52 lines
1.1 KiB
52 lines
1.1 KiB
IO.Title Water static test, DZ, GridCutoff=50Ha
IO.Coordinates H2O_coord.in
IO.FractionalAtomicCoords F
IO.Iprint 1
IO.WriteOutToFile F
General.DistanceUnits Angstrom
IO.WriteOutToFile F
Process.Job coo
Process.CoordFormat cell
## General Parameters
General.NumberOfSpecies 2
General.PartitionMethod Hilbert
## Moving Atoms
AtomMove.TypeOfRun static
## Basis Sets
Basis.BasisSet PAOs
## Energy Minimisation
minE.SCTolerance 1.0e-8
minE.LTolerance 1.0e-6
minE.MixedLSelfConsistent T
##Integration Grid
Grid.GridCutoff 100
## Finding Density Matrix
#DM.SolutionMethod diagon
#Diag.MPMesh T
#Diag.MPMeshX 2
#Diag.MPMeshY 2
#Diag.MPMeshZ 2
DM.SolutionMethod ordern
DM.L_range 12.0
DM.InvSTolerance 0.1
## Atomic Information
# This first block should make the matrix multiplication
# heavier numerically (each atom has more functions)
#%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
#1 15.99 O_SZP
#2 1.00 H_SZP
#%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
# This second block is 8x faster and less heavy
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
1 15.99 O_SZ
2 1.00 H_SZ
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel