
231 lines
9.8 KiB

parser grammar qasm3Parser;
options {
tokenVocab = qasm3Lexer;
program: version? statementOrScope* EOF;
version: OPENQASM VersionSpecifier SEMICOLON;
// A statement is any valid single statement of an OpenQASM 3 program, with the
// exception of the version-definition statement (which must be unique, and the
// first statement of the file if present). This file just defines rules for
// parsing; we leave semantic analysis and rejection of invalid scopes for
// compiler implementations.
// All the actual statements of the language.
| annotation* (
| assignmentStatement
| barrierStatement
| boxStatement
| breakStatement
| calStatement
| calibrationGrammarStatement
| classicalDeclarationStatement
| constDeclarationStatement
| continueStatement
| defStatement
| defcalStatement
| delayStatement
| endStatement
| expressionStatement
| externStatement
| forStatement
| gateCallStatement
| gateStatement
| ifStatement
| includeStatement
| ioDeclarationStatement
| measureArrowAssignmentStatement
| oldStyleDeclarationStatement
| quantumDeclarationStatement
| resetStatement
| returnStatement
| switchStatement
| whileStatement
annotation: AnnotationKeyword RemainingLineContent?;
scope: LBRACE statementOrScope* RBRACE;
pragma: PRAGMA RemainingLineContent;
statementOrScope: statement | scope;
/* Start top-level statement definitions. */
// Inclusion statements.
calibrationGrammarStatement: DEFCALGRAMMAR StringLiteral SEMICOLON;
includeStatement: INCLUDE StringLiteral SEMICOLON;
// Control-flow statements.
breakStatement: BREAK SEMICOLON;
continueStatement: CONTINUE SEMICOLON;
endStatement: END SEMICOLON;
forStatement: FOR scalarType Identifier IN (setExpression | LBRACKET rangeExpression RBRACKET | expression) body=statementOrScope;
ifStatement: IF LPAREN expression RPAREN if_body=statementOrScope (ELSE else_body=statementOrScope)?;
returnStatement: RETURN (expression | measureExpression)? SEMICOLON;
whileStatement: WHILE LPAREN expression RPAREN body=statementOrScope;
switchStatement: SWITCH LPAREN expression RPAREN LBRACE switchCaseItem* RBRACE;
CASE expressionList scope
| DEFAULT scope
// Quantum directive statements.
barrierStatement: BARRIER gateOperandList? SEMICOLON;
boxStatement: BOX designator? scope;
delayStatement: DELAY designator gateOperandList? SEMICOLON;
/* `gateCallStatement` is split in two to avoid a potential ambiguity with an
* `expressionStatement` that consists of a single function call. The only
* "gate" that can have no operands is `gphase` with no control modifiers, and
* `gphase(pi);` looks grammatically identical to `fn(pi);`. We disambiguate by
* having `gphase` be its own token, and requiring that all other gate calls
* grammatically have at least one qubit. Strictly, as long as `gphase` is a
* separate token, ANTLR can disambiguate the statements by the definition
* order, but this is more robust. */
gateModifier* Identifier (LPAREN expressionList? RPAREN)? designator? gateOperandList SEMICOLON
| gateModifier* GPHASE (LPAREN expressionList? RPAREN)? designator? gateOperandList? SEMICOLON
// measureArrowAssignmentStatement also permits the case of not assigning the
// result to any classical value too.
measureArrowAssignmentStatement: measureExpression (ARROW indexedIdentifier)? SEMICOLON;
resetStatement: RESET gateOperand SEMICOLON;
// Primitive declaration statements.
aliasDeclarationStatement: LET Identifier EQUALS aliasExpression SEMICOLON;
classicalDeclarationStatement: (scalarType | arrayType) Identifier (EQUALS declarationExpression)? SEMICOLON;
constDeclarationStatement: CONST scalarType Identifier EQUALS declarationExpression SEMICOLON;
ioDeclarationStatement: (INPUT | OUTPUT) (scalarType | arrayType) Identifier SEMICOLON;
oldStyleDeclarationStatement: (CREG | QREG) Identifier designator? SEMICOLON;
quantumDeclarationStatement: qubitType Identifier SEMICOLON;
// Declarations and definitions of higher-order objects.
defStatement: DEF Identifier LPAREN argumentDefinitionList? RPAREN returnSignature? scope;
externStatement: EXTERN Identifier LPAREN externArgumentList? RPAREN returnSignature? SEMICOLON;
gateStatement: GATE Identifier (LPAREN params=identifierList? RPAREN)? qubits=identifierList scope;
// Non-declaration assignments and calculations.
assignmentStatement: indexedIdentifier op=(EQUALS | CompoundAssignmentOperator) (expression | measureExpression) SEMICOLON;
expressionStatement: expression SEMICOLON;
// Statements where the bulk is in the calibration language.
calStatement: CAL LBRACE CalibrationBlock? RBRACE;
defcalStatement: DEFCAL defcalTarget (LPAREN defcalArgumentDefinitionList? RPAREN)? defcalOperandList returnSignature? LBRACE CalibrationBlock? RBRACE;
/* End top-level statement definitions. */
/* Start expression definitions. */
// ANTLR4 can handle direct left-recursive rules, and ambiguities are guaranteed
// to resolve in the order of definition. This means that the order of rules
// here defines the precedence table, from most tightly binding to least.
LPAREN expression RPAREN # parenthesisExpression
| expression indexOperator # indexExpression
| <assoc=right> expression op=DOUBLE_ASTERISK expression # powerExpression
| op=(TILDE | EXCLAMATION_POINT | MINUS) expression # unaryExpression
| expression op=(ASTERISK | SLASH | PERCENT) expression # multiplicativeExpression
| expression op=(PLUS | MINUS) expression # additiveExpression
| expression op=BitshiftOperator expression # bitshiftExpression
| expression op=ComparisonOperator expression # comparisonExpression
| expression op=EqualityOperator expression # equalityExpression
| expression op=AMPERSAND expression # bitwiseAndExpression
| expression op=CARET expression # bitwiseXorExpression
| expression op=PIPE expression # bitwiseOrExpression
| expression op=DOUBLE_AMPERSAND expression # logicalAndExpression
| expression op=DOUBLE_PIPE expression # logicalOrExpression
| (scalarType | arrayType) LPAREN expression RPAREN # castExpression
| DURATIONOF LPAREN scope RPAREN # durationofExpression
| Identifier LPAREN expressionList? RPAREN # callExpression
| (
| BinaryIntegerLiteral
| OctalIntegerLiteral
| DecimalIntegerLiteral
| HexIntegerLiteral
| FloatLiteral
| ImaginaryLiteral
| BooleanLiteral
| BitstringLiteral
| TimingLiteral
| HardwareQubit
) # literalExpression
// Special-case expressions that are only valid in certain contexts. These are
// not in the expression tree, but can contain elements that are within it.
aliasExpression: expression (DOUBLE_PLUS expression)*;
declarationExpression: arrayLiteral | expression | measureExpression;
measureExpression: MEASURE gateOperand;
rangeExpression: expression? COLON expression? (COLON expression)?;
setExpression: LBRACE expression (COMMA expression)* COMMA? RBRACE;
arrayLiteral: LBRACE ((expression | arrayLiteral) (COMMA (expression | arrayLiteral))* COMMA?)? RBRACE;
// The general form is a comma-separated list of indexing entities.
// `setExpression` is only valid when being used as a single index: registers
// can support it for creating aliases, but arrays cannot.
| (expression | rangeExpression) (COMMA (expression | rangeExpression))* COMMA?
// Alternative form to `indexExpression` for cases where an obvious l-value is
// better grammatically than a generic expression. Some current uses of this
// rule may be better as `expression`, leaving the semantic analysis to later
// (for example in gate calls).
indexedIdentifier: Identifier indexOperator*;
/* End expression definitions. */
/* Start type definitions. */
returnSignature: ARROW scalarType;
gateModifier: (
| POW LPAREN expression RPAREN
| (CTRL | NEGCTRL) (LPAREN expression RPAREN)?
) AT;
BIT designator?
| INT designator?
| UINT designator?
| FLOAT designator?
| ANGLE designator?
qubitType: QUBIT designator?;
arrayType: ARRAY LBRACKET scalarType COMMA expressionList RBRACKET;
arrayReferenceType: (READONLY | MUTABLE) ARRAY LBRACKET scalarType COMMA (expressionList | DIM EQUALS expression) RBRACKET;
designator: LBRACKET expression RBRACKET;
defcalTarget: MEASURE | RESET | DELAY | Identifier;
defcalArgumentDefinition: expression | argumentDefinition;
defcalOperand: HardwareQubit | Identifier;
gateOperand: indexedIdentifier | HardwareQubit;
externArgument: scalarType | arrayReferenceType | CREG designator?;
scalarType Identifier
| qubitType Identifier
| (CREG | QREG) Identifier designator?
| arrayReferenceType Identifier
argumentDefinitionList: argumentDefinition (COMMA argumentDefinition)* COMMA?;
defcalArgumentDefinitionList: defcalArgumentDefinition (COMMA defcalArgumentDefinition)* COMMA?;
defcalOperandList: defcalOperand (COMMA defcalOperand)* COMMA?;
expressionList: expression (COMMA expression)* COMMA?;
identifierList: Identifier (COMMA Identifier)* COMMA?;
gateOperandList: gateOperand (COMMA gateOperand)* COMMA?;
externArgumentList: externArgument (COMMA externArgument)* COMMA?;