
505 lines
15 KiB

! $Id$
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! Module spline_module
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! Code area 9: general
! -----------------------------------------------------------
!!****h* Conquest/spline_module
!! D.R.Bowler
!! 23/05/01
!! 31/05/2001 dave
!! Added RCS Id tag to header, increased ROBODoc documentation
!! 20/06/2001 dave
!! Added RCS Log tag and cq_abort
!! 15:48, 08/04/2003 drb
!! Bug fixes in splint and dsplint
module spline_module
use global_module, only: area_general
implicit none
! RCS tag for object file identification
character(len=80), save, private :: RCSid = "$Id$"
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! Subroutine spline
! -----------------------------------------------------------
!!****f* spline_module/spline *
!! spline
!! Given an array y(1:n) containing a function tabulated at
!! REGULAR intervals with spacing delta_x, and given values
!! yp1 and ypn for the first derivative of the function at
!! the end points, this subroutine returns an array d2y(1:n)
!! containing the second derivatives of the interpolating
!! function at the tabulated points. If yp1 and/or ypn are
!! equal or larger than 1.0d30, the routine is signaled to set
!! the corresponding boundary condition for a natural spline,
!! with zero second derivative at that point. This subroutine
!! is based on subroutine spline(), from Numerical Recipes (2nd edition).
!! integer :: n - size of table to be splined
!! real(double) :: delta_x - spacing of values in table
!! real(double) :: yp1, ypn - end points giving boundaries
!! real(double), dimension(n) :: y, y2 - table and second derivative
!! datatypes, numbers
!! E.H.Hernandez
!! 29/02/96
!! 23/05/2001 dave
!! F90, ROBODoc, indentation
!! 31/05/2001 dave
!! More ROBODoc comments
subroutine spline( n, delta_x, y, yp1, ypn, y2 )
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, only: cq_abort
use memory_module, only: reg_alloc_mem, reg_dealloc_mem, type_dbl
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: n
real(double) :: delta_x, yp1, ypn
real(double), dimension(n) :: y, y2
! Local variables
integer :: i, k, stat
real(double) :: p, qn, sig, un
real(double), parameter ::huge = 1.0e30_double
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: u, x
allocate(u(n), x(n), STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort("spline: Error alloc mem: ", n)
call reg_alloc_mem(area_general, 2*n, type_dbl)
! generate the array of x entries
do i=1, n
x(i) = delta_x * real(i-1,double)
end do
if ( yp1 .gt. huge ) then ! lower boundary condition set to 'natural'
y2(1) = zero
u(1) = zero
else ! or else to have a specified first derivative
y2(1) = -half
u(1) = ( three/(x(2) - x(1))) * &
((y(2) - y(1))/(x(2) - x(1)) - yp1 )
end if
! this is the decomposition loop for the tridiagonal algorithm; y2 and
! u are used for temporary storage of the decomposed factors
do i=2, n-1
sig = (x(i) - x(i-1)) / (x(i+1) - x(i-1))
p = sig * y2(i-1) + two
y2(i) = (sig - one) / p
u(i) = (six * ((y(i+1) - y(i))/(x(i+1) - x(i)) - &
(y(i) - y(i-1))/ &
(x(i) - x(i-1)))/(x(i+1) - x(i-1)) - sig * u(i-1))/p
end do
if (ypn>huge) then ! the upper boundary condition is set to be 'natural'...
qn = zero
un = zero
else ! or else to have a specified first derivative
qn = half
un = ( three/(x(n) - x(n-1))) * &
(ypn - (y(n) - y(n-1))/(x(n) - x(n-1)))
end if
y2(n) = (un - qn * u(n-1)) / (qn * y2(n-1) + one )
! this is the backsubstitution loop of the tridiagonal algorithm
do k=n-1, 1, -1
y2(k) = y2(k) * y2(k+1) + u(k)
end do
deallocate(u, x, STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort("spline: Error dealloc mem")
call reg_dealloc_mem(area_general, 2*n, type_dbl)
end subroutine spline
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! Subroutine spline_nonU
! -----------------------------------------------------------
!!****f* spline_module/spline_nonU *
!! spline_nonU - makes a spline table for non-uniform x array
!! spline_nonU(number, x array, y array,start dy/dx,final dy/dx, d2y/dx2)
!! spline_nonU(n, y, y, yp1, ypn, y2)
!! Given an array y(1:n) containing a function tabulated at
!! IRREGULAR intervals given by array x(1:n), and given values
!! yp1 and ypn for the first derivative of the function at
!! the end points, this subroutine returns an array d2y(1:n)
!! containing the second derivatives of the interpolating
!! function at the tabulated points. If yp1 and/or ypn are
!! equal or larger than 1.0d30, the routine is signaled to set
!! the corresponding boundary condition for a natural spline,
!! with zero second derivative at that point. This subroutine
!! is based on subroutine spline(), from Numerical Recipes (2nd edition).
!! D.R.Bowler
!! 20/11/97
!! 23/05/2001 dave
!! F90, ROBODoc, indentation
subroutine spline_nonU(n, x, y, yp1, ypn, y2)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, only: cq_abort
use memory_module, only: reg_alloc_mem, reg_dealloc_mem, type_dbl
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: n
real(double) :: yp1, ypn
real(double), dimension(n) :: x, y, y2
! Local variables
integer i, k, stat
real(double) :: p, qn, sig, un
real(double), parameter :: huge = 1.0e30_double
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: u
allocate(u(n), STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort("spline_nonU: Error alloc mem: ", n)
call reg_alloc_mem(area_general, n, type_dbl)
! set up boundary conditions
if (yp1>huge) then ! lower boundary condition set to 'natural'
y2(1) = zero
u(1) = zero
else ! or else to have a specified first derivative
y2(1) = -half
u(1) = ( three/(x(2) - x(1))) * ((y(2) - y(1))/(x(2) - x(1)) - yp1 )
end if
! this is the decomposition loop for the tridiagonal algorithm; y2 and
! u are used for temporary storage of the decomposed factors
do i=2, n-1
sig = (x(i) - x(i-1)) / (x(i+1) - x(i-1))
p = sig * y2(i-1) + two
y2(i) = (sig - one) / p
u(i) = (six * ((y(i+1) - y(i))/(x(i+1) - x(i)) - &
(y(i) - y(i-1))/ &
(x(i) - x(i-1)))/(x(i+1) - x(i-1)) - sig * u(i-1))/p
end do
if (ypn>huge) then ! the upper boundary condition is set to be 'natural'...
qn = zero
un = zero
else ! or else to have a specified first derivative
qn = half
un = ( three/(x(n) - x(n-1))) * &
(ypn - (y(n) - y(n-1))/(x(n) - x(n-1)))
end if
y2(n) = (un - qn * u(n-1)) / (qn * y2(n-1) + one )
! this is the backsubstitution loop of the tridiagonal algorithm
do k=n-1, 1, -1
y2(k) = y2(k) * y2(k+1) + u(k)
end do
deallocate(u, STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort("spline_nonU: Error dealloc mem")
call reg_dealloc_mem(area_general, n, type_dbl)
end subroutine spline_nonU
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! Subroutine splint_nonU
! -----------------------------------------------------------
!!****f* spline_module/splint_nonU *
!! splint_nonU
!! splint_nonU(xarray, yarray, d2y/dx2 array, size of array, x value, y, flag)
!! splint_nonU(xa,ya,y2a,n,x,y, flag)
!! NR routine for interpolation using spline table set up by spline
!! Takes a spline table with non-uniform x spacings and, for the
!! specified value x, finds the y value.
!! integer :: n (size of table)
!! real(double) :: x,y (x value specified, y value to be found)
!! real(double), dimension(n) :: xa, ya, y2a (x, y, d2y/dx2 arrays)
!! logical :: flag (flag to warn if given x is out of tabulated range)
!! datatypes
!! D.R.Bowler
!! 20/11/97
!! 23/05/2001 dave
!! F90, ROBODoc, indentation
!! 20/06/2001 dave
!! Added cq_abort
!! 15/04/02 lkd
!! Changed title from splint to splint_nonU for consistency with rest of module
!! 15/04/02 lkd
!! Added "use numbers" statement
!! 17/04/2002 lkd
!! Added logical flag to return false if all OK, true if the given x is out of range
subroutine splint_nonU(xa,ya,y2a,n,x,y,flag)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
! Passed variables
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(double), intent(in) :: x
real(double), intent(out) :: y
real(double), dimension(n), intent(in) :: xa,y2a,ya
logical, intent(out) :: flag
! Local variables
integer :: k,khi,klo
real(double) :: a,b,h
! initialize warning flag
flag = .false.
if (x .gt. xa(n) .or. x .lt. xa(1)) then
flag = .true. ! the given x lies outside the tabulated values, warn the calling routine
end if
! Search through the table and bracket x value
klo = 1
khi = n
do while((khi-klo)>1)
if(xa(k).gt.x) then ! Increment high point
else ! Increment low point
end if
end do
h=xa(khi)-xa(klo) ! Find x spacing
if(h==0) then
call cq_abort('splint_nonU: bisection failed, h=0')
end if
! Create value of y
a = (xa(khi)-x)/h
b = (x-xa(klo))/h
y=a*ya(klo)+b*ya(khi)+ &
( (a*a*a-a)*y2a(klo)+(b*b*b-b)*y2a(khi) )*(h*h)/six
end subroutine splint_nonU
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! Subroutine splint
! -----------------------------------------------------------
!!****f* spline_module/splint *
!! splint
!! splint(xarray, yarray, d2y/dx2 array, size of array, x value, y)
!! splint(xa,ya,y2a,n,x,y)
!! NR routine for interpolation using spline table set up by spline
!! Takes a spline table with uniform x spacing delta_x and, for the
!! specified value x, finds the y value.
!! integer :: n (size of table)
!! real(double) :: x, y, delta_x (x value specified, y value to be found, x-value spacing)
!! real(double), dimension(n) :: ya, y2a (y, d2y/dx2 arrays)
!! logical :: flag (flag to warn if given x is out of tabulated range)
!! datatypes, numbers, GenComms
!! L.K.Dash
!! 15/04/02
!! 15:47, 08/04/2003 drb
!! Fixed major bug: array references were all one element off
!! 10:00, 28/08/2003 drb
!! Fixed ANOTHER major bug: I'd forgotten that the array reference was used to create the x position so needs one taken off it !
!! 08:56, 2003/11/20 dave
!! Added return to prevent array overrun
subroutine splint(delta_x,ya,y2a,n,x,y,flag)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
! Passed variables
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(double), intent(in) :: x
real(double), intent(out) :: y
real(double), intent(in) :: delta_x
real(double), dimension(n), intent(in) :: y2a,ya
logical, intent(out) :: flag
! Local variables
integer :: khi,klo
real(double) :: a,b,xlo,xhi
! initialize warning flag
flag = .false.
if (x>real(n-1,double)*delta_x .or. x<0) then
flag = .true. ! the given x lies outside the tabulated values, warn the calling routine
y = 0.0_double ! Avoid array overruns
end if
! bracket x value
klo = aint(x/delta_x) + 1 ! integer division gives lower bound, add 1 for array value
khi = klo + 1
if(khi>n) call cq_abort("Error in splint: index beyond range ",khi,n)
! Remember that we added to get array value and subtract it off again !
xlo =delta_x*real(klo-1,double)
xhi =delta_x*real(khi-1,double)
! Create value of y
a = (xhi-x)/delta_x
b = (x-xlo)/delta_x
y=a*ya(klo)+b*ya(khi)+ &
( (a*a*a-a)*y2a(klo)+(b*b*b-b)*y2a(khi) )*(delta_x*delta_x)/six
end subroutine splint
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! Subroutine dsplint
! -----------------------------------------------------------
!!****f* spline_module/dsplint *
!! dsplint
!! dsplint(xarray, yarray, d2y/dx2 array, size of array, x value, dy)
!! dsplint(xa,ya,y2a,n,x,dy)
!! NR routine for interpolation using spline table set up by spline
!! Takes a spline table with uniform x spacing delta_x and, for the
!! specified value x, finds the derivative value.
!! integer :: n (size of table)
!! real(double) :: x, y, delta_x (x value specified, y value to be found, x-value spacing)
!! real(double), dimension(n) :: ya, y2a (y, d2y/dx2 arrays)
!! logical :: flag (flag to warn if given x is out of tabulated range)
!! datatypes, numbers, GenComms
!! D.R.Bowler
!! 07:50, 2003/03/19 dave
!! 15:47, 08/04/2003 drb
!! Fixed major bug: array references were all one element off (carried over from splint)
!! 11:04, 03/09/2003 drb
!! Added xlo/xhi correction that was added to splint (should have been done earlier !)
!! 08:56, 2003/11/20 dave
!! Added return to prevent array overrun
!! 08:01, 2003/12/04 dave
!! Added return of spline-interpolated value as well as derivative
subroutine dsplint(delta_x,ya,y2a,n,x,y,dy,flag)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
! Passed variables
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(double), intent(in) :: x
real(double), intent(out) :: y,dy
real(double), intent(in) :: delta_x
real(double), dimension(n), intent(in) :: y2a,ya
logical, intent(out) :: flag
! Local variables
integer :: khi,klo
real(double) :: a,b,da,db,dc,dd, xlo, xhi
! initialize warning flag
flag = .false.
if (x>(n-1)*delta_x.OR.x<0) then
flag = .true. ! the given x lies outside the tabulated values, warn the calling routine
y = 0.0_double
dy = 0.0_double ! Avoid array overruns
end if
! bracket x value
klo = aint(x/delta_x) + 1 ! integer division gives lower bound, add 1 for array value
khi = klo + 1
! Remember that we added to get array value and subtract it off again !
xlo =delta_x*real(klo-1,double)
xhi =delta_x*real(khi-1,double)
! Create value of y
a = (xhi-x)/delta_x
b = (x-xlo)/delta_x
da = -one/delta_x
db = one/delta_x
dc = -delta_x*(three*a*a-one)/six
dd = delta_x*(three*b*b-one)/six
y=a*ya(klo)+b*ya(khi)+ &
( (a*a*a-a)*y2a(klo)+(b*b*b-b)*y2a(khi) )*(delta_x*delta_x)/six
dy = da*ya(klo)+db*ya(khi)+dc*y2a(klo)+dd*y2a(khi)
end subroutine dsplint
end module spline_module