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// Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
/// @file getting_started_with_IQS.cpp
/// Tutorial on the basic use of Intel Quantum Simulator (IQS).
// Include the header file with the declaration of all classes and methods of IQS.
#include "../include/qureg.hpp"
// Start of the main program (C++ language).
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::cout << "\nThis introductory code is thought to be run with MPI.\n"
<< "To do so, please set the option '-DIqsMPI=ON' when calling CMake.\n\n"
<< "However the code will execute also without MPI.\n\n";
// Setting the MPI environment
// Create the MPI environment, passing the same argument to all the ranks.
iqs::mpi::Environment env(argc, argv);
// IQS is structured so that only 2^k ranks are used to store and manipulate
// the quantum state. In case the number of ranks differ from a power of 2,
// all ranks in excess are effectively excluded from the computations and called
// 'dummy'. The dummy ranks should be terminated.
if (env.IsUsefulRank() == false) return 0;
// IQS has functions that simplify some MPI instructions. However, it is important
// to keep trace of the current rank.
int myid = env.GetStateRank();
// NOTE: Above, we asked for the 'state rank', meaning that we are considering the MPI
// ranks that are used to store and manipulate a single quantum state. This difference
// is unnecessary when simulating ideal quantum circuits, but once noise is introduced
// via the noise-gate approach the situation may differ.
// Initialize the state of the quantum register
/* IQS stores a full representation of the quantum state in the computational basis.
* In practice, the quantum state of N qubits is represented as a complex vector with
* 2^N components.
* Each component corresponds to the probability amplitude of a specific computational
* basis state:
* ψ(k)=k|ψ
* with the index k corresponding to the N-bit integer in decimal representation, and
* k{0,1,2,,2N1}.
// Allocate memory for the quantum register's state and initialize it to |0000>.
// This can be achieved by using the codeword "base".
int num_qubits = 4;
iqs::QubitRegister<ComplexDP> psi (num_qubits);
std::size_t index = 0;
psi.Initialize("base", index);
// The state can be initialized to a random state. To allow such initialization,
// we need to declare a (pseudo) random number generator...
iqs::RandomNumberGenerator<double> rng;
// ... and associate it (via pointer) to the quantum state.
// Set the seed:
int rng_seed = 7777;
rng.SetSeedStreamPtrs( rng_seed );
// NOTE: the random number generator is able to generate three different kinds
// of random numbers:
// *local* --> different for each pool rank
// *state* --> common to all ranks of the same state
// *pool* --> common to all ranks of the pool
// Initialize the state to a random state, this can be achieved with the codeword "rand"
// followed by 0 if we desire to use *local* random numbers (this speed up the process
// of generating the random numbers).
psi.Initialize("rand", 0);
// Display the quantum state
/* It is important to be able to access and visualize the quantum state.
* IQS allows to access the single components of the state or to print a comprehensive
* description.
* What index is associated to state |1011? In decimal representation one has:
* 1011 1×2^0 + 0×2^1 + 1×2^2 + 1×2^3 = 1+4+8 = 13
* therefore it corresponds to the computational basis state with index 13.
* NOTE: contrary to what is adopted in decimal notation, our binary representation
* must be read from left to right (from least significant to most significant bit).
// Initialize the state to |1000>.
// The index of |1000> in decimal representation is 1.
index = 1;
psi.Initialize("base", index);
// There are 2^4=16 amplitudes, corresponding to |0000>, |1000>, |0100>, |1100> ... |1111>
std::size_t num_amplitudes = UL(1L << UL(num_qubits));
ComplexDP amplitude;
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << "\nExplicit list of all amplitudes of |1000>:\n";
for (index=0; index<num_amplitudes; ++index)
amplitude = psi.GetGlobalAmplitude(index);
buffer << "\tpsi(" << index << ") = <" << index << "|psi> = " << amplitude << "\n";
// Print to screen. The second argument is set to true if all ranks need to print.
// If it is set to false, then only the main rank prints to screen.
// A complete description of the state is provided by the QubitRegister method Print().
// One can provide a brief label to the state description.
std::string label;
label = "Computational basis state |1000>";
if (myid==0) std::cout << std::endl;
// One-qubit gates
/* In the gate-model of quantum computation, one manipulates the quantum state
* by means of unitary transformations acting on one or two qubits.
* Let us apply a few of the standard one-qubit gates.
// State is |1000>.
// Flip qubit 1 by applying the Pauli X gate: |1000> ==> |1100>
// Display all amplitudes.
psi.Print("Computational basis state |1100>");
if (myid==0) std::cout << std::endl;
// Apply the Hadamard gate on qubit 0: |1100> ==> |-100> ~ |0100>-|1100>
// Apply Pauli Z gate on qubit 1: |-100> ==> -|-100>
int qubit = 1;
// Apply Pauli X gate on qubit 0: -|-100> ==> |-100>
// Two-qubit gates
/* To achieve universal quantum computation, it is enough to implement one-qubit
* gates and a single type of two-qubit gate. The essential requirement is that such
* two-qubit gate is able to generate entanglement. Usually the controlled-not gate
* (CNOT in the following) is the operation of choice.
* IQS provides built-in methods to implement a much broader variety of two-qubit gates.
// Currently, state is |-100>.
// Apply a CNOT(1,0): flip qubit 0 conditioned on the state of qubit 1.
// |-100> ==> -|-100>
int control_qubit = 1;
int target_qubit = 0;
psi.ApplyCPauliX(control_qubit, target_qubit);
// The application of the previous CNOT did not create any entanglement.
// This is achieved by exchanging the role of control and target qubits.
// Apply a CNOT(0,1): flip qubit 1 conditioned on the state of qubit 0.
// -|-100> ~ -|0100>+|1100> ==> -|0100>+|1000>
control_qubit = 0;
target_qubit = 1;
psi.ApplyCPauliX(control_qubit, target_qubit);
// Display all amplitudes.
psi.Print("Entangled state ~ -|0100>+|1000>");
if (myid==0) std::cout << std::endl;
// Custom gates
/* If IQS does not provide the gates needed in your circuit, it is possible to
* implement custom one-qubit gates and controlled gates.
// Define an arbitrary single qubit gate.
// The quantum gate G is given by a 2x2 unitary matrix, here using a custom made class
// defined inside the IQS library.
TM2x2<ComplexDP> G;
G(0,0) = { 0.592056606032915, 0.459533060553574};
G(0,1) = {-0.314948020757856, - 0.582328159830658};
G(1,0) = { 0.658235557641767, + 0.070882241549507};
G(1,1) = { 0.649564427121402, + 0.373855203932477};
// To verify that G is unitary, we will compute the norm of psi before and after
// the application of G. This is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the
// unitarity of G.
double initial_norm, final_norm;
initial_norm = psi.ComputeNorm();
double accepted_error = 1e-15;
if ( std::abs(initial_norm-1.) > accepted_error )
if (myid==0)
std::cout << "Even before the application of G, state psi had normalization "
<< initial_norm << "\n";
// Apply the custom gate G to qubit 0.
qubit = 0;
final_norm = psi.ComputeNorm();
iqs::mpi::Print("State |psi> was multiplied by a 2x2 unitary matrix G.",false);
if (initial_norm != final_norm && myid == 0)
std::cout << "The application of G changed the norm of state psi: from "
<< initial_norm << " to " << final_norm << "\n\n";
else if (myid==0)
std::cout << "Sanity check: norm was unchanged by G.\n\n";
// It is also possible to apply the arbitrary gate specified by G conditioned
// on the state of another qubit. G is applied only when the control qubit is in |1>.
control_qubit = 1;
target_qubit = 0;
psi.ApplyControlled1QubitGate(control_qubit, target_qubit, G);
// Single-qubit measurements
/* To extract information from the quantum register, one can obtain the probability
* of measuring a certain qubit in the computational basis and obtaining the outcome
* "1" (i.e. the state being in |1).
* Once the probability is known, one can draw a random number to simulate the
* stochastic outcome of the measurement and collapse the wavefunction accordingly.
* NOTE: Computing the probability of a certain outcome does not collapse automatically
* the wavefunction. This is helpful when the probabilities of multiple measurements
* have to be computed without re-executing the quantum simulation.
// Compute the probability of observing qubit 1 in state |1>.
int measured_qubit = 1;
double probability = psi.GetProbability(measured_qubit);
// The expectation value of <Z1> can be computed from the above probability
double expectation = -1*probability + 1*(1-probability);
if (myid==0)
std::cout << "The probability that qubit " << measured_qubit
<< " is in state |1> is " << probability
<< " \t<== should be 0.5\n"
<< "The Von Neumann measurement can be simulated by generating "
<< "the outcome at random and then collapsing the state accordingly:\n";
// Draw random number in [0,1)
double r;
r = 0.66;
// r = np.random.rand() //FIXME
if (r < probability)
// Collapse the wavefunction according to qubit 1 being in |1>.
if (myid==0)
std::cout << "Simulated outcome is 1. Collapse the function accordingly.\n";
// Collapse the wavefunction according to qubit 1 being in |0>
if (myid==0)
std::cout << "Simulated outcome is 0. Collapse the function accordingly.\n";
// In both cases one needs to re-normalize the wavefunction:
probability = psi.GetProbability( measured_qubit );
if (myid==0)
std::cout << "After collapse, the probability that qubit " << measured_qubit
<< " is in state |1> is " << probability
<< " \t<== should be " << (r<probability?"1":"0") << "\n";
// Expectation value of products of Pauli matrices
/* To extract information from the quantum register, one can obtain the expectation
* value of Pauli strings. For example, consider the Pauli string given by:
* X0id1Z2Z3
* such observable is defined by:
* - the position of the non-trivial Pauli matrices, in this case {0,2,3}
* - the corresponding Pauli matrices ( XX =1, YY =2, ZZ =3).
* To facilitate the verification of the expectation value, we reinitialize
* the quantum state to |+01 .
* We will also consider the Pauli string:
* X0id1Z2Y3
// Prepare the state |+-01>.
num_qubits = 4;
index = 0;
psi.Initialize("base", index);
if (myid==0)
std::cout << "\nRe-initialize |psi> to state |+-01> and compute "
<< "a few expectation values of Pauli strings.\n";
// The Pauli string given by: X_0 . id_1 . Z_2 . Z_3
// Such observable is defined by the position of the non-trivial Pauli matrices:
std::vector<unsigned> qubits_to_be_measured = {0,2,3};
// And by the corresponding Pauli matrices (X=1, Y=2, Z=3)
std::vector<unsigned> observables = {1,3,3};
// The expectation value <psi|X_0.id_1.Z_2.Z_3|psi> is obtained via:
expectation = psi.ExpectationValue(qubits_to_be_measured, observables, 1.);
if (myid==0)
std::cout << "Expectation value <psi|X_0.id_1.Z_2.Z_3|psi> = " << expectation
<< " \t<== should be -1\n";
// The expectation value <psi|X_0.id_1.Z_2.Y_3|psi> is obtained via:
observables = {1,3,2};
expectation = psi.ExpectationValue(qubits_to_be_measured, observables, 1.);
if (myid==0)
std::cout << "Expectation value <psi|X_0.id_1.Z_2.Y_3|psi> = " << expectation
<< " \t<== should be 0\n";
// Quantum states and MPI environment are automatically destroyed at the return.
return 0;