2023 lines
73 KiB
2023 lines
73 KiB
module read
use datatypes
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
use global_module, ONLY: iprint
use pseudo_atom_info, only: kb_thresh
implicit none
character(len=80) :: block_file
character(len=80), save :: pseudo_file_name, vps_file_name, vkb_file_name
! Local parameters
integer :: basis_size
integer, parameter :: minimal = 1
integer, parameter :: small = 2
integer, parameter :: medium = 3
integer, parameter :: full = 4
! Pseudopotential formats
integer, parameter :: oncvpsp = 1
integer, parameter :: hgh = 2
integer :: ps_format
integer :: energy_units ! Local for reading; 1 is Ha, 2 is eV
integer :: max_scf_iters, max_solver_iters
real(double) :: energy_conv ! Define a factor for energy conversion (often 1.0)
real(double) :: energy_semicore ! Threshold for semi-core states
real(double) :: shallow_state_energy ! Energy to define shallow states (maybe too large)
real(double), save :: gen_energy_semicore ! System-wide threshold for semi-core states
real(double) :: width, prefac ! Defaults
real(double) :: alpha_scf
real(double) :: e_step
logical, save :: flag_gen_use_Vl
logical :: flag_adjust_deltaE = .false.
character(len=30), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: species_label
! Read Conquest_ion_input into memory, and obtain general parameters
subroutine read_general_input
use numbers
use species_module, only: n_species
use input_module, only: load_input, fdf_integer, fdf_double, fdf_boolean, &
fdf_block, block_start, block_end, input_array, fdf_endblock, fdf_string, leqi
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use pseudo_atom_info, ONLY: flag_default_cutoffs, flag_plot_output, hgh_data
implicit none
integer :: i, j, ios
character(len=80) :: input_string
! Load the Conquest_ion_input file into memory
call load_input
! Scan for general parameters
! IO
iprint = fdf_integer('IO.Iprint',0)
flag_plot_output = fdf_boolean('IO.PlotOutput',.false.)
! Species
n_species = fdf_integer('General.NumberOfSpecies',1)
input_string = fdf_string(80,'General.PSFormat','oncvpsp') ! Or 'hgh'
if(leqi(input_string(1:3),'onc').or.leqi(input_string(1:3),'ham')) then
ps_format = oncvpsp
else if(leqi(input_string(1:3),'hgh').or.leqi(input_string(1:3),'gth')) then
ps_format = hgh
call cq_abort("Unrecognised pseudopotential format "//trim(input_string))
end if
allocate(pseudo(n_species)) ! Preserve compatibility with Conquest
! Read species labels
if(fdf_block('SpeciesLabels')) then
if(1+block_end-block_start<n_species) &
call cq_abort("Too few species in SpeciesLabels: ",&
do i=1,n_species
read (unit=input_array(block_start+i-1),fmt=*, iostat=ios) j, species_label(j)
if(ios/=0) call line_read_error('SpeciesLabels',ios,i)
end do
call fdf_endblock
call cq_abort("You need to specify SpeciesLabels block")
end if
! Retain previous general flags? Read and use as defaults for atom
flag_gen_use_Vl = fdf_boolean('General.UseVl',.false.)
gen_energy_semicore = fdf_double('General.SemicoreEnergy',-one)
if(gen_energy_semicore>zero) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Error: your semi-core threshold is positive ! ",f6.3)') gen_energy_semicore
! SCF parameters
alpha_scf = fdf_double('General.SCFMixing',half)
max_scf_iters = fdf_integer('General.SCFMaxIters',200)
! Solver parameters
e_step = fdf_double('General.SolverStep',0.1_double)
max_solver_iters = fdf_integer('General.SolverMaxIters',200)
! Threshold for KB projectors
kb_thresh = fdf_double('General.KBThresh',1e-8_double)
end subroutine read_general_input
! Read input from Conquest_ion_input for a species
! This routine also reads input and output from Hamann code
subroutine read_species_input(species)
use numbers
use input_module, ONLY: fdf_block, fdf_string, leqi, fdf_integer, fdf_double, fdf_boolean, &
use pseudo_atom_info, ONLY: paos, flag_use_Vl, val, deltaE_large_radius, deltaE_small_radius, &
flag_default_cutoffs, pao_cutoff_energies, pao_cutoff_radii, pao_cutoff_default, &
use units, ONLY: HaToeV
use mesh, ONLY: mesh_type, hamann, siesta, alpha, beta, delta_r_reg
! Passed variables
integer :: species
! Local variables
character(len=80) :: input_string
integer :: i
logical :: flag_default
if(fdf_block(species_label(species))) then
! Set semi-core energy
energy_semicore = fdf_double('Atom.SemicoreEnergy',gen_energy_semicore)
if(energy_semicore>zero) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Error: your semi-core threshold is positive ! ",f6.3)') energy_semicore
! Energy which detects a state near zero which might have too large a radius
shallow_state_energy = fdf_double('Atom.ShallowEnergy',-0.152_double)
! Mesh
mesh_type = hamann
alpha = fdf_double("Mesh.Alpha",alpha)
beta = fdf_double("Mesh.Beta",beta)
delta_r_reg = fdf_double("Atom.RegularSpacing",0.01_double)
! Get Hamann input and output file names and read files
pseudo_file_name = fdf_string(80,'Atom.PseudopotentialFile',' ')
if(ps_format==oncvpsp) then
call read_hamann_input(species)
else if(ps_format==hgh) then
call read_hgh_input(species)
call cq_abort("Unrecognised pseudopotential format")
end if
if(ps_format==oncvpsp) then
vkb_file_name = fdf_string(80,'Atom.VKBFile',' ')
call read_vkb(species)
else if(ps_format/=hgh) then
call cq_abort("Unrecognised pseudopotential format")
end if
! Form for zetas: compress or split norm
input_string = fdf_string(80,'Atom.ZetaForm','split')
if(leqi(input_string(1:3),'spl')) then
paos%flag_zetas = 1 ! Split-norm approach
else if(leqi(input_string(1:3),'com')) then
paos%flag_zetas = 2 ! Compression approach
call cq_abort("Unrecognised zeta form flag "//input_string(1:8))
end if
! Confinement
width = fdf_double("Atom.WidthConfine",one)
prefac = fdf_double("Atom.PrefacConfine",zero)
! Cutoffs
input_string = fdf_string(8,"Atom.Cutoffs","default")
if(leqi(input_string(1:2),'en')) then ! Take reasonable keyword
paos%flag_cutoff = pao_cutoff_energies
else if(leqi(input_string(1:2),'ra')) then ! Again
paos%flag_cutoff = pao_cutoff_radii
else if(leqi(input_string(1:7),'default')) then
paos%flag_cutoff = pao_cutoff_radii !default
call cq_abort("Unrecognised atomic cutoff flag "//input_string(1:8))
end if
! Energy units
energy_units = 1
energy_conv = one
input_string = fdf_string(2,"Atom.EnergyUnits","Ha")
if(leqi(input_string(1:2),"eV")) then
energy_units = 2
energy_conv = one / HaToeV
deltaE_large_radius = fdf_double("Atom.dE_large_radius",0.02_double)
deltaE_small_radius = fdf_double("Atom.dE_small_radius",two)
deltaE_large_radius = fdf_double("Atom.dE_large_radius_semicore_hgh",2.72e-5_double)
deltaE_large_radius = deltaE_large_radius / HaToeV
deltaE_large_radius_semicore_hgh = deltaE_large_radius_semicore_hgh / HaToeV
deltaE_small_radius = deltaE_small_radius / HaToeV
else if(leqi(input_string(1:2),"Ha")) then
deltaE_large_radius = fdf_double("Atom.dE_large_radius",0.00073498_double)
deltaE_small_radius = fdf_double("Atom.dE_small_radius",0.073498_double)
deltaE_large_radius_semicore_hgh = fdf_double("Atom.dE_large_radius_semicore_hgh",1e-6_double)
end if
if(flag_adjust_deltaE) then
deltaE_large_radius = deltaE_large_radius*two
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Shallow energy state present ", &
"so adjusting large radius energy shift to ",f7.5," Ha")') deltaE_large_radius
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Adjust Atom.ShallowEnergy if needed")')
flag_adjust_deltaE = .false. ! Allow for other elements not to have this
end if
! Basis size
input_string = fdf_string(7,'Atom.BasisSize','none')
if(leqi(input_string(1:7),'minimal')) then
basis_size = minimal
else if(leqi(input_string(1:5),'small')) then
basis_size = small
else if(leqi(input_string,'medium').OR.leqi(input_string(1:4),'none')) then ! Default
basis_size = medium
else if(leqi(input_string(1:4),'full').OR.leqi(input_string(1:5),'large')) then
basis_size = full
call cq_abort("Error ! Unknown Atom.BasisSize specification: "//input_string(1:7))
end if
! Basis block
input_string = fdf_string(80,'Atom.BasisBlock','none')
if(.NOT.(leqi(input_string(1:4),'none'))) then !.AND.paos%flag_cutoff==3)) then
paos%n_shells = fdf_integer("Atom.PAO_N_Shells",0)
if(paos%n_shells==0) call cq_abort("Number of PAO shells not specified in atom block")
if(val%n_occ>paos%n_shells) &
call cq_abort("More valence shells in PP than in Atom.BasisBlock ",val%n_occ,paos%n_shells)
! Close species block
call fdf_endblock
call read_basis_block(input_string)
flag_default_cutoffs = .false.
! Close species block
call fdf_endblock
flag_default_cutoffs = .true.
end if
! Polarisation
flag_default = .true.
! If there are no polarisation orbitals, change default
if(basis_size == minimal .or. paos%n_shells==val%n_occ) flag_default = .false.
paos%flag_perturb_polarise = fdf_boolean("Atom.Perturbative_Polarised",flag_default)
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise .and. flag_default) then
! This is for compatibility but should be false
flag_use_Vl = fdf_boolean('Atom.UseVl',flag_gen_use_Vl)
! Do we have state to polarise?
paos%polarised_n = fdf_integer("Atom.PolarisedN",0)
paos%polarised_l = fdf_integer("Atom.PolarisedL",-1)
paos%polarised_shell = 0
! Default to outer shell (or previous if outer shell has l=2)
if(paos%polarised_n==0.AND.paos%polarised_l==-1) then
! Outer-most occupied shell
i = val%n_occ
! If it is l=2 (or more!) then default to one lower
if(val%l(i)>1) i = i-1
if(i==0) &
call cq_abort("We have one shell with l=2; I can't polarise this automatically.")
paos%polarised_n = val%n(i)
paos%polarised_l = val%l(i)
paos%polarised_shell = i
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Polarising shell ",i2," with n=",i2," and l=",i2)') &
i, paos%polarised_n, paos%polarised_l
end if
else if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise .and. (.not.flag_default)) then
call cq_abort("Can't set Atom.Perturbative_Polarised T with no polarisation orbitals")
end if
call cq_abort("Can't find species block for label "//species_label(species))
end if ! if fdf_block(species(species)) - is this species defined ?!
end subroutine read_species_input
! Read the basis specification for an atom
subroutine read_basis_block(basis_block_string)
use numbers
use pseudo_atom_info, ONLY: paos, pao_cutoff_energies, pao_cutoff_radii, pao_cutoff_default, &
allocate_pao, allocate_pao_z
use input_module
implicit none
character(len=80) :: basis_block_string
integer :: j, k, ios, n_shells_read
integer :: maxl, n_paos
if(fdf_block(basis_block_string)) then
! Initialise
call allocate_pao(paos%n_shells)
paos%width = width
paos%prefac = prefac
maxl = 0
n_paos = 0
! Set number of shells to read
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise) then
n_shells_read = paos%n_shells-1
n_shells_read = paos%n_shells
end if
! Read zetas for each shell
do j=1,n_shells_read
read (unit=input_array(block_start-1+j),fmt=*, iostat=ios) paos%n(j), paos%l(j), paos%nzeta(j)
if(ios/=0) call line_read_error(basis_block_string,ios,j)
if(paos%nzeta(j)>maxl) maxl = paos%nzeta(j)
n_paos = n_paos + paos%nzeta(j)
end do
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise) then
call set_polarisation
paos%nzeta(paos%n_shells) = paos%nzeta(paos%polarised_shell)
end if
! Allocate
call allocate_pao_z(maxl)
!paos%total_paos = n_paos
! Check for format error
if(block_start-1+2*n_shells_read>block_end) then
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Not enough lines in atom block ",(a))') basis_block_string
call cq_abort("Basis block error")
end if
! Read radii/energies
do j=1,n_shells_read
ios = 0
if(paos%flag_cutoff==pao_cutoff_energies) then ! Energies
read (unit=input_array(block_start-1+n_shells_read+j),fmt=*, iostat=ios) &
if(paos%energy(1,j)>two) write(*,fmt='("Warning: energy shift of ",f6.3, &
& "Ha is rather large. Are these radii ?")') paos%energy(1,j)
read (unit=input_array(block_start-1+n_shells_read+j),fmt=*, iostat=ios) &
if(paos%cutoff(1,j)<two) write(*,fmt='("Warning: radius of ",f6.3, &
& "a0 is rather small. Are these energies ?")') paos%cutoff(1,j)
end if
if(ios/=0) call line_read_error(basis_block_string,ios,j)
end do
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise) then
paos%cutoff(:,paos%n_shells) = paos%cutoff(:,paos%polarised_shell)
paos%energy(:,paos%n_shells) = paos%energy(:,paos%polarised_shell)
end if
! Check for confinement potentials
if(1+block_end-block_start>2*n_shells_read) then
do j=1,n_shells_read
read (unit=input_array(block_start-1+2*n_shells_read+j),fmt=*,iostat=ios) &
if(ios/=0) call line_read_error(basis_block_string,ios,j)
end do
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise) then
paos%width(paos%n_shells) = paos%width(paos%polarised_shell)
paos%prefac(paos%n_shells) = paos%prefac(paos%polarised_shell)
end if
end if
! Sort the energies/cutoffs so that largest is first
if(paos%flag_cutoff==pao_cutoff_radii) then
! We want to sort cutoffs large -> small
do j=1,paos%n_shells
call lsortr(paos%cutoff(:,j),paos%nzeta(j))
end do
! We want to sort energies small -> large
do j=1,paos%n_shells
call lsort(paos%energy(:,j),paos%nzeta(j))
end do
end if
! Close block
call fdf_endblock
call cq_abort("Can't find species basis block "//basis_block_string)
end if
end subroutine read_basis_block
! Find inner shell and set npao
subroutine set_polarisation
use numbers
use pseudo_atom_info, ONLY: paos, val, flag_use_Vl
implicit none
! Local variables
integer :: i
! Locate perturbed shell index, if necessary
if(paos%polarised_shell==0) then
do i=val%n_occ,1,-1
if(val%n(i)==paos%polarised_n.AND.val%l(i)==paos%polarised_l) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Polarising shell ",i3)') i
end if
end do
if(paos%polarised_shell==0) call cq_abort("Can't find shell to polarise ",&
paos%n(paos%polarised_shell), paos%l(paos%polarised_shell))
end if
! Set n, l
paos%l(paos%n_shells) = paos%l(paos%polarised_shell)+1
paos%n(paos%n_shells) = max(paos%n(paos%polarised_shell),paos%l(paos%n_shells)+1)
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='("For polarisation, we will perturb shell with n=",i2," and l=",i2)') &
paos%n(paos%polarised_shell), paos%l(paos%polarised_shell)
! Check for inner shell
paos%inner(paos%n_shells) = 0
do i=val%n_occ,1,-1
if(paos%l(i)==paos%l(paos%n_shells)) paos%inner(paos%n_shells) = i
end do
! Check whether there is an inner shell
!if(val%inner(paos%polarised_shell)>0) &
! call cq_abort("Can't use perturbative polarisation on shell with nodes: ", &
! paos%polarised_n, paos%polarised_l)
! Set npao for polarisation - use same as the shell being perturbed
paos%npao(paos%n_shells) = val%npao(paos%polarised_shell)
! Checks for perturbing s orbital
! Li, Be (npao set to one because l=0)
if(paos%l(paos%n_shells)==1 .AND. paos%inner(paos%n_shells)==0) paos%npao(paos%n_shells) = 1
! Remove pol_pf here as it is now incorporated into find_polarisation DRB 2021/09/02
! Use Vl if perturbing a p orbital with a valence or semi-core d orbital
if(paos%l(paos%n_shells)==2) then
do i=1,val%n_occ
if(paos%l(i)==2) flag_use_Vl = .true.
end do
end if
end subroutine set_polarisation
! Error reading line
subroutine line_read_error(basis_block_string,ios,j)
use GenComms, only: cq_abort
implicit none
character(len=*) :: basis_block_string
integer :: ios, j
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Problem with reading atom block ",(a))') basis_block_string
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Problem with shell ",i2)') j
if(ios<0) then
write(*,fmt='(2x,"End of record or end of file; please check block format")')
call cq_abort("Basis block error")
else if(ios>0) then
call cq_abort("System-dependent read error: ",ios)
end subroutine line_read_error
subroutine read_hgh_input(i_species)
use numbers
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use input_module, ONLY: io_assign, io_close, leqi
use mesh, ONLY: alpha, beta, rr_squared, drdi
use pseudo_atom_info, ONLY: val, allocate_val, local_and_vkb, allocate_vkb, hamann_version, &
deltaE_large_radius, hgh_data, kb_thresh, input_file_length
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: alloc_pseudo_info, pseudo
use periodic_table, ONLY: pte, n_species
use radial_xc, ONLY: flag_functional_type, init_xc, functional_lda_pz81, functional_gga_pbe96, &
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species
! Local variables
integer :: ios, lun, ngrid, ell, en, i, j, k, jp, n_occ, n_read, max_l, zeta, iexc
integer :: n_shells, n_nl_proj, this_l, number_of_this_l, max_nl_proj, n_r_proj_max
integer :: info, lwork
integer, dimension(0:4) :: count_func
integer, dimension(3,0:4) :: index_count_func
character(len=2) :: char_in
character(len=80) :: line, a
logical :: flag_core_done = .false.
logical, dimension(3,0:3) :: flag_min
real(double) :: dummy, dummy2, highest_energy, root_two, proj, rr_lp, pj, pjp, r_core, r_core_2, c_core
real(double) :: rl_base, rl_sqrt, rr, rr_l, rr_rl, rr_rl2, rr_rl4, rr_rl6, charge
real(double), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: gamma_fac
real(double), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: hnl
real(double), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: hnl_pass, hnl_store
real(double), dimension(3) :: eval
real(double), dimension(15):: work
real(double), dimension(3,3) :: tmp
write(*,fmt='("Using GTH/HGH pseudopotential")')
! Zero arrays
count_func = 0
index_count_func = 0
input_file_length = 0
! Open file
call io_assign(lun)
open(unit=lun, file=pseudo_file_name, status='old', iostat=ios)
if ( ios > 0 ) call cq_abort('Error opening HGH pseudopotential file: '//pseudo_file_name)
pseudo(i_species)%filename = pseudo_file_name
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
read(a,*) max_l, iexc
! Assign and initialise XC functional for species
if(iexc==3) then
flag_functional_type = functional_lda_pz81
else if(iexc==4) then
flag_functional_type = functional_gga_pbe96
else if(iexc<0) then
flag_functional_type = iexc
call cq_abort("Error: unrecognised iexc value: ",iexc)
end if
call init_xc
! Set maximum l value and zero arrays
hgh_data(i_species)%maxl = max_l
pseudo(i_species)%lmax = max_l
pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc = .false. ! Read this somewhere later
allocate(hgh_data(i_species)%r(0:max_l), hgh_data(i_species)%h(3,0:max_l))
hgh_data(i_species)%r = zero
hgh_data(i_species)%h = zero
write(*,fmt='("Maximum angular momentum for pseudopotential is l=",i1)') hgh_data(i_species)%maxl!pseudo(i_species)%lmax
! Read in parameters for local potential
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
read(a,*) char_in,hgh_data(i_species)%Zion,hgh_data(i_species)%rloc,&
! Now identify element number
pseudo(i_species)%zval = hgh_data(i_species)%Zion
do i=1,n_species
if(leqi(char_in,pte(i))) then
pseudo(i_species)%z = i
end if
end do
pseudo(i_species)%zcore = pseudo(i_species)%z - hgh_data(i_species)%Zion
write(*,fmt='("There are ",f6.2," core and ",f6.2," valence electrons")') pseudo(i_species)%zcore, pseudo(i_species)%zval
write(*,fmt='("The atomic number is",f6.2)') pseudo(i_species)%z
! Read data for non-local projectors
max_nl_proj = 0
local_and_vkb%n_proj = 0
local_and_vkb%n_nl_proj = 0
! hnl_pass is used for building diagonal projectors; hnl_store stores original parameters
hnl_pass = zero
hnl_store = zero
do ell = 0,max_l
! Read number of projectors for this l
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
read(a,*) max_nl_proj
if(max_nl_proj>0) then
hnl = zero
local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell) = max_nl_proj
local_and_vkb%n_nl_proj = local_and_vkb%n_nl_proj + local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
! Read table of projectors
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
read(a,*) hgh_data(i_species)%r(ell),(hnl(1,j),j=1,max_nl_proj)
if(max_nl_proj>1) then
do i=2,max_nl_proj
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
read(a,*) (hnl(i,j),j=i,max_nl_proj)
end do
do i=1,max_nl_proj
do j=i+1,max_nl_proj
hnl(j,i) = hnl(i,j)
end do
end do
! Store original data
hnl_pass(1:max_nl_proj,1:max_nl_proj,ell) = hnl
hnl_store(1:max_nl_proj,1:max_nl_proj,ell) = hnl
! Diagonalise h matrix
eval = zero
lwork = 15
info = 0
call dsyev('V','U',max_nl_proj,hnl_pass(1:max_nl_proj,1:max_nl_proj,ell), &
! Store diagonal values
do i=1,max_nl_proj
hgh_data(i_species)%h(i,ell) = eval(i)
end do
hgh_data(i_species)%h(1,ell) = hnl(1,1)
hnl_store(1,1,ell) = hnl(1,1)
end if
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
read(a,*) hgh_data(i_species)%r(ell)
local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell) = max_nl_proj
local_and_vkb%n_nl_proj = local_and_vkb%n_nl_proj + local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
hgh_data(i_species)%h(:,ell) = zero
end if
end do
! Transfer data into Conquest structures
write(*,fmt='("Total number of VKB projectors: ",i2)') local_and_vkb%n_nl_proj
call alloc_pseudo_info(pseudo(i_species),local_and_vkb%n_nl_proj)
do ell=0,pseudo(i_species)%lmax
do j=1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
zeta = zeta+1
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_l(i) = ell
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_n(i) = zeta
end do
end do
pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc = .false.
! Identify n_shells and n, l, occupancy for valence electrons and set PS energy to zero
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
read(a,*) n_shells
call allocate_val(n_shells)
n_occ = 0
do i=1,n_shells
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
read(a,*) val%n(i), val%l(i), val%occ(i), val%semicore(i)
val%en_ps(i) = zero
if(val%occ(i)>RD_ERR) n_occ = n_occ + 1
write(*,fmt='("n, l and occupancy: ",i1," ",i1,f6.2)') val%n(i), val%l(i), val%occ(i)
end do
val%n_occ = n_occ
! Test for PCC
ios = 0
r_core = zero
c_core = zero
n_read = 0 ! Compatibility with CP2K files; not used
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
if(ios==0) then
pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc = .true.
write(*,fmt='("This pseudopotential includes partial core corrections")')
read(a,*) r_core, n_read, c_core
end if
call io_close(lun)
! Grid size
ngrid = log(45.0_double/(beta/pseudo(i_species)%z))/log(1.012_double) ! Following Hamann
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='("Number of grid points ",i5)') ngrid
call allocate_vkb(ngrid,i_species)
! Assign pseudo-n value for nodes
do i = 1,n_shells
! Check for inner shells: count shells with this l and store
this_l = val%l(i)
number_of_this_l = count_func(this_l) + 1
count_func(this_l) = number_of_this_l
index_count_func(number_of_this_l, this_l) = i
if(number_of_this_l>1) val%inner(i) = index_count_func(number_of_this_l-1,this_l)
! Set n for PAO (sets number of nodes)
val%npao(i) = this_l + number_of_this_l
end do
if(iprint>3) write(*,fmt='(i2," valence shells, with ",i2," occupied")') n_shells, n_occ
root_two = sqrt(two)
! Read density from charge.dat or set to zero if file not present
if(ios==0) then
!charge = zero
do i=1,ngrid
read(40,*) rr,local_and_vkb%charge(i)
charge = charge + alpha*rr*rr*rr*local_and_vkb%charge(i)
end do
if(iprint>4) write(*,*) 'Charge read in integrates to : ',charge
! Normalise
local_and_vkb%charge = local_and_vkb%charge*pseudo(i_species)%zval/charge
local_and_vkb%charge = zero
end if
! Create local potential
do i=1,ngrid
rr = (beta/pseudo(i_species)%z)*exp(alpha*real(i-1,double))
local_and_vkb%rr(i) = rr
rr_rl = rr/hgh_data(i_species)%rloc
rr_rl2 = rr_rl*rr_rl
rr_rl4 = rr_rl2*rr_rl2
rr_rl6 = rr_rl4*rr_rl2
local_and_vkb%local(i) = (-hgh_data(i_species)%Zion/rr)*erf(rr_rl/root_two) + &
exp(-0.5*rr_rl2)*(hgh_data(i_species)%c1 + hgh_data(i_species)%c2*rr_rl2 + &
hgh_data(i_species)%c3*rr_rl4 + hgh_data(i_species)%c4*rr_rl6)
end do
local_and_vkb%r_vkb = local_and_vkb%rr(ngrid)
local_and_vkb%ngrid_vkb = ngrid
! Create PCC
if(pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc) then
local_and_vkb%pcc = zero
! There is a parameter n_read above which is currently unused
r_core_2 = r_core*r_core
! Willand paper values
!dummy = four*pi*(pseudo(i_species)%z - pseudo(i_species)%zval)/(sqrt(twopi)*r_core)**3
! CP2K values
dummy = one
do i=1,ngrid
rr = local_and_vkb%rr(i)
local_and_vkb%pcc(i) = c_core*dummy*exp(-half*rr*rr/r_core_2) ! May need to remove factor of 4pi
end do
end if
! Create non-local projectors
! i from 1 to 3
! l from 0 to lmax
! Precalculate normalisation
gamma_fac = zero
! l + (4i-1)/2 gives l+3/2 = (l+1)+0.5; then l+3 and l+5
do ell = 0,max_l
rl_sqrt = sqrt(hgh_data(i_species)%r(ell))
do i=1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
! l + 2i -1 + 0.5
rl_base = rl_sqrt*hgh_data(i_species)%r(ell)**real(ell+2*i-1,double)
gamma_fac(i,ell) = rl_base*sqrt(gamma(real(ell+(four*real(i,double)-one)/two,double)))
end do
end do
! Set logarithmic grid and work out projector radius
n_r_proj_max = 1
flag_min = .true.
do i=1,ngrid
if(local_and_vkb%rr(i)>half) then
do ell = 0,max_l
if(local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)>0) then
rr_rl = local_and_vkb%rr(i)/hgh_data(i_species)%r(ell)
do j = 1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
rr_l = local_and_vkb%rr(i)**(ell + 2*(j-1))
proj = root_two*rr_l*exp(-0.5*rr_rl*rr_rl)/gamma_fac(j,ell)
if(abs(proj)<kb_thresh.and.flag_min(j,ell)) then
if(local_and_vkb%rr(i)>local_and_vkb%core_radius(ell)) local_and_vkb%core_radius(ell) = local_and_vkb%rr(i)
if(local_and_vkb%rr(i)>local_and_vkb%rr(n_r_proj_max)) n_r_proj_max = i
flag_min(j,ell) = .false.
end if
end do
end if
end do
end if
end do
do ell = 0,max_l
write(*,'("l=",i1," core radius ",f6.3," bohr")') ell, local_and_vkb%core_radius(ell)
end do
! Now calculate projectors
local_and_vkb%r_vkb = local_and_vkb%rr(n_r_proj_max)
local_and_vkb%ngrid_vkb = n_r_proj_max
local_and_vkb%projector = zero
do i=1,local_and_vkb%ngrid_vkb
rr = local_and_vkb%rr(i)
do ell = 0,max_l
rr_rl = rr/hgh_data(i_species)%r(ell)
do j = 1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
rr_l = rr**(ell + 2*(j-1))
! r**(l + 2*(i-1))
! i=1 gives r**l; i=2 gives r**(l+2); i=3 gives r**(l+4)
if(local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)>1) then
do jp=1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
local_and_vkb%projector(i,jp,ell) = local_and_vkb%projector(i,jp,ell) + &
end do
local_and_vkb%projector(i,j,ell) = rr*root_two*rr_l*exp(-0.5*rr_rl*rr_rl)/gamma_fac(j,ell)
end if
end do
end do
end do
! Store values in Conquest structures
n_read = 1
do ell=0,pseudo(i_species)%lmax
do j = 1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_ekb(n_read) = hgh_data(i_species)%h(j,ell)
n_read = n_read + 1
end do
if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='(i3,4f10.5)') ell, &
end do
end subroutine read_hgh_input
! Read semi-local potentials output by a DRB patch to Hamann's code
! Now read KB potentials
subroutine read_vkb(i_species)
use numbers
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use input_module, ONLY: io_assign, io_close
use pseudo_atom_info, ONLY: val, allocate_val, local_and_vkb, allocate_vkb, hamann_version, deltaE_large_radius
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species
! Local variables
integer :: ios, lun, ngrid, ell, en, i, j, n_occ, n_read
integer :: n_shells, n_nl_proj, this_l, number_of_this_l
integer, dimension(0:4) :: count_func
integer, dimension(3,0:4) :: index_count_func
character(len=2) :: char_in
character(len=80) :: line
logical :: flag_core_done = .false.
real(double) :: dummy, dummy2, highest_energy
! Zero arrays
count_func = 0
index_count_func = 0
! Open file
call io_assign(lun)
open(unit=lun, file=vkb_file_name, status='old', iostat=ios)
if ( ios > 0 ) call cq_abort('Error opening pseudopotential file: '//vkb_file_name)
! Find number of shells and allocate space
read(lun,'(a)') line
if(len(trim(line))<9) then ! No version string
read(line,*) char_in,n_shells
hamann_version = 0
read(line,*) char_in,n_shells, hamann_version
write(*,*) 'Hamann code version ',hamann_version
end if
if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='("Reading Hamann output, with ",i3," valence shells")') n_shells
call allocate_val(n_shells)
! Read in table of shells, energies and occupancies and test for ordering
do i = 1,n_shells
read(lun,*) char_in,val%n(i),val%l(i),val%occ(i),val%en_ps(i)
! Ensure that shells are ordered; relatively simplistic but effective
if(i>1) then
do j=i,2,-1
if(val%en_ps(j)<val%en_ps(j-1).AND.val%occ(j)>RD_ERR) then ! Only re-order occupied
en = val%n(j-1)
ell = val%l(j-1)
dummy = val%occ(j-1)
dummy2 = val%en_ps(j-1)
val%n(j-1) = val%n(j)
val%l(j-1) = val%l(j)
val%occ(j-1) = val%occ(j)
val%en_ps(j-1) = val%en_ps(j)
val%n(j) = en
val%l(j) = ell
val%occ(j) = dummy
val%en_ps(j) = dummy2
end if
end do
end if
end do
n_occ = 0
if(iprint>3) then
write(*,fmt='("Valence shells from pseudopotential calculation")')
write(*,fmt='(" n l occ energy")')
end if
! Check for inner shells and assign pseudo-n value (for nodes)
highest_energy = -ten ! For comparison
do i = 1,n_shells
if(iprint>3) write(*,fmt='(2i3,f7.2,f10.4)') val%n(i),val%l(i),val%occ(i),val%en_ps(i)
! Check for inner shells: count shells with this l and store
this_l = val%l(i)
number_of_this_l = count_func(this_l) + 1
count_func(this_l) = number_of_this_l
index_count_func(number_of_this_l, this_l) = i
if(number_of_this_l>1) val%inner(i) = index_count_func(number_of_this_l-1,this_l)
! Set n for PAO (sets number of nodes)
val%npao(i) = this_l + number_of_this_l
! Check for semi-core state
if(val%en_ps(i)<energy_semicore) val%semicore(i) = 1
! Count occupied states
if(val%occ(i)>RD_ERR.OR.val%en_ps(i)<-1e-6_double) then
n_occ = n_occ + 1
highest_energy = max(val%en_ps(i),highest_energy)
end if
end do
if(iprint>3) write(*,fmt='(i2," valence shells, with ",i2," occupied")') n_shells, n_occ
if(highest_energy>shallow_state_energy) then
flag_adjust_deltaE = .true.
end if
val%n_occ = n_occ
! Read grid, charge, partial core, local potential, semilocal potentials
read(lun,*) char_in, ngrid
call allocate_vkb(ngrid,i_species)
! Read and store first block: local data
if(pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc) then
! Read logarithmic mesh, atomic charge, partial core charge, local potential
do i=1,ngrid
read(lun,*) local_and_vkb%rr(i),local_and_vkb%charge(i), &
local_and_vkb%pcc(i), local_and_vkb%local(i), &
end do
! Read logarithmic mesh, atomic charge, dummy for core, local potential
do i=1,ngrid
read(lun,*) local_and_vkb%rr(i),local_and_vkb%charge(i), &
dummy, local_and_vkb%local(i), &
end do
end if
! Read number of VKB projectors
read(lun,*) line!char_in,i,j,ios ! We could this as a check on the number of projectors
if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='("VKB projector energies"/," l energies")')
n_read = 0
do ell=0,pseudo(i_species)%lmax
read(lun,*) char_in,j,pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_ekb(n_read+1:n_read+local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell))
if(iprint>4) write(*,fmt='(i3,4f10.5)') ell, &
n_read = n_read+local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
end do
read(lun,*) char_in, ngrid
local_and_vkb%r_vkb = local_and_vkb%rr(ngrid)
local_and_vkb%ngrid_vkb = ngrid
! Read VKB projectors
do i=1,ngrid
read(lun,*) ((local_and_vkb%projector(i,j,ell), &
j=1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)), ell=0,pseudo(i_species)%lmax)
end do
call io_close(lun)
end subroutine read_vkb
subroutine read_hamann_input(i_species)
use numbers
use input_module, ONLY: io_assign, io_close
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: alloc_pseudo_info, pseudo
use spline_module, ONLY: spline
use radial_xc, ONLY: flag_functional_type, init_xc, functional_lda_pz81, functional_gga_pbe96, &
use pseudo_atom_info, ONLY: local_and_vkb, val, input_file_length
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species
! Local variables
integer :: lun, nc, nv, iexc, i_shell, en, ell, icmod, i, j, zeta, ios, n_nl_proj
integer :: input_lines
real(double) :: fill, zval, z, zcore
character(len=80) :: a
character(len=2) :: sym
character(len=4) :: file_format
character(len=132) :: line
logical :: done
! Open appropriate file
call io_assign(lun)
open(unit=lun, file=pseudo_file_name, status='old', iostat=ios)
if ( ios > 0 ) call cq_abort('Error opening Hamann input file: '//pseudo_file_name)
input_file_length = 0
pseudo(i_species)%filename = pseudo_file_name
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
read(a,*) sym,z,nc,nv,iexc,file_format
write(*,fmt='(/"Information about pseudopotential for species: ",a2/)') sym
pseudo(i_species)%z = z
! Assign and initialise XC functional for species
if(iexc==3) then
flag_functional_type = functional_lda_pz81
else if(iexc==4) then
flag_functional_type = functional_gga_pbe96
else if(iexc<0) then
flag_functional_type = iexc
call cq_abort("Error: unrecognised iexc value: ",iexc)
end if
call init_xc
write(*,fmt='("There are ",i2," core and ",i2," valence shells")') nc,nv
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
! Read n, l, filling for core
zcore = zero
do i_shell = 1, nc
read(a,*) en,ell,fill
zcore = zcore + fill
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
end do
pseudo(i_species)%zcore = zcore
! Read n, l, filling for valence
zval = zero
do i_shell = 1, nv
read(a,*) en,ell,fill
zval = zval + fill
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
end do
pseudo(i_species)%zval = zval
write(*,fmt='("The atomic number is",f6.2,", with valence charge ",f5.2," (core electrons: ",f5.2,")")') z,zval,zcore
! lmax
read(a,*) pseudo(i_species)%lmax
write(*,fmt='("Maximum angular momentum for pseudopotential is l=",i1)') pseudo(i_species)%lmax
! Projector radii etc
local_and_vkb%core_radius = zero
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
do ell = 0, pseudo(i_species)%lmax
read(a,*) en, local_and_vkb%core_radius(ell)
write(*,'("l=",i1," core radius ",f6.3," bohr")') ell, local_and_vkb%core_radius(ell)
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
end do
! Local potential read above in final step of loop, so leave
!a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
! Numbers of projectors
local_and_vkb%n_proj = 0
local_and_vkb%n_nl_proj = 0
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
do ell = 0, pseudo(i_species)%lmax
read(a,*) en,local_and_vkb%n_proj(en),fill
local_and_vkb%n_nl_proj = local_and_vkb%n_nl_proj + local_and_vkb%n_proj(en)
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
end do
write(*,fmt='("Total number of VKB projectors: ",i2)') local_and_vkb%n_nl_proj
call alloc_pseudo_info(pseudo(i_species),local_and_vkb%n_nl_proj)
do ell=0,pseudo(i_species)%lmax
do j=1,local_and_vkb%n_proj(ell)
zeta = zeta+1
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_l(i) = ell
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_n(i) = zeta
end do
end do
! Partial core correction ?
pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc = .false.
read(a,*) icmod
if(icmod>0) then
pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc = .true.
write(*,fmt='("This pseudopotential includes partial core corrections"/)')
write(*,fmt='("This pseudopotential does not include partial core corrections"/)')
end if
! Last two categories: tests and grid size
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
a = get_input_line(lun,ios)
call io_close(lun)
end subroutine read_hamann_input
! Check for comment markers
function get_input_line(lun,ios)
use pseudo_atom_info, ONLY: input_file_length, input_file
implicit none
integer :: lun
integer :: ios
character(len=80) :: get_input_line
character(len=80) :: a
read(lun,'(a)',iostat=ios) a
if(ios==0) then
input_file_length = input_file_length+1
input_file(input_file_length) = a
get_input_line = adjustl(a)
do while(get_input_line(1:1).eq.'#')
read(lun,'(a)') a
input_file_length = input_file_length+1
input_file(input_file_length) = a
get_input_line = adjustl(a)
end do
a = ' '
end if
end function get_input_line
! Set up PAO basis in case of default, or check user-specified basis
subroutine set_pao_initial(i_species)
use numbers
use species_module, ONLY: n_species
use pseudo_atom_info, ONLY: paos, allocate_pao, allocate_pao_z, flag_default_cutoffs, val
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: pseudo
use periodic_table, ONLY: pte
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: i_species
! Local variabls
integer :: j, i_highest_occ, this_l, number_of_this_l, i_end
integer :: i_shell, ell, en, n_paos, n_shells, ell_hocc, max_zeta, n_pol_zeta
integer, dimension(0:4) :: count_func
logical :: flag_confine
flag_confine = .false.
write(*,fmt='(/"Species ",i2," is ",a2)') i_species, pte(nint(pseudo(i_species)%z))
! Defaults
if(flag_default_cutoffs) then
write(*,fmt='(/"Default basis chosen"/)')
! Set numbers of functions
n_shells = val%n_occ+1 ! Default
if(basis_size==minimal) then ! One zeta for valence
max_zeta = 1
n_shells = val%n_occ
else if(basis_size==small) then ! As above plus polarisation
max_zeta = 1
n_pol_zeta = 1
else if(basis_size==medium) then ! Two zeta for valence plus polarisation
max_zeta = 2
n_pol_zeta = 1
else if(basis_size==full) then ! Three zeta for all channels - default
max_zeta = 3
n_pol_zeta = 3
end if
! Allocate space
count_func = 0
write(*,fmt='(" n l nodes zetas")')
call allocate_pao(n_shells)
call allocate_pao_z(max_zeta)
paos%width = width
paos%prefac = prefac
! Set information about PAOs: valence
do i_shell = 1,val%n_occ
this_l = val%l(i_shell)
number_of_this_l = count_func(this_l) + 1
count_func(this_l) = number_of_this_l
paos%n(i_shell) = val%n(i_shell)
paos%l(i_shell) = this_l
paos%npao(i_shell) = val%npao(i_shell)
if(val%semicore(i_shell)>0) then
paos%nzeta(i_shell) = 1
write(*,fmt='(2i3,2i7, " semi-core state")') paos%n(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell),&
paos%npao(i_shell) - paos%l(i_shell) - 1, &
paos%nzeta(i_shell) = max_zeta
write(*,fmt='(2i3,2i7)') paos%n(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell),&
paos%npao(i_shell) - paos%l(i_shell) - 1, &
end if
if(val%inner(i_shell)>0) then
end if
end do
! Set information about PAOs: polarisation
if(basis_size>minimal) then
i_shell = paos%n_shells
paos%nzeta(i_shell) = n_pol_zeta
! Determine polarisation shell: assume l(highest occupied)+1 unless that is l=2
i_highest_occ = val%n_occ
if(paos%l(i_highest_occ)>1) then
i_highest_occ = i_highest_occ - 1
if(i_highest_occ==0) &
call cq_abort("Only one shell, with l=2; I can't polarise this automatically.")
end if
! Check for equivalent l in pseudopotentials - switch to perturbation if necessary
if(paos%l(i_highest_occ)+1>pseudo(i_species)%lmax.and.(.not.paos%flag_perturb_polarise)) then
write(*,fmt='("Warning ! l for polarisation is greater than lmax for pseudopotential.&
& We have to use perturbation.")')
paos%flag_perturb_polarise = .true.
paos%polarised_l = paos%l(i_highest_occ)
paos%polarised_n = paos%n(i_highest_occ)
end if
! Set l, n, npao (for nodes)
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise) then
call set_polarisation
write(*,fmt='(2i3,2i7, " perturbed polarisation state")') paos%n(i_shell), &
paos%l(i_shell), paos%npao(i_shell) - paos%l(i_shell), paos%nzeta(i_shell)
paos%l(i_shell) = paos%l(i_highest_occ)+1
paos%n(i_shell) = max(paos%n(i_highest_occ),paos%l(i_highest_occ)+1)
paos%npao(i_shell) = paos%l(i_shell)+1
! Check for inner shell with same l value
if(count_func(paos%l(i_shell))>0) then
paos%npao(i_shell) = paos%npao(i_shell)+1
do j = i_shell-1,1,-1
if(paos%l(j)==paos%l(i_shell)) paos%inner(i_shell) = j
end do
end if
write(*,fmt='(2i3,2i7, " polarisation state")') paos%n(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell),&
paos%npao(i_shell) - paos%l(i_shell) - 1, &
end if
end if
! User-specified basis
write(*,fmt='("User-specified basis")')
count_func = 0
write(*,fmt='(" n l nodes zetas")')
! Create npao - used for number of nodes - and check consistency for n/l
paos%inner = 0
do i_shell = 1,val%n_occ
! Checks
if( paos%n(i_shell) /= val%n(i_shell) ) &
call cq_abort("Mismatch in valence n value: ", paos%n(i_shell),val%n(i_shell))
if( paos%l(i_shell) /= val%l(i_shell) ) &
call cq_abort("Mismatch in valence l value: ", paos%l(i_shell),val%l(i_shell))
if(paos%l(i_shell)>pseudo(i_species)%lmax) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Max l value from pseudopotential: ",i2)') pseudo(i_species)%lmax
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Max l value specified for PAO : ",i2)') paos%l(i_shell)
call cq_abort("Angular momentum mismatch between PS and PAO; please correct.")
end if
! Confine?
if(paos%prefac(i_shell)>RD_ERR) flag_confine = .true.
this_l = val%l(i_shell)
count_func(this_l) = count_func(this_l) + 1
! Set npao and write out
paos%npao(i_shell) = val%npao(i_shell)
write(*,fmt='(2i3,2i7)') paos%n(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell),&
paos%npao(i_shell) - paos%l(i_shell) - 1, &
! Check for inner shell and reasonable l
if(val%inner(i_shell)>0) then
end if
end do ! i_shell = 1,val%n_occ
! And again for unoccupied (polarisation) shells
if(paos%n_shells>val%n_occ) then
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise) then
i_end = paos%n_shells - 1
i_end = paos%n_shells
end if
do i_shell = val%n_occ+1,i_end
if(paos%l(i_shell)>pseudo(i_species)%lmax) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Max l value from pseudopotential: ",i2)') pseudo(i_species)%lmax
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Max l value specified for PAO : ",i2)') paos%l(i_shell)
call cq_abort("Angular momentum mismatch between PS and PAO; please correct.")
end if
! Set npao and write out
paos%npao(i_shell) = paos%l(i_shell)+1
! Check for inner shell with same l value
if(count_func(paos%l(i_shell))>0) then
paos%npao(i_shell) = paos%npao(i_shell)+1
do j = i_shell-1,1,-1
if(paos%l(j)==paos%l(i_shell)) paos%inner(i_shell) = j
end do
end if
write(*,fmt='(2i3,2i7)') paos%n(i_shell), paos%l(i_shell),&
paos%npao(i_shell) - paos%l(i_shell) - 1, &
end do
! Add perturbative polarisation shell if selected
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise) then
i_shell = paos%n_shells
call set_polarisation
paos%nzeta(i_shell) = paos%nzeta(paos%polarised_shell)
write(*,fmt='(2i3,2i7, " perturbed polarisation state")') paos%n(i_shell), &
paos%l(i_shell), paos%npao(i_shell) - paos%l(i_shell), paos%nzeta(i_shell)
end if
end if
if(flag_confine) then
write(*,fmt='("Using exponential confinement for PAOs")')
write(*,fmt='(" Prefactor Width")')
do i_shell = 1,paos%n_shells
write(*,fmt='(2f12.3)') paos%prefac(i_shell), paos%width(i_shell)
end do
end if
end if ! Default cutoffs
end subroutine set_pao_initial
! These routines were written to read the output from the Hamann code before realising that
! (a) we needed the semi-local potentials and (b) that the logarithmic radial mesh gave
! a much more accurate result. They're kept below for reference but aren't used.
subroutine read_abinit
use datatypes
use numbers
use species_module, ONLY: n_species
use input_module, ONLY: io_assign, io_close
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: alloc_pseudo_info, pseudo, rad_alloc
use spline_module, ONLY: spline
implicit none
character(len=80) :: a
integer :: i_species, ios, lun, loc_lmax
integer :: pseudo_format, pseudo_xc, lmax, l_local, grid_size
integer :: i,j,l, n_nl_proj, i_proj, i_last, zeta
real(double) :: zatom, zion, pcc_radius, pcc_flag, r, rlast, delta, yp1, ypn
real(double), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: temp_array
integer, dimension(0:6) :: n_proj ! Temporary - this is now in local_and_vkb
do i_species = 1,n_species
! open file
call io_assign(lun)
open(unit=lun, file=pseudo_file_name, status='old', iostat=ios)
if ( ios > 0 ) call cq_abort('Error opening pseudopotential file: '//pseudo_file_name)
pseudo(i_species)%filename = pseudo_file_name
! Read title line (and print ?)
read (lun, '(a)') a
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Title line for file: ",(a),/,4x,a80)') pseudo_file_name,a
! Read z atom, zion
read(lun,*) zatom, zion
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Atomic number: ",f6.1,/,4x,"Ionic charge: ",f6.1)') zatom, zion
pseudo(i_species)%z = zatom
pseudo(i_species)%zval = zion
! Line 3: format, XC, lmax, local, grid, extra
read(lun,*) pseudo_format, pseudo_xc, lmax, l_local, grid_size
pseudo(i_species)%lmax = lmax
n_proj = 0
! PCC line
read(lun,*) pcc_radius, pcc_flag
if(pcc_flag>zero) pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc = .true.
! Numbers of projectors for l=0 to llmax; Now we can work out n_pjnl (number of NL projectors)
read(lun,*) (n_proj(l),l=0,lmax)
n_nl_proj = 0
do l=0,lmax
n_nl_proj = n_nl_proj + n_proj(l)
if(n_proj(l)==0) loc_lmax = lmax-1
end do
if(loc_lmax<lmax) then
write(*,*) '# There is one value of l with zero KB projectors; changing lmax to ',loc_lmax
lmax = loc_lmax
end if
pseudo(i_species)%lmax = lmax
call alloc_pseudo_info(pseudo(i_species),n_nl_proj)
write(*,*) 'Grid size: ',grid_size
do l=0,lmax
do j=1,n_proj(l)
zeta = zeta+1
!call rad_alloc(pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(i),grid_size)
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_l(i) = l
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_n(i) = zeta
end do
end do
write(*,*) 'Number of NL projectors: ',n_nl_proj
!call alloc_pseudo_info(pseudo(i_species),n_nl_proj)
! Extension (ignore ?)
read(lun,*) i
! Loop over l
n_nl_proj = 0
do l=0,lmax
! read l, energies
write(*,*) 'l, nproj: ',l,n_proj(l)
if(n_proj(l)>0) then
read(lun,*) j, (pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_ekb(n_nl_proj+i),i=1,n_proj(l))
write(*,*) 'KB energies for l=',l,pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_ekb(n_nl_proj+1:n_nl_proj+n_proj(l))
! Read index, grid, projectors
rlast = zero
delta = zero
i_last = 0
do i=1,grid_size
!read(lun,*) j,r,(pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(n_nl_proj+i_proj)%f(i),i_proj=1,nproj(l))
read(lun,*) j,r,(temp_array(i_proj,i),i_proj=1,n_proj(l))
do i_proj = 1,n_proj(l)
if(abs(temp_array(i_proj,i))>RD_ERR) then
i_last = i
end if
end do
if(i==2) then
delta = r-rlast
write(*,*) 'Delta: ',delta
else if(i>2) then
if((abs(r-rlast)-delta)>RD_ERR) write(*,*) 'Possible delta error: ',r-rlast
end if
rlast = r
end do
write(*,*) 'Last non-zero entry for l=',l,' is ',i_last
do i_proj=1,n_proj(l)
call rad_alloc(pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(n_nl_proj+i_proj),i_last)
end do
do i=1,i_last
do i_proj=1,n_proj(l)
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(n_nl_proj+i_proj)%f(i) = temp_array(i_proj,i)
end do
end do
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(n_nl_proj+1:n_nl_proj+n_proj(l))%delta = delta
! NB we use i_last-1 because the first entry is r=0
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(n_nl_proj+1:n_nl_proj+n_proj(l))%cutoff = real(i_last-1,double)*delta
write(*,*) 'Cutoff: ',pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(n_nl_proj+1)%cutoff
yp1= zero
ypn= zero
do i=1,n_proj(l)
call spline(pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(n_nl_proj+i)%n, pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(n_nl_proj+i)%delta, &
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(n_nl_proj+i)%f, yp1, ypn, pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(n_nl_proj+i)%d2)
end do
n_nl_proj = n_nl_proj+n_proj(l)
end if
end do ! l=0,lmax
! Read lloc
read(lun,*) i
! Read index, grid, potential
call rad_alloc(pseudo(i_species)%vlocal,grid_size)
pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%delta = delta
pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%cutoff = grid_size*delta
do i=1,grid_size
read(lun,*) j,r,pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%f(i)
end do
if(pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc) then
! Find an appropriate cutoff
i_last = 0
do i=1,grid_size
read(lun,*) j,r,temp_array(i,1)
if(abs(temp_array(i,1))>RD_ERR) then
i_last = i
end if
end do
call rad_alloc(pseudo(i_species)%chpcc,i_last)
pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%delta = delta
pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%cutoff = i_last*delta
do i=1,i_last
pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%f(i) = temp_array(i,1)!/fourpi
end do
write (*,fmt='(10x,a)') "P.C.C. is taken into account."
end if
!call rad_alloc( pseudo(i_species)%vna, grid_size )
!pseudo(i_species)%vna%delta = delta
!pseudo(i_species)%vna%cutoff = grid_size*delta
call io_close(lun)
end do
end subroutine read_abinit
subroutine read_upf
use datatypes
use numbers
use species_module, ONLY: n_species
use input_module, ONLY: io_assign, io_close
use pseudo_tm_info, ONLY: alloc_pseudo_info, pseudo, rad_alloc
use spline_module, ONLY: spline
use periodic_table, ONLY: pte
implicit none
character(len=80) :: a, str
integer :: i_species, ios, lun, lines, st, rem, i_last
integer :: pseudo_format, pseudo_xc, lmax, l_local, grid_size, verlen
integer :: i,j,l, n_nl_proj, i_proj, ele, nproj_per_l
real(double) :: zatom, zion, pcc_radius, pcc_flag, r, rlast, delta, yp1, ypn, temp(100)
integer, dimension(0:6) :: n_proj
do i_species = 1,n_species
! open file
call io_assign(lun)
open(unit=lun, file=pseudo_file_name, status='old', iostat=ios)
if ( ios > 0 ) call cq_abort('Error opening pseudopotential file: '//pseudo_file_name)
pseudo(i_species)%filename = pseudo_file_name
! Read opening line
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if(str(1:4)/='<UPF') then
call cq_abort('File error: not UPF format: '//str)
verlen = len(trim(str))-16
write(*,*) 'UPF pseudopotential, version: ',str(15:14+verlen)
end if
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if (str(1:9) .eq. '<PP_INFO>') then
str = get_upf_line(lun)
write(*,*) 'PP_INFO: ',str
do while(str .ne. '</PP_INFO>')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
write(*,*) 'PP_INFO: ',str
end do
write(*,*) 'No PP_INFO: ',trim(str)
end if
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if(str(1:10).eq.'<PP_HEADER') then
write(*,*) 'Header'
! Read in a bunch of useful data
! Element
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:7).ne.'element')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
write(*,*) 'Element: ',str(10:11)
! We need to work out Zion from the element !
do ele = 1, 103
if(str(10:11).eq.pte(ele)) then
pseudo(i_species)%z = ele
write(*,*) 'Element number: ',ele
end if
end do
! Pseudo type
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:11).ne.'pseudo_type')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
if(str(14:15).ne.'NC') then
call cq_abort("Wrong PS type in UPF: "//str(14:15))
end if
! We may need to come back for relativistic
! core correction
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:15).ne.'core_correction')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
if((str(18:18).eq.'T').or.(str(18:18).eq.'t')) then
pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc = .true.
write (*,fmt='(10x,a)') "P.C.C. is taken into account."
end if
! functional
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:10).ne.'functional')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
write(*,*) 'Functional: ',str(13:15)
! We really need (a) a way to record and output the functional and (b) account for functional in CQ
! Valence
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:9).ne.'z_valence')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
read(str(12:19),*) pseudo(i_species)%zval
write(*,*) 'Valence charge: ',pseudo(i_species)%zval
! rho_cutoff is a suggested energy for charge density expansion (?)
! l max
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:5).ne.'l_max')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
read(str(8:8),*) pseudo(i_species)%lmax
write(*,*) 'Max l value: ',pseudo(i_species)%lmax
! mesh
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:9).ne.'mesh_size')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
read(str(12:17),*) grid_size
write(*,*) 'Grid size: ',grid_size
! Projectors
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:14).ne.'number_of_proj')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
read(str(17:17),*) n_nl_proj
write(*,*) 'Number of projectors: ',n_nl_proj
! We assume that there are the same number of projectors for each l
! If this is NOT the case we're in trouble... We would then need to
! read the entire file, recording the projector and l for each beta
! For now I assume that we don't need to do this DRB 2016/06/10
nproj_per_l = n_nl_proj/(pseudo(i_species)%lmax+1)
if(nproj_per_l*(pseudo(i_species)%lmax+1)/=n_nl_proj) write(*,*) 'Problem with projectors ?'
n_proj(0:pseudo(i_species)%lmax) = nproj_per_l
call alloc_pseudo_info(pseudo(i_species),n_nl_proj)
write(*,*) 'Grid size: ',grid_size
do l=0,pseudo(i_species)%lmax
do j=1,nproj_per_l
call rad_alloc(pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(i),grid_size)
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_l(i) = l
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_n(i) = i
write(*,*) 'n,l: ',pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_n(i),pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_l(i)
end do
end do
! We need to read the energies later - they're after all the tables
if(str(19:20).eq.'/>') write(*,*) 'Found header end'
end if
write(*,*) 'Done header'
! Mesh: PP_MESH
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if (str(1:9) .eq. '<PP_MESH>') then
str = get_upf_line(lun) ! We already have mesh_size
str = get_upf_line(lun)
read(str,*) rlast,r
delta = r-rlast
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(1:n_nl_proj)%delta = delta
write(*,*) 'Delta: ',delta
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:10).ne.'</PP_MESH>')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
write(*,*) 'Done mesh'
end if
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(:)%delta = delta
! Local
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if (str(1:9) .eq. '<PP_LOCAL') then
call rad_alloc(pseudo(i_species)%vlocal,grid_size)
write(*,*) str(40:50)
read(str(45:45),*) j
write(*,*) 'Columns: ',j
lines = (grid_size/j)
rem = grid_size - lines*j
write(*,*) 'Lines, rem: ',lines, rem
st = 1
do while(st<lines*j)
!write(*,*) 'Position: ',st, st+j-1
str = get_upf_line(lun)
!write(*,*) 'Line: ',str
read(str,*) (pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%f(i),i=st,st+j-1)
st = st + j
end do
str = get_upf_line(lun)
read(str,*) (pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%f(i),i=st,st+rem-1)
write(*,*) 'Final number: ',st+rem-1,pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%f(st+rem-1)
str = get_upf_line(lun)
pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%delta = delta
pseudo(i_species)%vlocal%cutoff = delta*grid_size
!call rad_alloc( pseudo(i_species)%vna, grid_size )
!pseudo(i_species)%vna%delta = delta
!pseudo(i_species)%vna%cutoff = delta*grid_size
if(str(1:11).ne.'</PP_LOCAL>') call cq_abort('Error in local')
end if
write(*,*) 'Starting non-local'
! Non-local
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if (str(1:12) .eq. '<PP_NONLOCAL') then
do i_proj = 1,n_nl_proj
! Loop over projectors ?
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if(str(1:8).eq.'<PP_BETA') then
if(str(9:9).eq.'.') then
write(*,*) 'Projector index and read: ',i_proj,str(10:10)
! I need total size and columns here
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:4).ne.'size')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
read(str(7:10),*) grid_size
write(*,*) 'Grid size ',grid_size
! Columns
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:7).ne.'columns')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
read(str(10:10),*) j
write(*,*) 'Columns: ',j
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:19).ne.'cutoff_radius_index')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
read(str(22:25),*) i_last!pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(n_nl_proj+1:n_nl_proj+nproj(l))%cutoff
call rad_alloc(pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(i_proj),i_last)
write(*,*) 'Max index: ',i_last
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:13).ne.'cutoff_radius')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
write(*,*) str(16:34)
read(str(16:34),*) pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(i_proj)%cutoff
end if
! Read the projector
lines = (grid_size/j)
rem = grid_size - lines*j
write(*,*) 'Lines, rem: ',lines, rem
st = 1
do while(st<lines*j)
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if(st<i_last) read(str,*) (pseudo(i_species)%pjnl(i_proj)%f(i),i=st,st+j-1)
st = st + j
end do
! Read final line
str = get_upf_line(lun)
! Get closing tag
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if(str(1:9).ne.'</PP_BETA') call cq_abort('Error reading beta: '//str(1:9))
end if
end do ! Loop over projectors i_proj=1,n_nl_proj
! Read projectors
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if (str(1:7) .eq. '<PP_DIJ') then
do i_proj = 1,n_nl_proj*n_nl_proj/4
str = get_upf_line(lun)
read(str,*) temp((i_proj-1)*4 + 1:(i_proj-1)*4 + 4)
end do
do i_proj = 1,n_nl_proj
pseudo(i_species)%pjnl_ekb(i_proj) = temp(1+(i_proj-1)*(n_nl_proj+1))
write(*,*) 'Proj, Energy: ',i_proj,temp(1+(i_proj-1)*(n_nl_proj+1))
end do
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if (str(1:8) .ne. '</PP_DIJ') call cq_abort('Error reading DIJ close tag: '//str(1:8))
end if
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if (str(1:13) .ne. '</PP_NONLOCAL') call cq_abort('Error reading NONLOCAL close tag: '//str(1:13))
call cq_abort("Error reading non-local pseudopotentials: "//str(1:12))
end if ! if(PP_NON_LOCAL
! PSWFC (ignore - should be empty)
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if (str(1:9) .eq. '<PP_PSWFC') then
str = get_upf_line(lun)
do while(str(1:10).ne.'</PP_PSWFC')
str = get_upf_line(lun)
end do
write(*,*) 'Skipped PP_PSWFC'
end if
if(pseudo(i_species)%flag_pcc) then
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if(str(1:8) .eq. '<PP_NLCC') then
call rad_alloc(pseudo(i_species)%chpcc,grid_size)
lines = (grid_size/j)
rem = grid_size - lines*j
write(*,*) 'Lines, rem: ',lines, rem
st = 1
do while(st<lines*j)
!write(*,*) 'Position: ',st, st+j-1
str = get_upf_line(lun)
!write(*,*) 'Line: ',str
read(str,*) (pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%f(i),i=st,st+j-1)
st = st + j
end do
str = get_upf_line(lun)
read(str,*) (pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%f(i),i=st,st+rem-1)
write(*,*) 'Final number: ',st+rem-1,pseudo(i_species)%chpcc%f(st+rem-1)
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if(str(1:9).ne.'</PP_NLCC>') call cq_abort('Error in local')
call cq_abort('Failed to find NLCC tag in str: '//str(1:47))
end if
end if
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if (str(1:11) .eq. '<PP_RHOATOM') then
if(str(38:44).eq.'columns') then
read(str(47:47),*) j
write(*,*) 'Columns: ',j
call rad_alloc(pseudo(i_species)%chlocal,grid_size) ! OK, this is ATOMIC density but read as local
lines = (grid_size/j)
rem = grid_size - lines*j
write(*,*) 'Lines, rem: ',lines, rem
st = 1
do while(st<lines*j)
!write(*,*) 'Position: ',st, st+j-1
str = get_upf_line(lun)
!write(*,*) 'Line: ',str
read(str,*) (pseudo(i_species)%chlocal%f(i),i=st,st+j-1)
st = st + j
end do
str = get_upf_line(lun)
read(str,*) (pseudo(i_species)%chlocal%f(i),i=st,st+rem-1)
write(*,*) 'Final number: ',st+rem-1,pseudo(i_species)%chlocal%f(st+rem-1)
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if(str(1:13).ne.'</PP_RHOATOM>') call cq_abort('Error in local')
call cq_abort('Failed to find columns tag in str: '//str(1:47))
end if
write(*,*) 'Expecting PP_RHOATOM tag - not found'
call cq_abort('Wrong tag: '//str(1:11))
end if
! End UPF tag
str = get_upf_line(lun)
if (str(1:6) .eq. '</UPF>') then
write(*,*) 'UPF file correctly closed'
write(*,*) 'Missing close UPF tag; found instead: ',str(1:6)
end if
call io_close(lun)
end do ! i=1,n_species
end subroutine read_upf
! Check for comment markers
function get_upf_line(lun)
implicit none
integer :: lun
character(len=80) :: get_upf_line
character(len=80) :: a
read(lun,'(a)') a
get_upf_line = adjustl(a)
do while(get_upf_line(1:4).eq.'<!--')
read(lun,'(a)') a
get_upf_line = adjustl(a)
end do
end function get_upf_line
! Simple sorting routine - uses heap sort for n>2
subroutine lsort(a,n)
use datatypes
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: n
real(double), dimension(n) :: a
! Local variables
real(double), dimension(n) :: b
real(double) :: temp
integer, dimension(n) :: indx
integer :: i, j, m, ir, indxt
if(n==1) then
else if(n==2) then
if(a(1)>a(2)) then
temp = a(2)
a(2) = a(1)
a(1) = temp
end if
b = a ! Copy array
do i=1,n
indx(i) = i
end do
ir = n
do while(.true.)
if(m>1) then
indxt = indx(m)
temp = a(indxt)
indxt = indx(ir)
temp = a(indxt)
if(ir==1) then
indx(1) = indxt
! Copy back
do i=1,n
a(i) = b(indx(i))
end do
end if
end if
i = m
j = m+m
do while(j<=ir)
if(j<ir) then
if(a(indx(j))<a(indx(j+1))) j=j+1
end if
if(temp<a(indx(j))) then
indx(i) = indx(j)
end if
end do
indx(i) = indxt
end do ! Infinite ?!
end if
end subroutine lsort
! Simple sorting routine - uses heap sort for n>2
! This sorts large -> small
subroutine lsortr(a,n)
use datatypes
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: n
real(double), dimension(n) :: a
! Local variables
real(double), dimension(n) :: b
real(double) :: temp
integer, dimension(n) :: indx
integer :: i, j, m, ir, indxt
if(n==1) then
else if(n==2) then
if(a(1)<a(2)) then
temp = a(2)
a(2) = a(1)
a(1) = temp
end if
b = a ! Copy array
do i=1,n
indx(i) = i
end do
ir = n
do while(.true.)
if(m>1) then
indxt = indx(m)
temp = a(indxt)
indxt = indx(ir)
temp = a(indxt)
if(ir==1) then
indx(1) = indxt
! Copy back
do i=1,n
a(i) = b(indx(n+1-i))
end do
end if
end if
i = m
j = m+m
do while(j<=ir)
if(j<ir) then
if(a(indx(j))<a(indx(j+1))) j=j+1
end if
if(temp<a(indx(j))) then
indx(i) = indx(j)
end if
end do
indx(i) = indxt
end do ! Infinite ?!
end if
end subroutine lsortr
end module read