331 lines
12 KiB
331 lines
12 KiB
! Output for pseudopotentials and PAOs
module write
implicit none
subroutine write_header(i_species)
use datatypes
use input_module, ONLY: io_assign, io_close
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use pseudo_atom_info, ONLY: paos, val, local_and_vkb, hamann_version
use periodic_table, ONLY: atomic_mass, pte
use radial_xc, ONLY: flag_functional_type, functional_lda_pz81, functional_gga_pbe96, functional_description
use datestamp, ONLY: datestr, commentver
use read, ONLY: ps_format, hgh, oncvpsp
implicit none
integer :: i_species
integer :: lun, i, ell, en, i_shell, ma, mi, po
character(len=80) :: filename
character(len=2) :: string_xc
character(len=10) :: today, the_time
character(len=1), dimension(4) :: ang_mom = (/ "s", "p", "d", "f"/)
call io_assign(lun)
filename = trim(pte(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z)))//"CQ.ion"
open(unit=lun, file=filename)
! Tag preamble
! Version
write(lun,fmt='(14x,a)') commentver
! Date and time
call date_and_time(today, the_time)
write(lun,fmt='(2x,"Date generated : ",a4,"/",a2,"/",a2," at ",a2,":",a2)') &
today(1:4), today(5:6), today(7:8), the_time(1:2), the_time(3:4)
if(ps_format==oncvpsp) then
write(lun,fmt='(2x,"Pseudopotential type : ONCVPSP")')
if(hamann_version>0) then
ma = (hamann_version/100)
hamann_version = hamann_version - ma*100
mi = (hamann_version/10)
hamann_version = hamann_version - mi*10
po = hamann_version
write(lun,fmt='(2x,"Hamann code version : v",i1,".",i1,".",i1)') ma, mi, po
write(lun,fmt='(2x,"Hamann input file name: ",a," (appended at end of file)")') trim(pseudo(i_species)%filename)
else if(ps_format==hgh) then
write(lun,fmt='(2x,"Pseudopotential type : HGH")')
write(lun,fmt='(2x,"HGH input file name : ",a," (appended at end of file)")') trim(pseudo(i_species)%filename)
end if
write(lun,fmt='(2x,"Core radii (bohr) :")',advance='no')
do ell=0,pseudo(i_species)%lmax
write(lun,fmt='(x,"l=",i1,f6.3)',advance='no') ell,local_and_vkb%core_radius(ell)
end do
write(lun,fmt='(2x,i1," valence shells :")',advance='no') val%n_occ
do i=1,val%n_occ
write(lun,fmt='(x,i1,a1)',advance='no') val%n(i),ang_mom(val%l(i)+1)
end do
write(lun,fmt='(2x,"XC functional code : ",i7.6)') flag_functional_type
write(lun,fmt='(2x,"XC description : ",a)') trim(functional_description(1:80))
if(pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc) &
write(lun,fmt='(2x,"Includes partial core corrections")')
! Give XC functional and seet functional label for later
select case(flag_functional_type)
case (functional_lda_pz81)
string_xc = 'ca'
case (functional_gga_pbe96)
string_xc = 'pb'
case default
string_xc = 'xx'
end select
write(lun,fmt='((a)," basis set with ",(a)," functional")') trim(pte(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z))), trim(functional_description)
! Loop over l
!write(lun,fmt='(" n l zetas other")')
paos%total_paos = 0
do i_shell=1,paos%n_shells
ell = paos%l(i_shell)
en = paos%n(i_shell)
paos%total_paos = paos%total_paos + paos%nzeta(i_shell)
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise.AND.i_shell==paos%n_shells) then
if(en<3) en = en+1 ! OK - should an O polarised shell be 3d ?!
write(lun,fmt='("n =",i2,", l =",i2,",",i2," zetas, perturbative polarisation shell")') &
en, ell,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
else if(i_shell<=val%n_occ) then
if(val%semicore(i_shell)>0) then
write(lun,fmt='("n =",i2,", l =",i2,",",i2," zetas Semi-core")') en, ell,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
write(lun,fmt='("n =",i2,", l =",i2,",",i2," zetas")') en, ell,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
end if
write(lun,fmt='("n =",i2,", l =",i2,",",i2," zetas, polarisation shell")') en, ell,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
end if
! Ugly hack: assume no more than five zetas to get formatting
write(lun,fmt='(3x,"Radii: ",5f6.2)') (paos%cutoff(i,i_shell),i=1,paos%nzeta(i_shell))
end do
! Give details of zetas, radii, semi-core, occupation
! Write symbol, functional, relativistic, PCC (pcec or nc)
if(pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc) then
write(lun,fmt='(1x,a2," ",a2," nrl pcec")') pte(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z)), string_xc
write(lun,fmt='(1x,a2," ",a2," nrl nc ")') pte(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z)), string_xc
end if
! Only the last is used ! Get the format right
! Symbol
write(lun,fmt='(a2,20x,"# Element symbol")') pte(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z))
! Label - how do we set this ?
write(lun,fmt='(a2,20x,"# Label")') pte(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z))
! Atomic number
!write(lun,fmt='(i5,20x,"# Atomic number")') pseudo(i_species)%z
write(lun,fmt='(f6.2,20x,"# Atomic number")') pseudo(i_species)%z
! Valence charge
write(lun,fmt='(f18.10,20x,"# Valence charge")') pseudo(i_species)%zval
! Mass
write(lun,fmt='(f18.10,20x,"# Mass")') atomic_mass(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z))
! Self energy ?
write(lun,fmt='(f18.10,20x,"# Self energy")') 0.0_double
! Lmax, no of nl orbitals BASIS
paos%lmax = maxval(paos%l)
write(lun,fmt='(2i4,20x,"# Lmax for basis, no of orbitals")') paos%lmax, paos%total_paos
! Lmax, no of projectors
write(lun,fmt='(2i4,20x,"# Lmax for projectors, no of proj")') pseudo(i_species)%lmax,pseudo(i_species)%n_pjnl
call io_close(lun)
end subroutine write_header
subroutine write_paos(i_species)
use datatypes
use numbers, ONLY: zero
use input_module, ONLY: io_assign, io_close
use pseudo_atom_info, ONLY: paos, val
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use periodic_table, ONLY: pte
implicit none
integer :: i_species
integer :: lun, i, j, ell, zeta, i_shell, en, is_pol
real(double) :: occ
character(len=80) :: filename
! Open file
call io_assign(lun)
filename = trim(pte(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z)))//"CQ.ion"
open(unit=lun, file=filename,position="append")
! PAOs
write(lun,fmt='("# PAOs:_______________")')
do i_shell=1,paos%n_shells
is_pol = 0
ell = paos%l(i_shell)
en = paos%n(i_shell)
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise.AND.i_shell==paos%n_shells) then
!ell = ell + 1
!if(en<3) en = en + 1
is_pol = 1
else if(i_shell>val%n_occ) then
is_pol = 1
end if
do zeta = 1,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
occ = zero
if(i_shell<=val%n_occ.AND.zeta==1) then
occ = val%occ(i_shell)
end if
write(lun,fmt='(4i3,f10.6," #orbital l, n, z, is_polarized, population")') &
write(lun,fmt='(i4,2f21.16)') paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%n,paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%delta, &
do i=1,paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%n
write(lun,fmt='(2f17.11)') paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%x(i), paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%f(i)
end do
end do
end do
call io_close(lun)
end subroutine write_paos
subroutine write_pseudopotential(i_species)
use datatypes
use numbers, ONLY: two, fourpi
use input_module, ONLY: io_assign, io_close
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use periodic_table, ONLY: pte
implicit none
integer :: i_species
integer :: lun, i, j
character(len=80) :: filename
! Open file
call io_assign(lun)
filename = trim(pte(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z)))//"CQ.ion"
open(unit=lun, file=filename,position="append")
! KB projectors
write(lun,fmt='("# KBs:_______________")')
do i=1,pseudo(i_species)%n_pjnl
write(lun,fmt='(2i3,f21.16," #kb l, n (seq), energy in Ry")') &
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_l(i), pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_n(i), two*pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_ekb(i)
write(lun,fmt='(i4,2f21.16)') pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(i)%n,pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(i)%delta,pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(i)%cutoff
do j = 1, pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(i)%n
write(lun,fmt='(2f17.11)') real(j-1,double)*pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(i)%delta,pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(i)%f(j)
end do
end do
write(lun,fmt='("# Vna:_______________")')
write(lun,fmt='(i4,2f17.11," # npts, delta, cutoff")') &
pseudo(i_species)%vna%n, pseudo(i_species)%vna%delta, pseudo(i_species)%vna%cutoff
do j=1,pseudo(i_species)%vna%n
write(lun,fmt='(2f17.11)') real(j-1,double)*pseudo(i_species)%vna%delta,pseudo(i_species)%vna%f(j)
end do
! Local charge
write(lun,fmt='("# Vlocal:_______________________")')
write(lun,fmt='(i4,2f17.11," # npts, delta, cutoff")') &
pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%n, pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%delta, pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%cutoff
do j=1,pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%n
write(lun,fmt='(2f17.11)') real(j-1,double)*pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%delta,pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%f(j)
end do
! Partial Core Correction
if(pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc) then
write(lun,fmt='("# Core:__________________________")')
write(lun,fmt='(i4,2f17.11," # npts, delta, cutoff")') &
pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%n, pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%delta, pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%cutoff
do j=1,pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%n
write(lun,fmt='(2f17.11)') real(j-1,double)*pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%delta,pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%f(j)/fourpi
end do
end if
call io_close(lun)
end subroutine write_pseudopotential
subroutine write_footer(i_species)
use datatypes
use input_module, ONLY: io_assign, io_close
use pseudo_atom_info, ONLY: input_file_length, input_file
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use periodic_table, ONLY: pte
implicit none
integer :: i_species
integer :: lun, i
character(len=80) :: filename
! Open file
call io_assign(lun)
filename = trim(pte(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z)))//"CQ.ion"
open(unit=lun, file=filename,position="append")
do i=1,input_file_length
write(lun,fmt='(a)') input_file(i)
end do
call io_close(lun)
end subroutine write_footer
subroutine write_pao_plot(z,r,pao,n_mesh,tag,en,ell,zeta)
use datatypes
use input_module, ONLY: io_assign, io_close
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use periodic_table, ONLY: pte
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: z, n_mesh
integer, optional :: ell, en, zeta
real(double), dimension(n_mesh) :: r, pao
character(len=*) :: tag
! Local variables
character(len=80) :: filename
character(len=10) :: digitstr = "0123456789"
integer :: lun,i
filename = trim(pte(z))//tag
if(present(en)) filename = trim(filename)//"_n_"//digitstr(en+1:en+1)
if(present(ell)) filename = trim(filename)//"_l_"//digitstr(ell+1:ell+1)
if(present(zeta)) filename = trim(filename)//"_zeta_"//digitstr(zeta+1:zeta+1)
filename = trim(filename)//".dat"
call io_assign(lun)
open(unit=lun, file=filename)
do i=1,n_mesh
write(lun,fmt='(2f18.10)') r(i),pao(i)
end do
call io_close(lun)
end subroutine write_pao_plot
subroutine write_banner
use datestamp, ONLY: datestr, commentver
implicit none
character(len=10) :: today, the_time
write(*,fmt='(/"CONQUEST PAO generation and ion file creation"/)')
write(*,fmt='("D. R. Bowler (UCL) and T. Miyazaki (NIMS)")')
call date_and_time(today, the_time)
write(*,fmt='(/4x,"This job was run on ",a4,"/",a2,"/",a2," at ",a2,":",a2,/)') &
today(1:4), today(5:6), today(7:8), the_time(1:2), the_time(3:4)
'(/4x,"Code compiled on: ",a,/10x,"Version comment: ",/6x,a//)') &
datestr, commentver
end subroutine write_banner
end module write