
97 lines
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Concurrent Order N QUantum Electronic STructure
Conquest lead developers:
D.R.Bowler (UCL, NIMS), T.Miyazaki (NIMS), A.Nakata (NIMS),
L. Truflandier (U. Bordeaux)
M.Arita (NIMS), J.S.Baker (UCL), V.Brazdova (UCL), R.Choudhury (UCL),
S.Y.Mujahed (UCL), J.T.Poulton (UCL), Z.Raza (NIMS), A.Sena (UCL),
U.Terranova (UCL), L.Tong (UCL), A.Torralba (NIMS)
Early development:
I.J.Bush (STFC), C.M.Goringe (Keele), E.H.Hernandez (Keele)
Original inspiration and project oversight:
M.J.Gillan (Keele, UCL)
Simulation cell dimensions: 7.5702 a0 x 7.5702 a0 x 7.5702 a0
Atomic coordinates (a0)
Atom X Y Z Species
1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0076 1
2 3.7851 3.7851 3.7851 2
3 0.0000 3.7851 3.7851 3
4 3.7851 3.7851 0.0000 3
5 3.7851 0.0000 3.7851 3
Using a MP mesh for k-points: 1 x 1 x 1
This job was run on 2023/06/15 at 17:13 +0100
Code was compiled on 2023/06/15 at 15:35 +0100
Version comment: Git Branch: f-Resta-polarisation; tag, hash: v1.1-69-g289247cd
Job title: BTO perfect
Job to be run: static calculation
Ground state search:
Support functions represented with PAO basis
1:1 PAO to SF mapping
Non-spin-polarised electrons
Solving for the K matrix using diagonalisation
Integration grid spacing: 0.210 a0 x 0.210 a0 x 0.210 a0
Number of species: 3
| # mass (au) Charge (e) SF Rad (a0) NSF Label |
| 1 137.327 10.000 8.411 14 Ba |
| 2 47.867 12.000 8.411 19 Ti |
| 3 15.999 6.000 5.257 13 O |
The calculation will be performed on 1 process
Using X functional Slater exchange
Using C functional Perdew & Wang
PulayMixSC: Reached SCF tolerance of 0.97152E-07 after 28 iterations
| Number of electrons = 40.000000
|* Harris-Foulkes energy = -136.657601155006773 Ha
Direction: 3
Total polarisation: 0.743103629732E-04 e / Bohr^2
Quantum of polarisation: 0.174493972321E-01 e / Bohr^2
force: Forces on atoms (Ha/a0)
force: Atom X Y Z
force: 1 -0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 0.0015053290
force: 2 -0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0031370559
force: 3 0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 -0.0013250288
force: 4 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -0.0019084645
force: 5 0.0000000000 -0.0000000000 -0.0013250288
force: Maximum force : 0.00313706(Ha/a0) on atom 2 in z direction
force: Force Residual: 0.00196269 Ha/a0
force: Total stress: -43.46975144 -43.46975151 -43.42043331 GPa
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Please consider citing the following references in the conquest.bib file
CONQUEST: Bowler2002pt, Miyazaki2004, Nakata2020
Basis: Bowler2019
DM: Bowler:2006xr
Pseudopotentials: Hamann2013, Bowler2019
XC references from LibXC:
P. A. M. Dirac., Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 26, 376 (1930)
Warnings written to file Conquest_warnings; please check
Max total mem use is 533.709 MB
Total run time was: 66.360 seconds