74 lines
1.8 KiB
74 lines
1.8 KiB
! Read optimised norm-conserving Vanderbilt pseudopotentials from Don Hamann's code
! as provided by PseudoDojo and SG15 libraries (Abinit and QuantumEspresso compatible)
! and write out as Conquest .ion files. Also generate PAOs for the atoms.
program MakeIonFiles
! Conquest modules
! Also used in other modules: global, timer, mpi, units, pao_format, spline, functions, input
use datatypes
use numbers
use GenComms, ONLY: myid, numprocs, init_comms, cq_abort
use memory_module, only: init_reg_mem
use species_module, ONLY: n_species
! Slightly changed Conquest modules
! Removed gcopy statements
use pseudo_tm_info
! UPF and pseudo_file_format_oncv are new - are they needed ?
use pseudopotential_common, ONLY: ABINIT, UPF, pseudo_file_format_oncv
! Local modules
use pseudo_atom_info
use read
use write
use schro
use mesh
use input_module, ONLY: input_lines
implicit none
integer :: i_species
! Initialise
call init_comms(myid,numprocs)
call init_reg_mem
! Output initial information
call write_banner
! Load Conquest_ion_input, read general parameters
call read_general_input
! Loop over species, read appropriate data and generate PAOs
do i_species = 1, n_species
! Inputs
call read_species_input(i_species)
! Setup
call set_pao_initial(i_species)
! Make PAOs
call make_paos(i_species)
! Output
call write_header(i_species)
call write_paos(i_species)
call write_pseudopotential(i_species)
call write_footer(i_species)
! Deallocate by species
call deallocate_val
call deallocate_pao
call deallocate_vkb(i_species)
end do
end program MakeIonFiles