
496 lines
19 KiB

! -*- mode: F90; mode: font-lock -*-
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! $Id$
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Module multiply_kernel
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Code area 2: matrices
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!!****h* Conquest/multiply_kernel
!! multiply_kernel
!! Contains the matrix multiplication kernel subroutines used for
!! Conquest matrix multiplication. This is one of the hottest part
!! of the code.
!! |---------------------------------------------|
!! | This is the version using GEMM library call |
!! |---------------------------------------------|
!! L.Tong
!! 2012/08/28
module multiply_kernel
character(len=*), parameter :: kernel_id = "gemm"
!!****f* multiply_kernel/m_kern_max
!! m_kern_max
!! multiplication kernel for maximal case and reductions thereof.
!! nah_part: the number of atoms in the A-halo that are contained
!! in the current partition K.
!! kseq(k): the unpruned sequence number of atom k in the current
!! partition. `Unpruned' means that the sequence
!! number counts all atoms in the partition, and not just
!! those in the A-halo. The atom in question is specified
!! by its `pruned' sequence number k.
!! k_in_part: temporary variable for current value of kseq(k).
!! k_halo(.): the A-halo sequence number of atom k. The latter is
!! specified by its partition number and its pruned
!! sequence number k in that partition.
!! k_in_halo: temporary variable for current value of k_halo(.)
!! kbeg(kpart): specifies address in k_halo(.) for start of information
!! about atoms in partition kpart. The label kpart
!! goes over all partitions containing atoms in the
!! A-halo.
!! kpart: A-halo seq. no. of current partition K
!! nahnab(k_in_halo):
!! number of atoms in primary set that are A-neighbours of
!! a given atom in the A-halo, the latter being given by its
!! A-halo sequence number k_in_halo.
!! i_prim(.): sequence number of atom i in primary set, this
!! atom being specified as ith neighbour of atom
!! k in the A-halo
!! ibeg(k_in_halo):
!! address in i_prim(.) where index data for atom k
!! start, the latter being specified by k_in_halo.
!! iaaddr(k_in_halo):
!! address in array a where data for atom k start,
!! the latter being specified by k_in_halo.
!! nbnab(k_in_part):
!! number of B-neighbours of atom k, the latter being
!! specified by its (unpruned) seq. no. in partition K.
!! ibaddr(k_in_part):
!! address in array b where data for atom k start.
!! jch2cad(.): address in array c where data for (i,j) pair start.
!! icad: address in jch2cad where info for atom i starts.
!! jbnab2ch(.): the C-halo seq. no. of atom j, the latter being
!! specified as the jth B-neighbour of atom k.
!! ni_in_chalo: total number of atoms in the C-halo.
!! ibpart(.): partition to which each atom j belongs, the latter
!! being specified as jth B-neighbour of atom k.
!! ibseq(.): unpruned sequence number in partition for each
!! atom j, the latter being specified as in ibpart.
!! ibindaddr(k_in_part):
!! address in arrays ibpart(.) and ibseq(.) where
!! data for atom k start.
!! k_off: offset in partition labelling to account for p.b.c.
!! j_halo(.): C-halo sequence number of atom j, the latter being
!! specified in partition labelling.
!! jchbeg(jpart): address in array j_halo(.) where data for
!! partition jpart start.
!! M.J.Gillan/D.R.Bowler
!! 25/11/99
!! 20/06/2001 dave
!! Added ROBODoc header
subroutine m_kern_max(k_off, kpart, ib_nd_acc, ibaddr, nbnab, &
ibpart, ibseq, bndim2, a, b, c, ahalo, chalo, &
at, mx_absb, mx_part, mx_iprim, lena, lenb, &
lenc, debug)
use datatypes
use matrix_module
use basic_types, only: primary_set
use primary_module, only: bundle
use numbers, only: zero
implicit none
! Passed variables
type(matrix_halo) :: ahalo, chalo
type(matrix_trans) :: at
integer :: mx_absb, mx_part, mx_iprim, lena, lenb, lenc
integer :: kpart, k_off
real(double) :: a(lena)
real(double) :: b(lenb)
real(double) :: c(lenc)
integer, optional :: debug
! Remote indices
integer(integ), intent(in) :: ib_nd_acc(:)
integer(integ), intent(in) :: ibaddr(:)
integer(integ), intent(in) :: nbnab(:)
integer(integ), intent(in) :: ibpart(:)
integer(integ), intent(in) :: ibseq(:)
integer(integ), intent(in) :: bndim2(:)
! Local variables
integer :: jbnab2ch(mx_absb) ! Automatic array
integer :: nbkbeg, k, k_in_part, k_in_halo, j, jpart, jseq
integer :: i, nabeg, i_in_prim, icad, nbbeg, j_in_halo, ncbeg
integer :: n1, n2, n3, nb_nd_kbeg
integer :: nd1, nd2, nd3
integer :: naaddr, nbaddr, ncaddr
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: tempb, tempa, tempc
integer :: sofar, maxlen, max2, prend1
external :: dgemm
!$omp single
allocate(tempa(1,1), tempc(1,1))
do k = 1, ahalo%nh_part(kpart) ! Loop over atoms k in current A-halo partn
k_in_halo = ahalo%j_beg(kpart) + k - 1
k_in_part = ahalo%j_seq(k_in_halo)
nbkbeg = ibaddr(k_in_part)
nb_nd_kbeg = ib_nd_acc(k_in_part)
nd3 = ahalo%ndimj(k_in_halo)
! if (PRESENT(debug)) write (21+debug,*) 'Details1: ', k, nb_nd_kbeg
! transcription of j from partition to C-halo labelling
maxlen = 0
do j = 1, nbnab(k_in_part)
jpart = ibpart(nbkbeg+j-1) + k_off
jseq = ibseq(nbkbeg+j-1)
jbnab2ch(j) = chalo%i_halo(chalo%i_hbeg(jpart)+jseq-1)
maxlen = maxlen + bndim2(nbkbeg+j-1)
end do
nabeg = at%i_nd_beg(k_in_halo) ! nabeg=at%i_beg(k_in_halo)
prend1 = 0
do i = 1, at%n_hnab(k_in_halo) ! Loop over primary-set A-neighbours of k
! nabeg = at%i_beg(k_in_halo) + i - 1
i_in_prim = at%i_prim(at%i_beg(k_in_halo)+i-1)
nd1 = ahalo%ndimi(i_in_prim)
if (nd1 /= prend1) then
deallocate(tempc, tempa)
allocate(tempa(nd1,nd3), tempc(nd1,maxlen))
! allocate(tempa(nd3,nd1), tempc(nd1,maxlen))
end if
tempa = zero
tempb = zero
tempc = zero
do n1 = 1, nd1
naaddr = nabeg + nd3 * (n1 - 1)
do n3 = 1, nd3
tempa(n1,n3) = a(naaddr+n3-1)
! tempa(n3,n1) = a(naaddr+n3-1)
end do
end do
icad = (i_in_prim - 1) * chalo%ni_in_halo
nbbeg = nb_nd_kbeg
sofar = 0
do j = 1, nbnab(k_in_part) ! Loop over B-neighbours of atom k
! nbbeg = nbkbeg + j - 1
nd2 = bndim2(nbkbeg+j-1)
j_in_halo = jbnab2ch(j)
if (j_in_halo /= 0) then
ncbeg = chalo%i_h2d(icad+j_in_halo)
! nd2 = chalo%ndimj(j_in_halo)
if (ncbeg /= 0) then ! multiplication of ndim x ndim blocks
! if (present(debug)) &
! write (21+debug,*) 'Details2: ', j, nd2, &
! (nabeg-1)/(nd1*nd3), &
! (ncbeg-1)/(nd1*nd2), &
! (nbbeg-1)/(nd2*nd3)
!! do n2=1, nd2
!! nbaddr = nbbeg+nd3*(n2-1)
!! ncaddr = ncbeg+nd1*(n2-1)
!! do n1=1, nd1
!! naaddr=nabeg+nd3*(n1-1)
!! do n3=1, nd3
!! c(ncaddr+n1-1) = c(ncaddr+n1-1) &
!! +a(naaddr+n3-1)*b(nbaddr+n3-1)
!! end do
!! end do
!! end do
do n2 = 1, nd2
nbaddr = nbbeg + nd3 * (n2 - 1)
do n3 = 1, nd3
tempb(n3,sofar+n2) = b(nbaddr+n3-1)
end do
end do
sofar = sofar + nd2
end if
end if ! End of if (j_in_halo /= 0)
nbbeg = nbbeg + nd3 * nd2
end do ! End of 1, nbnab
if (sofar > 0) then
! m, n, k, alpha, a, lda, b, ldb, beta, c, ldc
! call dgemm('t', 'n', nd1, sofar, nd3, 1.0_double, tempa, &
! nd3, tempb, nd3,0.0_double, tempc, nd1)
call dgemm('n', 'n', nd1, sofar, nd3, 1.0_double, tempa, &
nd1, tempb, nd3, 0.0_double, tempc, nd1)
end if
sofar = 0
do j = 1, nbnab(k_in_part) ! Loop over B-neighbours of atom k
nd2 = bndim2(nbkbeg+j-1)
j_in_halo = jbnab2ch(j)
if (j_in_halo /= 0) then
ncbeg = chalo%i_h2d(icad+j_in_halo)
if (ncbeg /= 0) then ! multiplication of ndim x ndim blocks
do n2 = 1, nd2
ncaddr = ncbeg + nd1 * (n2 - 1)
do n1 = 1, nd1
c(ncaddr+n1-1) = c(ncaddr+n1-1) + tempc(n1,sofar+n2)
end do
end do
sofar = sofar + nd2
end if
end if
end do
nabeg = nabeg + nd1 * nd3
end do ! end of 1, at%n_hnab
end do ! end of k = 1, nahpart
if (allocated(tempa)) deallocate(tempa)
if (allocated(tempc)) deallocate(tempc)
!$omp end single
end subroutine m_kern_max
!!****f* multiply_kernel/m_kern_min
!! m_kern_min
!! multiplication kernel for minimal case and extensions thereof.
!! nah_part: the number of atoms in the A-halo that are contained
!! in the current partition K.
!! kseq(k): the unpruned sequence number of atom k in the current
!! partition. `Unpruned' means that the sequence
!! number counts all atoms in the partition, and not just
!! those in the A-halo. The atom in question is specified
!! by its `pruned' sequence number k.
!! k_in_part: temporary variable for current value of kseq(k).
!! k_halo(.): the A-halo sequence number of atom k. The latter is
!! specified by its partition number and its pruned
!! sequence number k in that partition.
!! k_in_halo: temporary variable for current value of k_halo(.)
!! kbeg(kpart): specifies address in k_halo(.) for start of information
!! about atoms in partition kpart. The label kpart
!! goes over all partitions containing atoms in the
!! A-halo.
!! kpart: A-halo seq. no. of current partition K
!! nahnab(k_in_halo):
!! number of atoms in primary set that are A-neighbours of
!! a given atom in the A-halo, the latter being given by its
!! A-halo sequence number k_in_halo.
!! i_prim(.): sequence number of atom i in primary set, this
!! atom being specified as ith neighbour of atom
!! k in the A-halo
!! ibeg(k_in_halo):
!! address in i_prim(.) where index data for atom k
!! start, the latter being specified by k_in_halo.
!! iaaddr(k_in_halo):
!! address in array a where data for atom k start,
!! the latter being specified by k_in_halo.
!! nbnab(k_in_part):
!! number of B-neighbours of atom k, the latter being
!! specified by its (unpruned) seq. no. in partition K.
!! ibaddr(k_in_part):
!! address in array b where data for atom k start.
!! jch2cad(.): address in array ! where data for (i,j) pair start.
!! icad: address in jch2cad where info for atom i starts.
!! jbnab2ch(.): the C-halo seq. no. of atom j, the latter being
!! specified as the jth B-neighbour of atom k.
!! ni_in_chalo: total number of atoms in the C-halo.
!! ibpart(.): partition to which each atom j belongs, the latter
!! being specified as jth B-neighbour of atom k.
!! ibseq(.): unpruned sequence number in partition for each
!! atom j, the latter being specified as in ibpart.
!! ibindaddr(k_in_part):
!! address in arrays ibpart(.) and ibseq(.) where
!! data for atom k start.
!! k_off: offset in partition labelling to account for p.b.c.
!! j_halo(.): C-halo sequence number of atom j, the latter being
!! specified in partition labelling.
!! jchbeg(jpart): address in array j_halo(.) where data for
!! partition jpart start.
!! M.J.Gillan/D.R.Bowler
!! 25/11/99
!! 20/06/2001 dave
!! Added ROBODoc header
subroutine m_kern_min(k_off, kpart, ib_nd_acc, ibaddr, nbnab, &
ibpart, ibseq, bndim2, a, b, c, ahalo, chalo, &
at, mx_absb, mx_part, mx_iprim, lena, lenb, &
use datatypes
use matrix_module
use basic_types, only: primary_set
use primary_module, only: bundle
implicit none
! Passed variables
type(matrix_halo) :: ahalo, chalo
type(matrix_trans) :: at
integer :: mx_absb, mx_part, mx_iprim, lena, lenb, lenc
integer :: kpart, k_off
! Remember that a is a local transpose
real(double) :: a(lena)
real(double) :: b(lenb)
real(double) :: c(lenc)
! dimension declarations
integer(integ), intent(in) :: ib_nd_acc(:)
integer(integ), intent(in) :: ibaddr(:)
integer(integ), intent(in) :: nbnab(:)
integer(integ), intent(in) :: ibpart(:)
integer(integ), intent(in) :: ibseq(:)
integer(integ), intent(in) :: bndim2(:)
! Local variables
integer :: jbnab2ch(mx_absb)
integer :: k, k_in_part, k_in_halo, nbkbeg, j, jpart, jseq
integer :: i, nabeg, i_in_prim, icad, nbbeg, j_in_halo, ncbeg
integer :: n1, n2, n3, nb_nd_kbeg
integer :: nd1, nd2, nd3
integer :: naaddr, nbaddr, ncaddr
integer :: sofar, maxlen
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: store!(ndim3, ndim1)
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: tempb, tempc
external :: dgemm
!$omp single
do k = 1, ahalo%nh_part(kpart) ! Loop over atoms k in current A-halo partn
k_in_halo = ahalo%j_beg(kpart) + k - 1
k_in_part = ahalo%j_seq(k_in_halo)
nbkbeg = ibaddr(k_in_part)
nb_nd_kbeg = ib_nd_acc(k_in_part)
nd3 = ahalo%ndimj(k_in_halo)
! transcription of j from partition to C-halo labelling
maxlen = 0
do j = 1, nbnab(k_in_part)
jpart = ibpart(nbkbeg+j-1) + k_off
jseq = ibseq(nbkbeg+j-1)
jbnab2ch(j) = chalo%i_halo(chalo%i_hbeg(jpart)+jseq-1)
maxlen = maxlen + bndim2(nbkbeg+j-1)
end do
nabeg = at%i_nd_beg(k_in_halo) ! nabeg=at%i_beg(k_in_halo)
do i = 1, at%n_hnab(k_in_halo) ! Loop over primary-set A-neighbours of k
! nabeg = at%i_beg(k_in_halo) + i - 1
i_in_prim = at%i_prim(at%i_beg(k_in_halo)+i-1)
nd1 = ahalo%ndimi(i_in_prim)
icad = (i_in_prim-1) * chalo%ni_in_halo
nbbeg = nb_nd_kbeg
sofar = 0
allocate(tempb(nd3,maxlen), tempc(maxlen,nd1), store(nd3,nd1))
do j = 1, nbnab(k_in_part) ! Loop over B-neighbours of atom k
! nbbeg = nbkbeg + j - 1
nd2 = bndim2(nbkbeg+j-1)
j_in_halo = jbnab2ch(j)
if (j_in_halo /= 0) then
! nd2 = chalo%ndimj(j_in_halo)
ncbeg = chalo%i_h2d(icad+j_in_halo)
if (ncbeg /= 0) then ! multiplication of ndim x ndim blocks
! do n2=1, nd2
! nbaddr = nbbeg+nd3*(n2-1)
! ncaddr = ncbeg+nd1*(n2-1)
! do n1=1, nd1
! naaddr=nabeg+nd3*(n1-1)
! do n3=1, nd3
! a(naaddr+n3-1) = a(naaddr+n3-1) + &
! c(ncaddr+n1-1) * b(nbaddr+n3-1)
! end do
! end do
! end do
!! Alternative
do n2 = 1, nd2
nbaddr = nbbeg + nd3 * (n2 - 1)
ncaddr = ncbeg + nd1 * (n2 - 1)
do n3 = 1, nd3
tempb(n3,sofar+n2) = b(nbaddr+n3-1)
end do
do n1 = 1, nd1
tempc(sofar+n2,n1) = c(ncaddr+n1-1)
end do
end do
sofar = sofar + nd2
end if
end if
nbbeg = nbbeg + nd3 * nd2
end do
if (sofar > 0) then
call dgemm('n', 'n', nd3, nd1, sofar, 1.0_double, tempb, &
nd3, tempc, maxlen, 1.0_double, a(nabeg:), nd3)
end if
deallocate(tempb, tempc, store)
nabeg = nabeg + nd1 * nd3
end do
end do
!$omp end single
end subroutine m_kern_min
end module multiply_kernel