
469 lines
18 KiB

! Contains routines to evaluate XC energy and potential for radial charge distributions
module radial_xc
implicit none
! Numerical flag choosing functional type
integer :: flag_functional_type
character(len=120) :: functional_description ! DRB lengthened to contain LibXC names
integer, parameter :: functional_lda_pz81 = 1
integer, parameter :: functional_lda_gth96 = 2
integer, parameter :: functional_lda_pw92 = 3 ! PRB 45, 13244 (1992) + PRL 45, 566 (1980)
integer, parameter :: functional_xalpha = 4 ! Slater/Dirac exchange only ; no correlation
integer, parameter :: functional_hartree_fock = 10 ! Hartree-Fock exact exchange ; no correlation
integer, parameter :: functional_gga_pbe96 = 101 ! Standard PBE
integer, parameter :: functional_gga_pbe96_rev98 = 102 ! revPBE (PBE + Zhang-Yang 1998)
integer, parameter :: functional_gga_pbe96_r99 = 103 ! RPBE (PBE + Hammer-Hansen-Norskov 1999)
integer, parameter :: functional_gga_pbe96_wc = 104 ! WC (Wu-Cohen 2006)
integer, parameter :: functional_hyb_pbe0 = 201 ! PBE0 (hybrid PBE with exx_alpha=0.25)
! LibXC variables
integer :: n_xc_terms
integer, dimension(2) :: i_xc_family
logical :: flag_use_libxc
subroutine init_xc
use global_module, ONLY : nspin, flag_dft_d2, iprint
use GenComms, ONLY : inode, ionode, cq_abort
use numbers
implicit none
! Local variables
integer :: vmajor, vminor, vmicro, i, j
integer, dimension(2) :: xcpart
character(len=120) :: name, kind, family, ref
! Test for LibXC or CQ
if(flag_functional_type<0) then
! --------------------------
! LibXC functional specified
! --------------------------
call cq_abort("This binary was not compiled against LibXC: aborting as functional < 0 ", &
! -----------------------------
! Conquest functional specified
! -----------------------------
flag_use_libxc = .false.
if(nspin==2) then ! Check for spin-compatible functionals
if ( flag_functional_type == functional_lda_pz81 .or. &
flag_functional_type == functional_lda_gth96 ) then
if (inode == ionode) &
write (*,'(/,a,/)') &
'*** WARNING: the chosen xc-functional is not &
&implemented for spin polarised calculation, &
&reverting to LDA-PW92. ***'
flag_functional_type = functional_lda_pw92
end if
end if
select case(flag_functional_type)
case (functional_lda_pz81)
functional_description = 'LDA PZ81'
if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE")
case (functional_lda_gth96)
functional_description = 'LDA GTH96'
if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE")
case (functional_lda_pw92)
functional_description = 'LSDA PW92'
if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE")
case (functional_gga_pbe96)
functional_description = 'GGA PBE96'
case (functional_gga_pbe96_rev98) ! This is PBE with the parameter correction
functional_description = 'GGA revPBE98' ! in Zhang & Yang, PRL 80:4, 890 (1998)
case (functional_gga_pbe96_r99) ! This is PBE with the functional form redefinition
functional_description = 'GGA RPBE99' ! in Hammer et al., PRB 59:11, 7413-7421 (1999)
if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE")
case (functional_gga_pbe96_wc) ! Wu-Cohen nonempirical GGA functional
functional_description = 'GGA WC' ! in Wu and Cohen, PRB 73. 235116, (2006)
if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE")
case (functional_hyb_pbe0) ! This is PB0E with the functional form redefinition
functional_description = 'hyb PBE0'
if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE")
case default
functional_description = 'LSDA PW92'
if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE")
end select
if(inode==ionode) write(*,'(/10x, "The functional used will be ", a15)') functional_description
end if ! if selecting LibXC or CQ
end subroutine init_xc
subroutine get_vxc(n_tot,rr,rho,vxc,exc)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
use mesh, ONLY: make_derivatives
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: n_tot
real(double), dimension(n_tot) :: rho, rr,vxc
real(double), OPTIONAL :: exc
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:) :: exc_array
integer :: i, n
logical :: flag_energy, flag_libxc ! This will be in global later
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: drho_dr, sigma, vrho, vsigma, loc_rho, d2term
flag_energy = .false.
if(PRESENT(exc)) then
flag_energy = .true.
exc_array = zero
end if
vxc = zero
! Choose LibXC or Conquest
select case(flag_functional_type)
if(flag_energy) then
call vxc_pz_ca(n_tot, rr, rho, vxc, exc_array)
call vxc_pz_ca(n_tot, rr, rho, vxc)
end if
if(flag_energy) then
call vxc_gga_pbe(n_tot, rr, rho, vxc, exc_array)
call vxc_gga_pbe(n_tot, rr, rho, vxc)
end if
end select
if(PRESENT(exc)) then
exc = zero
do i = 1, n_tot
exc = exc + exc_array(i)
end do
! Potentially also find Exc correction
end if
end subroutine get_vxc
subroutine vxc_pz_ca(n_tot,rr,rho,vxc,exc)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: n_tot
real(double), dimension(n_tot) :: rho, rr,vxc
real(double), OPTIONAL, dimension(n_tot) :: exc
! Local variables
integer :: i
real(double) :: dx_sq_over_twelve, qtot, V0
real(double), parameter :: prefac_rs = (three/fourpi)**third
real(double), parameter :: prefac_vx = (three_halves/pi)**(two*third)
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: y
real(double) :: denominator, e_correlation, e_exchange, ln_rs, &
numerator, rcp_rs, rh, rs, rs_ln_rs, sq_rs
real(double), parameter :: alpha = -0.45817_double
real(double), parameter :: beta_1 = 1.0529_double
real(double), parameter :: beta_2 = 0.3334_double
real(double), parameter :: gamma = -0.1423_double
real(double), parameter :: p = 0.0311_double
real(double), parameter :: q = -0.048_double
real(double), parameter :: r = 0.0020_double
real(double), parameter :: s = -0.0116_double
do i=1,n_tot
! rho is 4.pi.rho
rh = rho(i)/fourpi
if(rh>1e-8_double) then
rs = prefac_rs*rh**(-third)
if(rs>one) then
sq_rs = sqrt(rs)
denominator = (one + beta_1 * sq_rs + beta_2 * rs)
vxc(i) = -prefac_vx/rs + gamma*(one + seven_sixths*beta_1*sq_rs + &
if(present(exc)) exc(i) = - 0.75_double*prefac_vx/rs + gamma/denominator
ln_rs = log(rs)
vxc(i) = -prefac_vx/rs + p*ln_rs + (q-third*p) + two*third*r*rs*ln_rs + third*(two*s - r)*rs
if(present(exc)) exc(i) = - 0.75_double*prefac_vx/rs + p*ln_rs + q + r*rs*ln_rs + s*rs
end if
vxc(i) = zero
if(present(exc)) exc(i) = zero
end if
end do
end subroutine vxc_pz_ca
! It's not necessary to calculate the full set of arrays of derivatives etc for this simple GGA
! implementation - we can simply do it point by point (as it's one dimensional).
subroutine vxc_gga_pbe(n_tot,rr,rho,vxc,exc)
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
use mesh, ONLY: drdi, alpha, drdi_squared
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: n_tot
real(double), dimension(n_tot) :: rho, rr,vxc
real(double), dimension(n_tot), OPTIONAL :: exc
! Local variables
! rho/4pi, differentials wrt grid (n) and radius (r) and laplacian
real(double) :: rho_sc, drho_dn, d2rho_dn2, drho_dr, d2rho_dr2, lapl_rho
real(double), parameter :: thirty = 30.0_double
real(double), parameter :: prefac_rs = (three/fourpi)**third
real(double), parameter :: prefac_kf = (three *pi*pi)**third
! Parameters for GGA routines
real(double) :: kF, s, t, u, v, rs, zeta, k_s
! GGA exchange energy and potential
real(double) :: ex, vx, ec, vc, h, dvc
integer :: i
! Work on main part first (where we can use FD) and add ends later
do i=3,n_tot-2
! rho is 4.pi.rho
rho_sc = rho(i)/fourpi
! Five point finite differences for differential wrt mesh points (not r)
! First derivative - extra factor of 4pi to scale rho
drho_dn = ( rho(i-2) - eight*rho(i-1) + eight*rho(i+1) - rho(i+2))/(twelve*fourpi)
! Second derivative - extra factor of 4pi to scale rho
d2rho_dn2 = (-rho(i-2) + sixteen*rho(i-1) -thirty*rho(i) + sixteen*rho(i+1) - rho(i+2))/(twelve*fourpi)
! Now differential wrt r
drho_dr = drho_dn/(drdi(i))
! NB the alpha here is from the radial mesh (NOT the alpha defined in the PW92 LDA correlation)
d2rho_dr2 = (d2rho_dn2 - alpha*drho_dn)/drdi_squared(i)
lapl_rho = (d2rho_dn2 + alpha*drho_dn)/drdi_squared(i)
if(rho_sc>1e-10_double) then ! Hamann's tolerance - check
kF = prefac_kF*rho_sc**third
s = abs(drho_dr)/(two * kF * rho_sc)
u = abs(drho_dr)*d2rho_dr2/(rho_sc*rho_sc*eight*kF*kF*kF)
v = lapl_rho/(rho_sc*four*kF*kF)
call pbe_exch(rho_sc,s,u,v,ex,vx)
rs = prefac_rs*rho_sc**(-third)
k_s = sqrt(four*kF/pi) ! NB a0 = 1 as we use atomic units
zeta = zero
t = abs(drho_dr)/(two*k_s*rho_sc) ! Set phi = one as zeta = zero
! Redefine u and v with k_s instead of k_F
u = abs(drho_dr)*d2rho_dr2/(rho_sc*rho_sc*eight*k_s*k_s*k_s)
v = lapl_rho/(rho_sc*four*k_s*k_s)
call pbe_corr(rs,t,u,v,ec,vc,h,dvc) ! No spin
vx = zero
vc = zero
dvc = zero
ex = zero
ec = zero
h = zero
end if
vxc(i) = vx + vc + dvc
if(PRESENT(exc)) exc(i) = ex + ec + h
end do
! Assume that the end points are essentially constant
vxc(1) = vxc(3)
vxc(2) = vxc(3)
vxc(n_tot-1) = vxc(n_tot-2)
vxc(n_tot) = vxc(n_tot-2)
if(PRESENT(exc)) then
exc(1) = exc(3)
exc(2) = exc(3)
exc(n_tot-1) = exc(n_tot-2)
exc(n_tot) = exc(n_tot-2)
end if
end subroutine vxc_gga_pbe
! From the original PBE routines
subroutine pbe_exch(rho, s, u, v, ex, vx)
use datatypes
use numbers
implicit none
! Passed variables
real(double) :: rho, s, u, v, ex, vx
! Precalculated constants
real(double), parameter :: prefac_ex = -three_quarters * (3/pi)**third
real(double), parameter :: mu = 0.2195149727645171_double ! beta (pi^2)/3 (Eq 12 in paper)
real(double), parameter :: kappa = 0.804_double
! Local variables
real(double) :: ex_lda, ul, p0, Fx, dFds, d2Fds2
ul = mu/kappa
! ------
! Energy
! ------
! LDA exchange
ex_lda = prefac_ex * rho**third
! PBE enhancement
p0 = one + ul * s * s
Fx = one + kappa - kappa / p0
ex = ex_lda * Fx
! ---------
! Potential
! ---------
! Derivatives of Fx wrt s: dFds = (1/s)dF/ds; d2Fds2 = d(dFds)/ds
dFds = two * mu / (p0 * p0)
d2Fds2 = -four * ul * s * dFds / p0
vx = ex_lda * (four * third * Fx - (u - four * third * s * s * s)*d2Fds2 - v * dFds)
end subroutine pbe_exch
subroutine pbe_corr(rs, t, u, v, ec_unif, vc_unif, h, dvc)
use datatypes
use numbers
implicit none
! Passed variables
real(double) :: rs, t, u, v, ec_unif, vc_unif, h, dvc ! Seitz radius !
! Local variables
real(double) :: sq_rs, prefac_ec_lda, log_fac_ec_lda, denominator
real(double) :: d_prefac_ec_lda, d_log_fac_ec_lda, d_denom_drs
real(double) :: t2, t4, t6
real(double) :: F1, F2, A, F3, F4, F6, ec_rs
real(double) :: A2, bg, bec, F5, F8, F9, h_A, h_rs, fact0, fact1, h_BT, h_RST, h_T, fact2, fact3, h_TT
! Precalculated constants
real(double), parameter :: prefac_ex = -three_quarters * (3/pi)**third
real(double), parameter :: k02 = -0.062182_double ! -2*A
real(double), parameter :: k03 = -0.0132882934_double ! -2*A*alpha1
real(double), parameter :: k04 = 0.4723158174_double ! 2*A*beta1
real(double), parameter :: k05 = 0.2230841432_double ! 2*A*beta2
real(double), parameter :: k06 = 0.1018665524_double ! 2*A*beta3
real(double), parameter :: k07 = 0.03065199508_double ! 2*A*beta4
real(double), parameter :: k08 = -0.008858862267_double ! 2*k03/3
real(double), parameter :: k09 = 0.0787193029_double ! k04/6
real(double), parameter :: k10 = 0.074361381067_double ! k05/3
real(double), parameter :: k11 = 0.0509332762_double ! k06/2
real(double), parameter :: k12 = 0.0204346633867_double ! 2*k07/3
real(double), parameter :: beta = 0.066725_double
real(double), parameter :: gamma = 0.031091_double
real(double), parameter :: beta_gamma = 2.146119_double ! beta/gamma
sq_rs = sqrt(rs)
! Local correlation energy Eq 10 PRB 45, 13244
prefac_ec_lda = k02 + k03*rs
denominator = sq_rs * ( k04 + sq_rs * ( k05 + sq_rs * ( k06 + k07 * sq_rs)))
if (denominator > zero) then
log_fac_ec_lda = log( one + one/denominator )
log_fac_ec_lda = 0
end if
ec_unif = prefac_ec_lda * log_fac_ec_lda
! Non-local correlation energy
! Original Conquest routines adapted from PRL 77 3865 and PRB 45 13244
F1 = ec_unif / gamma ! -PON
F2 = exp(-F1)
! This is the variable A from the PBE paper Eq 8, NOT the constant in PW92 !
A = beta_gamma / (F2 - one + RD_ERR) ! B in Burke's code
t2 = t*t
t4 = t2*t2
F3 = t2 + A * t4 ! Q5 = 1+A*F3 in Burke; Q4 * t2 = F3 in Burke
F6 = one + A * F3 !Q5
F4 = beta_gamma * F3 / F6 !(one + A * F3)
! Eq 7 with phi = 1, atomic units
h = gamma * log(one + F4)
! Local correlation potential
! ECRS - dec_drs for LDA from PW92 Appendix A
! rtrs == sq_rs
! Q0 == prefac_ec_lda
! Q1 == denominator
! Q2 == log_fac_ec_lda
! Q3 = A*(B1/rtrs + two*B2 + rtrs*(three*B3 + four*B4*rtrs))
! = half*sq_rs*(2A*B1 + 2*2A*B2*sq_rs + 3*2A*B3*rs + 4*2A*B4*rs*sq_rs )/rs
! = half*(k04 + sq_rs*(two*k05 + sq_rs*(three*k06 + four*k07*sq_rs)))/sq_rs
! dec_drs = -2A * A1 * Q2 - Q0 * Q3 /(Q1*(one + Q1))
d_denom_drs = half * (k04 + sq_rs * ( two * k05 + sq_rs * ( three * k06 + four * k07 * sq_rs)))/sq_rs
ec_rs = k03 * log_fac_ec_lda - prefac_ec_lda * d_denom_drs / (denominator * (one + denominator))
vc_unif = ec_unif - rs * third * ec_rs
! Non-local correlation potential
t6 = t2*t4
! In Burke's routines,
! delt = beta/gamma which is beta_gamma here
! G is one if non-spin; F is zero if non-spin
! Q4 = 1 + A * t2
! GZ = zero if non-spin, as are FZ and ECZET
A2 = A*A
bg = -three * A2 * ec_unif * F2/beta
bec = A2*F2/beta
F5 = one + A * t2 !Q4
F8 = F6 * F6 + beta_gamma * F5 * F6 * t2! Q8
F9 = one + two * A * t2 ! Q9
h_A = -beta * A * t6 * (two + A * t2) / F8
h_rs = -third * rs * h_A * bec * ec_rs
fact0 = two*beta_gamma - six * A ! FACT0
fact1 = F6 * F9 + F5 * F9 * F9 ! FACT1 = Q5*Q9+Q4*Q9*Q9
h_BT = two * beta * t4 * (F5 * F6 * fact0 - beta_gamma * fact1)/(F8 * F8)
h_RST = third * rs * t2 * h_BT * bec * ec_rs ! RSTHRD*T2*hBT*BEC*ECRS
h_T = two * beta * F9/F8 !2.d0*BET*G3*Q9/Q8
fact2 = F5 * F6 + A * t2 * (F5 * F9 + F6) !FACT2 = Q4*Q5+B*T2*(Q4*Q9+Q5)
fact3 = two * A * F6 * F9 + beta_gamma * fact2 !FACT3 = 2.D0*B*Q5*Q9+DELT*FACT2
h_TT = four * beta * t * (two * A - F9*fact3/F8)/F8 !hTT = 4.D0*BET*G3*T*(2.D0*B/Q8-(Q9*FACT3/Q8)/Q8)
! Derivative wrt n (I'm pretty sure)
dvc = H + h_rs + h_RST + t2 * h_t / six + seven * t2 * t * h_TT / six !COMM = H+HRS+HRST+T2*HT/6.D0+7.D0*T2*T*HTT/6.D0
! Derivative wrt grad n (again, I'm pretty sure)
dvc = dvc - u * h_TT - v * h_T !COMM = COMM-PREF*ZET-UU*HTT-VV*HT-WW*(HZT-FACT5)
! These are Conquest lines which I will adapt and use to tidy the mess above later !
! Correlation
! (derivative of rho * e_correlation)
! NOTE: d_prefac_ec_lda is actually the derivative of rho*prefac_ec_lda
! d_log_fac_ec_lda is rho times the derivative of log_fac_ec_lda
!d_prefac_ec_lda = k02 + k08*rs
!if (sq_rs > zero) then
! d_log_fac_ec_lda = &
! sq_rs * (k09 + sq_rs*(k10 + sq_rs*(k11 + k12 * sq_rs))) / &
! (denominator * (1 + denominator))
! d_log_fac_ec_lda = 0
!end if
!vc = d_prefac_ec_lda * log_fac_ec_lda + prefac_ec_lda * d_log_fac_ec_lda
!if (present(drhoEps_c)) then
! drs_drho = - (third * rs / rho_tot_r)
! dkF_drho = third * kF / rho_tot_r
! dks_drho = half * ks * dkF_drho / kF
! deps_c_unif_drho = (Vc_unif(1) - eps_c_unif) / rho_tot_r
! dt_drho = (- t) * (dks_drho / ks + one / rho_tot_r)
! ! add RD_ERR to denominator to avoid div by 0
! dF1_drho = F1 * (deps_c_unif_drho / (eps_c_unif + RD_ERR))
! dF2_Drho = (- F2) * dF1_drho
! ! add RD_ERR to denominator to avoid div by 0
! dA_drho = A * dF2_drho / (one - F2 + RD_ERR)
! dF3_drho = (two * t + four * A * t**3) * dt_drho + dA_drho * t**4
! dF4_drho = F4 * (dF3_drho / F3 - &
! (dA_drho * F3 + A * DF3_drho) / (one + A * F3))
! dH_drho = gamma * DF4_drho / (one + F4)
! ! get drhoEps_c / drho(spin)
! drhoEps_c(0,1) = Vc_unif(1) + H + rho_tot_r * dH_drho
! do ii = 1, 3
! dt_dgrho = (t / mod_grho_tot_r) * grho_tot_r(ii) / mod_grho_tot_r
! dF3_dgrho = dt_dgrho * (two * t + four * A * t**3)
! dF4_dgrho = F4 * dF3_dgrho * (one / F3 - A / (one + A * F3))
! dH_dgrho = gamma * dF4_dgrho / (one + F4)
! drhoEps_c(ii,1) = rho_tot_r * dH_dgrho
! end do
!end if ! present(drhoEps_c)
end subroutine pbe_corr
end module radial_xc