1370 lines
59 KiB
1370 lines
59 KiB
module process
implicit none
subroutine assign_blocks
use datatypes
use local, ONLY: block_store, nprocs, block_size_x, block_size_y, block_size_z, &
stm_z_min, stm_z_max, stm_x_min, stm_x_max, stm_y_min, stm_y_max
implicit none
integer :: proc, iblock, ig1, ind_group, block_x, block_y, block_z, nblock
real(double) :: rbx, rby, rbz
nblock = 0
do proc=1,nprocs
block_store(proc)%active = 0
do iblock=1, block_store(proc)%num_blocks
! Create starting point for block using ind_block
nblock = nblock + 1
! Check min area - if the RHS of block is in LHS of area, keep it
rbx = block_size_x*real(block_store(proc)%nx(iblock),double)
rby = block_size_y*real(block_store(proc)%ny(iblock),double)
rbz = block_size_z*real(block_store(proc)%nz(iblock),double)
if(rbx>=stm_x_min.AND.rby>=stm_y_min.AND.rbz>=stm_z_min) &
block_store(proc)%active(iblock) = block_store(proc)%active(iblock) + 1
!write(*,*) 'RHS: ',rbx,rby,rbz
! Now LHS of block and RHS of area
rbx = block_size_x*real(block_store(proc)%nx(iblock)-1,double)
rby = block_size_y*real(block_store(proc)%ny(iblock)-1,double)
rbz = block_size_z*real(block_store(proc)%nz(iblock)-1,double)
if(rbx<=stm_x_max.AND.rby<=stm_y_max.AND.rbz<=stm_z_max) &
block_store(proc)%active(iblock) = block_store(proc)%active(iblock) + 1
!write(*,*) 'RHS: ',rbx,rby,rbz
!write(*,*) 'Active: ',iblock!block_store(proc)%active(iblock)
if(block_store(proc)%active(iblock)==2) then
!write(*,*) 'Active: ',iblock!block_store(proc)%active(iblock)
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine assign_blocks
subroutine process_charge
use datatypes
use numbers
use local, ONLY: nprocs, n_bands_active, nkp, block_store, efermi, wtk, stm_broad, &
nxmin, nymin, nzmin, current, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, &
eigenvalues, band_no, stm_bias, charge_stub, n_bands_active, band_no, nkp, flag_by_kpoint, &
flag_output, dx, cube, gpv
use block_module, only: n_pts_in_block, in_block_x,in_block_y,in_block_z
use io_module, ONLY: get_file_name
use output, ONLY: write_dx_density, write_cube, write_dx_coords
use global_module, only : nspin
implicit none
integer :: proc, ispin
real(double) :: n_elect
character(len=50) :: filename, ci
do ispin=1,nspin
current = zero
if(nspin==1) then
ci = TRIM(charge_stub)
if(ispin==1) ci = TRIM(charge_stub)//"_up"
if(ispin==2) ci = TRIM(charge_stub)//"_dn"
end if
do proc = 1, nprocs
call get_file_name(ci,nprocs,proc,filename)
! Open file
call read_domain(17,proc,current)
end do ! proc
call write_cube(current,ci)
n_elect = sum(current)*gpv
write(*,*) 'Number of electrons in active area: ',n_elect
end do ! ispin
end subroutine process_charge
subroutine process_bands
use datatypes
use numbers
use local, ONLY: nkp, efermi, current, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, eigenvalues, flag_by_kpoint, &
n_bands_total, band_active_kp, flag_proc_range, band_full_to_active, evec_coeff,&
E_procwf_min, E_procwf_max, flag_procwf_range_Ef, band_proc_no, n_bands_process, &
grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, wtk, flag_outputWF_real
use output, ONLY: write_cube
use global_module, only : nspin
use read, ONLY: read_eigenvalues, read_psi_coeffs
use pao_format, ONLY: pao
use global_module, ONLY: ni_in_cell, atom_coord, species_glob
use species_module, ONLY: nsf_species, n_species
use angular_coeff_routines, ONLY: set_prefac_real, set_fact, set_prefac
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
implicit none
integer :: proc, band, nk, idum1, idum2, kp, ispin, i, j, k, ipao, jpao
real(double) :: weight, rbx, rby, rbz, sq, test, gpv, integral
real(double), dimension(2) :: Emin, Emax
character(len=50) :: filename, ci
complex(double_cplx), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: psi
integer :: i_atom, i_spec, i_l, i_zeta,i_m,j_atom,j_spec,j_l,j_zeta,j_m
integer :: i_band, i_pao, j_pao
real(double), parameter :: band_integral_tol = 1e-3_double
real(double) :: max_band_integral_deviation, integral_deviation
! Create arrays needed by Conquest PAO routines
call set_fact(8)
call set_prefac(9)
call set_prefac_real(9)
gpv = grid_x*grid_y*grid_z
! Read eigenvalues
call read_eigenvalues
! Read eigenvector coefficients
call read_psi_coeffs("Process")
max_band_integral_deviation = zero
if (flag_outputWF_real .and. (nkp.ne.1)) &
call cq_abort("OutputWF_real is available only for Gamma-point calculations.")
if(flag_proc_range) then
Emin = E_procwf_min
Emax = E_procwf_max
if(flag_by_kpoint) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Writing bands at each k-point")')
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Summing over k-points")')
end if
if(flag_procwf_range_Ef) then
Emin = efermi + Emin
Emax = efermi + Emax
end if
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Writing bands between ",e12.4," and ",e12.4,"Ha as specified in input file")') &
do ispin=1,nspin
if(flag_by_kpoint) then ! Separate bands by k-point
do band=1,n_bands_total
current = zero
do kp = 1,nkp
if(eigenvalues(band,kp,ispin) >= Emin(ispin) .and. &
eigenvalues(band,kp,ispin) <= Emax(ispin) .and. &
band_active_kp(band,kp,ispin)==1) then
psi = zero
current = zero
call pao_to_grid(band_full_to_active(band), kp, ispin, psi)
if (.not.flag_outputWF_real) then
current = psi*conjg(psi) ! band density
current = real(psi) ! only real-part of WF
write(ci,'("Band",I0.6,"den_kp",I0.3,"S",I0.1)') band, kp, ispin
call write_cube(current,ci)
integral = gpv*sum(current)
integral_deviation = abs(integral - one)
max_band_integral_deviation = max(integral_deviation, max_band_integral_deviation)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," with energy ",f17.10," is ",f17.10)') &
end if
end do ! kp
end do ! bands = 1, n_bands_total
else ! Sum over k-points
do band=1,n_bands_total
current = zero
do kp = 1,nkp
if(eigenvalues(band,kp,ispin) >= Emin(ispin) .and. &
eigenvalues(band,kp,ispin) <= Emax(ispin) .and. &
band_active_kp(band,kp,ispin)==1) then
call pao_to_grid(band_full_to_active(band), kp, ispin, psi)
integral = gpv*sum(psi*conjg(psi))
integral_deviation = abs(integral - one)
max_band_integral_deviation = max(integral_deviation, max_band_integral_deviation)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," at kp ",i5," is ",f17.10)') &
if (.not.flag_outputWF_real) then
current = current + psi*conjg(psi)*wtk(kp) ! band density
current = current + real(psi)*wtk(kp) ! only real-part of WF
idum1 = 1
end if
end do ! kp
if(idum1==1) then
write(ci,'("Band",I0.6,"den_totS",I0.1)') band, ispin
call write_cube(current,ci)
integral = gpv*sum(current)
integral_deviation = abs(integral - one)
max_band_integral_deviation = max(integral_deviation, max_band_integral_deviation)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," is ",f17.10)') &
end if
end do ! bands
end if
end do
else ! User has provided list of bands
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Writing ",i4," bands specified in input file")') n_bands_process
if(flag_by_kpoint) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Writing bands at each k-point")')
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Summing over k-points")')
end if
do ispin=1,nspin
if(flag_by_kpoint) then ! Separate bands by k-point
do band=1,n_bands_process
current = zero
do kp = 1,nkp
! This clause is needed in case the user chose an energy range that only selects some k-points
if(band_active_kp(band_proc_no(band),kp,ispin)==1) then
psi = zero
current = zero
call pao_to_grid(band_full_to_active(band_proc_no(band)), kp, ispin, psi)
if (.not.flag_outputWF_real) then
current = psi*conjg(psi) ! band density
current = real(psi) ! only real-part of WF
write(ci,'("Band",I0.6,"den_kp",I0.3,"S",I0.1)') band_proc_no(band), kp, ispin
call write_cube(current,ci)
integral = gpv*sum(current)
integral_deviation = abs(integral - one)
max_band_integral_deviation = max(integral_deviation, max_band_integral_deviation)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of psi squared ",i5," with energy ",f17.10," is ",f17.10)') &
end if
end do ! kp
end do ! bands = 1, n_bands_total
else ! Sum over k-points
do band=1,n_bands_process
current = zero
do kp = 1,nkp
! This clause is needed in case the user chose an energy range that only selects some k-points
if(band_active_kp(band_proc_no(band),kp,ispin)==1) then
call pao_to_grid(band_full_to_active(band_proc_no(band)), kp, ispin, psi)
integral = gpv*sum(psi*conjg(psi))
integral_deviation = abs(integral - one)
max_band_integral_deviation = max(integral_deviation, max_band_integral_deviation)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," at kp ",i5," is ",f17.10)') &
if (.not.flag_outputWF_real) then
current = current + psi*conjg(psi)*wtk(kp) ! band density
current = current + real(psi)*wtk(kp) ! only real-part of WF
end if
end do ! kp
write(ci,'("Band",I0.6,"den_totS",I0.1)') band_proc_no(band), ispin
call write_cube(current,ci)
integral = gpv*sum(current)
integral_deviation = abs(integral - one)
max_band_integral_deviation = max(integral_deviation, max_band_integral_deviation)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," is ",f17.10)') &
end do ! bands
end if
end do
end if
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Largest deviation of band integral from one is ",f8.5)') max_band_integral_deviation
end subroutine process_bands
subroutine process_dos
use datatypes
use numbers, ONLY: zero, RD_ERR, twopi, half, one, two, four, six
use local, ONLY: eigenvalues, n_bands_total, nkp, wtk, efermi, flag_total_iDOS, flag_procwf_range_Ef
use read, ONLY: read_eigenvalues, read_psi_coeffs
use global_module, ONLY: nspin, n_DOS, E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max, sigma_DOS
use units, ONLY: HaToeV
implicit none
! Local variables
integer :: i_band, i_kp, i_spin, n_DOS_wid, n_band, n_min, n_max, i
real(double) :: Ebin, dE_DOS, a, pf_DOS, spin_fac
real(double), dimension(nspin) :: total_electrons, iDOS_low
real(double), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: total_DOS, iDOS
real(double), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: occ
write(*,fmt='(/2x,"Calculating density of states (DOS)")')
if(nspin==1) then
spin_fac = two
else if(nspin==2) then
spin_fac = one
end if
! Read eigenvalues
call read_eigenvalues
total_DOS = zero
iDOS = zero
! Set limits on DOS output
if(abs(E_DOS_min)<RD_ERR) then
E_DOS_min = minval(eigenvalues(1,:,:))
write(*,fmt='(2x,"DOS lower limit set automatically: ",f12.5," Ha")') E_DOS_min
write(*,fmt='(2x,"DOS lower limit set by user: ",f12.5," Ha")') E_DOS_min
end if
if(abs(E_DOS_max)<RD_ERR) then
E_DOS_max = maxval(eigenvalues(n_bands_total,:,:))
write(*,fmt='(2x,"DOS upper limit set automatically: ",f12.5," Ha")') E_DOS_max
write(*,fmt='(2x,"DOS upper limit set by user: ",f12.5," Ha")') E_DOS_max
end if
! Spacing, width, prefactor
dE_DOS = (E_DOS_max - E_DOS_min)/real(n_DOS-1,double)
! Set sigma automatically
if(abs(sigma_DOS)<RD_ERR) then
sigma_DOS = four*dE_DOS
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Sigma set automatically: ",f12.6," Ha")') sigma_DOS
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Sigma set by user: ",f12.6," Ha")') sigma_DOS
if(six*sigma_DOS < dE_DOS) write(*,fmt='(4x,"Sigma is much less than bin size: this may cause errors")')
end if
! Adjust limits to allow full peak to be seen
E_DOS_min = E_DOS_min - four*sigma_DOS
E_DOS_max = E_DOS_max + four*sigma_DOS
! Recalculate dE_DOS now that we've broadened it
dE_DOS = (E_DOS_max - E_DOS_min)/real(n_DOS-1,double)
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Dividing DOS into ",i5," bins of width ",f12.6," Ha")') n_DOS, dE_DOS
n_DOS_wid = floor(six*sigma_DOS/dE_DOS) ! How many bins either side of state we consider
pf_DOS = one/(sigma_DOS*sqrt(twopi))
total_electrons = zero
iDOS_low = zero ! Integral of DOS to lowest energy bound
! Accumulate DOS over bands and k-points for each spin
do i_spin = 1, nspin
if(flag_procwf_range_Ef) then
E_DOS_min = E_DOS_min + efermi(i_spin)
E_DOS_max = E_DOS_max + efermi(i_spin)
end if
occ = zero
call occupy(occ,eigenvalues,efermi,i_spin)
do i_kp = 1, nkp
do i_band=1,n_bands_total ! All bands
if(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)>=E_DOS_min .and. &
eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)<=E_DOS_max) then
n_band = floor((eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin) - E_DOS_min)/dE_DOS) + 1
n_min = n_band - n_DOS_wid
if(n_min<1) n_min = 1
n_max = n_band + n_DOS_wid
if(n_max>n_DOS) n_max = n_DOS
do i = n_min, n_max
Ebin = real(i-1,double)*dE_DOS + E_DOS_min
a = (Ebin-eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin))/sigma_DOS
total_DOS(i,i_spin) = total_DOS(i,i_spin) + wtk(i_kp)*pf_DOS*exp(-half*a*a)
total_electrons(i_spin) = total_electrons(i_spin) + occ(i_band,i_kp)*wtk(i_kp)*pf_DOS*exp(-half*a*a)
iDOS(i,i_spin) = iDOS(i,i_spin) + wtk(i_kp)*pf_DOS*exp(-half*a*a)
end do
else if(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)<E_DOS_min) then
iDOS_low(i_spin) = iDOS_low(i_spin) + wtk(i_kp)
end if
end do
end do
! Now integrate DOS
write(*,*) 'iDOS_low is ',iDOS_low
do i = 2, n_DOS
iDOS(i,i_spin) = iDOS(i,i_spin) + iDOS(i-1,i_spin)
end do
if(flag_procwf_range_Ef) then
E_DOS_min = E_DOS_min - efermi(i_spin)
E_DOS_max = E_DOS_max - efermi(i_spin)
end if
end do
! Include spin factor
iDOS = iDOS*dE_DOS*spin_fac
if(flag_total_iDOS) then
do i_spin = 1, nspin
iDOS(:,i_spin) = iDOS(:,i_spin) + spin_fac*iDOS_low(i_spin)
end do
end if
total_electrons = total_electrons*dE_DOS*spin_fac
total_DOS = total_DOS*spin_fac
if(nspin==1) then
write(*,fmt='(2x,"DOS between ",f11.3," Ha and Ef integrates to ",f12.3," electrons")') &
E_DOS_min, total_electrons(1)
write(*,fmt='(2x,"DOS between ",f11.3," Ha and ",f11.3," Ha integrates to ",f12.3," electrons")') &
E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max,dE_DOS*sum(total_DOS(:,1))
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Spin Up DOS integrated to Ef gives ",f12.3," electrons")') total_electrons(1)
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Spin Dn DOS integrated to Ef gives ",f12.3," electrons")') total_electrons(2)
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Spin Up DOS between ",f11.3," Ha and ",f11.3," Ha integrates to ",f12.3," electrons")') &
E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max,dE_DOS*sum(total_DOS(:,1))
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Spin Up DOS between ",f11.3," Ha and ",f11.3," Ha integrates to ",f12.3," electrons")') &
E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max,dE_DOS*sum(total_DOS(:,2))
end if
! Since we write out DOS against eV we need this conversion to get the integral right
total_DOS = total_DOS/HaToeV
! Write out DOS, shifted to Ef = 0
open(unit=17, file="DOS.dat")
do i_spin = 1, nspin
write(17,fmt='("# Spin ",I1)') i_spin
write(17,fmt='("# Original Fermi-level: ",f12.5," eV")') HaToeV*efermi(i_spin)
write(17,fmt='("# DOS shifted relative to Fermi-level")')
if(flag_total_iDOS) then
write(17,fmt='("# Energy (eV) DOS (/eV) Total iDOS")')
write(17,fmt='("# Energy (eV) DOS (/eV) Local iDOS")')
end if
if(flag_procwf_range_Ef) then
do i=1, n_DOS
write(17,fmt='(3f14.5)') HaToeV*(E_DOS_min + dE_DOS*real(i-1,double)), &
total_DOS(i,i_spin), iDOS(i,i_spin)
end do
do i=1, n_DOS
write(17,fmt='(3f14.5)') HaToeV*(E_DOS_min + dE_DOS*real(i-1,double)-efermi(i_spin)), &
total_DOS(i,i_spin), iDOS(i,i_spin)
end do
end if
end do
end subroutine process_dos
! Initially produce DOS projected onto all atoms
subroutine process_pdos
use datatypes
use numbers, ONLY: zero, RD_ERR, twopi, half, one, two, four, six
use local, ONLY: eigenvalues, n_bands_total, nkp, wtk, efermi, flag_total_iDOS, &
evec_coeff, scaled_evec_coeff, flag_procwf_range_Ef, flag_l_resolved, flag_lm_resolved, &
band_full_to_active, n_atoms_pDOS, pDOS_atom_index
use read, ONLY: read_eigenvalues, read_psi_coeffs, read_nprocs_from_blocks
use global_module, ONLY: nspin, n_DOS, E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max, sigma_DOS, ni_in_cell, species_glob
use units, ONLY: HaToeV
use species_module, ONLY: nsf_species, npao_species
use pao_format, ONLY: pao
implicit none
! Local variables
integer :: i_band, i_kp, i_spin, n_DOS_wid, n_band, n_min, n_max, i, i_atom,max_nsf, i_spec, &
i_l, nzeta, sf_offset, max_l, norbs, i_m, i_band_c, i_z
real(double) :: Ebin, dE_DOS, a, pf_DOS, spin_fac, coeff, check_electrons
real(double), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: pDOS
real(double), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: pDOS_l
real(double), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: pDOS_lm
real(double), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: occ
real(double), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: total_electrons
real(double), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: total_electrons_l
character(len=25) :: filename,fmt_dos
complex(double_cplx),external :: zdotc
write(*,fmt='(/2x,"Calculating projected density of states (DOS)")')
if(flag_l_resolved .and. flag_lm_resolved) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Resolving in l and m")')
else if(flag_l_resolved) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Resolving in l")')
end if
if(n_atoms_pDOS==ni_in_cell) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Producing pDOS for all atoms in cell")')
if(n_atoms_pDOS==1) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Producing pDOS for ",i7," atom in cell")') n_atoms_pDOS
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Producing pDOS for ",i7," atoms in cell")') n_atoms_pDOS
end if
end if
call read_nprocs_from_blocks
if(nspin==1) then
spin_fac = two
else if(nspin==2) then
spin_fac = one
end if
! DOS processing called first, so eigenvalues already read
! Read eigenvector coefficients scaled by Sij into variable evec_coeff
call read_psi_coeffs("ProcessSij")
max_nsf = maxval(nsf_species)
max_l = maxval(pao(:)%greatest_angmom)
! The subroutine read_psi_coeffs allocates evec_coeff, so we make a copy and deallocate
allocate(scaled_evec_coeff(max_nsf, ni_in_cell, n_bands_total, nkp, nspin))
scaled_evec_coeff = evec_coeff
! Read eigenvector coefficients
call read_psi_coeffs("Process")
! Set up storage based on pDOS per atom, or l/lm resolved per atom
if(flag_lm_resolved) then
pDOS_lm = zero
total_electrons_l = zero
! For total pDOS
pDOS = zero
else if(flag_l_resolved) then
pDOS_l = zero
total_electrons_l = zero
! For total pDOS
pDOS = zero
pDOS = zero
total_electrons = zero
end if
! E_DOS_min and max and sigma_DOS already set in process_dos
! Spacing, width, prefactor
dE_DOS = (E_DOS_max - E_DOS_min)/real(n_DOS-1,double)
n_DOS_wid = floor(six*sigma_DOS/dE_DOS) ! How many bins either side of state we consider
pf_DOS = one/(sigma_DOS*sqrt(twopi))
! Accumulate DOS over bands and k-points for each spin
do i_spin = 1, nspin
occ = zero
call occupy(occ,eigenvalues,efermi,i_spin)
if(flag_procwf_range_Ef) then
E_DOS_min = E_DOS_min + efermi(i_spin)
E_DOS_max = E_DOS_max + efermi(i_spin)
end if
do i_kp = 1, nkp
do i_band=1,n_bands_total ! All bands
if(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)>E_DOS_min .and. &
eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)<E_DOS_max) then
i_band_c = band_full_to_active(i_band)
n_band = floor((eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin) - E_DOS_min)/dE_DOS) + 1
n_min = n_band - n_DOS_wid
if(n_min<1) n_min = 1
n_max = n_band + n_DOS_wid
if(n_max>n_DOS) n_max = n_DOS
do i = n_min, n_max
Ebin = real(i-1,double)*dE_DOS + E_DOS_min
a = (Ebin-eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin))/sigma_DOS
do i_atom = 1, n_atoms_pDOS
i_spec = species_glob(pDOS_atom_index(i_atom))
if(flag_l_resolved .and. flag_lm_resolved) then
sf_offset = 1
do i_l = 0, pao(i_spec)%greatest_angmom
nzeta = pao(i_spec)%angmom(i_l)%n_zeta_in_angmom
do i_z = 1, nzeta
do i_m = -i_l,i_l
coeff = conjg(evec_coeff(sf_offset,pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), i_band_c,i_kp,i_spin)) * &
scaled_evec_coeff(sf_offset,pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), i_band_c,i_kp,i_spin)
pDOS_lm(i_m,i_l,i_atom,i,i_spin) = &
pDOS_lm(i_m,i_l,i_atom,i,i_spin) + &
pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) = pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) + &
total_electrons_l(i_l,i_atom, i_spin) = &
total_electrons_l(i_l,i_atom, i_spin) + &
sf_offset = sf_offset + 1
end do
end do
end do
else if(flag_l_resolved) then
sf_offset = 0
do i_l = 0, pao(i_spec)%greatest_angmom
nzeta = pao(i_spec)%angmom(i_l)%n_zeta_in_angmom
norbs = nzeta*(2*i_l+1)
coeff = zdotc(norbs, evec_coeff(sf_offset+1:sf_offset+norbs,pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), &
i_band_c,i_kp,i_spin),1, &
scaled_evec_coeff(sf_offset+1:sf_offset+norbs,pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), &
pDOS_l(i_l,i_atom,i,i_spin) = pDOS_l(i_l,i_atom,i,i_spin) + &
pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) = pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) + wtk(i_kp)*pf_DOS*exp(-half*a*a)*coeff
total_electrons_l(i_l,i_atom, i_spin) = total_electrons_l(i_l,i_atom, i_spin) + &
sf_offset = sf_offset + norbs
end do
coeff = zdotc(npao_species(i_spec),evec_coeff(1:npao_species(i_spec), &
pDOS_atom_index(i_atom),i_band_c,i_kp,i_spin),1, &
scaled_evec_coeff(1:npao_species(i_spec), &
pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) = pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) + wtk(i_kp)*pf_DOS*exp(-half*a*a)*coeff
total_electrons(i_atom, i_spin) = total_electrons(i_atom, i_spin) + &
end if
end do
end do
end if
end do
end do
if(flag_procwf_range_Ef) then
E_DOS_min = E_DOS_min - efermi(i_spin)
E_DOS_max = E_DOS_max - efermi(i_spin)
end if
end do ! do i_spin = 1, n_spin
! Include spin factor and convert Ha to eV
if(flag_l_resolved .and. flag_lm_resolved) then
pDOS_lm = pDOS_lm*spin_fac/HaToeV
pDOS = pDOS*spin_fac/HaToeV
total_electrons_l = total_electrons_l*dE_DOS*spin_fac
else if(flag_l_resolved) then
pDOS_l = pDOS_l*spin_fac/HaToeV
pDOS = pDOS*spin_fac/HaToeV
total_electrons_l = total_electrons_l*dE_DOS*spin_fac
pDOS = pDOS*spin_fac/HaToeV
total_electrons = total_electrons*dE_DOS*spin_fac
end if
if(nspin==1) then
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Results of integrating pDOS between ",f11.3," and ",f11.3," Ha (electrons per atom).")') &
E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max
if(flag_l_resolved) then ! l and l-m
write(*,fmt='(4x," Atom Total l=0 l=1 l=2")')
write(fmt_DOS,*) max_l + 2 ! Number of columns
fmt_DOS = '(4x,i7,x,'//trim(adjustl(fmt_DOS))//'f11.3)'
do i_atom = 1, n_atoms_pDOS
write(*,fmt=fmt_DOS) pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), sum(total_electrons_l(:,i_atom,1)),total_electrons_l(:,i_atom,1)
end do
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Integrated pDOS: ",f11.3," electrons")') sum(total_electrons_l)
if(flag_lm_resolved) then
norbs = 1
do i_l=0,max_l
norbs = norbs + 2*i_l + 1
end do
norbs = norbs + 1 ! Total pDOS column
write(fmt_DOS,*) norbs ! Number of columns
fmt_DOS = '('//trim(adjustl(fmt_DOS))//'f12.5)'
write(fmt_DOS,*) max_l + 3 ! Number of columns (extra columns for energy and total pDOS)
fmt_DOS = '('//trim(adjustl(fmt_DOS))//'f12.5)'
end if
write(*,fmt='(4x," Atom Electrons")')
do i_atom = 1, n_atoms_pDOS
write(*,fmt='(4x,i7,x,f11.3)') pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), total_electrons(i_atom,1)
end do
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Integrated pDOS: ",f11.3," electrons")') sum(total_electrons)
end if
if(flag_l_resolved) then
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Results of integrating pDOS between ",f11.3," and ",f11.3," Ha (electrons per atom).")') &
E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max
write(*,fmt='(4x," Atom Spin Up l=0 l=1 l=2 Spin Down l=0 l=1 l=2")')
write(fmt_DOS,*) 2*(max_l + 2) ! Number of columns
fmt_DOS = '(4x,i7,x,'//trim(adjustl(fmt_DOS))//'f11.3)'
do i_atom = 1, n_atoms_pDOS
write(*,fmt=fmt_DOS) pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), sum(total_electrons_l(:,i_atom,1)),total_electrons_l(:,i_atom,1), &
end do
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Integrated spin up pDOS: ",f11.3," electrons")') sum(total_electrons_l(:,:,1))
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Integrated spin dn pDOS: ",f11.3," electrons")') sum(total_electrons_l(:,:,2))
if(flag_lm_resolved) then
norbs = 1
do i_l=0,max_l
norbs = norbs + 2*i_l + 1
end do
norbs = norbs + 1 ! Total pDOS column
write(fmt_DOS,*) norbs ! Number of columns
fmt_DOS = '('//trim(adjustl(fmt_DOS))//'f12.5)'
write(fmt_DOS,*) max_l + 3 ! Number of columns
fmt_DOS = '('//trim(adjustl(fmt_DOS))//'f12.5)'
end if
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Results of integrating pDOS between ",f11.3," and ",f11.3," Ha (electrons per atom).")') &
E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max
write(*,fmt='(4x," Atom Spin Up Spin Down")')
do i_atom = 1, n_atoms_pDOS
write(*,fmt='(4x,i7,x,2f11.3)') pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), total_electrons(i_atom,1), total_electrons(i_atom,2)
end do
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Integrated spin up pDOS: ",f11.3," electrons")') sum(total_electrons(:,1))
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Integrated spin dn pDOS: ",f11.3," electrons")') sum(total_electrons(:,2))
end if
end if
! Write out DOS, shifted to Ef = 0
do i_atom = 1, n_atoms_pDOS
i_spec = species_glob(pDOS_atom_index(i_atom))
if(flag_l_resolved .and. flag_lm_resolved) then
write(filename,'("Atom",I0.7,"DOS_lm.dat")') pDOS_atom_index(i_atom)
else if(flag_l_resolved) then
write(filename,'("Atom",I0.7,"DOS_l.dat")') pDOS_atom_index(i_atom)
write(filename,'("Atom",I0.7,"DOS.dat")') pDOS_atom_index(i_atom)
end if
open(unit=17, file=filename)
do i_spin = 1, nspin
write(17,fmt='("# Spin ",I1)') i_spin
write(17,fmt='("# Original Fermi-level: ",f12.5," eV")') HaToeV*efermi(i_spin)
write(17,fmt='("# DOS shifted relative to Fermi-level")')
if(flag_procwf_range_Ef) then
if(flag_l_resolved .and. flag_lm_resolved) then
write(17,fmt='("# Energy(eV) pDOS(/eV)")')
write(17,fmt='("# Total l=0 l=1 l=2")')
do i=1, n_DOS
write(17,fmt=fmt_dos) HaToeV*(E_DOS_min + dE_DOS*real(i-1,double)), pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin), &
end do
else if(flag_l_resolved) then
write(17,fmt='("# Energy(eV) pDOS(/eV)")')
write(17,fmt='("# Total l=0 l=1 l=2")')
do i=1, n_DOS
write(17,fmt=fmt_dos) HaToeV*(E_DOS_min + dE_DOS*real(i-1,double)), pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin), &
end do
write(17,fmt='("# Energy(eV) pDOS(/eV)")')
do i=1, n_DOS
write(17,fmt='(2f12.5)') HaToeV*(E_DOS_min + dE_DOS*real(i-1,double)), &
end do
end if
if(flag_l_resolved .and. flag_lm_resolved) then
write(17,fmt='("# Energy(eV) pDOS(/eV)")')
write(17,fmt='("# Total l=0 l=1 l=2")')
do i=1, n_DOS
write(17,fmt=fmt_dos) HaToeV*(E_DOS_min + dE_DOS*real(i-1,double)-efermi(i_spin)), pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin), &
end do
else if(flag_l_resolved) then
write(17,fmt='("# Energy(eV) pDOS(/eV)")')
write(17,fmt='("# Total l=0 l=1 l=2")')
do i=1, n_DOS
write(17,fmt=fmt_dos) HaToeV*(E_DOS_min + dE_DOS*real(i-1,double)-efermi(i_spin)), pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin), &
end do
write(17,fmt='("# Energy(eV) pDOS(/eV)")')
do i=1, n_DOS
write(17,fmt='(2f12.5)') HaToeV*(E_DOS_min + dE_DOS*real(i-1,double)-efermi(i_spin)), &
end do
end if
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine process_pdos
subroutine process_band_structure
use datatypes
use numbers, ONLY: zero, RD_ERR, twopi, half, one, two, four, six
use local, ONLY: eigenvalues, n_bands_total, nkp, wtk, efermi, flag_total_iDOS, &
flag_procwf_range_Ef, kx, ky, kz, flag_proc_band_str
use read, ONLY: read_eigenvalues, read_psi_coeffs
use global_module, ONLY: nspin, n_DOS, E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max, sigma_DOS
use units, ONLY: HaToeV
implicit none
! Local variables
integer :: i_band, i_kp, i_spin, n_DOS_wid, n_band, n_min, n_max, i
real(double) :: Ebin, dE_DOS, a, pf_DOS, spin_fac, dE
real(double), dimension(nspin) :: total_electrons, iDOS_low
real(double), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: total_DOS, iDOS
real(double), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: occ
write(*,fmt='(/2x,"Processing eigenvalues to write band structure")')
if(nspin==1) then
spin_fac = two
else if(nspin==2) then
spin_fac = one
end if
! Read eigenvalues
call read_eigenvalues
if(abs(E_DOS_min)<RD_ERR) then
E_DOS_min = minval(eigenvalues(1,:,:))
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Band structure lower limit set automatically: ",f12.5," Ha")') E_DOS_min
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Band structure lower limit set by user: ",f12.5," Ha")') E_DOS_min
end if
if(abs(E_DOS_max)<RD_ERR) then
E_DOS_max = maxval(eigenvalues(n_bands_total,:,:))
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Band structure upper limit set automatically: ",f12.5," Ha")') E_DOS_max
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Band structure upper limit set by user: ",f12.5," Ha")') E_DOS_max
end if
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Writing band structure files")')
if(flag_proc_band_str==4) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"X-axis will be k-point index")')
else if(flag_proc_band_str==0) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"All k-point coordinates provided")')
else if(flag_proc_band_str==1) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"X-axis will be kx")')
else if(flag_proc_band_str==2) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"X-axis will be ky")')
else if(flag_proc_band_str==3) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"X-axis will be kz")')
end if
open(unit=17, file="BandStructure.dat")
do i_spin = 1, nspin
dE = zero
if(flag_procwf_range_Ef) dE = -efermi(i_spin)
write(17,fmt='("# Spin ",I1)') i_spin
write(17,fmt='("# Original Fermi-level: ",f12.5," eV")') HaToeV*efermi(i_spin)
write(17,fmt='("# Bands shifted relative to Fermi-level")')
do i_band=1,n_bands_total ! All bands
if(minval(eigenvalues(i_band, :, i_spin))+dE>=E_DOS_min .and. &
maxval(eigenvalues(i_band, :, i_spin))+dE<=E_DOS_max) then
write(17,fmt='("# Band ",i6)') i_band
do i_kp = 1, nkp
if(flag_procwf_range_Ef) then
if(flag_proc_band_str==4) then
write(17,fmt='(i4,f20.12)') i_kp, &
HaToeV*(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin) - efermi(i_spin))
else if(flag_proc_band_str==0) then
write(17,fmt='(4f20.12)') kx(i_kp), ky(i_kp), kz(i_kp), &
HaToeV*(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin) - efermi(i_spin))
else if(flag_proc_band_str==1) then
write(17,fmt='(2f20.12)') kx(i_kp), &
HaToeV*(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin) - efermi(i_spin))
else if(flag_proc_band_str==2) then
write(17,fmt='(2f20.12)') ky(i_kp), &
HaToeV*(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin) - efermi(i_spin))
else if(flag_proc_band_str==3) then
write(17,fmt='(2f20.12)') kz(i_kp), &
HaToeV*(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin) - efermi(i_spin))
end if
if(flag_proc_band_str==4) then
write(17,fmt='(i4,f20.12)') i_kp, HaToeV*eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)
else if(flag_proc_band_str==0) then
write(17,fmt='(4f20.12)') kx(i_kp), ky(i_kp), kz(i_kp), &
HaToeV*eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)
else if(flag_proc_band_str==1) then
write(17,fmt='(2f20.12)') kx(i_kp), HaToeV*eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)
else if(flag_proc_band_str==2) then
write(17,fmt='(2f20.12)') ky(i_kp), HaToeV*eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)
else if(flag_proc_band_str==3) then
write(17,fmt='(2f20.12)') kz(i_kp), HaToeV*eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)
end if
end if
end do ! i_kp = nkp
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine process_band_structure
! Important note
! Formally we have: PAO(\mathbf{r}) = f(r) r^l Y_{lm}(\hat{\mathbf{r}})
! However it is much easier when dealing with the explicit Cartesian form
! of spherical harmonics to scale the Y_{lm} by r^l (because the Cartesian
! form has 1/r^l as part of it) so this is what we do. The routine
! spherical_harmonic_rl returns this (and its differential)
! So we have dPAO/dalpha = df/dr.dr/dalpha.(r^lY) + f.d(r^lY)/dalpha where alpha
! is x/y/z and dr/dalpha = alpha/r.
subroutine pao_dpao_to_grid(i_band, i_kp, i_spin, psi, dpsi)
use datatypes
use numbers
use units
use global_module, ONLY: ni_in_cell, atom_coord, species_glob
use pao_format, ONLY: pao
use local, ONLY: nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, stm_x_min, stm_x_max, &
stm_y_min, stm_y_max, stm_z_min, stm_z_max, evec_coeff, kx, ky, kz, i_job
use dimens, ONLY: RadiusAtomf, r_super_x, r_super_y, r_super_z
use angular_coeff_routines, ONLY: evaluate_pao, pao_elem_derivative_2
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_band, i_kp, i_spin
complex(double_cplx), dimension(nptsx, nptsy, nptsz) :: psi
complex(double_cplx), dimension(nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, 3) :: dpsi
! Local variables
integer :: i_atom, i_grid_x, i_grid_y, i_grid_z, i_l, i_zeta, i_m, ix, iy, iz
integer :: i_spec, j, npao, i_mult
integer :: minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz
real(double) :: dr, dx, dy, dz, sph_rl, f_r, df_r, dx_dr, dy_dr, dz_dr, del_r
real(double) :: a, b, c, d, r1, r2, r3, r4, rr, kr, krx, kry, krz
real(double), dimension(3) :: dsph_rl, dg
complex(double_cplx) :: phase, phase_shift
psi = zero
dpsi = zero
! Grid spacing
dg(1) = grid_x!/BohrToAng
dg(2) = grid_y!/BohrToAng
dg(3) = grid_z!/BohrToAng
! Loop over atoms
do i_atom = 1, ni_in_cell
i_spec = species_glob(i_atom)
if(atom_coord(3, i_atom) + RadiusAtomf(i_spec) >= stm_z_min) then ! Is the atom in STM region?
kr = kx(i_kp)*atom_coord(1, i_atom) + ky(i_kp)*atom_coord(2, i_atom) + kz(i_kp)*atom_coord(3, i_atom)
! Find grid limits
minx = floor( (atom_coord(1, i_atom) - RadiusAtomf(i_spec))/dg(1) )
maxx = floor( (atom_coord(1, i_atom) + RadiusAtomf(i_spec))/dg(1) ) + 1
miny = floor( (atom_coord(2, i_atom) - RadiusAtomf(i_spec))/dg(2) )
maxy = floor( (atom_coord(2, i_atom) + RadiusAtomf(i_spec))/dg(2) ) + 1
minz = floor( (atom_coord(3, i_atom) - RadiusAtomf(i_spec))/dg(3) )
maxz = floor( (atom_coord(3, i_atom) + RadiusAtomf(i_spec))/dg(3) ) + 1
if(i_job==4.or.i_job==5) then ! STM not band density, so no z periodicity
if(stm_z_min>zero) then
minz = minz - floor(stm_z_min/dg(3))
end if
if(minz<1) minz = 1
maxz = min(maxz, nptsz)
end if
! Loop over grid points
do i_grid_z = minz, maxz
! Find z grid position and dz
dz = dg(3)*real(i_grid_z,double)+stm_z_min - atom_coord(3,i_atom)
! Wrap if we're making band densities, but not for STM simulation
krz = zero
if(i_job==3) then
iz = modulo(i_grid_z,nptsz) + 1
! Extra phase if we extend outside simulation cell
if(i_grid_z<1 .or. i_grid_z>nptsz) then
i_mult = -(i_grid_z - modulo(i_grid_z,nptsz))/nptsz
krz = kz(i_kp)*r_super_z*i_mult
end if
iz = i_grid_z + 1
end if
do i_grid_y = miny, maxy
! Find y grid position and dy and wrap grid point
dy = dg(2)*real(i_grid_y,double)+stm_y_min - atom_coord(2,i_atom)
kry = zero
iy = modulo(i_grid_y,nptsy)+1
! Extra phase if we extend outside simulation cell
if(i_grid_y<1.or.i_grid_y>nptsy) then
i_mult = -(i_grid_y - modulo(i_grid_y,nptsy))/nptsy
kry = ky(i_kp)*r_super_y*i_mult
end if
do i_grid_x = minx, maxx
! Find x grid position and dx and wrap grid point
dx = dg(1)*real(i_grid_x,double)+stm_x_min - atom_coord(1,i_atom)
krx = zero
ix = modulo(i_grid_x,nptsx)+1
! Extra phase if we extend outside simulation cell
if(i_grid_x<1 .or. i_grid_x>nptsx) then
i_mult = -(i_grid_x - modulo(i_grid_x,nptsx))/nptsx
krx = kx(i_kp)*r_super_x*i_mult
end if
! Calculate dr
dr = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
if(dr<=RadiusAtomf(i_spec)) then
phase = cmplx(cos(kr+krx+kry+krz),sin(kr+krx+kry+krz))
! dr/dx = x/r etc. Are the variable names confusing?
dx_dr = dx/dr
dy_dr = dy/dr
dz_dr = dz/dr
npao = 1
! Loop over l
do i_l = 0, pao(i_spec)%greatest_angmom
! Loop over zeta
do i_zeta = 1, pao(i_spec)%angmom(i_l)%n_zeta_in_angmom
! Find f(r), df/dr
! Loop over m
do i_m = -i_l, i_l
call evaluate_pao(i_spec,i_l,i_zeta,i_m,dx,dy,dz,f_r)
! Accumulate into psi
psi(ix, iy, iz) = psi(ix, iy, iz) + &
phase*evec_coeff(npao,i_atom,i_band, i_kp, i_spin) * f_r
call pao_elem_derivative_2(1,i_spec,i_l,i_zeta,i_m,dx,dy,dz,df_r)
dpsi(ix, iy, iz, 1) = dpsi(ix, iy, iz, 1) + &
phase*evec_coeff(npao,i_atom,i_band, i_kp, i_spin) * df_r
call pao_elem_derivative_2(2,i_spec,i_l,i_zeta,i_m,dx,dy,dz,df_r)
dpsi(ix, iy, iz, 2) = dpsi(ix, iy, iz, 2) + &
phase*evec_coeff(npao,i_atom,i_band, i_kp, i_spin) * df_r
call pao_elem_derivative_2(3,i_spec,i_l,i_zeta,i_m,dx,dy,dz,df_r)
dpsi(ix, iy, iz, 3) = dpsi(ix, iy, iz, 3) + &
phase*evec_coeff(npao,i_atom,i_band, i_kp, i_spin) * df_r
npao = npao + 1
end do ! i_m
end do ! i_zeta
end do ! i_l
end if ! dr <= RadiusAtomf
end do ! i_grid_x
end do ! i_grid_y
end do ! i_grid_z
end if ! Atom is in STM region
end do ! i_atom
end subroutine pao_dpao_to_grid
subroutine pao_to_grid(i_band, i_kp, i_spin, psi)
use datatypes
use numbers
use units
use global_module, ONLY: ni_in_cell, atom_coord, species_glob
use pao_format, ONLY: pao
use local, ONLY: nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, stm_x_min, stm_x_max, &
stm_y_min, stm_y_max, stm_z_min, stm_z_max, evec_coeff, kx, ky, kz, i_job
use dimens, ONLY: RadiusAtomf, r_super_x, r_super_y, r_super_z
use angular_coeff_routines, ONLY: evaluate_pao
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_band, i_kp, i_spin
complex(double_cplx), dimension(nptsx, nptsy, nptsz) :: psi
! Local variables
integer :: i_atom, i_grid_x, i_grid_y, i_grid_z, i_l, i_zeta, i_m, ix, iy, iz
integer :: i_spec, j, npao, i_mult
integer :: minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz
real(double) :: dr, dx, dy, dz, sph_rl, f_r, df_r, dx_dr, dy_dr, dz_dr, del_r
real(double) :: a, b, c, d, r1, r2, r3, r4, rr, kr, krx, kry, krz
real(double), dimension(3) :: dsph_rl, dg
complex(double_cplx) :: phase, phase_shift
psi = zero
! Grid spacing
dg(1) = grid_x!/BohrToAng
dg(2) = grid_y!/BohrToAng
dg(3) = grid_z!/BohrToAng
! Loop over atoms
do i_atom = 1, ni_in_cell
i_spec = species_glob(i_atom)
if(atom_coord(3, i_atom) + RadiusAtomf(i_spec) >= stm_z_min) then ! Is the atom in STM region?
kr = kx(i_kp)*atom_coord(1, i_atom) + ky(i_kp)*atom_coord(2, i_atom) + kz(i_kp)*atom_coord(3, i_atom)
!phase = cmplx(cos(kr),sin(kr))
! Find grid limits
minx = floor( (atom_coord(1, i_atom) - RadiusAtomf(i_spec))/dg(1) )
maxx = floor( (atom_coord(1, i_atom) + RadiusAtomf(i_spec))/dg(1) ) + 1
miny = floor( (atom_coord(2, i_atom) - RadiusAtomf(i_spec))/dg(2) )
maxy = floor( (atom_coord(2, i_atom) + RadiusAtomf(i_spec))/dg(2) ) + 1
minz = floor( (atom_coord(3, i_atom) - RadiusAtomf(i_spec))/dg(3) )
maxz = floor( (atom_coord(3, i_atom) + RadiusAtomf(i_spec))/dg(3) ) + 1
! Account for STM limits
if(i_job==4.or.i_job==5) then ! STM not band density
if(stm_z_min>zero) then
minz = minz - floor(stm_z_min/dg(3))
end if
if(minz<1) minz = 1
maxz = min(maxz, nptsz)
end if
! Loop over grid points
do i_grid_z = minz, maxz
! Find z grid position and dz
dz = dg(3)*real(i_grid_z,double)+stm_z_min - atom_coord(3,i_atom)
! Wrap if we're making band densities, but not for STM simulation
krz = zero
if(i_job==3) then
iz = modulo(i_grid_z,nptsz) + 1
! Extra phase if we extend outside simulation cell
if(i_grid_z<1 .or. i_grid_z>nptsz) then
i_mult = -(i_grid_z - modulo(i_grid_z,nptsz))/nptsz
krz = kz(i_kp)*r_super_z*i_mult
end if
iz = i_grid_z + 1
end if
do i_grid_y = miny, maxy
! Find y grid position and dy and wrap grid point
dy = dg(2)*real(i_grid_y,double)+stm_y_min - atom_coord(2,i_atom)
kry = zero
iy = modulo(i_grid_y,nptsy)+1
! Extra phase if we extend outside simulation cell
if(i_grid_y<1.or.i_grid_y>nptsy) then
i_mult = -(i_grid_y - modulo(i_grid_y,nptsy))/nptsy
kry = ky(i_kp)*r_super_y*i_mult
end if
do i_grid_x = minx, maxx
! Find x grid position and dx and wrap grid point
dx = dg(1)*real(i_grid_x,double)+stm_x_min - atom_coord(1,i_atom)
krx = zero
ix = modulo(i_grid_x,nptsx)+1
! Extra phase if we extend outside simulation cell
if(i_grid_x<1 .or. i_grid_x>nptsx) then
i_mult = -(i_grid_x - modulo(i_grid_x,nptsx))/nptsx
krx = kx(i_kp)*r_super_x*i_mult
end if
! Calculate dr
dr = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
if(dr<=RadiusAtomf(i_spec)) then
phase = cmplx(cos(kr+krx+kry+krz),sin(kr+krx+kry+krz))
npao = 1
! Loop over l
do i_l = 0, pao(i_spec)%greatest_angmom
! Loop over zeta
do i_zeta = 1, pao(i_spec)%angmom(i_l)%n_zeta_in_angmom
! Loop over m
do i_m = -i_l, i_l
call evaluate_pao(i_spec,i_l,i_zeta,i_m,dx,dy,dz,f_r)
! Accumulate into psi
psi(ix, iy, iz) = psi(ix, iy, iz) + &
phase*evec_coeff(npao,i_atom,i_band, i_kp, i_spin) * f_r
npao = npao + 1
end do ! i_m
end do ! i_zeta
end do ! i_l
end if ! dr <= RadiusAtomf
end do ! i_grid_x
end do ! i_grid_y
end do ! i_grid_z
end if ! Atom is in STM region
end do ! i_atom
end subroutine pao_to_grid
subroutine read_domain(lun,proc,data)
use datatypes
use numbers
use local, ONLY: block_store, nxmin, nymin, nzmin, current, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz
use block_module, only: n_pts_in_block, in_block_x,in_block_y,in_block_z
implicit none
! Passed
integer :: lun, proc
real(double), dimension(nptsx,nptsy,nptsz) :: data
! Local
real(double), dimension(n_pts_in_block) :: local_grid
integer :: iblock, point, ptx, pty, ptz, npx, npy, npz
do iblock=1,block_store(proc)%num_blocks
local_grid = zero
! Read block
do point = 1,n_pts_in_block
read(lun,*) local_grid(point)
end do
point = 0
if(block_store(proc)%active(iblock)==1) then
do ptz = 1, in_block_z
npz = in_block_z*(block_store(proc)%nz(iblock)-1) + ptz - nzmin
if(npz>0.AND.npz<=nptsz) then
do pty = 1, in_block_y
npy = in_block_y*(block_store(proc)%ny(iblock)-1) + pty - nymin
if(npy>0.AND.npy<=nptsy) then
do ptx = 1, in_block_x
npx = in_block_x*(block_store(proc)%nx(iblock)-1) + ptx - nxmin
point = point + 1
if(npx>0.AND.npx<=nptsx) then
data(npx,npy,npz) = data(npx,npy,npz) + local_grid(point)
end if
end do
do ptx = 1, in_block_x
point = point + 1
end do
end if
end do
do pty = 1, in_block_y
do ptx = 1, in_block_x
point = point + 1
end do
end do
end if
end do
end if ! if active block
end do ! iblock
end subroutine read_domain
subroutine occupy(occu, ebands, Ef, spin)
use datatypes
use numbers
use local, ONLY: nkp, n_bands_total, kT, flag_smear_type, iMethfessel_Paxton, wtk
implicit none
! Passed variables
real(double), dimension(:) :: Ef
real(double), dimension(:,:) :: occu
real(double), dimension(:,:,:) :: ebands
integer :: spin
! Local variables
integer :: i_kp, i_band
do i_kp = 1, nkp
do i_band = 1, n_bands_total
select case(flag_smear_type)
case (0) ! Fermi smearing
occu(i_band,i_kp) = &
fermi(ebands(i_band,i_kp,spin) - Ef(spin), kT)
case (1) ! Methfessel Paxton smearing
occu(i_band,i_kp) = &
MP_step(ebands(i_band,i_kp,spin) - Ef(spin), &
iMethfessel_Paxton, kT)
end select
end do
end do
end subroutine occupy
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Function fermi
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
!!****f* DiagModule/fermi *
!! fermi - evaluate fermi function
!! fermi(E,kT)
!! Evaluates the fermi occupation of an energy
!! I'm assuming (for the sake of argument) that if both the energy and
!! the smearing (kT) are zero then we get an occupation of 0.5 - this is
!! certainly the limit if E and kT are equal and heading to zero, or if
!! E is smaller than kT and both head for zero.
!! real(double), intent(in) :: E - energy
!! real(double), intent(in) :: kT - smearing energy
!! datatypes, numbers
!! D.R.Bowler
!! 23/04/2002
!! 2006/10/02 17:54 dave
!! Small fix to prevent maths overflows by only calculating
!! exponential if x well bounded
!! 2012/01/22 L.Tong
!! Small change to use FORTRAN 90 function declaration notation
!! This works better with etags
function fermi(E,kT)
use datatypes
use numbers, only: zero, one, half
implicit none
! result
real(double) :: fermi
! Passed variables
real(double), intent(in) :: E
real(double), intent(in) :: kT
! Local variables
real(double) :: x
real(double), parameter :: cutoff = 10.0_double
if(kT==zero) then
if(E>zero) then
fermi = zero
else if(E<zero) then
fermi = one
else if(E==zero) then
fermi = half
end if
x = E/kT
if(x > cutoff) then
fermi = zero
elseif(x < -cutoff) then
fermi = one
fermi = one/(one + exp(x))
end if
end function fermi
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Function MP_step
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
!!****f* DiagModule/MP_step *
!! MP_step - evaluate Methfessel-Paxton step function
!! MP_step(E,order,smear)
!! Evaluates the order (order) Methfessel-Paxton approximation to
!! step function
!! real(double), intent(in) :: E - energy
!! integer, intent(in) :: order - order of Methfessel expansion
!! real(double), intent(in) :: smear - smearing energy, nothing to
!! do with physical temperature
!! datatypes, numbers
!! L.Tong (lt)
!! 2010/06/15 00:17
!! 2012/01/22 L.Tong
!! - Small change to use FORTRAN 90 function declaration notation
!! This works better with etags
function MP_step(E,order,smear)
use datatypes
use numbers, only: zero, one, half, two, four, pi
use functions, ONLY: erfc_cq
implicit none
! Result
real(double) :: MP_step
! Passed variables
real(double), intent(in) :: E
integer, intent(in) :: order
real(double), intent(in) :: smear
! Internal variables
real(double) :: x, A, H0, H1, H2, nd, x2
integer :: n
! in case of smear==0, we have the exact step function
if(smear==zero) then
if(E>zero) then
MP_step = zero
else if(E<zero) then
MP_step = one
else if(E==zero) then
MP_step = half
end if
else if(smear>zero) then
x = E/smear
if(order==0) then
MP_step = half*erfc_cq(x)
x2 = x*x
A = one/sqrt(pi)
H0 = one
H1 = two*x
MP_step = half*erfc_cq(x)
nd = one
do n=1,order
A = A/((-four)*real(n,double))
MP_step = MP_Step + A*H1*exp(-x2)
H2 = two*x*H1 - two*nd*H0
H0 = H1
H1 = H2
nd = nd + one
H2 = two*x*H1 - two*nd*H0
H0 = H1
H1 = H2
nd = nd + one
end do
end if
end if
end function MP_step
end module process