
417 lines
14 KiB

! Module for STM simulation following Paz and Soler pssb 243, 1080
module stm
use datatypes
implicit none
subroutine make_stm_current
use datatypes
use numbers
use units
use local, ONLY: nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, n_bands_active, nkp, nprocs, stm_bias, &
eigenvalues, current, grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, wtk, band_active_kp, n_bands_total, efermi
use dimens, ONLY: GridCutoff
use fft_interface_module, ONLY: fft3_init_wrapper_nonu, fft3_exec_wrapper_nonu, fft3_dest_wrapper_nonu
use block_module, only: n_pts_in_block
use process, ONLY: read_domain, pao_dpao_to_grid
use io_module, ONLY: get_file_name
use output, ONLY: write_cube
use read, ONLY: read_psi_coeffs, read_eigenvalues
use angular_coeff_routines, ONLY: set_prefac_real, set_fact, set_prefac
implicit none
integer :: band, nk, proc, i, idum1, idum2
real(double) :: e_tip, band_rel
real(double), dimension(3) :: dg
real(double) :: rbx, rby, rbz, sq
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: k_vec_x, k_vec_y, k_vec_z
real(double), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: delta_of_S, g_k, rho_band
real(double), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: cvec, drho_band
complex(double_cplx), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: A_of_r, B_of_r, psi, STM_current
complex(double_cplx), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: dpsi
character(len=50) :: ci, filename
logical :: use_band
call set_fact(8)
call set_prefac(9)
call set_prefac_real(9)
!dg = pi/sqrt(two*GridCutoff) ! Equivalent grid spacing
dg(1) = grid_x!/BohrToAng
dg(2) = grid_y!/BohrToAng
dg(3) = grid_z!/BohrToAng
! Read eigenvalues
!if(stm_bias<zero) then
call read_eigenvalues!(stm_bias, zero)
! call read_eigenvalues(zero, stm_bias)
!end if
! Read coefficients
call read_psi_coeffs("Process")
! Allocate space for variables
allocate(delta_of_S(nptsx,nptsy,nptsz), g_k(nptsx,nptsy,nptsz))
delta_of_S = zero
g_k = zero
cvec = zero
allocate(current(nptsx,nptsy,nptsz), STM_current(nptsx,nptsy,nptsz))
current = zero
STM_current = zero
!call create_delta_of_S_and_c(delta_of_S, cvec)
! Space for psi
! Read charge
do proc = 1,nprocs
call get_file_name(ci,nprocs,proc,filename)
call read_domain(17,proc,rho_band)
end do
call write_cube(rho_band,ci)
do i=1,3
drho_band(:,:,:,i) = (cshift(rho_band,1,i) - cshift(rho_band,-1,i))/dg(i)
write(ci,'("drho",I0.1)') i
call write_cube(drho_band(:,:,:,i),ci)
end do
! Create delta(S) and c(r) from band charge density
call create_delta_of_S_and_c(rho_band, drho_band, delta_of_S, cvec)
! Create k vectors
call create_k_vectors(k_vec_x,k_vec_y,k_vec_z)
! Set up FFTs
call fft3_init_wrapper_nonu(nptsx, nptsy, nptsz)
! Loop over eigenstates
do band = 1, n_bands_total
!write(*,*) 'Band: ',band_no(band)
do nk = 1, nkp
!write(*,*) 'E(',band_no(band),nk,"): ", eigenvalues(nk,band,1)
band_rel = eigenvalues(band, nk, 1) - efermi(1)
use_band = .false.
if(band_rel*stm_bias > zero .and. abs(band_rel) < abs(stm_bias)) use_band = .true.
if(band_active_kp(band,nk,1)==1 .and. use_band) then
current = zero
psi = zero
dpsi = zero
call pao_dpao_to_grid(band,nk,1,psi,dpsi)
!write(*,*) "Made band"
! Tip energy
e_tip = eigenvalues(band,nk,1) - stm_bias
! Create Green's function in reciprocal space
call create_g_k(g_k, e_tip, k_vec_x, k_vec_y, k_vec_z)
!write(*,*) 'Made g_k'
! Create A(r) = c(r) dot grad psi(r)
A_of_r = cmplx(zero,zero)
do i = 1, 3
!A_of_r = A_of_r + cvec(:,:,:,i) * (cshift(current,1,i) - cshift(current,-1,i))/dg(i)
A_of_r = A_of_r + cvec(:,:,:,i) * dpsi(:,:,:,i)
end do
!write(*,*) 'Made A(r)'
call fft3_exec_wrapper_nonu(A_of_r, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, -1) ! Forward
! Create B(r) by component: FFT, dot with k and accumulate
! x
B_of_r(:,:,:) = cvec(:,:,:,1) * psi
call fft3_exec_wrapper_nonu(B_of_r, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, -1) ! Forward
do i = 1, nptsx
A_of_r(i,:,:) = A_of_r(i,:,:) + cmplx(zero,k_vec_x(i))*B_of_r(i,:,:)
end do
! y
B_of_r(:,:,:) = cvec(:,:,:,2) * psi
call fft3_exec_wrapper_nonu(B_of_r, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, -1) ! Forward
do i = 1, nptsy
A_of_r(:,i,:) = A_of_r(:,i,:) + cmplx(zero,k_vec_y(i))*B_of_r(:,i,:)
end do
! z
B_of_r(:,:,:) = cvec(:,:,:,3) * psi
call fft3_exec_wrapper_nonu(B_of_r, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, -1) ! Forward
do i = 1, nptsz
A_of_r(:,:,i) = A_of_r(:,:,i) + cmplx(zero,k_vec_z(i))*B_of_r(:,:,i)
end do
! Scale by g_k
B_of_r = A_of_r * g_k
! Transform back and accumulate into current
call fft3_exec_wrapper_nonu(B_of_r, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, +1) ! Backward
current = current + wtk(nk)*B_of_r*conjg(B_of_r)
end if
end do ! nkp
end do ! n_bands_active
!current = STM_current*conjg(STM_current)
ci = "TestImage"
call write_cube(current,ci)
call fft3_dest_wrapper_nonu
end subroutine make_stm_current
subroutine create_delta_of_S_and_c(rho, drho, delta_of_S, cvec)
use datatypes
use numbers
use units
use dimens, ONLY: GridCutoff
use local, ONLY: current, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, charge_stub, nprocs, grid_x, grid_y, grid_z
use block_module, only: n_pts_in_block
use io_module, ONLY: get_file_name
use output, ONLY: write_cube
implicit none
! Passed variables
real(double), dimension(nptsx, nptsy, nptsz) :: delta_of_S, rho
real(double), dimension(nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, 3) :: cvec, drho
! Local variables
real(double) :: rho0, dS, rho_min, rho_max, s_over_ds_2
real(double), dimension(3) :: dg
integer :: proc, i
character(len=50) :: ci
delta_of_S = zero
! These could be made user-defined
rho0 = three/(fourpi*729.0_double) ! r_s = 9 bohr
dS = eight*two*pi*sqrt(five/(HaToeV*GridCutoff)) ! NB 5 eV is an assumed workfunction
write(*,*) 'deltaS is ',dS
!dg = pi/sqrt(two*GridCutoff) ! Equivalent grid spacing
!write(*,*) 'Effective grid spacing: ',dg
dg(1) = grid_x!/BohrToAng
dg(2) = grid_y!/BohrToAng
dg(3) = grid_z!/BohrToAng
write(*,*) 'Min and max values of rho: ',minval(rho), maxval(rho)
write(*,*) 'Present rho0: ',rho0
rho0 = min(rho0,0.005*maxval(rho))
write(*,*) 'New rho0: ',rho0
! Set limits on values of rho
rho_min = rho0*exp(-dS)
rho_max = rho0*exp(dS)
!where (rho>rho_min) ! .and. rho<rho_max)
delta_of_S = log(rho/rho0)
! delta_of_S = zero
!end where
!delta_of_S(:,:,1:nptsz/2) = zero
ci = "justS"
call write_cube(delta_of_S,ci)
! Assemble delta(S)
where (rho>rho_min .and. rho<rho_max) !>rho_min .and. rho < rho_max)
delta_of_S = (one - (delta_of_S/dS)*(delta_of_S/dS))!log(rho/rho0)/dS)*(log(rho/rho0)/dS))
delta_of_S = fifteen*delta_of_S * delta_of_S/(sixteen*dS)
delta_of_S = zero
end where
delta_of_S(:,:,1:nptsz/2) = zero
! Write out
ci = "deltaS"
call write_cube(delta_of_S,ci)
! Now make c = delta(S).grad rho/rho
do i = 1,3
where (delta_of_S>RD_ERR) ! .and. abs(rho) > RD_ERR)
cvec(:,:,:,i) = drho(:,:,:,i)*delta_of_S/rho
cvec(:,:,:,i) = zero
end where
if(i==1) ci = "cvec_x"
if(i==2) ci = "cvec_y"
if(i==3) ci = "cvec_z"
call write_cube(cvec(:,:,:,i),ci)
end do
!do i = 1,3
! Grad rho using finite differences (centred)
!cvec(:,:,:,i) = (cshift(rho,1,i) - cshift(rho,-1,i))/dg(i)
! delta(S)*grad rho/rho
!where (delta_of_S>RD_ERR) ! .and. abs(rho) > RD_ERR)
! cvec(:,:,:,i) = cvec(:,:,:,i)*delta_of_S/rho
! cvec(:,:,:,i) = zero
!end where
!current = cvec(:,:,:,i)
!if(i==1) ci = "cvec_x"
!if(i==2) ci = "cvec_y"
!if(i==3) ci = "cvec_z"
!call write_cube(ci)
!end do
end subroutine create_delta_of_S_and_c
subroutine create_k_vectors(kx,ky,kz)
use datatypes
use numbers
use local, ONLY: nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, stm_z_min, stm_z_max, stm_x_min, stm_x_max, &
stm_y_min, stm_y_max
implicit none
! Passed variables
real(double), dimension(nptsx) :: kx
real(double), dimension(nptsy) :: ky
real(double), dimension(nptsz) :: kz
! Local variables
integer :: i
real(double) :: dk_x, dk_y, dk_z
dk_x = pi/(stm_x_max - stm_x_min)
dk_y = pi/(stm_y_max - stm_y_min)
dk_z = pi/(stm_z_max - stm_z_min)
do i=1,nptsx/2+1
kx(i) = dk_x*real(i-1,double)
end do
do i=nptsx/2+2,nptsx
kx(i) = dk_x*real(i-1-nptsx,double)
end do
do i=1,nptsy/2+1
ky(i) = dk_y*real(i-1,double)
end do
do i=nptsy/2+2,nptsy
ky(i) = dk_y*real(i-1-nptsy,double)
end do
do i=1, nptsz/2+1
kz(i) = dk_z*real(i-1,double)
end do
do i=nptsz/2+2,nptsz
kz(i) = dk_z*real(i-1-nptsz,double)
end do
end subroutine create_k_vectors
subroutine create_g_k(g_k, e_tip, kx, ky, kz)
use datatypes
use numbers
use local, ONLY: nptsx, nptsy, nptsz
use units
implicit none
! Passed variables
real(double), dimension(nptsx, nptsy, nptsz) :: g_k
real(double) :: e_tip
real(double), dimension(nptsx) :: kx
real(double), dimension(nptsy) :: ky
real(double), dimension(nptsz) :: kz
! Local variables
integer :: i, j, k
real(double) :: k_x2, k_y2, k_z2, kappa_2
!kappa_2 = two*(five/HaToeV - e_tip)
kappa_2 = two*(five - e_tip)/HaToeV
do k = 1, nptsz
k_z2 = kz(k)*kz(k)
do j=1, nptsy
k_y2 = ky(j)*ky(j)
do i=1, nptsx
k_x2 = kx(i)*kx(i)
g_k(i,j,k) = one/(kappa_2 + k_x2 + k_y2 + k_z2)
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine create_g_k
subroutine tersoff_hamann
use datatypes
use numbers
use local, ONLY: nkp, wtk, efermi, current, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, eigenvalues, stm_bias, fermi_offset, &
n_bands_total, root_file, grid_z, band_full_to_active
use output, ONLY: write_dx_density, write_cube, write_dx_coords
use global_module, only : nspin
use read, ONLY: read_eigenvalues, read_psi_coeffs
use process, ONLY: pao_to_grid
use units, ONLY: HaToeV
use angular_coeff_routines, ONLY: set_prefac_real, set_fact, set_prefac
implicit none
integer :: proc, band, nk, kp, ispin, i
real(double) :: weight, rbx, rby, rbz, sq, test
real(double), dimension(2) :: Emin, Emax
character(len=50) :: filename, ci
complex(double_cplx), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: psi
write(*,*) 'Processing STM'
! Read eigenvalues
call read_eigenvalues
! Read eigenvector coefficients
call read_psi_coeffs("Process")
call set_fact(8)
call set_prefac(9)
call set_prefac_real(9)
if ( write(*,fmt='(2X,"Fermi-offset is ",f10.3," eV")') fermi_offset
fermi_offset = fermi_offset/HaToeV ! default of fermi_offset is zero
if(stm_bias<0) then
Emin = stm_bias/HaToeV + Efermi + fermi_offset
Emax = Efermi + fermi_offset
Emin = Efermi + fermi_offset
Emax = stm_bias/HaToeV + Efermi + fermi_offset
end if
if(nspin==1) then
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Including bands between ",f10.3," and ",f10.3," eV")') Emin(1)*HaToeV, Emax(1)*HaToeV
end if
current = zero
do ispin=1,nspin
do band=1,n_bands_total
do kp = 1,nkp
if(eigenvalues(band,kp,ispin) >= Emin(ispin) .and. &
eigenvalues(band,kp,ispin) <= Emax(ispin)) then
call pao_to_grid(band_full_to_active(band), kp, ispin, psi)
current = current + wtk(kp)*psi*conjg(psi)
end if
end do ! kp
end do ! bands = 1, n_bands_total
end do
! Output STM image
ci = trim(root_file)
! VESTA will draw a surface on the top of the cube if the base is non-zero...
current(:,:,1) = zero
call write_cube(current,ci)
! Output height file for colouring STM image
current = zero
do i=1, nptsz
current(:,:,i) = real(i-1,double)*grid_z
end do
ci = trim("STMHeight")
call write_cube(current,ci)
deallocate(current, psi)
end subroutine tersoff_hamann
! Old implementation of broadening to be included
!%%! if(stm_bias<0) then
!%%! if(eigenvalues(nk,band)>efermi) then
!%%! sq = (eigenvalues(nk,band)-efermi)/stm_broad
!%%! weight = wtk(nk)/(exp(sq)+one)
!%%! else if(eigenvalues(nk,band)<(efermi+stm_bias)) then
!%%! sq = (eigenvalues(nk,band)-efermi-stm_bias)/stm_broad
!%%! weight = wtk(nk)/(exp(sq)+one)
!%%! else
!%%! weight = wtk(nk)
!%%! end if
!%%! else
!%%! if(eigenvalues(nk,band)<efermi) then
!%%! sq = (eigenvalues(nk,band)-efermi)/stm_broad
!%%! weight = wtk(nk)/(exp(sq)+one)
!%%! else if(eigenvalues(nk,band)>(efermi+stm_bias)) then
!%%! sq = (eigenvalues(nk,band)-efermi-stm_bias)/stm_broad
!%%! weight = wtk(nk)/(exp(sq)+one)
!%%! else
!%%! weight = wtk(nk)
!%%! end if
!%%! end if
end module stm