1787 lines
73 KiB
1787 lines
73 KiB
module schro
use datatypes
use pseudo_atom_info
use global_module, ONLY: iprint
implicit none
subroutine make_paos(i_species)
use datatypes
use numbers
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use mesh, ONLY: nmesh, make_mesh, rr
use global_module, ONLY: iprint
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
use radial_xc, ONLY: get_vxc
use input_module, ONLY: io_assign, io_close
use periodic_table, ONLY: pte
use units, ONLY: HaToeV
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species
! Local variables
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:) :: vha, vxc, atomic_rho, vha_conf
write(*,fmt='(/"Generating PAOs for ",a2/)') pte(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z))
! Create mesh
nmesh = local_and_vkb%ngrid
call make_mesh(i_species)
! Allocate and zero
allocate(vha(nmesh), vxc(nmesh), vha_conf(nmesh), atomic_rho(nmesh))
atomic_rho = zero
vha = zero
vxc = zero
! Potentials: Hartree and XC; add and remove PCC charge if used
call radial_hartree(nmesh,local_and_vkb%charge,vha)
if(pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc) local_and_vkb%charge = local_and_vkb%charge + local_and_vkb%pcc
call get_vxc(nmesh,rr,local_and_vkb%charge,vxc)
if(pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc) local_and_vkb%charge = local_and_vkb%charge - local_and_vkb%pcc
! Find energies of valence states without confinement
call find_unconfined_valence_states(i_species,vha,vxc)
! Find default radii or radii from cutoffs
call set_radii(i_species,vha,vxc)
! Solve for PAOs
write(*,fmt='(/2x,"Solving for PAOs")')
if(paos%flag_zetas==1.and.iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Using split-norm approach for multiple zetas")')
call solve_for_occupied_paos(i_species,vha,vxc, atomic_rho)
if(paos%n_shells>val%n_occ) &
call solve_for_polarisation(i_species,vha,vxc)
! Interpolation
write(*,fmt='(/2x,"Interpolating onto regular mesh")')
! Interpolate PAOs
call interpolate_paos(i_species)
! Interpolate potentials
write(*,fmt='(/2x,"Calculating potentials")')
! Build the neutral atom potential as sum of local and pseudo-atomic hartree potentials
call radial_hartree(nmesh,atomic_rho,vha_conf)
vha_conf = vha_conf + local_and_vkb%local
call interpolate_potentials(i_species,vha_conf)
write(*,fmt='(/2x,"Finished ",a2)') pte(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z))
end subroutine make_paos
! Solve for the unconfined (atomic) pseudo-functions
subroutine find_unconfined_valence_states(i_species,vha,vxc)
use datatypes
use numbers
use mesh, ONLY: rr, nmesh, drdi_squared, rr_squared,drdi
use radial_xc, ONLY: get_vxc
use read, ONLY: ps_format, hgh, alpha_scf, max_scf_iters
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species
real(double), dimension(nmesh) :: vha, vxc
! Local variables
integer :: i_shell, ell, en, i, iter, maxiter
real(double) :: radius_large, large_energy, resid, total_charge, check
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:) :: psi, newcharge
psi = zero
newcharge = zero
maxiter = max_scf_iters
iter = 0
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(/2x,"Finding unconfined energies for valence states")')
resid = one
! SCF iteration needed for HGH where we do not have an atomic density supplied
! I have found that if we start from no charge density then it's better to allow
! the charge to gradually change towards the correct ionic charge rather than
! rescaling after the first iteration
do while(resid>1e-12_double.and.iter<maxiter)
iter = iter+1
newcharge = zero
do i_shell = 1, val%n_occ
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"n=",i2," l=",i2)') val%n(i_shell), val%l(i_shell)
radius_large = rr(nmesh)
ell = val%l(i_shell)
en = val%npao(i_shell)
large_energy = val%en_ps(i_shell)
if(ps_format==hgh) then
!if(resid<0.01_double) then
! large_energy = val%en_ps(i_shell)
large_energy = zero!half*val%en_ps(i_shell)
!end if
end if
!if(abs(large_energy)<RD_ERR.and.i_shell>1) large_energy = val%en_pao(i_shell-1)
call find_eigenstate_and_energy_vkb(i_species,en,ell,radius_large, psi,large_energy,vha,vxc)
val%en_pao(i_shell) = large_energy
! Accumulate output charge
if(ell==0) then
newcharge = newcharge + val%occ(i_shell)*psi*psi
else if(ell==1) then
newcharge = newcharge + val%occ(i_shell)*psi*psi*rr*rr
else if(ell==2) then
newcharge = newcharge + val%occ(i_shell)*psi*psi*rr*rr*rr*rr
end if
end do
! Find residual
resid = zero
check = zero
do i=1,nmesh
resid = resid + drdi(i)*rr_squared(i)*(local_and_vkb%charge(i)-newcharge(i))**2
check = check + drdi(i)*rr_squared(i)*local_and_vkb%charge(i)
end do
! Simple linear mixing
local_and_vkb%charge = alpha_scf*newcharge + (one-alpha_scf)*local_and_vkb%charge
! We can use these lines to write out the charge for future solvers
!do i=1,nmesh
! write(70,*) rr(i), newcharge(i)
!end do
! Integrate
total_charge = zero
check = zero
do i=1,nmesh
resid = resid + drdi(i)*rr_squared(i)*(local_and_vkb%charge(i)-newcharge(i))**2
total_charge = total_charge + drdi(i)*rr_squared(i)*newcharge(i)
check = check + drdi(i)*rr_squared(i)*local_and_vkb%charge(i)
end do
! This rescales charge to have full valence value, but can be unstable
!if(abs(check-total_charge)>RD_ERR) local_and_vkb%charge = local_and_vkb%charge*total_charge/check
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='("Iteration ",i4," residual ",e14.6)') iter,resid
if(ps_format==hgh) then
do i_shell = 1, val%n_occ
val%en_ps(i_shell) = val%en_pao(i_shell)
end do
end if
call radial_hartree(nmesh,local_and_vkb%charge,vha)
if(pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc) local_and_vkb%charge = local_and_vkb%charge + local_and_vkb%pcc
call get_vxc(nmesh,rr,local_and_vkb%charge,vxc)
if(pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc) local_and_vkb%charge = local_and_vkb%charge - local_and_vkb%pcc
end do
if(iprint>=0) then
write(*,fmt='(/2x,"Unconfined valence state energies (Ha)")')
if(ps_format==hgh) then
write(*,fmt='(2x," n l PAO energy")')
do i_shell = 1, val%n_occ
ell = val%l(i_shell)
en = val%n(i_shell)
write(*,fmt='(2x,2i3,f18.10)') en, ell,val%en_pao(i_shell)
end do
write(*,fmt='(2x," n l AE energy PAO energy")')
do i_shell = 1, val%n_occ
ell = val%l(i_shell)
en = val%n(i_shell)
write(*,fmt='(2x,2i3,2f18.10)') en, ell, val%en_ps(i_shell), &
end do
end if
end if
if(iter>maxiter) call cq_abort("Exceeded iterations in SCF")
! We can use these lines to write out the charge for future solvers
!do i=1,nmesh
! write(70,*) rr(i), newcharge(i)!local_and_vkb%charge(i)
!end do
end subroutine find_unconfined_valence_states
! Set radii of PAOs following user settings
subroutine set_radii(i_species,vha,vxc)
use datatypes
use mesh, ONLY: rr, delta_r_reg, nmesh
use units, ONLY: HaToeV
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species
real(double), dimension(nmesh) :: vha, vxc
! Local variables
integer :: i_shell, ell, en, zeta, grid_size
write(*,fmt='(/2x,"Setting cutoff radii"/)')
if(flag_default_cutoffs) then ! Work out radii
if(paos%flag_cutoff==pao_cutoff_energies.OR.paos%flag_cutoff==pao_cutoff_default) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Default cutoffs, shells share energy shifts")')
else if(paos%flag_cutoff==pao_cutoff_radii) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Default cutoffs, averaging radii over shells")')
end if
call find_default_cutoffs(i_species,vha,vxc)
else if(paos%flag_cutoff==pao_cutoff_energies) then ! Work out radii from energy shifts
write(*,fmt='(4x,"User-specified energy shifts")')
write(*,fmt='(4x," n l z delta E (Ha) delta E (eV)")')
do i_shell = 1,val%n_occ
ell = paos%l(i_shell)
en = paos%n(i_shell)
do zeta = 1,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
write(*,fmt='(4x,3i3,1x,2f13.8)') en, ell, zeta, paos%energy(zeta,i_shell), &
en = paos%npao(i_shell)
call find_radius_from_energy(i_species,en, ell, paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell), &
val%en_ps(i_shell) + paos%energy(zeta,i_shell), vha, vxc, .false.)
! Set cutoff to the first regular mesh point BEYOND the actual cutoff
grid_size = 1+floor(paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell)/delta_r_reg)
paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell) = delta_r_reg*real(grid_size,double)
end do
end do
do i_shell = val%n_occ+1,paos%n_shells
if(i_shell>val%n_occ+1) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Dangerous to set unoccupied shell radii via energy !")')
if(paos%inner(i_shell)>0) then
do zeta = 1,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell) = paos%cutoff(zeta,paos%inner(i_shell))
end do
do zeta = 1,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell) = paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell-1)
end do
end if
end do
else ! Radii
write(*,fmt='(4x,"User-specified radii")')
end if
write(*,fmt='(/4x,"Cutoff radii for PAOs")')
write(*,fmt='(4x," n l z R (bohr)")')
do i_shell = 1,paos%n_shells
ell = paos%l(i_shell)
en = paos%n(i_shell)
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise.AND.i_shell==paos%n_shells) then
if(en<3) en = en+1
do zeta = 1,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
write(*,fmt='(4x,3i3,f12.4)') en,ell,zeta,paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell)
end do
do zeta = 1,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
write(*,fmt='(4x,3i3,f12.4)') en,ell,zeta,paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell)
end do
end if
end do
end subroutine set_radii
! Find the occupied (non-polarisation) PAOs
! Changes
! 2019/07/15 11:33 dave
! 2021/09/27 16:31 dave
! Restore orthogonalisation to semi-core states and correctly
! normalise resulting functions.
! 2021/09/28 14:38 dave
! Remove orthogonalisation (!) because it breaks Ba perturbative
! polarisation (see below)
subroutine solve_for_occupied_paos(i_species,vha,vxc,atomic_density)
use datatypes
use numbers, ONLY: zero, RD_ERR
use mesh, ONLY: rr, delta_r_reg, drdi, nmesh
use units, ONLY: HaToeV
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species
real(double), dimension(nmesh) :: vha, vxc, atomic_density
! Local variables
integer :: i, i_shell, ell, en, zeta
real(double) :: large_energy, dot_p
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:) :: psi
psi = zero
do i_shell = 1,val%n_occ
ell = paos%l(i_shell)
en = paos%npao(i_shell)
do zeta = 1,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f = zero
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Species ",i2," n=",i2," l=",i2," zeta=",i2, " Rc=",f4.1," bohr")') &
i_species, en, ell, zeta, paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell)
if(zeta>1.AND.paos%flag_zetas==1) then
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Using split-norm approach for multiple zetas")')
call find_split_norm(en,ell,paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell),&
large_energy = val%en_ps(i_shell) + paos%energy(zeta,i_shell)
call find_eigenstate_and_energy_vkb(i_species,en,ell,paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell),&
paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f,large_energy, vha,vxc,&
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Final energy shift required: ",f10.5," Ha")') &
large_energy - val%en_ps(i_shell)
paos%energy(zeta,i_shell) = large_energy
! Accumulate atomic density
if(zeta==1.AND.i_shell<=val%n_shells) then
psi = paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f
! Scale by r^l
if(ell>0) then
do i=1,ell
psi = psi * rr
end do
end if
! Accumulate atomic charge density
atomic_density = atomic_density + val%occ(i_shell)*psi*psi
!do i=1,nmesh
! write(50+ell,*) rr(i),psi(i)*psi(i)*val%occ(i_shell)
!end do
end if
! These lines orthogonalise to semi-core states where necessary
! They are left for completeness, but I found that they can cause
! problems with the perturbative polarisation for Ba (basically the
! orthogonalisation means that the 6s shell which we perturb is not
! negative near r=0 which breaks the sign-change detection in the
! perturbative polarisation routines and means they fail). If we can
! sort this out, we could restore this, but I think that it's not
! very important. Dave Bowler, 2021/09/28 14:38
!if(paos%inner(i_shell)>0) then
! ! Dot product of two
! dot_p = zero
! do i=1,nmesh
! dot_p = dot_p + rr(i)**(2*ell+2)*paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f(i)* &
! paos%psi(1,val%inner(i_shell))%f(i)*drdi(i)
! end do
! if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Orthogonalising to semi-core; overlap is ",f10.5)') dot_p
! ! Orthogonalise
! paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f = paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f - &
! dot_p * paos%psi(1,val%inner(i_shell))%f
! ! Normalise
! dot_p = zero
! do i=1,nmesh
! dot_p = dot_p + rr(i)**(2*ell+2)*paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f(i)* &
! paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f(i)*drdi(i)
! end do
! if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Normalising: ",f10.5)') dot_p
! paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f = paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f/sqrt(dot_p)
!end if ! Inner shell orthogonalisation
end if ! Split-norm or confined state
end do ! zeta = 1, paos%nzeta
end do ! i_shell = 1,paos%n_shells
end subroutine solve_for_occupied_paos
! Solve for polarisation (unoccupied) shells
! Changes
! 2019/07/15 11:33 dave
! 2021/09/27 16:31 dave
! Restore orthogonalisation to semi-core states and correctly
! normalise resulting functions. Particularly important for
! elements such as Ga or Ge with semi-core d shell and l=2
! polarisation shell
subroutine solve_for_polarisation(i_species,vha,vxc)
use datatypes
use numbers, ONLY: zero, one
use mesh, ONLY: rr, delta_r_reg, drdi, nmesh
use units, ONLY: HaToeV
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species
real(double), dimension(nmesh) :: vha, vxc
! Local variables
integer :: i, i_shell, ell, en, zeta, i_end
real(double) :: large_energy, dot_p
! If perturbative polarisation is selected, it is the last shell
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise) then
i_end = paos%n_shells-1
i_end = paos%n_shells
end if
! Empty shells, solved for confined atom
do i_shell = val%n_occ+1,i_end
ell = paos%l(i_shell)
en = paos%npao(i_shell)
do zeta = 1,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f = zero
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Species ",i2," n=",i2," l=",i2," zeta=",i2, " Rc=",f4.1," bohr pol")') &
i_species, en, ell, zeta, paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell)!, &
if(zeta>1.AND.paos%flag_zetas==1) then
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Using split-norm approach for multiple zetas")')
call find_split_norm(en,ell,paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell),&
paos%energy(zeta,i_shell) = one
call find_eigenstate_and_energy_vkb(i_species,en,ell,paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell),&
paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f,paos%energy(zeta,i_shell), &
! Orthogonalise to semi-core state
if(paos%inner(i_shell)>0) then
! Dot product of two
dot_p = zero
do i=1,nmesh
dot_p = dot_p + rr(i)**(2*ell+2)*paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f(i)* &
end do
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Orthogonalising to semi-core; overlap is ",f10.5)') dot_p
! Orthogonalise
paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f = paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f - &
dot_p * paos%psi(1,paos%inner(i_shell))%f
! Normalise
dot_p = zero
do i=1,nmesh
dot_p = dot_p + rr(i)**(2*ell+2)*paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f(i)* &
end do
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Normalising: ",f10.5)') dot_p
paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f = paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f/sqrt(dot_p)
end if
end if
end do
end do
! If perturbative polarisation is selected, it is the last shell
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise) then
i_shell = paos%n_shells
! NB we pass l-1 here as the angular momentum of the shell being perturbed
ell = paos%l(i_shell)-1
! Note that npao is set to the value of n for the shell being perturbed
en = paos%npao(i_shell)
do zeta = 1,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f = zero
if(iprint>2) then
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Perturbative polarisation")')
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Species ",i2," n=",i2," l=",i2," zeta=",i2, " Rc=",f4.1," bohr")') &
i_species, en, ell, zeta, paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell)
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Prefactor scaled by ",f5.1)') paos%pol_pf
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Energy: ",f12.5)') paos%energy(zeta,paos%polarised_shell)
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Polarising shell: ",i2)') paos%polarised_shell
end if
if(zeta>1.AND.paos%flag_zetas==1) then
call find_split_norm(en,ell+1,paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell),&
! Set radius of polarisation PAO
paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell) = paos%cutoff(zeta,paos%polarised_shell)
call find_polarisation(i_species,en,ell,paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell),&
! Orthogonalise to semi-core state
if(paos%inner(i_shell)>0) then
! Dot product of two
! NB r^(2l+4) is because each psi needs to be scaled by r^(l+1)
! to remove the Siesta normalisation, and then the integral needs
! another r^2. Also below when normalising.
dot_p = zero
do i=1,nmesh
dot_p = dot_p + rr(i)**(2*ell+4)*paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f(i)* &
end do
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Orthogonalising to semi-core; overlap is ",f10.5)') dot_p
! Orthgonalise
paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f = paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f - &
dot_p * paos%psi(1,paos%inner(i_shell))%f
! Normalise
dot_p = zero
do i=1,nmesh
dot_p = dot_p + rr(i)**(2*ell+4)*paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f(i)* &
end do
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Normalising: ",f10.5)') dot_p
paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f = paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f/sqrt(dot_p)
end if
end if
end do
end if ! paos%flag_perturb_polarise
end subroutine solve_for_polarisation
! Interpolate PAOs onto regular grid
subroutine interpolate_paos(i_species)
use datatypes
use numbers
use mesh, ONLY: nmesh, rr, delta_r_reg, interpolate, make_mesh_reg, convert_r_to_i
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use write, ONLY: write_pao_plot
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species
! Local variables
integer :: i_shell, en, ell, zeta, nmesh_pao, nrc
do i_shell = 1,paos%n_shells
ell = paos%l(i_shell)
en = paos%n(i_shell)
do zeta = 1,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
call convert_r_to_i(paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell),nrc)
paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell) = rr(nrc-1)
nmesh_pao = floor(paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell)/delta_r_reg) + 1
allocate(paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%f(nmesh_pao), paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%x(nmesh_pao))
call make_mesh_reg(paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%x,nmesh_pao,paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell))
paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%delta = paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell)/real(nmesh_pao-1,double)
paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%n = nmesh_pao
! Interpolate
call interpolate(paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%x,paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%f,nmesh_pao,&
if(flag_plot_output) call write_pao_plot(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z),paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%x, &
paos%psi_reg(zeta,i_shell)%f, nmesh_pao,"PAO", en,ell,zeta)
end do
end do
end subroutine interpolate_paos
! Interpolate potentials and charges onto regular grid
subroutine interpolate_potentials(i_species,vha_conf)
use datatypes
use numbers
use mesh, ONLY: nmesh, rr, delta_r_reg, interpolate, make_mesh_reg, convert_r_to_i
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo, rad_alloc
use write, ONLY: write_pao_plot
use read, ONLY: ps_format, oncvpsp
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species
real(double), dimension(nmesh) :: vha_conf
! Local variables
integer :: i_shell, en, ell, zeta, nmesh_pot, i, j, k, nrc, istart
real(double) :: max_cutoff
real(double) :: zz
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:) :: x_reg
! Kleinman-Bylander projectors
j = 0
if(iprint>1) write(*,fmt='(/4x,"VKB projectors")')
do ell = 0, pseudo(i_species)%lmax
do i=1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
j = j+1
! Scale projector by r**(l+1)
!if(ps_format==oncvpsp) then
do k=0,ell
local_and_vkb%projector(:,i,ell) = local_and_vkb%projector(:,i,ell)/rr
end do
!end if
! Find actual cutoff: two successive points with magnitude less than RD_ERR
! We may want to start this somewhere r=0.1 to avoid errors
nrc = local_and_vkb%ngrid_vkb
call convert_r_to_i(0.1_double,istart)
do k = istart, local_and_vkb%ngrid_vkb-1
abs(local_and_vkb%projector(k+1,i,ell))<RD_ERR) then
nrc = k
end if
end do
! Create regular mesh
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(j)%cutoff = rr(nrc)
nmesh_pot = floor(rr(nrc)/delta_r_reg) + 1 ! +2 in original: why?!
call make_mesh_reg(x_reg,nmesh_pot,rr(nrc))
call rad_alloc(pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(j),nmesh_pot)
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(j)%delta = rr(nrc)/real(nmesh_pot-1,double)
call interpolate(x_reg,pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(j)%f,nmesh_pot, &
if(flag_plot_output) call write_pao_plot(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z),x_reg, &
end do
end do
! Partial core charge
if(pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc) then
if(iprint>1) write(*,fmt='(/4x,"Partial core correction")')
! Find core charge cutoff
do i=1,nmesh
! Find cutoff radius: two successive points less than 1e-8
if(local_and_vkb%pcc(i)<RD_ERR.AND.i<nmesh) then
if(local_and_vkb%pcc(i+1)<RD_ERR) then
pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%cutoff = rr(i)
end if
end if
end do
nmesh_pot = floor(pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%cutoff/delta_r_reg) + 1 ! 2 in original?
call rad_alloc(pseudo(i_species)%chpcc,nmesh_pot)
pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%delta = pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%cutoff/real(nmesh_pot-1,double)
call make_mesh_reg(x_reg,nmesh_pot,pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%cutoff)
call interpolate(x_reg,pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%f,nmesh_pot, &
if(flag_plot_output) call write_pao_plot(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z),x_reg, &
end if
! Local - the radius is taken as largest PAO for compatibility with NA
if(iprint>1) write(*,fmt='(/4x,"Local potential")')
max_cutoff = maxval(paos%cutoff)
nmesh_pot = max_cutoff/delta_r_reg + 1
call rad_alloc(pseudo(i_species)%vlocal,nmesh_pot)
pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%cutoff = max_cutoff
pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%delta = max_cutoff/real(nmesh_pot-1,double)
call make_mesh_reg(x_reg,nmesh_pot,pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%cutoff)
! Interpolate using exact value of local potential at cutoff: -Z/r
zz = pseudo(i_species)%z - pseudo(i_species)%zcore
call interpolate(x_reg,pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%f,nmesh_pot, &
if(flag_plot_output) call write_pao_plot(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z),x_reg, &
! Neutral atom potential - same mesh as local
if(iprint>1) write(*,fmt='(/4x,"Neutral atom potential")')
call rad_alloc( pseudo(i_species)%vna, nmesh_pot )
pseudo(i_species)%vna%delta = pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%delta
pseudo(i_species)%vna%cutoff = pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%cutoff
call interpolate(x_reg,pseudo(i_species)%vna%f,pseudo(i_species)%vna%n,&
if(flag_plot_output) call write_pao_plot(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z),x_reg, &
end subroutine interpolate_potentials
! For the default basis, find the cutoff radii for all shells (based on energies)
subroutine find_default_cutoffs(i_species,vha,vxc)
use datatypes
use numbers
use mesh, ONLY: nmesh, rr, delta_r_reg, convert_r_to_i
use units, ONLY: HaToeV
use read, ONLY: ps_format, oncvpsp
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species
real(double), dimension(nmesh) :: vha,vxc
! Local variables
integer :: i_shell, grid_size, n_shells_average
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: large_cutoff, small_cutoff
real(double) :: energy, average_large, average_small, average_mid
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: psi
! Find the cutoffs for the valence shells first
large_cutoff = zero
small_cutoff = zero
write(*,fmt='(/4x,"Energy shifts")')
write(*,fmt='(4x," n l delta E (Ha) delta E (eV)")')
! Loop over valence states, find large/small cutoffs
do i_shell = 1, val%n_occ !paos%n_shells-1
if(iprint>3) write(*,*) '# Finding radius for ',paos%npao(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell), &
if(val%semicore(i_shell)==0.or.ps_format==oncvpsp) then
call find_radius_from_energy(i_species,paos%npao(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell), &
large_cutoff(i_shell), val%en_ps(i_shell)+deltaE_large_radius, vha, vxc, .false.)
call find_radius_from_energy(i_species,paos%npao(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell), &
large_cutoff(i_shell), val%en_ps(i_shell)+deltaE_large_radius_semicore_hgh, vha, vxc, .false.)
end if
! Round to grid step
if(val%semicore(i_shell)==0) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,2i3,2f13.8," (large radius)")') paos%n(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell), &
deltaE_large_radius, deltaE_large_radius*HaToeV
write(*,fmt='(4x,2i3,2f13.8," (small radius)")') paos%n(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell), &
deltaE_small_radius, deltaE_small_radius*HaToeV
call find_radius_from_energy(i_species,paos%npao(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell), &
small_cutoff(i_shell), val%en_ps(i_shell)+deltaE_small_radius, vha, vxc, .false.)
if(ps_format==oncvpsp) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,2i3,2f13.8," (only radius)")') paos%n(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell), &
deltaE_large_radius, deltaE_large_radius*HaToeV
write(*,fmt='(4x,2i3,2f13.8," (only radius)")') paos%n(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell), &
deltaE_large_radius_semicore_hgh, deltaE_large_radius_semicore_hgh*HaToeV
end if
small_cutoff(i_shell) = large_cutoff(i_shell)
end if
if(iprint>3) write(*,*) '# Radii: ',large_cutoff(i_shell),small_cutoff(i_shell)
end do
! Create cutoffs based on defaults chosen by user
if(paos%flag_cutoff==pao_cutoff_energies.OR.paos%flag_cutoff==pao_cutoff_default) then ! Same energy for all l/n shells
do i_shell = 1, val%n_occ !paos%n_shells-1
! NB Semi-core orbitals have large = small
paos%cutoff(:,i_shell) = zero
paos%cutoff(1,i_shell) = large_cutoff(i_shell)
if(paos%nzeta(i_shell)==2) then
paos%cutoff(2,i_shell) = small_cutoff(i_shell)
else if(paos%nzeta(i_shell)==3) then
paos%cutoff(2,i_shell) = half*(large_cutoff(i_shell) + small_cutoff(i_shell))
! Locate nearest logarithmic grid point
call convert_r_to_i(paos%cutoff(2,i_shell),grid_size)
paos%cutoff(2,i_shell) = rr(grid_size-1)
paos%cutoff(3,i_shell) = small_cutoff(i_shell)
end if
end do
! Set polarisation radii
if(paos%n_shells>val%n_occ) then ! Polarisation
if(paos%nzeta(i_shell)==2) then
else if(paos%nzeta(i_shell)==3) then
end if
end if
else if(paos%flag_cutoff==pao_cutoff_radii) then ! Same radius for all l/n shells
! Sum over radii of different shells, excluding polarisation
average_large = zero
average_small = zero
n_shells_average = 0
do i_shell = 1, val%n_occ!paos%n_shells-1
if(val%semicore(i_shell)/=1) then
average_large = average_large + large_cutoff(i_shell)
average_small = average_small + small_cutoff(i_shell)
n_shells_average = n_shells_average + 1
end if
end do
! Find averages for large and small
average_large = average_large/real(n_shells_average, double)
average_small = average_small/real(n_shells_average, double)
! Round to grid step
call convert_r_to_i(average_large,grid_size)
average_large = rr(grid_size-1)
call convert_r_to_i(average_small,grid_size)
average_small = rr(grid_size-1)
call convert_r_to_i(half*(average_large+average_small),grid_size)
average_mid = rr(grid_size-1)
! Set radii for all shells
do i_shell = 1, val%n_occ
if(val%semicore(i_shell)==1) then
paos%cutoff(:,i_shell) = zero
paos%cutoff(1,i_shell) = large_cutoff(i_shell)
paos%cutoff(:,i_shell) = zero
paos%cutoff(1,i_shell) = average_large
if(paos%nzeta(i_shell)==2) then
paos%cutoff(2,i_shell) = average_small
else if(paos%nzeta(i_shell)==3) then
paos%cutoff(3,i_shell) = average_small
! Now average large and small
paos%cutoff(2,i_shell) = average_mid !half*(average_large + average_small)
end if
end if
end do
do i_shell = val%n_occ + 1, paos%n_shells
paos%cutoff(:,i_shell) = zero
paos%cutoff(1,i_shell) = average_large
if(paos%nzeta(i_shell)==2) then
paos%cutoff(2,i_shell) = average_small
else if(paos%nzeta(i_shell)==3) then
paos%cutoff(3,i_shell) = average_small
! Now average large and small
paos%cutoff(2,i_shell) = average_mid !half*(average_large + average_small)
end if
end do
end if
end subroutine find_default_cutoffs
! Given an energy shift, integrate outwards to find the corresponding radius
subroutine find_radius_from_energy(i_species,en,ell,Rc,energy,vha,vxc,flag_use_semilocal)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
use mesh, ONLY: rr, rr_squared, nmesh, alpha, make_mesh, beta, drdi, drdi_squared
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
implicit none
integer :: i_species, ell, en
real(double) :: energy, Rc
real(double), dimension(nmesh) :: vha,vxc
! Local variables
real(double) :: g_temp, dy_L, dy_R
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: f, potential, psi
integer :: classical_tp, i, n_crossings, n_nodes, n_loop, loop, nmax
integer :: j, n_kink, n_nodes_lower, n_nodes_upper
real(double) :: fac, norm, d_energy, r_lower, r_upper, df_cusp, cusp_psi, tol
real(double) :: l_l_plus_one, alpha_sq_over_four, xkap
real(double) :: gin, gout, gsgin, gsgout, xin, xout
logical :: flag_use_semilocal
if(iprint>5) write(*,*) '# Finding radius for energy: ',energy, en, ell
l_l_plus_one = real(ell*(ell+1),double)
alpha_sq_over_four = alpha*alpha/four
n_nodes = en - ell - 1
f = zero
potential = zero
psi = zero
nmax = nmesh
n_crossings = 0
if(flag_use_semilocal) then
write(*,*) '# Using semi-local potential'
do i=1,nmesh
potential(i) = local_and_vkb%semilocal_potential(i,ell) + vha(i) + vxc(i)
g_temp = (drdi_squared(i)*(two*(energy - potential(i))-l_l_plus_one/rr_squared(i)) - alpha_sq_over_four)/twelve
f(i) = one + g_temp
end do
psi(1) = one
psi(2) = ( (twelve - ten*f(1)) * psi(1) )/f(2) ! Implicit psi(0) = zero
dy_R = psi(2) - psi(1)
do i=2,nmax-1
dy_L = dy_R
psi(i+1) = ( (twelve - ten*f(i)) * psi(i) - f(i-1)*psi(i-1) )/f(i+1)
dy_R = psi(i+1) - psi(i)
if(psi(i)*psi(i+1)<zero.OR.(abs(psi(i+1))<1e-16_double)) then ! Crossing the x-axis
!write(*,*) '# Node ! ',rr(i),psi(i),psi(i+1)
n_crossings = n_crossings + 1
if(n_crossings>=n_nodes+1) exit
end if
end do
!write(*,*) '# Using VKB potentials'
do i=1,nmesh
potential(i) = local_and_vkb%local(i) + vha(i) + vxc(i)
g_temp = (drdi_squared(i)*(two*(energy - potential(i))-l_l_plus_one/rr_squared(i)) - alpha_sq_over_four)/twelve
f(i) = one + g_temp
end do
n_kink = nmax
call integrate_vkb_outwards(i_species,n_kink,ell,psi,f,n_crossings,n_nodes) ! We want to integrate to max before final node
if(n_crossings>=n_nodes+1) then
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Found cutoff inside the VKB projector cutoff: this suggests too great an energy shift")')
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Try reducing Atom.dE_small_radius from its default of 2 eV")')
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Alternatively this shell should be semi-core - adjust General.SemicoreEnergy")')
call cq_abort("Aborting")
do i=n_kink,nmax-1
psi(i+1) = ( (twelve - ten*f(i)) * psi(i) - f(i-1)*psi(i-1) )/f(i+1)
if(psi(i)*psi(i+1)<zero.OR.(abs(psi(i+1))<1e-16_double)) then ! Crossing the x-axis
!write(*,*) '# Node ! ',rr(i),psi(i),psi(i+1)
n_crossings = n_crossings + 1
if(n_crossings>=n_nodes+1) exit
end if
end do
end if
!write(*,*) '# Crossings, nodes: ',n_crossings, n_nodes
if(n_crossings<n_nodes+1) call cq_abort("Failed to find confined state - please check input")
end if
! Find radius by integrating outwards
! Interpolate between i+1 and i
if(i>=nmax) i=nmax-1
Rc = rr(i) - psi(i)*(rr(i+1)-rr(i))/(psi(i+1)-psi(i))
!write(*,*) 'ri, ri+1 and interp are: ',rr(i), rr(i+1),psi(i),psi(i+1), - psi(i)*(rr(i+1)-rr(i))/(psi(i+1)-psi(i))
if(iprint>5) write(*,*) '# Found radius ',Rc
if(abs(Rc - rr(local_and_vkb%ngrid_vkb))<0.1_double) then ! Arbitrary but reasonable
write(*,fmt='(/"For l=",i1," Rpao is close to RKB: ",2f7.4)') ell,Rc,rr(local_and_vkb%ngrid_vkb)
write(*,fmt='("Consider increasing Rpao or decreasing RKB"/)')
end if
end subroutine find_radius_from_energy
! Rc has been specified - find the energy that gives this cutoff
! VKB version
! Use local potential for homogeneous equation, and solve inhomogeneous
! equations for projectors (then combine solutions)
subroutine find_eigenstate_and_energy_vkb(i_species,en,ell,Rc,psi,energy,vha,vxc,width,prefac)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
use mesh, ONLY: rr, rr_squared, nmesh, alpha, make_mesh, beta, drdi, drdi_squared, convert_r_to_i
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use read, ONLY: e_step, max_solver_iters
implicit none
integer :: i_species, ell, en
real(double) :: energy, Rc
real(double), dimension(nmesh) :: psi,vha,vxc
real(double), OPTIONAL :: width, prefac
! Local variables
real(double) :: g_temp, dy_L, dy_R, ipsi_in, ipsi_out
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: f, potential
integer :: classical_tp, i, n_crossings, n_nodes, n_loop, loop, nmax, n_kink, n_nodes_lower, n_nodes_upper, n_kink_vkb
real(double) :: l_half_sq, dx_sq_over_twelve, fac, norm, d_energy, e_lower, e_upper, df_cusp, cusp_psi, tol
real(double) :: delta_energy_bracket, zval, l_l_plus_one, alpha_sq_over_four, xkap
real(double) :: gin, gout, gsgin, gsgout, xin, xout, exponent, delta
logical :: flag_find_radius = .false.
logical :: flag_confine
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Entering find_eigenstate_and_energy_vkb")')
flag_confine = .false.
if(present(width).AND.present(prefac)) then
if(abs(prefac)>RD_ERR) flag_confine = .true.
end if
l_half_sq = real(ell,double) + half
l_half_sq = l_half_sq*l_half_sq
l_l_plus_one = real(ell*(ell+1),double)
zval = pseudo(i_species)%zval ! Added
!zval = pseudo(i_species)%z (z or zval?)
!write(*,*) '# zval is ',zval
dx_sq_over_twelve = alpha*alpha/twelve
alpha_sq_over_four = alpha*alpha/four
n_nodes = en - ell - 1
if(abs(energy)<RD_ERR) then
e_lower = -two*zval!-zval*zval/real(en*en,double)
else if(energy<zero) then
e_lower = energy*1.2_double
else ! Unbound (polarisation) state
e_lower = -half!zero
end if
! Energy bounds - allow for unbound states
e_upper = half!five ! One failed to find the tightest PAO for O
do i=1,nmesh
potential(i) = local_and_vkb%local(i) + vha(i) + vxc(i) ! Half when using Siesta
!g_temp = l_l_plus_one/(rr_squared(i)) + potential(i)
!if(g_temp<e_lower) e_lower = g_temp
end do
! Now set number of loops and maximum radius
n_loop = max_solver_iters
call convert_r_to_i(Rc,nmax)
nmax = nmax - 1
! NEW !
Rc = rr(nmax)
! NEW !
if(abs(energy)<RD_ERR) then
energy = zero!half*(e_lower+e_upper)
end if
tol = 1.0e-6_double
if(flag_confine) then
delta = 0.01_double
do i=1,nmax
! Locally rc = Rc + delta, ri = Rc - width
if(rr(i)>(Rc + delta - width)) then
exponent = (width + delta)/(rr(i) - Rc + width)
potential(i) = potential(i) + prefac*exp(-exponent)/(Rc + delta - rr(i))
end if
end do
end if
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"For this eigenstate, we require ",i2," nodes")') n_nodes
! Now loop to find the correct energy
do loop = 1,n_loop
if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Loop ",i3," with energy brackets of ",3f18.10)') loop, e_lower,energy,e_upper
n_kink = nmax
do i=1,nmax
g_temp = (drdi_squared(i)*(two*(energy - potential(i))-l_l_plus_one/rr_squared(i)) - alpha_sq_over_four)/twelve
f(i) = one + g_temp
end do
psi = zero
! Outward
! We will need homogeneous and n_proj inhomogeneous
n_crossings = 0
call integrate_vkb_outwards(i_species,n_kink,ell,psi,f,n_crossings,n_nodes) ! We want to integrate to max before final node
n_kink_vkb = n_kink
if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Kink is at ",f18.10," with ",i2," crossings")') rr(n_kink),n_crossings
! If we haven't found enough nodes, we need to try further
!if(n_crossings/=n_nodes) then
if(n_crossings<n_nodes) then
!write(*,*) 'Found ',n_crossings,' crossings so far; continuing ',n_kink_vkb
n_kink = nmax-n_kink_vkb+1
call numerov(n_kink_vkb-1,n_kink,nmax,psi,rr,f,1,n_crossings,n_nodes,xkap,0)
!if(n_kink<n_kink_vkb) then
! write(*,*) 'Possible error source: ',n_kink_vkb,nmax
! n_kink=nmax
!end if
!write(*,*) 'Left numerov with kink, crossings: ',n_kink,n_crossings
end if
if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Kink is at ",f18.10)') rr(n_kink)
xout = psi(n_kink)*f(n_kink) - psi(n_kink-1)*f(n_kink-1)
gout = psi(n_kink)
gsgout = psi(n_kink)*psi(n_kink)*drdi_squared(n_kink)
if(n_kink == nmax) then
if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='(2x,"No kink found - adjusting lower bound")')
e_lower = energy
if(e_upper-e_lower>e_step) then
energy = energy + e_step
energy = half*(e_lower+e_upper)
end if
end if
if(n_crossings /= n_nodes) then
if ( n_crossings > n_nodes ) then
e_upper = energy
if(e_upper-e_lower>e_step) then
energy = energy - e_step
energy = half * ( e_upper + e_lower )
end if
e_lower = energy
if(e_upper-e_lower>e_step) then
energy = energy + e_step
energy = half * ( e_upper + e_lower )
end if
end if
!energy = half * ( e_upper + e_lower )
if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Nodes found: ",i3," but required: ",i3)') n_crossings, n_nodes
end if
! Used for matching
fac = psi(n_kink)
! Inward
i = nmax
xkap = sqrt(two*(potential(i) - energy)+l_l_plus_one/rr_squared(i))
psi(nmax) = zero!exp(-xkap)
psi(nmax-1) = one !exp(-xkap*(rr(nmax) - rr(nmax-1)))
call numerov(n_kink+1,nmax-n_kink,nmax,psi,rr,f,-1,n_crossings,n_nodes,xkap,0)
if(iprint>5) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Values of psi to L and R of kink point",2f18.10)') fac,psi(n_kink)
fac = fac/psi(n_kink)
psi(n_kink:nmax) = psi(n_kink:nmax)*fac
xin = psi(n_kink)*f(n_kink)- psi(n_kink+1)*f(n_kink+1)
gin = psi(n_kink)
gsgin = psi(n_kink)*psi(n_kink)*drdi_squared(n_kink)
! Remember that psi is y in numerov - don't forget factor of root(r)
! Normalise
norm = zero
!call integrate_simpson(psi*psi,drdi_squared,nmax,norm)
do i=1,nmax
norm = norm + psi(i)*psi(i)*drdi_squared(i)
end do
psi = psi/sqrt(norm)
! It is possible to improve the search by predicting the necessary shift in energy
! The lines below feature various ways of doing this but at the moment they aren't
! needed as the search is very fast. Kept as useful diagnostics.
! All the lines below are redundant, I think
!%%! ! [yL(i-1) + yR(i+1) - (14-12f(i))y(i)]/dx > 0 means energy too high
!%%! dy_L = (psi(n_kink-1)*sqrt(drdi(n_kink-1))/rr(n_kink-1)-psi(n_kink-2)*sqrt(drdi(n_kink-2))/rr(n_kink-2)) &
!%%! /(rr(n_kink-1)-rr(n_kink-2))
!%%! dy_R = (psi(n_kink+2)*sqrt(drdi(n_kink+2))/rr(n_kink+2)-psi(n_kink+1)*sqrt(drdi(n_kink+1))/rr(n_kink+1)) &
!%%! /(rr(n_kink+2)-rr(n_kink+1))
!%%! if(iprint>5) then
!%%! write(*,fmt='("Gradient of psi on L: ",f18.10)') dy_L
!%%! write(*,fmt='("Gradient of psi on L (alt): ",f18.10)') (psi(n_kink-1)-psi(n_kink-2))/(rr(n_kink-1)-rr(n_kink-2))
!%%! write(*,fmt='("Gradient of psi on R: ",f18.10)') dy_R
!%%! write(*,fmt='("Gradient of psi on R (alt): ",f18.10)') (psi(n_kink+2)-psi(n_kink+1))/(rr(n_kink+2)-rr(n_kink+1))
!%%! end if
!%%! d_energy = dy_R - dy_L
!%%! if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='("Difference in gradients: ",f18.10)') d_energy
i = n_kink
! Perturbation theory to improve energy
cusp_psi = ( psi(i-1)*f(i-1) + f(i+1)*psi(i+1) + ten*f(i)*psi(i)) / twelve
df_cusp = f(i)*( psi(i)/cusp_psi - one )
d_energy = (df_cusp*twelve * cusp_psi * cusp_psi)/drdi(i)
if(iprint>5) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Energies (low, mid, high): ",3f18.10)') e_lower,energy,e_upper
if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Energy shift : ",f18.10)') d_energy
! Alternate approach
!cusp_psi = xin + xout
!cusp_psi = cusp_psi + twelve*(one-f(n_kink))*gout
!cusp_psi = cusp_psi*gout/(gsgin + gsgout)
!d_energy = cusp_psi
if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Energy shift (alt): ",f18.10)') cusp_psi
if(iprint>5) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Number of nodes: ",i4)') n_crossings
!! Integrate to kink in both directions - this is another estimate of the
!! energy change required but is rather approximate because of the method
!! used to calculate dpsi/dr
!ipsi_out = zero
!do i=1,n_kink
! ipsi_out = ipsi_out + psi(i)*psi(i)*drdi_squared(i)
!end do
!ipsi_out = ipsi_out/(psi(n_kink)*psi(n_kink))
!ipsi_in = zero
!do i=n_kink,nmax
! ipsi_in = ipsi_in + psi(i)*psi(i)*drdi_squared(i)
!end do
!ipsi_in = ipsi_in/(psi(n_kink)*psi(n_kink))
!!dy_L = (psi(n_kink)*sqrt(drdi(n_kink))/rr(n_kink)-psi(n_kink-1)*sqrt(drdi(n_kink-1))/rr(n_kink-1)) &
!! /(rr(n_kink)-rr(n_kink-1))
!!dy_R = (psi(n_kink+1)*sqrt(drdi(n_kink+1))/rr(n_kink+1)-psi(n_kink)*sqrt(drdi(n_kink))/rr(n_kink)) &
!! /(rr(n_kink+1)-rr(n_kink))
!dy_L = (psi(n_kink)*drdi(n_kink)-psi(n_kink-1)*drdi(n_kink-1)) &
! /(rr(n_kink)-rr(n_kink-1))
!dy_R = (psi(n_kink+1)*drdi(n_kink+1)-psi(n_kink)*drdi(n_kink)) &
! /(rr(n_kink+1)-rr(n_kink))
!d_energy = -(dy_L/psi(n_kink) - dy_R/psi(n_kink))/(ipsi_in + ipsi_out)
!write(*,*) 'New d_energy is ',d_energy
! Write out psi here?
if ( n_crossings /= n_nodes) then
if ( n_crossings > n_nodes ) then
e_upper = energy
if(e_upper-e_lower>e_step) then
energy = energy - e_step
energy = half * ( e_upper + e_lower )
end if
e_lower = energy
if(e_upper-e_lower>e_step) then
energy = energy + e_step
energy = half * ( e_upper + e_lower )
end if
end if
!energy = half * ( e_upper + e_lower )
end if
if(d_energy>zero) then
e_lower = energy
e_upper = energy
end if
if(energy+d_energy<e_upper.AND.energy+d_energy>e_lower) then
if(abs(d_energy)<e_step) then
energy = energy + d_energy
if(d_energy>zero) then
energy = energy + e_step
energy = energy - e_step
end if
end if
energy = half*(e_lower + e_upper)
end if
if(abs(d_energy)<tol) exit
end do
if(loop>=n_loop.AND.abs(d_energy)>tol) call cq_abort("Error: failed to find energy for n,l: ",en,ell)
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"Final energy found: ",f11.6," Ha")') energy
! Rescale - remove factor of sqrt r
do i=1,nmax
psi(i) = psi(i)*sqrt(drdi(i))/rr(i)
end do
! Adjust so that psi approaches zero from above for large r
if(psi(nmax - 5)<zero) psi = -psi
if(ell>0) then
do loop = 1,ell
psi = psi/rr
end do
end if
end subroutine find_eigenstate_and_energy_vkb
! Fit a simple polynomial (a + b*r*r)*r**(l+1) up to Rc and then match psi_match
! from that point on. We then subtract this function off psi_match to generate a
! more compressed orbital, but one whose gradient goes to zero at Rc.
! Follows the ideas of Siesta (e.g. JPCM 14, 2745 2002)
subroutine find_split_norm(en,ell,Rc,psi,psi_match)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
use mesh, ONLY: rr, rr_squared, nmesh, alpha, make_mesh, beta, drdi, drdi_squared, convert_r_to_i
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: ell, en
real(double) :: Rc
real(double), dimension(nmesh) :: psi,psi_match
! Local variables
integer :: nrc, i
real(double) :: psi_val, dpsi_val, a, b, c, d, rmatch, norm, rl, dpsip, dpsim, d2psi
! Find matching point
call convert_r_to_i(Rc,nrc)
nrc = nrc-1
rmatch = rr(nrc)
! Values of psi and dpsi at Rc
psi_val = rr(nrc)**ell*psi_match(nrc)
dpsi_val = half*(rr(nrc+1)**ell*psi_match(nrc+1) - rr(nrc-1)**ell*psi_match(nrc-1)) / drdi(nrc)
! These are used for higher-order polynomial matching
!dpsip = half*(rr(nrc+2)**ell*psi_match(nrc+2) - rr(nrc)**ell*psi_match(nrc)) / drdi(nrc+1)
!dpsim = half*(rr(nrc)**ell*psi_match(nrc) - rr(nrc-2)**ell*psi_match(nrc-2)) / drdi(nrc-1)
!d2psi = half*(dpsip - dpsim) / drdi(nrc)
! Coefficients of polynomial
rl = one
do i=1,ell
rl = rl*rmatch
end do
! Original, simple quadratic a - b*r*r, matching psi and dpsi at rc
b = half*(dpsi_val*rmatch - real(ell,double)*psi_val)/(rl*rmatch*rmatch)
a = psi_val/rl - b*rmatch*rmatch
if(iprint>3) write(*,*) "Split norm coefficients, radius: ",a,b,rmatch
! -------------------------------------------------------------
! General quadratic a + b*r + c*r*r (added matching psi at r=0)
! -------------------------------------------------------------
!if(ell>0) then
! a = zero
! a = psi_match(1)
!end if
!c = (dpsi_val*rmatch + rl*a - real(ell+1,double)*psi_val)/(rl*rmatch*rmatch)
!b = (dpsi_val - real(ell,double) * psi_val/rmatch - two*c*rl*rmatch)/rl
!if(iprint>3) write(*,*) "Split norm coefficients, radius: ",a,b,c,rmatch
! -------------------------------------------------------------
! Alternate general quadratic a + b*r + c*r*r (added matching d2psi at rc)
! -------------------------------------------------------------
!c = half*(d2psi*rmatch*rmatch - real(ell,double) * (dpsi_val * rmatch - psi_val) )/(rl*rmatch*rmatch)
!b = (dpsi_val - real(ell,double) * psi_val/rmatch - two*c*rl*rmatch)/rl
!a = psi_val/rl - c * rmatch * rmatch - b * rmatch
!if(iprint>3) write(*,*) "Split norm coefficients, radius: ",a,b,c,rmatch
! -------------------------------------------------------------
! Cubic a + b*r + c*r*r + d*r*r*r (added d2psi = 0 at rc)
! -------------------------------------------------------------
!if(ell>0) then
! a = zero
! a = psi_match(1)
!end if
!d = ( (psi_val - a) - dpsi_val * rmatch) / (rmatch * rmatch * rmatch)
!c = -three * d * rmatch
!b = dpsi_val - two * c * rmatch - three * d * rmatch * rmatch
!if(iprint>3) write(*,*) "Split norm coefficients, radius: ",a,b,c,d,rmatch
! -------------------------------------------------------------
! Cubic a + b*r + c*r*r + d*r*r*r (added d2psi matches zeta at rc)
! -------------------------------------------------------------
!if(ell>0) then
! a = zero
! a = psi_match(1)
!end if
!d = half*( d2psi * rmatch * rmatch - real(2*(ell+1),double) * dpsi_val * rmatch &
! + real((ell+1)*(ell+2),double) * psi_val - two * a) / (rl * rmatch * rmatch * rmatch)
!c = dpsi_val/(rl*rmatch) - real(ell+1,double) * psi_val/(rl*rmatch*rmatch) - &
! two * d * rmatch + a/(rmatch * rmatch)
!b = psi_val/(rl*rmatch) - c * rmatch - d * rmatch * rmatch - a/rmatch
!if(iprint>3) write(*,*) "Split norm coefficients, radius: ",a,b,c,d,rmatch
! Now create the difference between smooth and original
do i=1,nrc
! Cubic
!psi(i) = psi_match(i) - (a + b*rr(i) + c*rr(i)*rr(i) + d*rr(i)*rr(i)*rr(i))
! General quadratic
!psi(i) = psi_match(i) - (a + b*rr(i) + c*rr(i)*rr(i))
! Original quadratic
psi(i) = psi_match(i) - (a + b*rr(i)*rr(i))
end do
! Normalise
norm = zero
do i=1,nrc
!norm = norm + rr(i)**(2*ell+2)*psi(i)*psi(i)*drdi_squared(i)
norm = norm + rr(i)**(2*ell+2)*psi(i)*psi(i)*drdi(i)
end do
psi = psi/sqrt(norm)
end subroutine find_split_norm
! Perform outward integration when using Vanderbilt-Kleinman-Bylander projectors
! We solve for the homogeneous equation (local potential) and then nproj inhomogeneous
! equations (one for each projector) which are then combined
! This serves as a layer between the eigenstate finder and numerov
subroutine integrate_vkb_outwards(i_species,n_kink,ell,psi,f,n_crossings,n_nodes_inside)
use datatypes
use numbers
use mesh, ONLY: rr, nmesh, drdi, drdi_squared, convert_r_to_i
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species, n_kink, ell, n_crossings, n_nodes_inside
real(double), dimension(nmesh) :: psi, f
! Local variables
integer :: i_proj, j_proj, i, info, nproj_acc, j
integer, dimension(4) :: ipiv ! Larger than needed
real(double) :: integral, xkap, r_l_p_1, dy, dy_last
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:) :: pot_vector, psi_h, s, integrand
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: pot_matrix, psi_inh
!if(local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)>0) then
pot_matrix = zero
pot_vector = zero
psi_h = zero
psi_inh = zero
! allocate(psi_h(nmesh))
! psi_h = zero
!end if
if(ell == 0) then
nproj_acc = 0
nproj_acc = sum(local_and_vkb%n_proj(0:ell-1))
end if
! Homogeneous - standard numerov - but only to projector radius
psi_h = zero
n_kink = local_and_vkb%ngrid_vkb
if(n_kink<5) call convert_r_to_i(two,n_kink)
if(iprint>5) write(*,fmt='("In integrate_vkb, outer limit is ",f18.10)') rr(n_kink)
s = zero
integrand = zero
! Initial values of the homogeneous solution from series expansion
xkap = one
psi_h(1) = rr(1)**real(ell+1,double)/sqrt(drdi(1))
psi_h(2) = rr(2)**real(ell+1,double)/sqrt(drdi(2))
r_l_p_1 = rr(1)**real(ell+1,double)
call numerov(1,n_kink,nmesh,psi_h,rr,f,1,n_crossings,n_nodes_inside,xkap,n_kink,s) ! We want to integrate to max before final node
! Integral between solution and VKB projectors
do i_proj = 1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
do j=1,n_kink
integrand(j) = psi_h(j)*sqrt(drdi(j))* &
end do
call integrate_simpson(integrand,drdi(1:n_kink),n_kink,integral)
if(iprint>6) write(*,fmt='("In integrate_vkb, homogeneous integral is ",f18.10)') integral
pot_vector(i_proj) = integral*pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_ekb(nproj_acc + i_proj)
end do
! Inhomogeneous - add VKB projector as source term
do i_proj = 1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
s(1:n_kink) = two*local_and_vkb%projector(1:n_kink,i_proj,ell)*drdi(1:n_kink)*sqrt(drdi(1:n_kink))
! Series expansion based on projector (FIND APPROPRIATE REFERENCE !)
xkap = two*local_and_vkb%projector(1,i_proj,ell)/(r_l_p_1*(six + four*real(ell,double)))
psi_inh(1,i_proj) = xkap*rr(1)**real(ell+3,double)/sqrt(drdi(1))
psi_inh(2,i_proj) = xkap*rr(2)**real(ell+3,double)/sqrt(drdi(2))
call numerov(1,n_kink,nmesh,psi_inh(:,i_proj),rr,f,1,n_crossings,n_nodes_inside, &
! Integrals between this solution and VKB projectors
do j_proj = 1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
call integrate_simpson(psi_inh(1:n_kink,i_proj)*(sqrt(drdi(1:n_kink)))* & ! /rr(1:n_kink)
local_and_vkb%projector(1:n_kink,j_proj,ell), drdi,n_kink,integral)
if(iprint>6) write(*,fmt='("In integrate_vkb, inhomogeneous integral is ",f18.10)') integral
pot_matrix(j_proj,i_proj) = -integral*pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_ekb(nproj_acc + j_proj)
end do
pot_matrix(i_proj,i_proj) = one + pot_matrix(i_proj,i_proj)
end do
!write(*,*) '# Pot mat and vec: ',pot_matrix, pot_vector
! Invert matrix
if(local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)>0) then
call dgesv(local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell), 1, pot_matrix, local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell), ipiv, &
pot_vector, local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell), info)
if(info/=0) call cq_abort("Error from dgesv called in integrate_vkb_outward: ",info)
if(iprint>6) write(*,fmt='("In integrate_vkb, coefficients are ",3f18.10)') pot_vector
pot_vector = zero
end if
! Construct total outward wavefunction
psi(1:n_kink) = psi_h(1:n_kink)
do i_proj=1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
psi(1:n_kink) = psi(1:n_kink) + pot_vector(i_proj)*psi_inh(1:n_kink,i_proj)
end do
! Search for nodes
n_crossings = 0
dy = psi(2) - psi(1)
do i=2,n_kink
if(rr(i)>half.AND.psi(i)*psi(i-1)<zero) n_crossings = n_crossings+1
end do
!if(local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)>0) then
deallocate(pot_matrix, pot_vector, s, psi_h, psi_inh, integrand)
! deallocate(s, psi_h, integrand)
!end if
end subroutine integrate_vkb_outwards
subroutine find_polarisation(i_species,en,ell,Rc,psi_l,psi_pol,energy,vha,vxc,pf_sign)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
use mesh, ONLY: rr, rr_squared, nmesh, alpha, make_mesh, beta, drdi, drdi_squared, convert_r_to_i
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
implicit none
integer :: i_species, ell, en
real(double) :: energy, Rc, pf_sign
real(double), dimension(nmesh) :: psi_l, psi_pol, vha, vxc
! Local variables
real(double) :: g_temp, dy_L, dy_R
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: f, g, s, potential
integer :: classical_tp, i, n_crossings, n_nodes, n_loop, loop, nmax, n_kink, n_nodes_lower, n_nodes_upper
real(double) :: l_half_sq, dx_sq_over_twelve, fac, norm, d_energy, e_lower, e_upper, df_cusp, cusp_psi, tol
real(double) :: delta_energy_bracket, zval, l_l_plus_one, alpha_sq_over_four
real(double) :: prefac, pf_low, pf_high
do loop = 1,ell
psi_l = psi_l*rr
end do
pf_low = 1.0e-3_double
pf_high = 10000.0_double
prefac = 1000.0_double ! Arbitrary initial value
l_half_sq = real(ell+1,double) + half
l_half_sq = l_half_sq*l_half_sq
l_l_plus_one = real((ell+2)*(ell+1),double)
! NB The values of n and l we have here are for the perturbed function, so this is correct
n_nodes = en - ell - 1
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"For this polarisation function, we require ",i2," nodes")') n_nodes
! This is needed when we are perturbing a valence state with a semi-core state
if(n_nodes>0 .and. pf_sign>zero .and. psi_l(1)<zero) then
pf_sign = -one
if(iprint>5) write(*,fmt='(4x,"Changing sign of function as required")')
end if
zval = pseudo(i_species)%z
dx_sq_over_twelve = alpha*alpha/twelve
alpha_sq_over_four = alpha*alpha/four
allocate(f(nmesh),g(nmesh), s(nmesh), potential(nmesh))
!call radial_hartree(nmesh,semilocal%charge,vha)
!call vxc_pz_ca(nmesh,rr,semilocal%charge,vxc)
e_lower = zero!-zval*zval/real(en*en,double)
! It is both correct and better to use V_{l+1} in semi-local but we allow V_{l} both for
! compatibility with old Siesta pseudopotentials and for cases where we do not have semi-local
! potentials for l+1
if((ell+1>pseudo(i_species)%lmax).OR.flag_use_Vl) then
if(iprint>2) then
if(ell+1>pseudo(i_species)%lmax) then
write(*,*) 'lmax is ',pseudo(i_species)%lmax,' so perturbing using l not l+1'
write(*,*) 'Using V_{l} not V_{l+1} for perturbation'
end if
end if
!l_l_plus_one = real((ell)*(ell+1),double)
do i=1,nmesh
potential(i) = local_and_vkb%semilocal_potential(i,ell) + vha(i) + vxc(i)
end do
do i=1,nmesh
potential(i) = local_and_vkb%semilocal_potential(i,ell+1) + vha(i) + vxc(i)
end do
end if
n_loop = 100
tol = 1.0e-8_double
! Energy bounds - allow for unbound states
nmax = nmesh ! Adjust later to confine
! Test
call convert_r_to_i(Rc,nmax)
nmax = nmax - 1
! Numerov
do i=1,nmax
g(i) = (drdi_squared(i)*(two*(energy - potential(i))-l_l_plus_one/rr_squared(i)) - alpha_sq_over_four)/twelve
f(i) = one + g(i)
s(i) = -two*rr(i)*rr(i)*psi_l(i) ! Need r*phi here
end do
! Iterate to find correct initial boundary condition
do loop = 1,n_loop
! Small radius solution - dV/dr is zero near centre
! Use prefac to set psi(1) and gradient
psi_pol(1) = pf_sign*prefac*rr(1)**(ell+2)!*(one - zval*r(1)/(real(ell+1,double)))
psi_pol(1) = psi_pol(1)/sqrt(drdi(1))
psi_pol(2) = pf_sign*prefac*rr(2)**(ell+2)!*(one - zval*r(2)/(real(ell+1,double)))
psi_pol(2) = psi_pol(2)/sqrt(drdi(2))
! We need crossings counted - if there are crossings, then increase, else decrease
n_crossings = 0
do i=2,nmax-1
psi_pol(i+1) = (two*psi_pol(i)*(one-five*g(i)) - psi_pol(i-1)*f(i-1) + (s(i+1)+ten*s(i)+s(i-1))/twelve)/f(i+1)
if(psi_pol(i+1)*psi_pol(i)<zero) n_crossings = n_crossings + 1
end do
if(iprint>5) write(*,fmt='("Crossings found: ",i3)') n_crossings
if(n_crossings > n_nodes) then ! Increase
pf_low = prefac
prefac = half*(pf_low + pf_high)
if(iprint>5) write(*,fmt='("More crossings than nodes required: ",2i3)') n_crossings, n_nodes
if(iprint>5) write(*,fmt='("Polarisation loop ",i3," brackets and prefactor: ",3f13.5)')loop,pf_low,prefac,pf_high
!do i=1,nmax
! write(13,*) rr(i),psi_pol(i),-rr(i)*rr(i)*psi_l(i)
!end do
!write(13,*) '&'
pf_high = prefac
prefac = half*(pf_low+pf_high)
!do i=1,nmax
! write(13,*) rr(i),psi_pol(i),-rr(i)*rr(i)*psi_l(i)
!end do
!write(13,*) '&'
if(iprint>5) write(*,fmt='("Polarisation loop ",i3," brackets and prefactor: ",3f13.5)') loop,pf_low,prefac,pf_high
end if
! Normalise
norm = zero
do i=1,nmax
norm = norm + psi_pol(i)*psi_pol(i)*drdi_squared(i)
end do
psi_pol = psi_pol/sqrt(norm)
if(pf_high - pf_low<1e-3_double.AND.abs(psi_pol(nmax))<1e-3_double) then
!if(iprint>4) write(*,*) '# Found prefac'
end if
end do
if(loop>=n_loop) then
if(iprint>5) then
do i=1,nmax
write(50,*) rr(i),psi_pol(i),-rr(i)*rr(i)*psi_l(i)
end do
call flush(50)
end if
call cq_abort("ERROR in perturbative polarisation routines - prefactor not found")
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='("Finished perturbative polarisation search with prefactor ",f13.5)') prefac
end if
!do i=1,nmax
! write(12,*) rr(i),psi_l(i),psi_pol(i)!,psi_pol(i)*sqrt(drdi(i))/rr(i)
!end do
!write(12,*) '&'
! Rescale - remove factor of sqrt r
do i=1,nmax
psi_pol(i) = psi_pol(i)*sqrt(drdi(i))/rr(i)
!write(13,*) rr(i),(two*rr_squared(i)*potential(i)+l_half_sq)*alpha*alpha, &
! alpha*alpha*rr_squared(i)
end do
!do i=1,nmesh
! write(25+ell+1,*) rr(i),psi_pol(i)
!end do
!write(25+ell+1,*) '&'
do loop = 1,ell+1
psi_pol = psi_pol/rr
if(loop<ell+1) psi_l = psi_l/rr
end do
deallocate(f, g, s, potential)
end subroutine find_polarisation
! I've added the possibility to include a source term, for the VKB inhomogeneous solutions
! In this case we won't count nodes (done in the calling routine) so we'll need to make sure
! that the limits are correctly set
subroutine numerov(n_st,n_pts,n_tot,y,r,f,direction,n_crossings,n_nodes_inside,prefac,n_source,source)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
use mesh, ONLY: drdi
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: n_st, n_pts, direction, n_tot
integer :: n_crossings, n_nodes_inside
real(double) :: energy, prefac
real(double), dimension(n_tot) :: y, r, f
integer :: n_source
real(double), OPTIONAL, dimension(n_source) :: source
! Local variables
integer :: i, j, n_end, n_stop_rl, en
real(double) :: l_half_sq, dx_sq_over_twelve, g_temp, dy, dy_last, expon
!real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: y
logical :: flag_source
flag_source = .false.
if(present(source)) flag_source = .true.
n_end = n_st + n_pts - 1
if(direction==1) then
! Set first two points - seies expansion
!expon = real(ell+1,double)
!y(1) = prefac*r(1)**expon!*(one - z*r(1)/(real(ell+1,double)))
!y(2) = prefac*r(2)**expon!*(one - z*r(2)/(real(ell+1,double)))
!y(1) = y(1)/sqrt(drdi(1))
!y(2) = y(2)/sqrt(drdi(2))
!%%! if(ell==0) then
!%%! expon = real(ell+1,double)
!%%! !y(1) = r(1)**expon*(one - z*r(1)/(real(ell+1,double)) + two*(z/real(en,double))**1.5_double*r(1)*r(1))
!%%! y(1) = r(1)**expon*(one - z*r(1)/(real(ell+1,double)) + (200.0_double/real(en,double))*r(1)*r(1))
!%%! y(1) = y(1)/sqrt(drdi(1))
!%%! y(2) = r(2)**expon*(one - z*r(2)/(real(ell+1,double)) + (200.0_double/real(en,double))*r(2)*r(2))
!%%! y(2) = y(2)/sqrt(drdi(2))
!%%! else
!%%! y(1) = r(1)**expon*(one - z*r(1)/(real(ell+1,double)))
!%%! y(1) = y(1)/sqrt(drdi(1))
!%%! y(2) = r(2)**expon*(one - z*r(2)/(real(ell+1,double)))
!%%! y(2) = y(2)/sqrt(drdi(2))
!%%! end if
!y(1) = f(1)/(twelve - ten*f(1))
!dy = y(1)
!y(2) = ( (twelve-ten*f(1)) * y(1) )/f(2)
!y(2) = one
!y(3) = r(3)**(ell+1)*(one - z*r(3)/(real(ell+1,double)))
!y(3) = y(3)/sqrt(drdi(3))
!y(4) = r(4)**(ell+1)*(one - z*r(4)/(real(ell+1,double)))
!y(4) = y(4)/sqrt(drdi(4))
!dy = y(4) - y(3)
dy = y(n_st+1) - y(n_st)
! Solve for y
if(flag_source) then
do i=n_st+1,n_end-1
dy_last = dy
y(i+1) = ( (twelve - ten*f(i)) * y(i) - f(i-1)*y(i-1) + &
(source(i+1) + ten*source(i) + source(i-1))/twelve)/f(i+1)
dy = y(i+1) - y(i)
!if(y(i)*y(i+1)<zero.OR.(abs(y(i+1))<1e-16_double)) then ! Crossing the x-axis
! n_crossings = n_crossings + 1
!end if
!if(dy*dy_last<zero.AND.n_crossings>=n_nodes_inside) then
! n_pts = i ! Maximum
! exit
!end if
end do
do i=n_st+1,n_end-1
dy_last = dy
y(i+1) = ( (twelve - ten*f(i)) * y(i) - f(i-1)*y(i-1) )/f(i+1)
dy = y(i+1) - y(i)
if(y(i)*y(i+1)<zero.OR.(abs(y(i+1))<1e-16_double)) then ! Crossing the x-axis
n_crossings = n_crossings + 1
end if
n_pts = i ! Maximum
if(dy*dy_last<zero.AND.n_crossings>=n_nodes_inside) then
n_pts = i ! Maximum
end if
end do
end if
!n_pts = i ! Point of maximum
else if(direction==-1) then
!write(*,*) '# Inward: ',n_end,n_st
y(n_end) = zero!alpha
y(n_end-1) = 0.001_double!one ! Arbitrary - we scale later
! inward integration
do i = n_end-1,n_st,-1
y(i-1) = ( (twelve - ten*f(i)) * y(i) - f(i+1)*y(i+1) )/f(i-1)
if(y(i)*y(i-1)<zero.OR.(abs(y(i-1))<1e-16_double)) then
n_crossings = n_crossings + 1
end if
! This rescaling may be needed - but not at the moment
if (y(i-1) > 1.0e7_double) then
y(i-1:n_end) = y(i-1:n_end)/y(i-1)
end if
end do
end if
end subroutine numerov
! Also uses numerov - may be possible to combine in future
subroutine radial_hartree(n_tot,rho,vha)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
use mesh, ONLY: alpha, drdi, rr, rr_squared, sqrt_drdi
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: n_tot
real(double), dimension(n_tot) :: rho,vha
! Local variables
integer :: i
real(double) :: dx_sq_over_twelve, qtot, V0, f, g, prefac
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: y, s
! Set constants
dx_sq_over_twelve = alpha*alpha/twelve
y = zero
! Set first two points
! Point 1: integrate outwards 4.pi.r on log mesh
qtot = zero
V0 = zero
vha = zero
call integrate_simpson(rho*rr_squared,drdi,n_tot,qtot)
call integrate_simpson(rho*rr,drdi,n_tot,V0)
do i=1,n_tot
!%%! ! The charge density is actually 4.pi.rho for Hamann
!%%! ! The Siesta density is given as 4.pi.r^2.rho but read_module divides by r^2.
!%%! ! NB \int dr -> \int (dr/di) di with (dr/di) found in mesh_module.f90
!%%! ! Total charge
!%%! qtot = qtot + rho(i)*rr_squared(i)*drdi(i)
!%%! ! Potential at r=0
!%%! V0 = V0 + rho(i)*drdi(i)*rr(i)
!%%! ! array for solution, below
s(i) = -rr(i)*rho(i)*drdi(i)*sqrt_drdi(i)
end do
if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='("In Hartree, total valence charge is ",f12.5)') qtot
! Numerov
g = -alpha*alpha/four ! alpha is d/dr(dr/di) for both meshes
f = one + g/twelve
! Small radius solution - dV/dr is zero near centre
y(1) = V0*rr(1)/sqrt_drdi(1)
y(2) = V0*rr(2)/sqrt_drdi(2)
do i=2,n_tot-1
y(i+1) = (two*y(i)*(one-five*g/twelve) - y(i-1)*f + (s(i+1)+ten*s(i)+s(i-1))/twelve)/f
end do
V0 = (Qtot - sqrt_drdi(n_tot)*y(n_tot))/rr(n_tot) ! Solution of homogeneous equation so that we reach asymptote Z/r
!write(*,*) '# Correction shift: ',V0
do i=1,n_tot
vha(i) = y(i)*sqrt_drdi(i)/rr(i) + V0
!write(25,*) rr(i),vha(i), rho(i)
end do
end subroutine radial_hartree
subroutine integrate_simpson(f,metric,np,total)
use numbers
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: np
real(double), dimension(np) :: f, metric
real(double) :: total
! Local variables
integer :: n, i
! Even or odd ?
if(mod(np,2)==1) then
n = np
n = np - 3 ! Fix at end
end if
! Integrate with simpson's rule
total = zero
! Four thirds terms
do i=2,n-1,2
total = total + f(i)*metric(i)
end do
total = total * two
! Two thirds terms
do i=3,n-2,2
total = total + f(i)*metric(i)
end do
total = total * two
! End points
total = total + f(1)*metric(1)
total = total + f(n)*metric(n)
total = total*third
if(mod(np,2)==0) then ! Correct final segment
total = total + half*three_quarters*(f(i)*metric(i) + f(i+3)*metric(i+3) + &
three*(f(i+1)*metric(i+1) + f(i+2)*metric(i+2)) )
end if
end subroutine integrate_simpson
end module schro