Remove para_D2.dat file (parameters now in DFT_D2_module)

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David Bowler 2022-06-09 15:39:19 +01:00
parent 30b8abe2c3
commit f8caa0f85e
1 changed files with 0 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
The following parameters are obtained from J. Comp. Chem. 27, 15, 2006.
Atom kinds, atomic dispersion coefficients and atomic vdW radii are listed
from the left. These observables are written in [Jnm^6/mol^-1] and [angstrom].
H 0.14 1.001
He 0.08 1.012
Li 1.61 0.825
Be 1.61 1.408
B 3.13 1.485
C 1.75 1.452
N 1.23 1.397
O 0.70 1.342
F 0.75 1.287
Ne 0.63 1.243
Na 5.71 1.144
Mg 5.71 1.364
Al 10.79 1.639
Si 9.23 1.716
P 7.84 1.705
S 5.57 1.683
Cl 5.07 1.639
Ar 4.61 1.595
K 10.80 1.485
Ca 10.80 1.474
Sc 10.80 1.562
Ti 10.80 1.562
V 10.80 1.562
Cr 10.80 1.562
Mn 10.80 1.562
Fe 10.80 1.562
Co 10.80 1.562
Ni 10.80 1.562
Cu 10.80 1.562
Zn 10.80 1.562
Ga 16.99 1.650
Ge 17.10 1.727
As 16.37 1.760
Se 12.64 1.771
Br 12.47 1.749
Kr 12.01 1.727
Rb 24.67 1.628
Sr 24.67 1.606
Y 24.67 1.639
Zr 24.67 1.639
Nb 24.67 1.639
Mo 24.67 1.639
Tc 24.67 1.639
Ru 24.67 1.639
Rh 24.67 1.639
Pd 24.67 1.639
Ag 24.67 1.639
Cd 24.67 1.639
In 37.32 1.672
Sn 38.71 1.804
Sb 38.44 1.881
Te 31.74 1.892
I 31.50 1.892
Xe 29.99 1.881