
31 lines
1.2 KiB

# This file will create a smaller and more basic basis set than in the
# default input file (with only one set of polarisation functions, which
# are l=1 by default), but this will likely be less accurate. You should
# check convergence very carefully before using this.
General.NumberOfSpecies 1
# The 5p shell should really be semi-core, so change the cutoff energy
General.SemicoreEnergy -0.68
%block SpeciesLabels
1 Ba
%block Ba
Atom.VKBFile Ba.pot
Atom.BasisSize medium
# Polarisation orbitals are potentially problematic for Groups I and II.
# The highest energy valence orbital is l=0 so the polarisation orbital
# using the standard perturbative approach would be l=1, but that would
# mean a basis set with only l=0 and l=1. It is also possible to polarise
# perturbatively from the highest energy l=1 orbital to give a polarisation
# orbital with l=2 using the lines below, but this will be perturbing a
# low-lying state (close to semi-core) and will give a basis where the only
# l=1 orbitals are close to semi-core states. This may not be reliable: we
# recommend careful testing should you choose this route.
#Atom.PolarisedN 5
#Atom.PolarisedL 1