88 lines
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88 lines
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! -*- mode: F90; mode: font-lock; column-number-mode: true; vc-back-end: CVS -*-
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! $Id$
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Module pao_format
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Code area 11: basis functions
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!!****h* Conquest/pao_format *
!! pao_format
!! Creates a defined type to hold data for pseudo-atomic orbitals,
!! and creates an array variable pao to hold this data.
!! greatest_angmom: the largest angular momentum for which tables
!! of PAO data are to be read (s = 0, p = 1, etc...).
!! n_zeta_in_angmom: for angular momentum n_am the number of
!! zeta values for which PAO data are to be read.
!! length: number of entries in radial table
!! of PAO data for ang. mom. n_am and zeta value n_zeta, counting
!! the entry at the origin. (For example, if length = 11, then
!! this means that 11 values will be read - one value at the origin
! and 10 other values.)
!! cutoff: radial distance of last value in table
!! for ang. mom. n_am and zeta value n_zeta. (As a cross-check on
!! your understanding, note that the radial interval between successive
!! points in the table is thus cutoff/(length - 1).)
!! table: the values of the PAO orbitals. For s-orbitals,
!! these give directly the values of the orbitals. For p-orbitals,
!! you have to multiply by x, y or z, depending on whether you
!! want the px, py, or pz orbital. For d-orbitals, you multiply
!! by yz, zx, xy, x^2 - y^2, or 3 z^2 - r^2. In all cases, you
!! have to put in the appropriate normalisation constant.
!! common, datatypes
!! Mike Gillan
!! 22/6/02
!! 9/8/02 Mike Gillan:
!! defined type reorganised to allow easier dynamic memory allocation
!! 11:34, 24/09/2002 mjg & drb
!! Changed type uni_table to type table_and_occ to store occupation numbers for individual zetas
!! 14:02, 2003/12/19 dave & rc
!! Moved occupation numbers outside table type
module pao_format
use datatypes
implicit none
! -------------------------------------------------------
! RCS ident string for object file id
! -------------------------------------------------------
character(len=80), private :: RCSid = "$Id$"
type table
integer :: length
real(double) :: cutoff
real(double), pointer, dimension(:) :: table
real(double), pointer, dimension(:) :: table2
!RC real(double) :: occ
end type table!_and_occ
type angmom_pao
integer :: n_zeta_in_angmom
type(table), pointer, dimension(:) :: zeta
real(double), pointer, dimension(:) :: occ
end type angmom_pao
type species_pao
integer :: greatest_angmom
integer :: count
type(angmom_pao), pointer, dimension(:) :: angmom
end type species_pao
type(species_pao), allocatable, dimension(:) :: pao
real(double) :: kcut, del_k
end module pao_format