi and conda (atztogo channel) packagings ## Mar-2-2020: Version 1.19.0 - Improvements of phono3py loader and API. - Improvement of interfaces to calculators. Now it is expected to be much easier to implement calculator interface if it exists in phonopy. - Fixed dependency to phonopy v2.6.0. ## Dec-22-2019: Version 1.18.2 - Initial version of phono3py loader (`phono3py.load`) was implemented. See docstring of `phono3py.load`. ## Oct-17-2019: Version 1.18.1 - Fix of phono3py-kaccum to follow the latest phonopy. ## Oct-9-2019: Version 1.18.0 - Maintenance release ## Apr-18-2019: Version 1.17.0 - `--cfz` option was made to subtract residual forces. See {ref}`cfz_option`. - `--cutoff-pair` was made to override the cutoff pair distance written in `disp_fc3.yaml` when using on calculating force constants. This is useful when checking cutoff distance dependency. So the use case of having fully computed `FORCES_FC3` is assumed. - TURBOMOLE interface is provided by Antti Karttunen (`--turbomole`). - Compatibility of `fc2.hdf5` and `force_constants.hdf5` was improved for all calculators to store physical unit information in the hdf5 file. See {ref}`file_format_compatibility`. ## Mar-24-2019: Version 1.16.0 - Bug fixes and catching up the updates of phonopy. - Most of hdf5 output files are compressed by `gzip` as default. This compression can be set off, see {ref}`hdf5_compression_option`. - (Experimental) `phono3py` command accepts `phono3py.yaml` type file as an input crystal structure by `-c` option. When `DIM` and any structure file are not given, `phono3py_disp.yaml` (primary) or `phono3py.yaml` (secondary) is searched in the current directory. Then `phono3py.yaml` type file is used as the input. By this, semi-automatic phono3py mode is invocked, which acts as 1. `supercell_matrix` corresponding to `DIM` in the `phono3py.yaml` type file is used if it exists. 2. `phonon_supercell_matrix` corresponding to `DIM_FC2` in the `phono3py.yaml` type file is used if it exists. 3. `primitive_matrix` in the `phono3py.yaml` type file is used if it exists. Otherwise, set `PRIMITIVE_AXES = AUTO` when `PRIMITIVE_AXES` is not given. 4. NAC params are read (`NAC = .TRUE.`) if NAC params are contained (primary) in the `phono3py.yaml` type file or if `BORN` file exists in the current directory (secondary). ## Nov-22-2018: version 1.14.3 - Update to work with phonopy v1.14.2. - Ph-ph interaction can be read (`--read-pp`) and write (`--write-pp`) in RTA thermal conductivity calculation, too. Mind that the data stored are different with and without `--full-pp`. Wihtout `--full-pp` the data are stored in complicated way to save data side, so it is not considered readable by usual users. ## June-20-2018: version 1.13.3 - `--lw` (linewidth) option was removed. Use `--br` option and find 2\*gamma values as linewidths in `kappa-xxx.hdf5` file. - Documentation of `--lbte` option is available at {ref}`direct_solution`. - This version is dependent on phonopy>=1.13.2. ## May-17-2018: version 1.13.1 - Compact force constants are implemented (See {ref}`compact_fc_option`). ## Mar-16-2018: version 1.12.9 - Definition of `mode_kappa` values in output hdf5 file is changed. Previously they were divided by number of grid points, but now not. Therefore users who compute `kappa` from `mode_kappa` need to be careful about this change. This does not affect to `phono3py-kaccum` results. ## Feb-1-2018: version 1.12.7 - `--tsym` option is removed. Now with `--sym-fc3r` and `--sym-fc2` options, translational invariance symmetry is also applied. - `--sym-fc` option is added. This is just an alias to specify both `--sym-fc3r` and `--sym-fc2` together. - Documentation on `--write-phonon` and `--read-phonon` options is written. These options are used to save harmonic phonon infromation on strage. ## Nov-22-2017: version 1.12.5 - Bug fix of RTA thermal conductivity. This bug exists from version (git e40cd059). This bug exhibits when all the following conditions are met: 1. RTA thermal conductivity calculation. 2. Tetrahedron method for Brillouin zone integration is used. 3. Number of triplets is smaller than number of bands at each grid point. 4. Without using `--full-pp`. (3) happens when the primitive cell is relatively large. Number of triplets can be shown using `--stp` option. A race condition of OpenMP multithreading is the source of the bug. Therefore, if it occurs, the same calculation comes up with the different thermal conductivity value in every run time, for whcih it behaves like randomly. - RTA thermal conductivity with smearing method (`--sigma`) is made to run with smaller memory consumption as similar as tetrahedron method (`--thm`). ## Nov-17-2017: version 1.12.3 - Command option parser of the phonopy tools is replaced from `optparse` to `argparse`. - The filenames used with these options were the positional arguments previously. Now they are the command-line arguments, i.e., filenames have to be put just after the option name like `-f vasprun.xml-001 vasprun.xml-002 ...`. - The names of auxiliary tools (`kdeplot` and `kaccum`) are changed, for which the prefix phono3py- is added to the old names to avoid accidental conflict with other script names already existing under bin directory. - {ref}`sigma_cutoff_option` option was created. ## Jun-18-2017: version 1.11.13 - {ref}`normal_umklapp_option` option was made. - Many minor updates: fixing bugs, improving usabilities. - Improve of {ref}`auxiliary_tools_kaccum` and {ref}`auxiliary_tools_kdeplot`. ## Mar-31-2017: version 1.11.11 - Abinit code interface is implemented and now under the testing. - Reduction of memory usage in RTA thermal conductivity calculation. This is especially effective for larger unit cell case. Currently combinations with --full_pp, --write_gamma_detail, and --simga(smearing method) are not supported for this. Performance tuning is under going. In some case, computation can be slower than the previous versions. ## Feb-9-2017: version 1.11.9 - This version works coupled with phonopy-1.11.8 or later. - CRYSTAL code interface is implemented by Antti J. Karttunen. ## Dec-14-2016: version 1.11.7 - This is a maintenance release. This version must be used with phonopy-1.11.6 or later. ## Nov-27-2016: version 1.11.5 - `gaccum` is merged to `kaccum`. `gaccum` is removed. See {ref}`auxiliary_tools_kaccum`. - `kdeplot` is added. See {ref}`auxiliary_tools_kdeplot`. ## Apr-24-2016: version 1.10.9 - Failure of writing `kappa-mxxx-gx.hdf5` was fixed. ## Apr-16-2016: version 1.10.7 - API example is prepared and it is found in `Si` example. No doucment yet. - Si pwscf example was placed in `example-phono3py` directory. - User interface bug fix. ## Mar-15-2016: version 1.10.5 - Numbering way of phono3py version was just changed (No big updates were made against previous version.) The number is given based on the phonopy version. For example, the harmonic part of phono3py-1.10.5 is based on the code close to phonopy-1.10.4. - Python3 support - For the RTA thermal conductivity calculation mode with using the linear tetrahedron method, only necessary part of phonon-phonon interaction strengh among phonons. This improves lifetime calculation performance, but as the drawback, averaged ph-ph interaction strength can not be given. See {ref}`full_pp_option`. - Pwscf interface ({ref}`calculator_interfaces`) ## Oct-10-2015: version 0.9.14 - Computational performance tuning for phonon-phonon interaction strength calculation was made by Jonathan Skelton. Depending on systems, but 10-20% performance improvement may be possible. - `--stp` option is created to show numbers of q-point triplets to be calculated. See {ref}`command_options`. - `--write_gamma` and `--read_gamma` support using with `--bi` option. Therefore a thermal conductivity calculation can be distributed over band index, too. This may be useful for the system whose unit cell is large. ## Sep-26-2015: version 0.9.13 - Changed so that `--wgp` option writes `grid_address-mxxx.hdf5` instead of `grid_address-mxxx.dat`. - `--write_detailed_gamma` is implemented. See {ref}`command_options`. - When running without setting `--thm` and `--sigma` options, linear tetrahedron method corresponding to `--thm` is used as the default behavior. - `--ise` options is created. ## Aug-12-2015: version 0.9.12 - Spglib update to version - Improve computational performance of `kaccum` and `gaccum`. ## Jun-18-2015: version - Bug fix of `gcaccum` ## Jun-17-2015: version 0.9.10 - Fix bug in `kaccum`. When using with `--pa` option, irreducible q-points were incorrectly indexed. - `gaccum` is implemented. `gaccum` is very similar to `kaccum`, but for $\Gamma_\lambda(\omega_\lambda)$. - spglib update. ## Changes in version 0.9.7 - The definition of MSPP is modified so as to be averaged ph-ph interaction defined as $P_{\mathbf{q}j}$ in the arXiv manuscript. The key in the kappa hdf5 file is changed from `mspp` to `ave_pp`. The physical unit of $P_{\mathbf{q}j}$ is set to $\text{eV}^2$. ## Changes in version 0.9.6 - Silicon example is put in `example-phono3py` directory. - Accumulated lattice thermal conductivity is calculated by `kaccum` script. - JDOS output format was changed. ## Changes in version 0.9.5 - In `kappa-xxx.hdf5` file, `heat_capacity` format was changed from `(irreducible q-point, temperature, phonon band)` to `(temperature, irreducible q-point, phonon band)`. For `gamma`, previous document was wrong in the array shape. It is `(temperature, irreducible q-point, phonon band)` ## Changes in version 0.9.4 - The option of `--cutoff_mfp` is renamed to `--boundary_mfp` and now it's on the document. - Detailed contribution of `kappa` at each **q**-point and phonon mode is output to .hdf5 with the keyword `mode_kappa`. ## Changes in version 0.8.11 - A new option of `--cutoff_mfp` for including effective boundary mean free path. - The option name `--cutfc3` is changed to `--cutoff_fc3`. - The option name `--cutpair` is changed to `--cutoff_pair`. - A new option `--ga` is created. - Fix spectrum plot of joint dos and imaginary part of self energy ## Changes in version 0.8.10 - Different supercell size of fc2 from fc3 can be specified using `--dim_fc2` option. - `--isotope` option is implemented. This is used instead of `--mass_variances` option without specifying the values. Mass variance parameters are read from database. ## Changes in version 0.8.2 - Phono3py python interface is rewritten and a lot of changes are introduced. - `FORCES_SECOND` and `FORCES_THIRD` are no more used. Instead just one file of `FORCES_FC3` is used. Now `FORCES_FC3` is generated by `--cf3` option and the backward compatibility is simple: `cat FORCES_SECOND FORCES_THIRD > FORCES_FC3`. - `--multiple_sigmas` is removed. The same behavior is achieved by `--sigma`. ## Changes in version 0.8.0 - `--q_direction` didn't work. Fix it. - Implementation of tetrahedron method whcih is activated by `--thm`. - Grid addresses are written out by `--wgp` option. ## Changes in version 0.7.6 - Cut-off distance for fc3 is implemented. This is activated by `--cutfc3` option. FC3 elements where any atomic pair has larger distance than cut-off distance are set zero. - `--cutpair` works only when creating displacements. The cut-off pair distance is written into `disp_fc3.yaml` and FC3 is created from `FORCES_THIRD` with this information. Usually sets of pair displacements are more redundant than that needed for creating fc3 if index permutation symmetry is considered. Therefore using index permutation symmetry, some elements of fc3 can be recovered even if some of supercell force calculations are missing. In paticular, all pair distances among triplet atoms are larger than cutoff pair distance, any fc3 elements are not recovered, i.e., the element will be zero. ## Changes in version 0.7.2 - Default displacement distance is changed to 0.03. - Files names of displacement supercells now have 5 digits numbering, `POSCAR-xxxxx`. - Cutoff distance between pair displacements is implemented. This is triggered by `--cutpair` option. This option works only for calculating atomic forces in supercells with configurations of pairs of displacements. ## Changes in version 0.7.1 - It is changed to sampling q-points in Brillouin zone. Previously q-points are sampled in reciprocal primitive lattice. Usually this change affects very little to the result. - q-points of phonon triplets are more carefully sampled when a q-point is on Brillouin zone boundary. Usually this change affects very little to the result. - Isotope effect to thermal conductivity is included. ## Changes in version 0.6.0 - `disp.yaml` is renamed to `disp_fc3.yaml`. Old calculations with `disp.yaml` can be used without any problem just by changing the file name. - Group velocity is calculated from analytical derivative of dynamical matrix. - Group velocities at degenerate phonon modes are better handled. This improves the accuracy of group velocity and thus for thermal conductivity. - Re-implementation of third-order force constants calculation from supercell forces, which makes the calculation much faster - When any phonon of triplets can be on the Brillouin zone boundary, i.e., when a mesh number is an even number, it is more carefully treated.