23 lines
804 B
Executable File
23 lines
804 B
Executable File
echo "Testing default PAO generation"
declare -i success=0
declare -i failure=0
declare -i total=0
for ele in Ag As Ba Br Cd Cr F Ge Hf In Kr Mn Na Ni P Po Re Ru Sc Sn Tc Tl Xe Zr Al Au Be C Cl Cs Fe H Hg Ir Li Mo Nb O Pb Pt Rh S Se Sr Te V Y Ar B Bi Ca Co Cu Ga He I K Mg N Ne Os Pd Rb Rn Sb Si Ta Ti W Zn
let total++
cd $ele
../../../bin/MakeIonFiles > output 2>&1
if [ `tail -1 output | grep -c Finish` -eq 1 ]; then
let success++
rm output "$ele"CQ.ion input.log
let failure++
echo "Possible failure in default PAO generation for "$ele". Please report to developers."
rm input.log
cd ..
echo "Successes: "$success"/"$total
echo "Failures: "$failure"/"$total