2146 lines
84 KiB
2146 lines
84 KiB
! -*- mode: F90; mode: font-lock -*-
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! $Id$
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Module DMMin
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Code area 4: Density matrix
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!!****h* Conquest/DMMin
!! DMMin
!! Contains all routines related to minimisation of energy with
!! respect to elements of density matrix
!! Contains initialisation, early stage (steepest descents) and late
!! stage (GR-Pulay - D.R.Bowler and M.J.Gillan, Chem. Phys.
!! Lett. 325, 473 (2000)) techniques as well as a call to a
!! diagonalisation routine for exact solution
!! datatypes, DiagModule, GenBlas, GenComms, global_module,
!! logicals, matrix_data, maxima_module, McWeeny, multiply_module,
!! mult_module, numbers, PosTan, primary_module, Pulay
!! D.R.Bowler
!! 11/12/00
!! 05/06/2001 dave
!! ROBODoc header, RCS Id and Log tags and changed all stops
!! to cq_abort calls
!! 06/06/2001 dave
!! Bug fixes - added temp_M to use matrix_data and closed
!! brackets on cq_abort call
!! 08/06/2001 dave
!! Changed all occurences of dgsum to gsum
!! 29/05/2002 dave
!! Minor changes to shift H back after DM minimisation, and to
!! switch between O(N) and diagonalisation
!! 14:23, 26/02/2003 drb
!! Added electron number check to linear part of
!! correct_electron_number
!! 16:43, 10/05/2005 dave
!! Various small changes throughout code: mainly bug fixes
!! 2008/02/01 17:46 dave
!! Changes to write output to file not stdout
!! 2008/05/22 ast
!! Added timers
!! 2012/03/01 L.Tong
!! Added interface for lineMinL
!! 2013/03/06 L.Tong
!! Added module globals maxpulaystepDMM and minpulaystepDMM
!! to allow user to control the pulay mixing stepsize bracket
!! in lateDM
!! 2014/09/15 18:30 lat
!! fixed call start/stop_timer to timer_module (not timer_stdlocks_module !)
!! 2019/10/24 08:30 dave
!! Added inode and ionode as use-associated from GenComms in module header
!! for efficiency and best practice; also iprint_DM
!! 2021/08/02 14:46 dave
!! Added dE_DMM for comparison to structural optimisation
module DMMin
use datatypes
use global_module, only: io_lun, area_DM, iprint_DM
use timer_module, only: start_timer, stop_timer, cq_timer
use timer_module, only: start_backtrace, stop_backtrace
use timer_stdclocks_module, only: tmr_std_densitymat
use GenComms, ONLY: inode, ionode
! Area identification
integer, parameter, private :: area = 4
integer :: maxpulayDMM
integer, save :: n_dumpL = 0 ! Redefined: 2019Dec30 tsuyoshi
real(double) :: LinTol_DMM
real(double) :: minpulaystepDMM ! min step size for pulay minimisation
real(double) :: maxpulaystepDMM ! max step size for pulay minimisation
real(double), save:: dE_DMM
!integer, parameter :: mx_pulay = 5
!real(double), parameter :: LinTol = 0.1_double
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! Subroutine FindMinDM
! -----------------------------------------------------------
!!****f* DMMin/FindMinDM *
!! FindMinDM - control routine for energy minimisation wrt DM
!! Controls the minimisation of energy with respect to the
!! density matrix. Calls McWeeny for initialisation, and
!! early and late stage techniques for minimisation.
!! If the early stage finds an inflexion during exact line
!! minimisation, then the code immediately bounces back to
!! McWeeny initialisation. If the residual increases during
!! GRP minimisation (which it shouldn't !) early stage is then
!! used.
!! logical :: resetL - determines whether it's necessary to use McWeeny
!! logical :: record - flag for recording E vs residual
!! datatypes, numbers, global_module, maxima_module, matrix_data,
!! mult_module, multiply_module, McWeeny, PosTan
!! D.R.Bowler
!! 11/12/00
!! 05/06/2001 dave
!! Added ROBODoc header
!! 20/06/2001 dave
!! Moved fitting of C and beta into PosTan and called fit_coeff
!! 29/05/2002 dave
!! Added option to use diagonalisation to find DM
!! 2004/10/28 drb
!! Added dump_matrix call at the end of minimisation
!! 16:43, 10/05/2005 dave
!! Added local dataM3
!! 2008/05/22 ast
!! Added timer
!! 2011/07/22 L.Tong
!! Added spin polarisation
!! 2011/09/13 L.Tong
!! Removed obsolete dependence on number_of_bands, and instead use
!! the global module variable ne_in_cell for the total number of
!! electrons
!! 2012/03/08 L.Tong
!! - Major rewrite of spin implementation
!! - Removed redundant input parameter real(double) mu
!! 2012/06/24 L.Tong
!! - Added control of whether to dump L using flag_dump_L
!! 2013/08/20 M.Arita
!! - Changed calls for dumping L-matrix
!! - Added flag to start from EarlyDM
!! 2013/12/03 M.Arita
!! - Added calls for writing out matrices for XL-BOMD
!! - Added call for writing out InfoGlobal.dat
!! (These used to be called at get_E_and_F)
!! 2014/01/21 lat
!! - Added call to exx
!! 2014/09/15 18:30 lat
!! - Fixed call start/stop_timer to timer_module (not timer_stdlocks_module !)
!! 2015/06/08 lat
!! - Added experimental backtrace
!! 2017/02/23 dave
!! - Changing location of diagon flag from DiagModule to global and name to flag_diagonalisation
!! 2017/05/09 dave
!! Added code to dump L matrix for both spin channels
!! 2017/05/11 dave
!! Added code to dump X matrix (and associated) for both spin channels
!! 2017/11/06 dave
!! Added dump of K matrix
!! 2018/01/22 tsuyoshi (with dave)
!! Initial changes for atom updates
!! 2018/11/13 17:30 nakata
!! Changed matS, matT and matTtran to be spin_SF dependent
!! 2019/05/27 tsuyoshi
!! Debug for spin=2, propagateL (not propagateX)
subroutine FindMinDM(n_L_iterations, vary_mu, tolerance, &
resetL, record, level)
use datatypes
use numbers
use global_module, only: IPRINT_TIME_THRES1, &
nspin, nspin_SF, flag_fix_spin_population, &
ne_in_cell, ne_spin_in_cell, flag_dump_L, &
flag_SkipEarlyDM, flag_XLBOMD, &
flag_propagateX, flag_dissipation, &
integratorXL, runtype, flag_exx, &
flag_diagonalisation, min_layer, flag_DM_converged
use mult_module, only: matrix_transpose, matT, matTtran, matL, &
matS, matrix_sum, matK
use McWeeny, only: InitMcW, McWMin
use PosTan, only: max_iters, cscale, PulayE, PulayR, PulayC, &
PulayBeta, pos_tan, fit_coeff
use DiagModule, only: FindEvals
use io_module, only: dump_matrix, return_prefix
use energy, only: entropy
use timer_module, only: cq_timer, start_timer, stop_print_timer, &
use matrix_data, only: Lrange, Srange, LSrange, Hrange
!use XLBOMD_module, only: matX, matXvel, dump_XL
use store_matrix, only: dump_XL
use mult_module, only: matXL, matXLvel
use exx_kernel_default, only: get_X_matrix
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer, optional :: level
integer :: n_L_iterations
real(double) :: tolerance
logical :: resetL, vary_mu, record
! Local variables
logical :: done, inflex, problem, early
integer :: ndone, nkeep, ndelta, i
real(double) :: LastE
real(double), parameter :: eprec = 1.0e-12_double
real(double), save :: delta_e
type(cq_timer) :: tmr_l_iter
type(cq_timer) :: backtrace_timer
integer :: backtrace_level
!TM 2010.Nov.06
integer :: niter = 0
integer, parameter :: niter_max = 10
character(len=12) :: subname = "FindDM: "
character(len=120) :: prefix
if ( present(level) ) backtrace_level = level+1
if ( .not. present(level) ) backtrace_level = -10
call start_backtrace(t=backtrace_timer,who='FindMinDM',&
call start_timer(tmr_std_densitymat)
prefix = return_prefix(subname, min_layer)
entropy = zero
if (flag_diagonalisation) then ! Use exact diagonalisation to get K
call FindEvals(ne_spin_in_cell)
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >0) then
write(io_lun,'(/4x,a,f15.10,2x,a,i5)') &
trim(prefix)//' tol: ', tolerance, &
'number of L iterations: ', n_L_iterations
end if
problem = .false.
inflex = .false.
done = .false.
early = .true. ! Do early DM iterations by default
if (flag_SkipEarlyDM) then
early = .false.
end if
! Start with the transpose of S^-1
call matrix_transpose(matT(1), matTtran(1))
if (nspin_SF==2) call matrix_transpose(matT(2), matTtran(2))
! Now minimise the energy
ndone = 0
niter = 0
do while (.not. done)
call start_timer(tmr_l_iter, WITH_LEVEL)
if (resetL .or. inflex) then ! Reset L to McW
call InitMcW
call McWMin(n_L_iterations, delta_e)
early = .true.
resetL = .false. !2010.Nov.06 TM
end if
if (early .or. problem) then
inflex = .false.
call earlyDM(ndone, n_L_iterations, delta_e, done, vary_mu, &
tolerance, inflex, record)
end if
if ((.not. done) .and. (.not. inflex)) then ! Continue on to late stage
call lateDM(ndone, n_L_iterations, done, delta_e, vary_mu, &
tolerance, record)
end if
niter = niter + 1
if (problem) resetL = .true.
!ORI problem = .true. ! If we're not done, then this kicks us back to early
if (niter > niter_max) then
problem = .true. ! If we're not done, then this kicks us back to early
niter = 0
end if
call stop_print_timer(tmr_l_iter, "FindMinDM iteration", &
end do ! end of do while (.not. done)
end if
flag_DM_converged = .true.
if (record) then
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer > 2) then
write(io_lun,*) ' List of residuals and energies'
do i = 1, ndone
write(io_lun, 7) i, PulayR(i), PulayE(i)
end do
end if
call fit_coeff(PulayC, PulayBeta, PulayE, PulayR, ndone)
if (inode == ionode) write (io_lun, 6) PulayC, PulayBeta
end if
call stop_timer(tmr_std_densitymat)
call stop_backtrace(t=backtrace_timer,who='FindMinDM',echo=.true.)
6 format(2x,'dE to dR parameters - C: ',f15.8,' beta: ',f15.8)
7 format(2x,i4,2f15.8)
8 format(2x,'Welcome to minimise_energy. Tolerance is ',f15.8)
end subroutine FindMinDM
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! Subroutine earlyDM
! -----------------------------------------------------------
!!****f* DMMin/earlyDM *
!! earlyDM - early stage DM min
!! Performs steepest descent minimisation of energy wrt density
!! matrix elements, until the change in gradient is linear in
!! density matrix (at which point CG or GR-Pulay - late stage in
!! other words) can be used
!! D.R.Bowler
!! 11/12/00
!! 05/06/2001 dave
!! Added ROBODoc header, removed calls to stop
!! 08/06/2001 dave
!! Changed dgsum to gsum from GenComms
!! 29/05/2002 dave
!! Added call to move H back (i.e. undo the H-mu.S shift) after
!! minimisation
!! 2004/10/28 drb
!! Removed shift of H
!! 10:09, 13/02/2006 drb
!! Removed all explicit references to data_ variables and rewrote
!! in terms of new matrix routines
!! 2009/07/08 16:41 dave
!! Introduced atom-based tolerance (just divide by ni_in_cell)
!! 2011/08/14 L.Tong
!! Added spin polarisation
!! Added matphi_dn
!! 2011/08/25 L.Tong
!! Removed the redundant parameter number_of_bands
!! 2012/03/12 L.Tong
!! - Major rewrite of spin implementation
!! - Removed redundant input parameter real(double) mu
!! 2018/11/13 17:30 nakata
!! Changed matT to be spin_SF dependent
subroutine earlyDM(ndone, n_L_iterations, delta_e, done, vary_mu, &
tolerance, inflex, record)
use datatypes
use logicals
use numbers
use matrix_data, only: Lrange, TLrange
use mult_module, only: matT, matphi, mult, T_L_TL, TL_T_L, &
matrix_product_trace, &
LNV_matrix_multiply, &
allocate_temp_matrix, free_temp_matrix, &
matrix_sum, matrix_product
use primary_module, only: bundle
use PosTan, only: PulayR, PulayE
use GenComms, only: cq_abort, gsum, cq_warn
use global_module, only: IPRINT_TIME_THRES1, min_layer, &
ni_in_cell, flag_global_tolerance, &
nspin, spin_factor, &
flag_fix_spin_population, flag_SpinDependentSF
use timer_module, only: cq_timer, start_timer, stop_print_timer, &
use io_module, only: return_prefix
implicit none
! Passed variables
real(double) :: tolerance, delta_e
integer :: n_L_iterations, ndone
logical :: inflex, vary_mu, done, record
! Local variables
integer :: n_iter, length, spin, spin_SF
integer, dimension(nspin) :: matM3, matSM3, matSphi, mat_temp, mat_search
real(double), dimension(nspin) :: energy0, energy1, electrons
real(double) :: energy0_tot, energy1_tot, electrons_tot
real(double), dimension(nspin) :: e_dot_n, n_dot_n
real(double) :: e_dot_n_tot, n_dot_n_tot
real(double) :: g0, g1
real(double) :: interpG, zeta, direct_sum_factor
type(cq_timer) :: tmr_l_tmp1, tmr_l_iter
character(len=12) :: subname = "earlyDM: "
character(len=120) :: prefix
! integer :: matM3, matSM3, matSphi, mat_temp, mat_search
! integer :: matM3_dn, matSM3_dn, mat_search_dn, matSphi_dn
! real(double) :: energy0, energy0_up, energy0_dn
! real(double) :: energy1, energy1_up, energy1_dn
! real(double) :: electrons, electrons_up, electrons_dn
! real(double) :: e_dot_n, e_dot_n_up, e_dot_n_dn
! real(double) :: n_dot_n, n_dot_n_up, n_dot_n_dn
! real(double) :: g0, g1
! real(double) :: interpG, zeta, direct_sum_factor
! type(cq_timer) :: tmr_l_tmp1, tmr_l_iter
call start_timer(tmr_l_tmp1, WITH_LEVEL)
prefix = return_prefix(subname, min_layer)
spin_SF = 1
if(inode==ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) write(io_lun,fmt='(/4x,a)') trim(prefix)//" starting"
! allocate temp matrices
do spin = 1, nspin
matM3(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
matSM3(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
matSphi(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
mat_temp(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(TLrange,0)
mat_search(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
end do
if (ndone > n_L_iterations) &
call cq_abort('earlyDM: too many L iterations', &
ndone, n_L_iterations)
min_layer = min_layer - 1
if (vary_mu) call correct_electron_number
min_layer = min_layer + 1
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons, energy0, dontK, dontM1, &
dontM2, doM3, dontM4, dophi, doE, &
mat_M3=matM3, mat_phi=matphi)
electrons_tot = spin_factor * sum(electrons(:))
energy0_tot = spin_factor * sum(energy0(:))
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
! Pre- and post-multiply M3 by S^-1 so that it is contravariant
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matM3(spin), mat_temp(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product(mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), matSM3(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
! Project gradient perpendicular to electron gradient
call matrix_sum(zero, mat_search(spin), -one, matSM3(spin))
end do
if (vary_mu) then
e_dot_n_tot = zero
n_dot_n_tot = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
! Pre- and post-multiply phi by S^-1 so that it is contravariant
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matphi(spin), mat_temp(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product(mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), matSphi(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
! Only one is pre- and post-multiplied because (A,B) = Tr(ASBS)
e_dot_n(spin) = matrix_product_trace(matSM3(spin), matphi(spin))
e_dot_n_tot = e_dot_n_tot + spin_factor * e_dot_n(spin)
n_dot_n(spin) = matrix_product_trace(matSphi(spin), matphi(spin))
n_dot_n_tot = n_dot_n_tot + spin_factor * n_dot_n(spin)
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 3) then
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,i1,") ",f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" e.n (spin=", spin, e_dot_n(spin)
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,i1,") ",f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" n.n (spin=", spin, n_dot_n(spin)
end if
end do
! Correct search direction so that it is tangent to
! iso-surface of electron numbers. This is different for if
! one fixes spin populations or not
! If spin population is fixed then (x denote spin)
! tr(dE/dL^x * dN/dL^x)
! G^x = - dE/dL^x + --------------------- dN/dL^x
! tr(dN/dL^x * dN/dL^x)
! If only the total electron number is fixed then
! sum_x tr(dE/dL^x * dN/dL^x)
! direct_sum_factor = ---------------------------
! sum_x tr(dN/dL_x * dN/dL^x)
! G^x = - dE/dL^x + direct_sum_factor * dN/dL^x
if (nspin == 1 .or. flag_fix_spin_population) then
do spin = 1, nspin
! if gradient of N w.r.t. L is zero then no correction needed
if (abs(n_dot_n(spin)) > RD_ERR) then
call matrix_sum(one, mat_search(spin), &
e_dot_n(spin) / n_dot_n(spin), &
end if
end do
else ! variable spin
! if gradient of N w.r.t. L is zero then no correction needed
if (abs(n_dot_n_tot) > RD_ERR) then
direct_sum_factor = e_dot_n_tot / n_dot_n_tot
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(one, mat_search(spin), direct_sum_factor,&
end do
end if
end if ! (nspin == 1 .or. flag_fix_spin_population)
end if ! (vary_mu)
call stop_print_timer(tmr_l_tmp1, "earlyDM - Preliminaries", &
! delta_e is used for spin polarised calculations too
delta_e = zero
do n_iter = 1, n_L_iterations
call start_timer(tmr_l_iter, WITH_LEVEL)
if (flag_global_tolerance) then
g0 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g0 = g0 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin))
end do
g0 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g0 = g0 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin)) / &
real(ni_in_cell, double)
end do
end if
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 1) &
write(io_lun, fmt='(4x,a,i3," Energy: ",f16.6," Ha Residual: ",e16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" iteration: ",n_iter, energy0_tot, g0
! minimise total E along search direction, updates energy1 =
! E(L_n_iter+1), delta_e = energy1_tot - energy0_tot,
! matM3(L_n_iter+1), matM3_dn(L_n_iter+1), inflex and interpG
min_layer = min_layer - 1
call lineMinL(matM3, mat_search, mat_temp, matSM3, &
energy0_tot, energy1_tot, delta_e, &
inflex, interpG)
min_layer = min_layer + 1
! panic if found inflexion point
if (inflex) then
call cq_warn(subname,"Inflexion point found in DM search; resetting")
ndone = n_iter
! deallocate matrices
do spin = nspin, 1, -1
call free_temp_matrix(mat_search(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(mat_temp(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matSphi(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matSM3(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matM3(spin))
end do
call stop_print_timer(tmr_l_iter, 'an earlyDM iteration', &
return !This is a panic sign !
end if ! inflex
! Gradient after line min - assumes LVN_matrix_mult at end
! of lineMinL
! Pre- and post-multiply M3 by S^-1 so that it is
! contravariant, matSM3 = matSM3(L_n_iter+1)
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product (matT(spin_SF), matM3(spin), mat_temp(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product (mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), matSM3(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
end do
! g1 = tr(matM3(L_n_iter+1) * matSM3(L_n_iter+1))
if(flag_global_tolerance) then
g1 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g1 = g1 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin))
end do
g1 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g1 = g1 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin)) / &
real(ni_in_cell, double)
end do
end if
! Test for linearity or convergence
! zeta is returned by lineMinL
zeta = interpG
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun,fmt='(4x,a,f16.6,a,f16.6)') trim(prefix)//" dE ", delta_e, " Ha linearity: ",zeta
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 3) &
write (io_lun, '(4x,a,3f16.6)') trim(prefix)//" zeta...: ", g0, g1, interpG
! Correct L_n_iter+1 again to get electron numbers correct
min_layer = min_layer - 1
if (vary_mu) call correct_electron_number
min_layer = min_layer + 1
! recalculate the quantities after L_n_iter+1 is updated
! 2011/08/24 L.Tong:
! The orignal implementation uses energy0 as input for
! LNV_matrix_multiply, but I think this is incorrect and
! should be energy1
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons, energy1, dontK, dontM1, &
dontM2, doM3, dontM4, dophi, doE, &
mat_M3=matM3, mat_phi=matphi)
electrons_tot = spin_factor * sum(electrons(:))
energy1_tot = spin_factor * sum(energy1(:))
! Pre- and post-multiply M3 by S^-1 so that it is contravariant
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matM3(spin), mat_temp(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product(mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), matSM3(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
end do
! prepare for the next iterative step
energy0_tot = energy1_tot
! update the search direction
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(zero, mat_search(spin), -one, matSM3(spin))
end do
! Project search direction perpendicular to electron gradient
if (vary_mu) then
! Wrap electron gradient for tensorial correctness
e_dot_n_tot = zero
n_dot_n_tot = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matphi(spin), mat_temp(spin), &
call matrix_product(mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), matSphi(spin), &
e_dot_n(spin) = matrix_product_trace(matSM3(spin), matphi(spin))
e_dot_n_tot = e_dot_n_tot + spin_factor * e_dot_n(spin)
n_dot_n(spin) = matrix_product_trace(matSphi(spin), matphi(spin))
n_dot_n_tot = n_dot_n_tot + spin_factor * n_dot_n(spin)
end do
if (nspin == 1 .or. flag_fix_spin_population) then
do spin = 1, nspin
! if gradient of N w.r.t. L is zero then no correction needed
if (abs(n_dot_n(spin)) > RD_ERR) then
call matrix_sum(one, mat_search(spin), &
e_dot_n(spin) / n_dot_n(spin), &
end if
end do
! if gradient of N w.r.t. L is zero then no correction needed
if (abs(n_dot_n_tot) > RD_ERR) then
direct_sum_factor = e_dot_n_tot / n_dot_n_tot
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(one, mat_search(spin), &
direct_sum_factor, matSphi(spin))
end do
end if
end if
! Here, we can't alter M3 directly: lineMinL expects REAL gradient
end if
if (flag_global_tolerance) then
g0 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g0 = g0 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin))
end do
g0 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g0 = g0 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin)) / &
real(ni_in_cell, double)
end do
end if
! store the Pulay histories
PulayR(ndone + n_iter) = g0
PulayE(ndone + n_iter) = energy0_tot
! test if we are linear
if (abs(zeta) < LinTol_DMM) then
! We're linear Added +1 to n_iter for cosmetic reasons (this
! is true since at this stage g0 and energy0_tot etc are already
! prepared for n_iter+1 step)
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 1) &
write(io_lun, fmt='(4x,a,i3," Energy: ",f16.6," Ha Residual: ",e16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" iteration: ",n_iter+1, energy0_tot, g0
if ((inode == ionode).and. (iprint_DM + min_layer >= 1)) &
write (io_lun, '(4x,a,i3,a)') &
trim(prefix)//" transition to lateDM after ",n_iter+1," iterations"
ndone = n_iter
do spin = nspin, 1, -1
call free_temp_matrix(mat_search(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(mat_temp(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matSphi(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matSM3(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matM3(spin))
end do
call stop_print_timer(tmr_l_iter, "an earlyDM iteration", &
end if
call stop_print_timer(tmr_l_iter, "an earlyDM iteration", &
end do ! do n_iter = 1, n_L_iterations
do spin = nspin, 1, -1
call free_temp_matrix(mat_search(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(mat_temp(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matSphi(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matSM3(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matM3(spin))
end do
end subroutine earlyDM
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! Subroutine lateDM
! -----------------------------------------------------------
!!****f* DMMin/lateDM *
!! lateDM
!! Performs late-stage (linear) minimisation of energy wrt density
!! matrix elements. Uses the GR-Pulay scheme (described in Chem Phys Lett
!! 325, 796 (2000)). If the residual (given by the squared norm of the
!! gradient) increases, this is taken as a sign that linearity has been
!! broken, and the scheme exits to earlyDM
!! D.R.Bowler
!! 11/12/00
!! 05/06/2001 dave
!! Added ROBODoc header and removed stop commands (for cq_abort)
!! 08/06/2001 dave
!! Added my_barrier to GenComms use list
!! Removed my_barrier call (unnecessary) and changed dgsum to gsum
!! 2004/10/28 drb
!! Small tidying
!! 10:09, 13/02/2006 drb
!! Removed all explicit references to data_ variables and rewrote
!! in terms of new matrix routines
!! 2008/03/03 18:32 dave
!! Removed dsqrt
!! 2009/07/08 16:41 dave
!! Introduced atom-based tolerance (just divide by ni_in_cell)
!! 2010/03/18 14:08 dave
!! Added code for mixed L and SCF minimisation
!! 2011/08/25 L.Tong
!! - Added spin polarisation
!! - NOTE:
!! There is a change to the size of residual. The new
!! residuals are now a factor 2 less than the original
!! implementation. The actual method for calculating the
!! residual has not changed. However since the definition of
!! mat_M3 has changed, now mat_M3(nspin) is an array and
!! mat_M3(1) always stores the values for spin up component,
!! this has resulted a changed in the calculated residual.
!! For spin non-polarised calculations:
!! The original implementation has mat_M3 = 2.0 * mat_M3(1)
!! Hence: g1 = tr(mat_M3*T*mat_M3*T)
!! = 4.0 * tr(mat_M3(1)*T*mat_M3(1)*T)
!! Now this has becomes
!! g1 = sum_{is} tr(mat_M3(is)*T*mat_M3(is)*T)
!! = 2.0 * tr(mat_M3(1)*T*mat_M3(1)*T)
!! Hence the factor two difference.
!! - Removed redundant parameter number_of_bands
!! 2012/03/12 L.Tong
!! - Major rewrite for change in spin implementation
!! - Removed redundant input paramter mu (real, double)
!! 2012/06/24 L.Tong
!! - Added control of whether to dump L using flag_dump_L
!! 2013/03/06 L.Tong
!! - Changed the min|max step size to minpulaystepDMM and maxpulaystepDMM
!! instead of hardwired values of 0.001 and 0.1
!! 2013/08/20 M.Arita
!! - Changed calls for dumping L-matrix
!! 2016/07/13 18:30 nakata
!! Renamed H_on_supportfns -> H_on_atomfns
!! 2016/08/08 15:30 nakata
!! Renamed supportfns -> atomfns
!! 2017/05/09 dave
!! Added output of L matrix for both spin channels
!! 2018/11/13 17:30 nakata
!! Changed matT to be spin_SF dependent
subroutine lateDM(ndone, n_L_iterations, done, deltaE, vary_mu, &
tolerance, record)
use datatypes
use numbers
use logicals
use matrix_data, only: Lrange, TLrange
use mult_module, only: matrix_product, allocate_temp_matrix, &
free_temp_matrix, &
LNV_matrix_multiply, matphi, matT, &
matL, mult, T_L_TL, TL_T_L, &
matrix_sum, matrix_product_trace, &
use Pulay
use PosTan, only: PulayR, PulayE, max_iters
use GenComms, only: cq_abort, gsum
use global_module, only: IPRINT_TIME_THRES1, &
ni_in_cell, flag_global_tolerance, &
flag_mix_L_SC_min, &
flag_fix_spin_population, nspin, &
spin_factor, flag_dump_L, &
flag_SpinDependentSF, min_layer
use timer_module, only: cq_timer,start_timer, &
stop_print_timer, WITH_LEVEL
use io_module, only: dump_matrix, return_prefix
use functions_on_grid, only: atomfns, H_on_atomfns
use H_matrix_module, only: get_H_matrix
use density_module, only: density, get_electronic_density, flag_DumpChargeDensity
use maxima_module, only: maxngrid
use memory_module, only: reg_alloc_mem, reg_dealloc_mem, type_dbl
!Prints out charge density -- 2010.Nov.06 TM
use io_module, only: dump_charge
use dimens, only: n_my_grid_points
use store_matrix, only: dump_pos_and_matrices, unit_DM_save
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer :: n_L_iterations, length, ndone
logical :: vary_mu, done, record
real(double) :: tolerance, deltaE
! Local variables
integer, dimension(maxpulayDMM,nspin) :: mat_Lstore, mat_Gstore, mat_SGstore
integer, dimension(nspin) :: matM3, matSM3, matSphi, mat_temp
real(double), dimension(nspin) :: e_dot_n, n_dot_n, electrons, &
energy0, energy1
real(double), dimension(maxpulayDMM) :: alph
real(double), dimension(maxpulayDMM,maxpulayDMM) :: Aij
! real(double), dimension(maxpulayDMM*maxpulayDMM) :: Aij1
real(double) :: e_dot_n_tot, n_dot_n_tot, electrons_tot, &
energy0_tot, energy1_tot
real(double) :: g0, g1, gg, step, dsum_factor
integer :: n_iter, i, j, pul_mx, npmod, spin, spin_SF, stat
type(cq_timer) :: tmr_l_tmp1,tmr_l_iter
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: density_tot
integer :: iter_stuck = 0
integer, parameter :: mx_stuck = 5
character(len=12) :: subname = "lateDM: "
character(len=120) :: prefix
call start_timer(tmr_l_tmp1, WITH_LEVEL)
prefix = return_prefix(subname, min_layer)
iter_stuck = 0
spin_SF = 1
if (ndone > n_L_iterations) &
call cq_abort('lateDM: too many L iterations', ndone, n_L_iterations)
do spin = 1, nspin
do i = 1, maxpulayDMM
mat_Lstore(i,spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
mat_Gstore(i,spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
mat_SGstore(i,spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
end do
matM3(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
matSM3(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
matSphi(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
mat_temp(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(TLrange,0)
end do
! Update the charge density if flag is set
min_layer = min_layer - 1
if (flag_mix_L_SC_min) then
! 2011/08/29 L.Tong:
! original also calculates matphi, (dophi), but I think
! this is redundant. So set dontphi. Only doK.
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons, energy1, doK, dontM1, &
dontM2, dontM3, dontM4, dontphi, doE)
energy1_tot = spin_factor * sum(energy1(:))
! note H_on_atomfns(1) is used just as a temp working array
call get_electronic_density(density, electrons, atomfns, &
H_on_atomfns(1), inode, ionode, &
call get_H_matrix(.true., .false., electrons, density, maxngrid)
end if
min_layer = min_layer + 1
! Get the gradient at the starting point (?) this updates matM3
! and matphi
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons, energy0, dontK, dontM1, &
dontM2, doM3, dontM4, dophi, doE, &
mat_M3=matM3, mat_phi=matphi)
electrons_tot = spin_factor * sum(electrons)
energy0_tot = spin_factor * sum(energy0)
! Covariant gradient in SM3
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matM3(spin), mat_temp(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product(mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), matSM3(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
end do
! Project electron gradient out
if (vary_mu) then
! update matSphi from matphi
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matphi(spin), mat_temp(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product(mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), matSphi(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
e_dot_n(spin) = matrix_product_trace(matSM3(spin), matphi(spin))
n_dot_n(spin) = matrix_product_trace(matSphi(spin), matphi(spin))
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 3) then
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,i1,") ",f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" e.n (spin=", spin, e_dot_n(spin)
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,i1,") ",f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" n.n (spin=", spin, n_dot_n(spin)
end if
end do
! matSM3 mat matM3 are used as search direction (-SG and -G)
! These should be positive because we SUBTRACT M3 off below
! Here, we can alter M3 directly because it's not expected
! to be an exact gradient
if (nspin == 1 .or. flag_fix_spin_population) then
do spin = 1, nspin
! if gradient of N w.r.t. L is zero then no correction needed
if (abs(n_dot_n(spin)) > RD_ERR) then
dsum_factor = e_dot_n(spin) / n_dot_n(spin)
call matrix_sum(one, matSM3(spin), -dsum_factor, matSphi(spin))
call matrix_sum(one, matM3(spin), -dsum_factor, matphi(spin))
end if
end do
e_dot_n_tot = spin_factor * sum(e_dot_n)
n_dot_n_tot = spin_factor * sum(n_dot_n)
! if gradient of N w.r.t. L is zero then no correction needed
if (abs(n_dot_n_tot) > RD_ERR) then
dsum_factor = e_dot_n_tot / n_dot_n_tot
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(one, matSM3(spin), -dsum_factor, matSphi(spin))
call matrix_sum(one, matM3(spin), -dsum_factor, matphi(spin))
end do
end if
end if
end if ! (vary_mu)
! Store initial gradient (these are search directions G and L)
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(zero, mat_SGstore(1,spin), -one, matSM3(spin))
call matrix_sum(zero, mat_Gstore(1,spin), -one, matM3(spin))
call matrix_sum (zero, mat_Lstore(1,spin), one, matL(spin))
end do
! timer
call stop_print_timer (tmr_l_tmp1, "lateDM - Preliminaries", &
if (flag_global_tolerance) then
g0 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g0 = g0 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin))
end do
g0 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g0 = g0 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin)) / &
real(ni_in_cell, double)
end do
end if
if(n_L_iterations==0) done = .true. ! Otherwise the calling routine will cycle
do n_iter = 1, n_L_iterations
call start_timer(tmr_l_iter, WITH_LEVEL)
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 1) &
write(io_lun, fmt='(4x,a,i3," Energy: ",f16.6," Ha Residual: ",e16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" iteration: ",n_iter, energy0_tot, g0
! Storage for pulay DMs/residuals
npmod = mod(n_iter, maxpulayDMM) + 1
pul_mx = min(n_iter + 1, maxpulayDMM)
! Take a step - maybe correct electron number after
if (flag_global_tolerance) then
! Base step on present gradient and expected dE
step = deltaE / (g0 + RD_ERR)
! Base step on present gradient and expected dE
step = deltaE / (real(ni_in_cell, double) * g0 + RD_ERR)
end if
step = abs(step)
! We don't want the step to be too small or too big
if (abs(step) < minpulaystepDMM) step = minpulaystepDMM
if (abs(step) > maxpulaystepDMM) step = maxpulaystepDMM
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 3) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,i3,i3,f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" npmod, pul_mx and step: ", npmod, pul_mx, step
! take L_n+1 = L_n + step * G_n
if (npmod > 1) then
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(zero, matL(spin), one, mat_Lstore(npmod-1,spin))
call matrix_sum(one, matL(spin), step, mat_SGstore(npmod-1,spin))
end do
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(zero, matL(spin), one, mat_Lstore(pul_mx,spin))
call matrix_sum(one, matL(spin), step, mat_SGstore(pul_mx,spin))
end do
! after the step, correct the electron number
min_layer = min_layer - 1
if (vary_mu) call correct_electron_number
min_layer = min_layer + 1
! Re-evaluate gradient and energy
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons, energy1, dontK, dontM1, &
dontM2, doM3, dontM4, dophi, doE, &
mat_M3=matM3, mat_phi=matphi)
electrons_tot = spin_factor * sum(electrons)
energy1_tot = spin_factor * sum(energy1)
! Covariant gradient in SM3
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matM3(spin), mat_temp(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product(mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), matSM3(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
end do
! Project out electron variation
if (vary_mu) then
! update matSphi
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matphi(spin), mat_temp(spin), &
call matrix_product(mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), matSphi(spin), &
e_dot_n(spin) = matrix_product_trace(matSM3(spin), matphi(spin))
n_dot_n(spin) = matrix_product_trace(matSphi(spin), matphi(spin))
end do
if (flag_fix_spin_population) then
do spin = 1, nspin
! if gradient of N w.r.t. L is zero then no correction needed
if (abs(n_dot_n(spin)) > RD_ERR) then
dsum_factor = e_dot_n(spin) / n_dot_n(spin)
call matrix_sum(one, matSM3(spin), -dsum_factor, &
call matrix_sum(one, matM3(spin), -dsum_factor, &
end if
end do
e_dot_n_tot = spin_factor * sum(e_dot_n)
n_dot_n_tot = spin_factor * sum(n_dot_n)
! if gradient of N w.r.t. L is zero then no correction needed
if (abs(n_dot_n_tot) > RD_ERR) then
dsum_factor = e_dot_n_tot / n_dot_n_tot
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum (one, matSM3(spin), -dsum_factor, &
call matrix_sum (one, matM3(spin), -dsum_factor, &
end do
end if
end if
end if
! 2022/10/28 16:01 dave
! I'm not sure that we need this calculation of residual
! Find the residual (i.e. the gradient)
if (flag_global_tolerance) then
gg = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
gg = gg + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin))
end do
gg = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
gg = gg + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin)) / &
real(ni_in_cell, double)
end do
end if
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,e16.6)') trim(prefix)//" R2 is ", sqrt(gg)
! record Pulay histories
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(zero, mat_SGstore(npmod,spin), -one, matSM3(spin))
call matrix_sum(zero, mat_Gstore(npmod,spin), -one, matM3(spin))
call matrix_sum(zero, mat_Lstore(npmod,spin), one, matL(spin))
end do
! calculate A_ij
Aij = zero
do i = 1, pul_mx
do j = 1, pul_mx
gg = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
gg = gg + spin_factor * &
end do
Aij(j,i) = gg
! Aij1(j + (i-1)*pul_mx) = gg
end do ! j
end do ! i
! Solve to get alphas
call DoPulay(npmod, Aij, alph, pul_mx, maxpulayDMM)
! Make new L matrix from Pulay sum
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_scale(zero, matL(spin))
do i = 1, pul_mx
call matrix_sum (one, matL(spin), alph(i), mat_Lstore(i,spin))
end do
end do
! after the step, correct the electron number
min_layer = min_layer - 1
if (vary_mu) call correct_electron_number
if (flag_mix_L_SC_min) then
! 2011/08/29 L.Tong
! the original also has dophi, but I think this is redundant
call LNV_matrix_multiply (electrons, energy1, doK, dontM1, &
dontM2, dontM3, dontM4, dontphi, doE)
! H_on_atomfns(1) is used just as a temp working array
call get_electronic_density(density, electrons, &
atomfns, &
H_on_atomfns(1), inode, &
ionode, maxngrid)
call get_H_matrix(.true., .false., electrons, density, maxngrid)
end if
min_layer = min_layer + 1
! re-evaluate the gradient and energy at new position
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons, energy1, dontK, dontM1, &
dontM2, doM3, dontM4, dophi, doE, &
mat_M3=matM3, mat_phi=matphi)
energy1_tot = spin_factor * sum(energy1)
electrons_tot = spin_factor * sum(electrons)
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matM3(spin), mat_temp(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product(mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), matSM3(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
end do
if (flag_global_tolerance) then
g1 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g1 = g1 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin))
end do
g1 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g1 = g1 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin)) / &
real(ni_in_cell, double)
end do
end if
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,e16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" Residual before electron gradient correction: ", g1
if (vary_mu) then
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matphi(spin), &
mat_temp(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product(mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), &
matSphi(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
e_dot_n(spin) = matrix_product_trace(matSM3(spin), matphi(spin))
n_dot_n(spin) = matrix_product_trace(matSphi(spin), matphi(spin))
end do
if (flag_fix_spin_population) then
do spin = 1, nspin
! if gradient of N w.r.t. L is zero then no correction needed
if (abs(n_dot_n(spin)) > RD_ERR) then
dsum_factor = e_dot_n(spin) / n_dot_n(spin)
call matrix_sum(one, matSM3(spin), -dsum_factor, &
call matrix_sum(one, matM3(spin), -dsum_factor, &
end if
end do
e_dot_n_tot = spin_factor * sum(e_dot_n)
n_dot_n_tot = spin_factor * sum(n_dot_n)
! if gradient of N w.r.t. L is zero then no correction needed
if (abs(n_dot_n_tot) > RD_ERR) then
dsum_factor = e_dot_n_tot / n_dot_n_tot
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(one, matSM3(spin), -dsum_factor, &
call matrix_sum(one, matM3(spin), -dsum_factor, &
end do
end if
end if
end if
! get deltaE
deltaE = energy1_tot - energy0_tot
dE_DMM = deltaE
! Find the residual
if (flag_global_tolerance) then
g1 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g1 = g1 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin))
end do
g1 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g1 = g1 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matM3(spin), matSM3(spin)) / &
real(ni_in_cell, double)
end do
end if
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,e16.6)') trim(prefix)//" New residual: ", g1
if ((ndone + n_iter) < max_iters) then
PulayR(ndone + n_iter) = g1
PulayE(ndone + n_iter) = energy1_tot
end if
! dump the L matrix if required
if (n_dumpL>0) then
if(mod (n_iter, n_dumpL) == 0) call dump_pos_and_matrices(index=unit_DM_save)
!if (flag_dump_L) then
! if (mod (n_iter, n_dumpL) == 0) then
! call dump_pos_and_matrices
! end if
!end if
! check if tolerance is reached
if (g1 < tolerance) then
done = .true.
ndone = n_iter
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 0) &
write(io_lun, '(/4x,a,e16.6,a,i3,a/)') &
trim(prefix)//" reached residual of ", g1, " after ",n_iter, " iterations"
call dealloc_lateDM
call stop_print_timer(tmr_l_iter, "a lateDM iteration", &
else if ((.not. flag_mix_L_SC_min) .and. (g1 > two * g0)) then
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 0) &
write(io_lun, '(/4x,a,i3,a,f16.6,a,f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" residual rise after ", n_iter, &
" iterations with energy and residual: ", energy1_tot, " Ha ", g1
ndone = n_iter
call dealloc_lateDM
call stop_print_timer(tmr_l_iter, "a lateDM iteration", &
else if (g1 > 0.99_double * g0) then
iter_stuck = iter_stuck + 1
if (iter_stuck > mx_stuck) then
done = .false.
ndone = n_iter
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 0) &
write(io_lun, '(/4x,a,i3,a,f16.6,a,e16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" reset since failed to reduce residual after ",n_iter, &
" iterations with energy and residual: ", energy1_tot, " Ha ", g1
call dealloc_lateDM
call stop_print_timer(tmr_l_iter, "a lateDM iteration", &
end if ! (iter_stuck > mx_stuck)
end if
! Replace step with that calculated from real L, and prepare
! for next step
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(zero, mat_SGstore(npmod,spin), -one, matSM3(spin))
call matrix_sum(zero, mat_Gstore(npmod,spin), -one, matM3(spin))
call matrix_sum(zero, mat_Lstore(npmod,spin), one, matL(spin))
end do
g0 = g1
energy0_tot = energy1_tot
call stop_print_timer(tmr_l_iter, "a lateDM iteration", &
end do
!Prints out charge density when selected
if (flag_DumpChargeDensity .and. flag_mix_L_SC_min) then
if (nspin == 1) then
allocate(density_tot(maxngrid), STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort("Error allocating density_tot: ", maxngrid)
call reg_alloc_mem(area_DM, maxngrid, type_dbl)
density_tot = zero
density_tot = spin_factor * density(:,1)
call dump_charge(density_tot, n_my_grid_points, inode)
deallocate(density_tot, STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort("Error deallocating density_tot")
call reg_dealloc_mem(area_DM, maxngrid, type_dbl)
call dump_charge(density(:,1), n_my_grid_points, inode, spin=1)
call dump_charge(density(:,2), n_my_grid_points, inode, spin=2)
end if
endif ! (flag_mix_L_SC_min) then
call dealloc_lateDM
subroutine dealloc_lateDM
do spin = nspin, 1, -1
call free_temp_matrix(mat_temp(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matSphi(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matSM3(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matM3(spin))
do i = maxpulayDMM, 1, -1
call free_temp_matrix(mat_SGstore(i,spin))
call free_temp_matrix(mat_Gstore(i,spin))
call free_temp_matrix(mat_Lstore(i,spin))
end do
end do
end subroutine dealloc_lateDM
end subroutine lateDM
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! Subroutine lineMinL
! -----------------------------------------------------------
!!****f* DMMin/lineMinL_nospin *
!! lineMinL_nospin
!! Performs an analytical line minimisation in the direction given by
!! mat_D. Uses energy and gradient at 0 and step (where step is given by
!! the previous energy change) as the four pieces of information needed to
!! get the cubic coefficients analytically. If the cubic has imaginary
!! maxima and minima, the solution is a point of inflexion, and we panic
!! D.R.Bowler (based on original by CMG and EHH)
!! 11/12/00
!! 05/06/2001 dave
!! Added ROBODoc header
!! 08/06/2001 dave
!! Changed dgsum to gsum
!! 2004/10/28 drb
!! Fixed (partly ?) definition of linearity and changed to return
!! zeta in interpG
!! 10:09, 13/02/2006 drb
!! Removed all explicit references to data_ variables and
!! rewrote in terms of new matrix routines
!! 2011/08/23 L.Tong
!! Fixed a possible bug, if A=0, then the solution for true step should be
!! truestep = -C/2B instead of C/2B. Because we are solving the equation
!! 3Ax^2 + 2Bx + C = 0, and if A = 0, x = -C/2B.
!! 2012/03/01 L.Tong
!! renamed to lineMinL_nospin
!! 2012/03/12 L.Tong
!! - Major rewrite to include spin implmentation. Now spin
!! polarised and non-polarised calculations share the same
!! subroutine.
!! - Renamed to lineMinL
!! 2018/11/13 17:30 nakata
!! Changed matT to be spin_SF dependent
subroutine lineMinL( matM3, mat_D, mat_temp, matSM3, &
energy_in, energy_out, delta_e, &
inflex, interpG)
use datatypes
use numbers
use logicals
use matrix_data, only: Lrange
use mult_module, only: matrix_sum, matrix_product_trace, &
allocate_temp_matrix, free_temp_matrix, &
matrix_product, matT, matL, &
LNV_matrix_multiply, mult, T_L_TL, &
TL_T_L, symmetrise_L
use global_module, only: flag_fix_spin_population, nspin, &
spin_factor, flag_SpinDependentSF, min_layer
use io_module, only: return_prefix
implicit none
! Passed variables
integer, dimension(:) :: matM3, matSM3, mat_D, mat_temp
logical :: inflex
real(double) :: delta_e, energy_in, energy_out, interpG
! Local variables
integer, dimension(nspin) :: matM3old
real(double), dimension(nspin) :: electrons_spin, energy_1_spin, energy_2_spin
real(double) :: electrons, energy_0, energy_1
real(double) :: step, truestep, directsum_step
real(double) :: A, B, C, D, SQ
real(double) :: g0, g1, ig0, ig1, ig1_step, igcross, igcross2
real(double) :: lamG, zeta
integer :: i, j, k, length, spin, spin_SF
character(len=12) :: subname = "lineMinL: "
character(len=120) :: prefix
prefix = return_prefix(subname, min_layer)
spin_SF = 1
g0 = zero
ig0 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
matM3old(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange, 0)
! copy matM3(L_old)
call matrix_sum(zero, matM3old(spin), one, matM3(spin))
! calculate g0 = tr(matD * matM3), trace of direct sum is sum of
! traces of spin components
g0 = g0 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(mat_D(spin), matM3(spin))
! calculate ig0
! L.Tong: WARNING! I just copied the approach from
! lineMinL_nospin, but I think this may be a mistake, and should
! be: ig0 = tr(matSM3 * matM3), not tr(mat_D, matM3)
ig0 = ig0 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(mat_D(spin), matM3(spin))
! ig0 = ig0 + spin_factor * &
! matrix_product_trace(matSM3(spin), matM3(spin))
end do
! We have a cubic in energy with L_out = L + x.D
! energy at x = 0 is energy_in
energy_0 = energy_in
! The intermediate step size should depend on expected energy reduction
step = delta_e / g0
if (abs(step) < 1.0e-2_double) step = 0.01_double
if (abs(step) > 0.1_double) step = 0.1_double
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,f16.6)') trim(prefix)//" trial step is ",step
! now we take the step in the direction D
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(one, matL(spin), step, mat_D(spin))
end do
! calcuate matM3, energy and numbers of electrons again for L_step
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons_spin, energy_1_spin, doK, &
dontM1, dontM2, doM3, dontM4, dontphi, &
doE, mat_M3=matM3)
energy_1 = spin_factor * sum(energy_1_spin(:))
! g1 = tr(mat_D(L_old) * matM3(L_step))
g1 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
g1 = g1 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(mat_D(spin), matM3(spin))
end do
! Evaluate old and new gradient cross and new gradient
! magnitude. This is for linear interpolation.
! igcross = tr(matSM3(L_old) * matM3(L_step))
igcross = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
igcross = igcross + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matSM3(spin), matM3(spin))
end do
! get the matSM3(L_step)
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matM3(spin), mat_temp(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product(mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), matSM3(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
end do
! get ig1 = tr(matSM3(L_step) * matM3(L_step)),
! this is for linear interpolation
ig1 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
ig1 = ig1 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matSM3(spin), matM3(spin))
end do
! remember the content of ig1 as it will be used to store other values
ig1_step = ig1
! the cubic is then given by Ax^3+Bx^2+Cx+D with
D = energy_0
C = g0
B = three * (energy_1 - D) / (step * step) - (g1 - two * C) / step
A = (g1 - two * B * step - C) / (three * step * step)
! check for -ve square root
SQ = four * B * B - 12.0_double * A * C
if (SQ < 0) then
! point of inflexion - problem !
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer > 0) then
write(io_lun, fmt='(4x,a)') trim(prefix)//' inflexion approximation:'
write(io_lun, fmt='(4x,a,4f16.6)') trim(prefix)//' A, B, C, D: ', A, B, C, D
end if
inflex = .true.
do spin = nspin, 1, -1
call free_temp_matrix(matM3old(spin))
end do
else ! Solve cubic
if (abs(A) > RD_ERR) then
truestep = (-two * B + SQRT(SQ)) / (six * A)
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >2) &
write(io_lun, fmt='(4x,a)') trim(prefix)//' local quadratic approximation'
! L.Tong shouldn this be -C/(two*B) instead of the orginal
! C/(two * B) ?
! truestep = C / (two * B)
truestep = - C / (two * B)
end if
end if ! if (SQ < 0) then
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer>= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,f16.6)') trim(prefix)//" actual step is ", truestep
!TM 09/09/2003
if (truestep < 1.e-04_double) truestep = 1.e-04_double
!TM 09/09/2003
! update value of matL
directsum_step = truestep - step
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(one, matL(spin), directsum_step, mat_D(spin))
end do
! matrix symmetric: this avoids the creeping in of asymmetries due
! to accumulation of errors
call symmetrise_L()
! Get K(L_truestep), E(L_truestep) and M3(L_truestep) before we return
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons_spin, energy_2_spin, doK, &
dontM1, dontM2, doM3, dontM4, dontphi, &
doE, mat_M3=matM3)
energy_out = spin_factor * sum(energy_2_spin(:))
delta_e = energy_out - energy_in
! finished calculating energy_out, delta_e, matM3, inflex
! Find interpolated gradient for linearity test (find interpG/zeta)
if (truestep < step) then
! We need to compare interpG with g at truestep
lamG = truestep / step
interpG = ig0 * (one - lamG) * (one - lamG) + ig1 * lamG * lamG + &
two * igcross * lamG * (one - lamG)
zeta = (interpG - ig1) / (ig0 - ig1)
else ! truestep is GREATER than step
! We need to compare interpG with g at step
! find matSM3(L_truestep)
ig1 = zero
igcross = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matM3(spin), mat_temp(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product(mat_temp(spin), matT(spin_SF), matSM3(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
! ig1 is now used to store tr(matSM3(L_truestep) * matM3(L_truestep))
! ig1_step stores tr(matSM3(L_step) * matM3(L_step))
ig1 = ig1 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matSM3(spin), matM3(spin))
igcross = igcross + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matSM3(spin), matM3old(spin))
end do
lamG = step / truestep
interpG = ig0 * (one - lamG) * (one - lamG) + ig1 * lamG * lamG + &
two * igcross * lamG * (one - lamG)
zeta = (interpG - ig1_step) / (ig0 - ig1_step)
end if
! returns interpG as zeta
interpG = zeta
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) then
do spin = 1, nspin
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,i1," is: ",f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" energy_1 for spin = ", spin, energy_1_spin(spin)
end do
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,f16.6)') trim(prefix)//" energy_1 overall is: ", energy_1
end if
! deallocate matrix
do spin = nspin, 1, -1
call free_temp_matrix(matM3old(spin))
end do
end subroutine lineMinL
!!****f* DMMin/correct_electron_number
!! Selector subroutine for correct_electron_number
!! L.Tong
!! 2011/08/11
!! 2012/03/12 L.Tong
!! - rewrite for changed spin implementation
!! 2015/06/08 lat
!! - Added experimental backtrace
subroutine correct_electron_number
use mult_module, only: matL, matphi
use global_module, only: nspin, flag_fix_spin_population
implicit none
! Local variables
type(cq_timer) :: backtrace_timer
integer :: backtrace_level
if (nspin == 1 .or. flag_fix_spin_population) then
call correct_electron_number_fixspin
call correct_electron_number_varspin
end if
end subroutine correct_electron_number
!!****f* DMMin/correct_electron_number_fixspin
!! correct_electron_numbers for each spin component, treating
!! the spin populations fixed
!! L.Tong
!! 2011/08/11
!! 2012/03/11 L.Tong
!! - Major rewrite, the subroutine corrects electron number for
!! both spin channels.
!! 2018/11/13 17:30 nakata
!! Changed matT and matTtran to be spin_SF dependent
subroutine correct_electron_number_fixspin
use datatypes
use logicals
use numbers
use matrix_data, only: TLrange, Lrange
use mult_module, only: matT, matTtran, matL, matphi, &
allocate_temp_matrix, free_temp_matrix, &
matrix_product_trace, matrix_product, &
matrix_sum, mult, T_L_TL, TL_T_L, &
LNV_matrix_multiply, matrix_transpose
use primary_module, only: bundle
use GenComms, only: gsum, cq_abort
use global_module, only: ne_spin_in_cell, nspin, spin_factor, &
nspin_SF, flag_SpinDependentSF, min_layer
use io_module, only: return_prefix
implicit none
! Local variables
real(double) :: step, step1, g0, g1, recA, B, C, D, truestep, dne
integer :: iter, spin, spin_SF
logical :: done
real(double), dimension(nspin) :: electrons_0, electrons_2, &
electrons, energy
integer, dimension(nspin) :: matTL, matphi2, matSphi, matSphi2
character(len=20) :: subname = "correct_Ne: "
character(len=120) :: prefix
prefix = return_prefix(subname, min_layer)
spin_SF = 1
! set electrons_0 to the correct electron number
electrons_0(1:nspin) = ne_spin_in_cell(1:nspin)
call matrix_transpose(matT(1), matTtran(1))
if (nspin_SF==2) call matrix_transpose(matT(2), matTtran(2))
do spin = 1, nspin
done = .false.
iter = 0
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
! allocate temporary matrices
matTL(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(TLrange,0)
matphi2(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
matSphi(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
matSphi2(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
do while (.not. done .and. (iter < 20))
! get electron number and gradient
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons, energy, dontK, dontM1, &
dontM2, dontM3, dontM4, dophi, dontE, &
mat_phi=matphi, spin=spin)
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,i1,") before correction: ",f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" electron number (spin=", spin, electrons(spin)
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matphi(spin), matTL(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product(matTL(spin), matTtran(spin_SF), matSphi(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
g0 = matrix_product_trace(matSphi(spin), matphi(spin))
! initial guess is linear correction...
step1 = (electrons_0(spin) - electrons(spin)) / g0
step = 0.1_double
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,i1,") are ",f16.6,e16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" g0, step1 (spin=", spin, g0, step1
if (abs(electrons_0(spin) - electrons(spin)) < 1.0e-9_double) then
call matrix_sum(one, matL(spin), step1, matSphi(spin))
! check that electron number is correct
if (iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) then
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons_2, energy, dontK, &
dontM1, dontM2, dontM3, dontM4, &
dophi, dontE, mat_phi=matphi, &
if (inode == ionode) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,i1,") after correction: ",f15.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" electron number (spin=", spin, electrons_2(spin)
end if
done = .true.
step = step1
! Take a step along the electron gradient
call matrix_sum(one, matL(spin), step1, matSphi(spin))
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons_2, energy, dontK, &
dontM1, dontM2, dontM3, dontM4, &
dophi, dontE, mat_phi=matphi2, &
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matphi2(spin), matTL(spin), &
call matrix_product(matTL(spin), matTtran(spin_SF), &
matSphi2(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
g1 = matrix_product_trace(matphi(spin), matSphi2(spin))
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,i1,") are ",2f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" g1, elec2 (spin=", spin, g1, electrons_2(spin)
! get coefficients of polynomial
D = electrons(spin) - electrons_0(spin)
C = g0
B = three * (electrons_2(spin) - electrons(spin)) / (step * step) - &
(g1 + two * g0) / step
recA = (step * step * step) / &
(two * (electrons(spin) - electrons_2(spin)) + &
(g0 + g1) * step)
B = B * recA
C = C * recA
D = D * recA
truestep = SolveCubic(B, C, D, step, inode, ionode)
if (inode .eq. ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,i1,") are ",2e16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" step, truestep (spin=", spin, step, truestep
call matrix_sum(one, matL(spin), truestep - step, matSphi(spin))
if (truestep == step) then
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a)') trim(prefix)//" still in linear loop"
! check that electron number is correct
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons_2, energy, dontK, &
dontM1, dontM2, dontM3, &
dontM4, dophi, dontE, &
mat_phi=matphi, spin=spin)
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun,fmt='(4x,a,i1,") after correction",f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" electron number (spin=", spin, electrons_2(spin)
dne = abs(electrons_2(spin) - electrons_0(spin))
if (dne < 1e-4_double) done = .true.
iter = iter + 1
done = .true.
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons_2, energy, dontK, &
dontM1, dontM2, dontM3, &
dontM4, dophi, dontE, &
mat_phi=matphi, spin=spin)
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,i1,") after correction: ",f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" electron number (spin=", spin, electrons_2(spin)
end if ! (truestep == step)
end if ! (abs(electrons_0(spin) - electrons(spin)) < 1.0e-9_double)
end do ! while ( .not. done .and. (iter < 20))
call free_temp_matrix(matSphi2(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matSphi(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matphi2(spin))
call free_temp_matrix(matTL(spin))
end do ! spin
end subroutine correct_electron_number_fixspin
!!****f* DMMin/correct_electron_number_varspin *
!! correct_electron_number_varspin
!! For spin polarised calculations:
!! Corrects the L matrices so that the electron number is correct
!! treating the overall L matrix as direct sum of the spin channels.
!! That means both spin channels share the same search steps, and
!! the steps and directions are calculated from the overall L
!! (direct sum of both spin components)
!! Note that the original number_of_bands in correct_electron_number
!! subroutine is an obsolete historical artifact. Use ne_in_cell
!! from the global module instead for the correct number of total
!! electrons.
!! L.Tong
!! 2011/07/27
!! Thursday, 2011/08/11 L.Tong
!! Fixed a bug, forgot to use matphi_dn from mult_module Switched
!! to LNV_matrix_multiply, as LNV_matrix_multiply_spin is now
!! obsolete
!! 2018/11/13 17:30 nakata
!! Changed matT and matTtran to be spin_SF dependent
subroutine correct_electron_number_varspin
use datatypes
use logicals
use numbers
use matrix_data, only: TLrange, Lrange
use mult_module, only: matT, matTtran, matphi, matL, &
allocate_temp_matrix, free_temp_matrix, &
matrix_product_trace, matrix_product, &
matrix_sum, mult, T_L_TL, TL_T_L, &
LNV_matrix_multiply, matrix_transpose
use primary_module, only: bundle
use GenComms, only: gsum
use global_module, only: ne_in_cell, nspin, spin_factor, &
nspin_SF, flag_SpinDependentSF, min_layer
use io_module, only: return_prefix
implicit none
! Local variables
real(double), dimension(nspin) :: electrons_spin, energy_spin
integer, dimension(nspin) :: matTL, matphi2, matSphi, matSphi2
real(double) :: electrons_0, electrons, energy, step, step1, &
electrons2, g0, g1, recA, B, C, D, truestep, dne
integer :: iter, spin, spin_SF
logical :: done
character(len=20) :: subname = "correct_Ne: "
character(len=120) :: prefix
prefix = return_prefix(subname, min_layer)
done = .false.
iter = 0
spin_SF = 1
! set the correct electron number
electrons_0 = ne_in_cell
do spin = 1, nspin
matTL(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(TLrange,0)
matphi2(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
matSphi(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
matSphi2(spin) = allocate_temp_matrix(Lrange,0)
end do
! get electron number and gradient
call matrix_transpose(matT(1), matTtran(1))
if (nspin_SF==2) call matrix_transpose(matT(2), matTtran(2))
do while (.not. done .and. (iter < 20)) ! Was 20 !
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons_spin, energy_spin, dontK, &
dontM1, dontM2, dontM3, dontM4, dophi,&
dontE, mat_phi=matphi)
electrons = spin_factor * sum(electrons_spin)
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,3f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" electron numbers before correction (up, down, total): ", &
electrons_spin(1), electrons_spin(nspin), electrons
g0 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matphi(spin), matTL(spin), mult(T_L_TL))
call matrix_product(matTL(spin), matTtran(spin_SF), matSphi(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
g0 = g0 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matSphi(spin), matphi(spin))
end do
! initial guess is linear correction...
step1 = (electrons_0 - electrons) / (g0 + RD_ERR)
step = 0.1_double
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,f16.6,e16.6)') trim(prefix)//" g0, step1 are", g0, step1
! if we are within 0.1% of the correct number, linear will do.
if (abs(electrons_0 - electrons) < 1.0e-9_double) then
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(one, matL(spin), step1, matSphi(spin))
end do
done = .true.
step = step1
! Take a step along the electron gradient
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum (one, matL(spin), step1, matSphi(spin))
end do
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons_spin, energy_spin, dontK,&
dontM1, dontM2, dontM3, dontM4, &
dophi, dontE, mat_phi=matphi2)
electrons2 = spin_factor * sum(electrons_spin)
g1 = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
if (flag_SpinDependentSF) spin_SF = spin
call matrix_product(matT(spin_SF), matphi2(spin), matTL(spin), &
call matrix_product(matTL(spin), matTtran(spin_SF), &
matSphi2(spin), mult(TL_T_L))
g1 = g1 + spin_factor * &
matrix_product_trace(matphi(spin), matSphi2(spin))
end do
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,4f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" g1, elec (up, down, total): ", &
g1, electrons_spin(1), electrons_spin(nspin), &
! get coefficients of polynomial
D = electrons - electrons_0
C = g0
!ORI B = (3.0_double*electrons2 - g1*step - &
!ORI 2.0_double*g0*step - 3.0_double*electrons) / &
!ORI (step*step)
B = three * (electrons2 - electrons) / (step * step) - &
(g1 + two * g0) / step
!ORI recA = (step*step*step) / &
!ORI (2.0_double*electrons - 2.0_double*electrons2 + &
!ORI g0*step + g1*step)
recA = (step * step * step) / &
(two * (electrons - electrons2) + (g0 + g1) * step)
B = B * recA
C = C * recA
D = D * recA
truestep = SolveCubic(B, C, D, step, inode, ionode)
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a,2e16.6)') trim(prefix)//" step, truestep ", step, truestep
do spin = 1, nspin
call matrix_sum(one, matL(spin), truestep - step, matSphi(spin))
end do
if (truestep == step) then
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun, '(4x,a)') trim(prefix)//" still in linear loop"
! check that electron number is correct
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons_spin, energy_spin, &
dontK, dontM1, dontM2, dontM3, &
dontM4, dophi, dontE, mat_phi=matphi)
electrons2 = spin_factor * sum(electrons_spin)
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun,fmt='(4x,a,3f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" electron numbers after correction (up, down, total): ", &
electrons_spin(1), electrons_spin(nspin), electrons2
dne = abs(electrons2 - electrons_0)
if ((dne / electrons_0) < 1.0e-6_double) done = .true.
iter = iter + 1
done = .true.
call LNV_matrix_multiply(electrons_spin, energy_spin, &
dontK, dontM1, dontM2, dontM3, &
dontM4, dophi, dontE, mat_phi=matphi)
electrons2 = spin_factor * sum(electrons_spin)
if (inode == ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer >= 2) &
write(io_lun,fmt='(4x,a,3f16.6)') &
trim(prefix)//" electron numbers after correction (up, down, total): ", &
electrons_spin(1), electrons_spin(nspin), electrons2
end if
end if ! (abs(electrons_0 - electrons) < 1.0e-9_double)
end do ! while (.not. done .and. iter < 20)
! free temp matrices
do spin = nspin, 1, -1
call free_temp_matrix (matSphi2(spin))
call free_temp_matrix (matSphi(spin))
call free_temp_matrix (matphi2(spin))
call free_temp_matrix (matTL(spin))
end do
1 format(2x,'Electron numbers before correction (Nup, Ndn, Ntotal) :', &
f25.15, f25.15, f25.15)
2 format(2x,'Electron number after correction (Nup, Ndn, Ntotal) :', &
f25.15, f25.15, f25.15)
end subroutine correct_electron_number_varspin
! -----------------------------------------------------------
! Function SolveCubic
! -----------------------------------------------------------
!!****f* DMMin/SolveCubic *
!! SolveCubic
!! Solves a cubic: x^3+Ax^2+Bx+C
!! This is a general solution first worked out in the
!! sixteenth century (published by Gerolamo Cardano)
!! See, for example, Abramowitz & Stegun p. 17
!! E.H.Hernandez
!! 10/04/95 ?
!! 30/05/2001 dave
!! Added ROBODoc header
!! 20/06/2001 dave
!! Included in DMMinModule
!! 2019/10/23 16:57 dave
!! Updated and polished
function SolveCubic(a,b,c,guess,inode,ionode)
use datatypes
use numbers
use global_module, only: min_layer
implicit none
integer inode,ionode
real(double) :: SolveCubic
real(double) :: a,b,c,guess
real(double) :: Q, R, S, T, theta, z1, z2, z3
Q = (a*a - three*b) / nine
R = (two*a*a*a - nine*a*b + 27.0_double*c)/54.0_double
if ((R*R)<(Q*Q*Q)) then ! Guarantees Q is positive
! three roots...
theta = acos(R/(sqrt(Q*Q*Q)))
T = -two * sqrt(Q)
! Note that solutions are given relative to guess (step taken to find parameters)
z1 = T * cos(theta/three) - (a/three)
z2 = T * cos((theta+twopi)/three) - (a/three)
z3 = T * cos((theta-twopi)/three) - (a/three)
! Take solution with smallest magnitude
if (abs(z1)<=abs(z2).and.abs(z1)<=abs(Z3)) then
SolveCubic = z1
else if (abs(z2)<=abs(z3)) then
SolveCubic = z2
SolveCubic = z3
end if
! the solution for the single real root
Q = -Q
R = -R
S = R + sqrt(Q*Q*Q + R*R)
T = R - sqrt(Q*Q*Q + R*R)
if ( S >= zero ) then
S = S**third
S = -abs(S)**third
end if
if ( T >= zero ) then
T = T**third
T = -abs(T)**third
end if
SolveCubic = S + T - a/three
! Experience suggests that, while this is a correct solution to the cubic,
! a large step is completely wrong for electron number correction - test
! for this, and if necessary return only the initial guess
! The prefactor of 10 is arbitrary but seems reasonable
if(abs(SolveCubic)>10.0_double*abs(guess)) then
if(inode==ionode .and. iprint_DM + min_layer > 2) &
write (io_lun, '(8x,"Step too large for Ne correction: linear guess was: ",2e16.6)') &
SolveCubic, guess
SolveCubic = guess
end if
end if
end function SolveCubic
end module DMMin