
185 lines
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/// \addtogroup util
/// @{
/// @file mpi_env.hpp
/// This header includes the MPI library if available and provides some
/// convenience functions that are implemented even if the MPI library is not provided.
#include <mpi.h>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "mpi_exception.hpp"
#ifdef _OPENMP
#include <omp.h>
namespace iqs {
namespace mpi {
/// \class Environment
/// A trimmed down version of the BOOST::MPI environment. Its purpose is to initialize
/// the MPI library and partition the cluster or single threaded environment for parallel
/// operations.
/// In preparation of the Monte-Carlo simulations required for the noisy implementation,
/// we provide a communicator over the ranks involved in a single MC simulation.
/// Specifically, we store two communicators:
/// 1. pool_communicator: spanning all the useful ranks
/// 2. state_communicator: spanning those ranks used in a single MC simulation (i.e. state)
class Environment
/// Intialize the MPI Environment.
/// It receives the same argc and argv arguments passed to the main function.
/// If MPI is present, but has not been initialized, then MPI_Init will be called.
Environment(int& argc, char**& argv, bool is_verbose = true);
/// Finalize the MPI Environment
/// If MPI is present and has been initizlized in the constructor then
/// MPI_Finalize will be called here.
Environment(Environment const&) = delete;
Environment& operator=(Environment const&) = delete;
// One needs to know what he/she is doing to call this method.
/// Update the state and pool communicators.
/// @pre This can only be called when all ranks are still active.
static void UpdateStateComm (int num_states);
/// Check whether the rank is useful or not.
static bool IsUsefulRank() {return useful_rank;}
/// The rank of the current MPI process: pool or state.
/// The PoolRank may not corresponds to that from MPI_COMM_WORLD due to dummy ranks.
/// The rank is 0 if MPI is not present.
/// @pre If MPI is present, this can only be called after intializing MPI.
static int GetPoolRank();
static int GetStateRank();
static int GetRank() {return GetStateRank();}
/// Number of MPI processes.
/// The PoolSize may not corresponds to that from MPI_COMM_WORLD due to dummy ranks.
/// The number of processes is 1 if MPI is not present.
/// @pre If MPI is present, this can only be called after intializing MPI.
static int GetPoolSize();
static int GetStateSize();
static int GetSize() {return GetStateSize();}
/// Get incoherent average over all states of the pool.
/// @param local_value the address of the value stored in the local rank.
template <class Type>
static Type IncoherentSumOverAllStatesOfPool(Type local_value);
static int GetNumRanksPerNode();
static int GetNumNodes();
static int GetNodeId();
static int GetStateId();
static int GetNumStates();
static void RemapStateRank(int newme);
static MPI_Comm pool_communicator;
static MPI_Comm state_communicator;
static MPI_Comm GetPoolComm();
static MPI_Comm GetStateComm();
static MPI_Comm GetComm();
/// The singleton interface that is used for global management of MPI resources.
static void Init();
static void Init(int &argc, char**&argv);
static void Finalize();
static Environment *GetSharedInstance() {return shared_instance;}
// Shared helper for constructor overload
void CommonInit(int flag);
static Environment *shared_instance;
bool inited_;
static bool useful_rank;
// int num_ranks_per_state;
static int num_ranks_per_node;
static int num_nodes;
static int my_node_id;
static int num_states;
static int my_state_id;
static bool is_verbose; // Enable description of MPI ranks, default: true
MPI_Request synch_request;
/// @brief An MPI barrier
/// It waits until all MPI processes have reached this call. This function does nothing if
/// MPI is not present.
void PoolBarrier();
void StateBarrier();
void Barrier();
/// @brief Print from all MPI processes
/// It prints a string from all processes if @c all is true or just from the master process
///with rank 0 if @c all is false. If MPI is not present it prints the string.
/// If @c all is set, the string is prefixed by the number of the MPI process.
/// @param s the string to be printed
/// @param all a flag to specify if all processes should print or just the master process
void PoolPrint(std::string s, bool all=false);
void StatePrint(std::string s, bool all=false);
void Print(std::string s, bool all=false);
void Print(std::string s, MPI_Comm comm, bool all=true);
} // end namespace mpi
} // end namespace iqs
/// @}*/
#endif // header guard IQS_MPI_ENV_HPP