Merge branch 'tk-thread-calc-matrix' of into tk-thread-calc-matrix

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Tuomas Koskela 2023-08-18 08:45:29 +01:00
commit d75229771c
27 changed files with 1411 additions and 570 deletions

docs/ase-conquest.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
.. _ase-conquest:
Managing Conquest with ASE
Below we give an introduction how to setup the ASE environment with respect
to CONQUEST repository along with a few examples of ASE/Conquest capabilities.
We assume that a python script or jupyter-notebook is used.
.. _ase_setup:
.. _ase_env:
Environment variables
The script will need to set environmental variables specifying the
locations of the CONQUEST executable ``Conquest``, and if required, the basis
set generation executable ``MakeIonFiles`` and pseudopotential database.
These variables are:
* ``ASE_CONQUEST_COMMAND``: the Conquest executable command including MPI/openMPI prefix.
* ``CQ_PP_PATH``: the PAO path directory to where are located the the ``.ion`` files.
* (optional) ``CQ_GEN_BASIS_CMD`` : the PAO generation executable ``MakeIonFiles``.
Given the Conquest root directory ``CQ_ROOT`` which contains
Given the Conquest root directory ``CQ_ROOT``, initialisation might look to something like
import os
os.environ['ASE_CONQUEST_COMMAND'] = 'mpirun -np 4 '+CQ_ROOT+'/bin/Conquest'
os.environ["CQ_GEN_BASIS_CMD"] = CQ_ROOT+'/bin/MakeIonFiles"
os.environ['CQ_PP_PATH'] = CQ_ROOT+'/pseudo-and-pao/'
Go to :ref:`top <ase-conquest>`.
.. _ase_pao:
Pseudopotential/PAO files
Conquest atomic pseudotential and basis functions are store in the ``.ion``
files which will ne referred as to PAO files. Provided the pseudopotential files ``.pot`` available in ``CQ_PP_PATH``,
automatic generation of numerical PAOs is possible using the program :ref:`MakeIonFiles <generating_paos>`
available from the Conquest package.
Provided the PAO files, the basis set is specified through a python dictionary,
for example:
basis = {'O' : {'file': 'O_SZP.ion'},
'H' : {'file': 'H_SZP.ion'},
'C' : {'file': 'C_SZP.ion'}}
In this case they are all assumed to be obtained from Hamann pseudopotentials,
which are the default. Knowing the the exchange and correlation functional <XC>
from the Conquest input (*vide infra*) and the chemical symbol <X>, the *Calculator*
will search the ``.ion`` file in different places:
including the current directory and the ASE working directory (*vide infra*). If
your PAO file is located in a different place you can include the path in the
basis dictionary:
basis = {'O' : {'file': 'O_SZP.ion',
'directory': '<PATH_TO_FILE>'},
'H' : {'file' : 'H_SZP.ion'},
'C' : {'file' : 'C_SZP.ion'}}
For generating the PAO files, the keyword ``gen_basis`` should be set to ``True``
(default is ``False``) and the size be provided (default is ``medium``).
For instance:
basis = {'O' : {'gen_basis' : True,
'basis_size': 'small'},
'C' : {'gen_basis' : True,
'basis_size': 'medium'},
'H' : {'gen_basis' : True,
'basis_size': 'large'}}
will create the ``O.ion``, ``C.ion`` and ``H.ion`` files where ``small``, ``medium`` and ``large``
are :ref:`default size basis set <pao_gen_default>`. You are allowed to choose the functional and
to add options for basis set generation:
basis = {'H' : {'gen_basis' : True,
'basis_size': 'small',
'xc' : 'LDA',
'Atom.Perturbative_Polarised': False}}
.. note::
Only Hamann pseudopotentials for LDA, PBE and PBEsol are available within
the CONQUEST distribution. For using other functionals see
:ref:`Generating new pseudopotentials <pao_gen_pseudo>`.
.. warning::
Generating polarised PAOs for some atoms can be problematic (mainly group I
and II). Please review carefuly the ``MakeIonFiles`` input files
named ``Conquest_ion_input`` which are collected in ``CQ_PP_PATH/<XC>/<X>/``
if you are not sure about what you are doing, and check your PAOs.
Go to :ref:`top <ase-conquest>`.
.. _ase_calculator:
CONQUEST Calculator
The CONQUEST *Calculator* class can be invoked from the ase Calculator set as described
in the example below:
from ase.calculators.conquest import Conquest
A minimal example is given below for setting the CONQUEST *Calculator* (named ``calc``)
of the `ASE Atoms object <>`_
named `struct`:
from ase.calculators.conquest import Conquest
from import bulk
struct = bulk('NaCl', crystalstructure='rocksalt', a=5.71, cubic=True)
basis = {'Cl' : {'file' : 'Cl.ion'}, 'Na' : {'file' : 'Na.ion'}}
calc = Conquest(basis=basis,atoms=struct)
or, equivalently,
from ase.calculators.conquest import Conquest
from import bulk
struct = bulk('NaCl', crystalstructure='rocksalt', a=5.71, cubic=True)
basis = {'Cl' : {'file' : 'Cl.ion'}, 'Na' : {'file' : 'Na.ion'}}
struct.calc = Conquest(basis=basis)
In basic calculate mode (compute ``energy``), the *Calculator* comes with 3 *methods*:
* ``write_input()``:
this function will setup the :ref:`input files <setting_up>`. For CONQUEST, the PAO basis will be generated/copied with respect to the dictionary key/value pairs, and ``Conquest_input`` file including the calculation parameters will be written, a long with the ``coordinate`` file, containing the lattice vectors (in Bohr Unit) and atomic positions (in fractional coordinates).
* ``execute()``:
this function execute the calculation. For CONQUEST, it will launch the ``ASE_CONQUEST_COMMAND`` setup in :ref:`the environment varaibles <ase_env>`.
* ``read_results()``:
this function post-process the the output file. For CONQUEST, the ``energy``, ``forces``, ``stress`` and ``eigenvalues`` will be extracted from the ``Conquest_out_ase`` output file.
.. note::
The funtion ``read_results()`` operate on the ``Conquest_out_ase`` file.
This output file is not created by default by CONQUEST. If you want to post-process
a calculation with an input generated by hand you must add ``IO.WriteOutToASEFile True``
in ``conquest_input``.
The **indirect** way for managing CONQUEST calculation with ASE is:
struct.calc = Conquest(basis=basis)
where ``struct.calc.execute()`` can be ignored when, for instance, the calculation
is performed on a supercomputer and the output file is then copied back to the current
directory for post-processing.
The **direct** way is simply:
struct.calc = Conquest(basis=basis)
or, equivalently,
struct.calc = Conquest(basis=basis)
Go to :ref:`top <ase-conquest>`.
.. _ase_input:
Keywords for generating the Conquest_input file
In principle all the `Conquest input parameters <>`_
can be added to ``Conquest_out_ase`` using key/value pairs in a dictionary. There are 3 class of parameters:
* mandatory : they are parsed to the *Calculator* and have no defaults ; there are mandatory.
* important : they are parsed to the *Calculator* they can be freely modified. Some of them are pure ASE keywords.
* defaults : they are set as defaults ; some of them must not be modified. They are read by the *Calculator* through a dictionay ``conquest_flags``.
Mandatory keywords
=================== ===================== =============== ================================
keyword type default value description
=================== ===================== =============== ================================
``atoms`` ``atoms`` None an atoms object constructed either via ASE or read from an input
``basis`` ``dict`` None a dictionary specifying the pseudopotential/basis files
=================== ===================== =============== ================================
Important keywords
=================== ========================== ===================== =============== ================================
keyword CONQUEST equivalence type default value description
=================== ========================== ===================== =============== ================================
``directory`` None ``str`` None directory used for storing input/output and calculation files
``label`` None ``str`` None basename for working files (only used by ASE, eg. NEB)
``kpts`` None ``list`` or ``tuple`` None k-points grid ; converted to CONQUEST Monkhorst-Pack grid
``grid_cutoff`` ``Grid.GridCutoff`` ``float`` 100 integration grid in Ha
``xc`` ``General.FunctionalType`` ``str`` 'PBE' exchange and correlation functional
``self_consistent`` ``minE.SelfConsistent`` ``bool`` True choose either SCF or non-SCF
``scf_tolerance`` ``minE.SCTolerance`` ``float`` 1e-6 Self-consistent-field convergence tolerance in Ha
``nspin`` ``Spin.SpinPolarised`` ``int`` 1 spin polarisation: 1 for unpolarized or 2 for polarised
``conquest_flags`` None ``dict`` None other CONQUET keyword arguments
=================== ========================== ===================== =============== ================================
Defaults keywords
=============================== ========= =============== ================================
keyword type default value description
=============================== ========= =============== ================================
``IO.WriteOutToASEFile`` ``bool`` True write ASE output file ; **must always be True when using ASE for post-processing**
``IO.Iprint`` ``int`` 1 verbose for the output ; **must always be 1 when using ASE for post-processing**
``DM.SolutionMethod`` ``str`` 'diagon' 'diagon' stands for diagonalisation other is 'ordern' (base on density matrix)
``General.PseudopotentialType`` ``str`` 'Hamann' kind of pseudopotential other type are 'siesta' and 'abinit'
``SC.MaxIters`` ``int`` 50 maximum number SCF cycles
``AtomMove.TypeOfRun`` ``str`` 'static' 'static' stands for single (non)SCF other are 'md' or optimisation algorithms.
``Diag.SmearingType`` ``int`` 1 1 for Methfessel-Paxton ; 0 for Fermi-Dirac
``Diag.kT`` ``float`` 0.001 smearing temperature in Ha
=============================== ========= =============== ================================
``io.fractionalatomiccoords`` ``bool`` True atomic coordinates format for the structure file (fractional or cartesian)
``basis.basisset`` ``str`` 'PAOs' type of basis set ; always 'PAOs' with ASE
Some examples
An example of more advanced Calculator setup is given below for a SCF calculation on BCC-Na
where for a PBE calculation using a k-point grid of :math:`6\times 6\times6` using the Fermi-Dirac
distribution for the occupation with a smearing of 0.005 Ha::
struct = bulk('Na', crystalstructure='bcc', a=4.17, cubic=True)
basis = {'Na' : {'file' : 'NaCQ.ion'}}
conquest_flags = {'Diag.SmearingType': 0,
'Diag.kT' : 0.005}
struct.calc = Conquest(directory = 'Na_bcc_example',
grid_cutoff = 90.0,
self_consistent= True,
xc = 'PBE',
basis = basis,
kpts = [6,6,6],
nspin = 1,
A dictionary containing a small number of mandatory keywords, listed below:
default_parameters = {
'grid_cutoff' : 100, # DFT defaults
'kpts' : None,
'xc' : 'PBE',
'scf_tolerance' : 1.0e-6,
'nspin' : 1,
'general.pseudopotentialtype' : 'Hamann', # CONQUEST defaults
'basis.basisset' : 'PAOs',
'io.iprint' : 2,
'io.fractionalatomiccoords' : True,
'mine.selfconsistent' : True,
'sc.maxiters' : 50,
'atommove.typeofrun' : 'static',
'dm.solutionmethod' : 'diagon'}
The first five key/value pairs are special DFT parameters, the grid cutoff, the
k-point mesh, the exchange-correlation functional, the SCF tolerance and the
number of spins respectively. The rest are CONQUEST-specific input flags.
The atomic species blocks are handled slightly differently, with a dictionary of
their own. If the ``.ion`` files are present in the calculation directory, they
can be specified as follows:
basis = {"H": {"valence_charge": 1.0,
"number_of_supports": 1,
"support_fn_range": 6.9},
"O": {"valence_charge": 6.0,
"number_of_supports": 4,
"support_fn_range": 6.9}}
If the basis set ``.ion`` files are present in the directory containing the ASE
script are pressent and are named ``element.ion``, then the relevant parameters
will be parsed from the ``.ion`` files and included when the input file is
written and this dictionary can be omitted. It is more important when, for
example, setting up a multisite calculation, when the number of contracted
support functions is different from the number in the ``.ion`` file.
ASE can also invoke the CONQUEST basis set generation tool, although care should
be taken when generating basis sets:
basis = {"H": {"basis_size": "minimal",
"pseudopotential_type": hamann",
"gen_basis": True},
"O": {"basis_size": "minimal",
"pseudopotential_type": hamann",
"gen_basis": True}}
Finally, defaults and other input flags can be defined in a new dictionary, and
passed as an expanded set of keyword arguments.
conquest_flags = {'DM.SolutionMethod' : 'ordern',
'DM.L_range' : 12.0,
'minE.LTolerance' : 1.0e-6}
Here is an example, combining the above. We set up a cubic diamond cell
containing 8 atoms, and perform a single point energy calculation using the
order(*N*) method (the default is diagonalisation, so we must specify all of the
order(*N*) flags). We don't define a basis set, instead providing keywords that
specify that a minimal basis set should be constructed using the MakeIonFiles
basis generation tool.
import os
from import bulk
from ase.calculators.conquest import Conquest
os.environ['ASE_CONQUEST_COMMAND'] = 'mpirun -np 4 '+CQ_ROOT+'/bin/Conquest'
os.environ["CQ_GEN_BASIS_CMD"] = CQ_ROOT+'/bin/MakeIonFiles"
os.environ['CQ_PP_PATH'] = CQ_ROOT+'/pseudo-and-pao/'
diamond = bulk('C', 'diamond', a=3.6, cubic=True) # The atoms object
conquest_flags = {'DM.SolutionMethod' : 'ordern', # Conquest keywords
'DM.L_range' : 12.0,
'minE.LTolerance' : 1.0e-6}
basis = {'C': {'basis_size' : 'minimal', # Generate a minimal basis
'gen_basis' : True}
calc = Conquest(grid_cutoff = 80, # Set the calculator keywords
xc = 'PBE',
basis = basis,
nspin = 1,
diamond.set_calculator(calc) # attach the calculator to the atoms object
energy = diamond.get_potential_energy() # calculate the potential energy
Go to :ref:`top <ext-tools>`.
.. _et_ase_mssf:
Multisite support functions
Multisite support functions require a few additional keywords in the atomic
species block, which can be specified as follows:
basis = {'C': {"basis_size": 'medium',
"gen_basis": True,
"pseudopotential_type": "hamann",
"Atom.NumberofSupports": 4,
"Atom.MultisiteRange": 7.0,
"Atom.LFDRange": 7.0}}
Note that we are constructing a DZP basis set (size medium) with 13 primitive
support functions using ``MakeIonFiles``, and contracting it to multisite basis
of 4 support functions. The calculation requires a few more input flags, which
are specified in the ``other_keywords`` dictionary:
other_keywords = {"Basis.MultisiteSF": True,
"Multisite.LFD": True,
"Multisite.LFD.Min.ThreshE": 1.0e-7,
"Multisite.LFD.Min.ThreshD": 1.0e-7,
"Multisite.LFD.Min.MaxIteration": 150,
Go to :ref:`top <ext-tools>`.
.. _et_ase_load_dm:
Loading the K/L matrix
Most calculation that involve incrementally moving atoms (molecular dynamics,
geometry optimisation, equations of state, nudged elastic band etc.) can be made
faster by using the K or L matrix from a previous calculation as the initial
guess for a subsequent calculation in which that atoms have been moved slightly.
This can be achieved by first performing a single point calculation to generate
the first K/L matrix, then adding the following keywords to the calculator:
other_keywords = {"General.LoadL": True,
"SC.MakeInitialChargeFromK": True}
These keywords respectively cause the K or L matrix to be loaded from file(s)
``Kmatrix.i**.p*****``, and the initial charge density to be constructed from
this matrix. In all subsequent calculations, the K or L matrix will be written
at the end of the calculation and used as the initial guess for the subsequent
ionic step.
Go to :ref:`top <ext-tools>`.
.. _et_eos:
Equation of state
The following code computes the equation of state of diamond by doing single
point calculations on a uniform grid of the ``a`` lattice parameter. It then
interpolates the equation of state and uses ``matplotlib`` to generate a plot.
import scipy as sp
from import bulk
from import Trajectory
from ase.calculators.conquest import Conquest
# Construct a unit cell
diamond = bulk('C', 'diamond', a=3.6, cubic=True)
basis = {'C': {"basis_size": 'minimal',
"gen_basis": True}}
calc = Conquest(grid_cutoff = 50,
xc = "PBE",
basis = basis,
kpts = [4,4,4])
cell = diamond.get_cell()
traj = Trajectory('diamond.traj', 'w') # save all results to trajectory
for x in sp.linspace(0.95, 1.05, 5): # grid for equation of state
diamond.set_cell(cell*x, scale_atoms=True)
from import read
from ase.eos import EquationOfState
configs = read('diamond.traj@0:5')
volumes = [diamond.get_volume() for diamond in configs]
energies = [diamond.get_potential_energy() for diamond in configs]
eos = EquationOfState(volumes, energies)
v0, e0, B =
import matplotlib
eos.plot('diamond-eos.pdf') # Plot the equation of state
Go to :ref:`top <ase-conquest>`.

View File

@ -188,248 +188,26 @@ output will look something like this:
Go to :ref:`top <ext-tools>`.
.. _et_ase:
Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE)
ASE is a set of Python tools for setting up, manipulating, running, visualizing
and analyzing atomistic simulations. ASE contains a CONQUEST interface, so that
it can be used to calculate energies, forces and stresses for calculations that
CONQUEST can't do (yet). Detailed instructions on how to install and invoke it
can be found on its `website <>`_, but we provide
some details and examples for the CONQUEST interface here.
.. _et_ase_cq:
Note that the script will need to set environmental variables specifying the
locations of the CONQUEST executable ``Conquest``, and if required, the basis
set generation executable ``MakeIonFiles`` and pseudopotential database.
`ASE <>`_ is a set of
Python tools for setting up, manipulating, running, visualizing and analyzing
atomistic simulations. ASE contains a CONQUEST interface, also
called *Calculator* so that it can be used to calculate ``energies``, ``forces``
and ``stresses`` as inputs to other calculations such as `Phonon <>`_
or `NEB <>`_ that
are not implemented in CONQUEST. ASE is a versatil tool to manage CONQUEST
calculations without pain either:
* in a **direct** way where pre-processing, calculation and post-processing are managed on-the-fly by ASE,
* or in an **indirect** way where the calculation step is performed outside the workflow, ie. on a supercomputer.
import os
# The command to run CONQUEST in parallel
os.environ["ASE_CONQUEST_COMMAND"] = "mpirun -np 4 /path/to/Conquest_master"
# Path to a database of pseudopotentials (for basis generation tool)
os.environ["CQ_PP_PATH"] = "~/Conquest/PPDB/"
# Path to the basis generation tool executable
os.environ["CQ_GEN_BASIS_CMD"] = "/path/to/MakeIonFiles"
The ASE repository containing the Conquest calculator can be
found `here <>`_.
Detailed documentation on how to manage Conquest calculations
with ASE is available :ref:`here <ase-conquest>`.
Go to :ref:`top <ext-tools>`.
.. _et_ase_input:
Keywords for generating the Conquest_input file
The calculator object contains a dictionray containing a small number of
mandatory keywords, listed below:
default_parameters = {
'grid_cutoff' : 100, # DFT defaults
'kpts' : None,
'xc' : 'PBE',
'scf_tolerance' : 1.0e-6,
'nspin' : 1,
'general.pseudopotentialtype' : 'Hamann', # CONQUEST defaults
'basis.basisset' : 'PAOs',
'io.iprint' : 2,
'io.fractionalatomiccoords' : True,
'mine.selfconsistent' : True,
'sc.maxiters' : 50,
'atommove.typeofrun' : 'static',
'dm.solutionmethod' : 'diagon'}
The first five key/value pairs are special DFT parameters, the grid cutoff, the
k-point mesh, the exchange-correlation functional, the SCF tolerance and the
number of spins respectively. The rest are CONQUEST-specific input flags.
The atomic species blocks are handled slightly differently, with a dictionary of
their own. If the ``.ion`` files are present in the calculation directory, they
can be specified as follows:
basis = {"H": {"valence_charge": 1.0,
"number_of_supports": 1,
"support_fn_range": 6.9},
"O": {"valence_charge": 6.0,
"number_of_supports": 4,
"support_fn_range": 6.9}}
If the basis set ``.ion`` files are present in the directory containing the ASE
script are pressent and are named ``element.ion``, then the relevant parameters
will be parsed from the ``.ion`` files and included when the input file is
written and this dictionary can be omitted. It is more important when, for
example, setting up a multisite calculation, when the number of contracted
support functions is different from the number in the ``.ion`` file.
ASE can also invoke the CONQUEST basis set generation tool, although care should
be taken when generating basis sets:
basis = {"H": {"basis_size": "minimal",
"pseudopotential_type": hamann",
"gen_basis": True},
"O": {"basis_size": "minimal",
"pseudopotential_type": hamann",
"gen_basis": True}}
Finally, non-mandatory input flags can be defined in a new dictionary, and
passed as an expanded set of keyword arguments.
conquest_flags = {'IO.Iprint' : 1, # CONQUEST keywords
'DM.SolutionMethod' : 'ordern',
'DM.L_range' : 8.0,
'minE.LTolerance' : 1.0e-6}
Here is an example, combining the above. We set up a cubic diamond cell
containing 8 atoms, and perform a single point energy calculation using the
order(N) method (the default is diagonalisation, so we must specify all of the
order(N) flags). We don't define a basis set, instead providing keywords that
specify that a minimal basis set should be constructed using the MakeIonFiles
basis generation tool.
from import bulk
from ase.calculators.conquest import Conquest
os.environ["ASE_CONQUEST_COMMAND"] = "mpirun -np 4 Conquest_master"
os.environ["CQ_PP_PATH"] = "/Users/zamaan/Conquest/PPDB/"
os.environ["CQ_GEN_BASIS_CMD"] = "MakeIonFiles"
diamond = bulk('C', 'diamond', a=3.6, cubic=True) # The atoms object
conquest_flags = {'IO.Iprint' : 1, # Conquest keywords
'DM.SolutionMethod' : 'ordern',
'DM.L_range' : 8.0,
'minE.LTolerance' : 1.0e-6}
basis = {'C': {"basis_size" : 'minimal', # Generate a minimal basis
"gen_basis" : True,
"pseudopotential_type" : "hamann"}}
calc = Conquest(grid_cutoff = 80, # Set the calculator keywords
diamond.set_calculator(calc) # attach the calculator to the atoms object
energy = diamond.get_potential_energy() # calculate the potential energy
Go to :ref:`top <ext-tools>`.
.. _et_ase_mssf:
Multisite support functions
Multisite support functions require a few additional keywords in the atomic
species block, which can be specified as follows:
basis = {'C': {"basis_size": 'medium',
"gen_basis": True,
"pseudopotential_type": "hamann",
"Atom.NumberofSupports": 4,
"Atom.MultisiteRange": 7.0,
"Atom.LFDRange": 7.0}}
Note that we are constructing a DZP basis set (size medium) with 13 primitive
support functions using ``MakeIonFiles``, and contracting it to multisite basis
of 4 support functions. The calculation requires a few more input flags, which
are specified in the ``other_keywords`` dictionary:
other_keywords = {"Basis.MultisiteSF": True,
"Multisite.LFD": True,
"Multisite.LFD.Min.ThreshE": 1.0e-7,
"Multisite.LFD.Min.ThreshD": 1.0e-7,
"Multisite.LFD.Min.MaxIteration": 150,
Go to :ref:`top <ext-tools>`.
.. _et_ase_load_dm:
Loading the K/L matrix
Most calculation that involve incrementally moving atoms (molecular dynamics,
geometry optimisation, equations of state, nudged elastic band etc.) can be made
faster by using the K or L matrix from a previous calculation as the initial
guess for a subsequent calculation in which that atoms have been moved slightly.
This can be achieved by first performing a single point calculation to generate
the first K/L matrix, then adding the following keywords to the calculator:
other_keywords = {"General.LoadL": True,
"SC.MakeInitialChargeFromK": True}
These keywords respectively cause the K or L matrix to be loaded from file(s)
``Kmatrix.i**.p*****``, and the initial charge density to be constructed from
this matrix. In all subsequent calculations, the K or L matrix will be written
at the end of the calculation and used as the initial guess for the subsequent
ionic step.
Go to :ref:`top <ext-tools>`.
.. _et_eos:
Equation of state
The following code computes the equation of state of diamond by doing single
point calculations on a uniform grid of the ``a`` lattice parameter. It then
interpolates the equation of state and uses ``matplotlib`` to generate a plot.
import scipy as sp
from import bulk
from import Trajectory
from ase.calculators.conquest import Conquest
# Construct a unit cell
diamond = bulk('C', 'diamond', a=3.6, cubic=True)
basis = {'C': {"basis_size": 'minimal',
"gen_basis": True,
"pseudopotential_type": "hamann"}}
calc = Conquest(grid_cutoff = 50,
xc = "LDA",
basis = basis,
kpts = [4,4,4]}
cell = diamond.get_cell()
traj = Trajectory('diamond.traj', 'w') # save all results to trajectory
for x in sp.linspace(0.95, 1.05, 5): # grid for equation of state
diamond.set_cell(cell*x, scale_atoms=True)
from import read
from ase.eos import EquationOfState
configs = read('diamond.traj@0:5')
volumes = [diamond.get_volume() for diamond in configs]
energies = [diamond.get_potential_energy() for diamond in configs]
eos = EquationOfState(volumes, energies)
v0, e0, B =
import matplotlib
eos.plot('diamond-eos.pdf') # Plot the equation of state
Go to :ref:`top <ext-tools>`.

View File

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ User Guide
* :doc:`moldyn`
* :doc:`post-proc`
* :doc:`ext-tools`
* :doc:`ase-conquest`
* :doc:`errors`
* :doc:`input_tags`
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ User Guide
@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ Tutorials
* :doc:`theory_energy_force_stress`
* :doc:`theory-strucrelax`
* :doc:`theory-md`
@ -101,6 +104,7 @@ Theory
:caption: Theory

View File

@ -1403,6 +1403,16 @@ General.GapThreshold (*real*)
General.only_Dispersion (*boolean*)
Selects only DFT\_D2 calculation (no electronic structure etc)
General.MixXCGGAInOut (*real*)
For non-SCF calculations only, chooses how to mix the proportions of
GGA XC stress contribution (from the change of the electron density
gradient) found using input (0.0 gives pure input) and output (1.0
gives pure output) densities. Note that this is an approximation but
varying the value significantly away from 0.5 will give inconsistency
between stress and energy.
*default*: 0.5
Go to :ref:`top <input_tags>`.
.. _advanced_atomic_spec_tags:

View File

@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ in a well-converged input charge density: set ``minE.SelfConsistent
F`` and ``General.LoadRho T`` (which will require that the converged
charge density is written out by CONQUEST by setting ``IO.DumpChargeDensity T``).
Go to :ref:`top <post-proc>`.
.. _pp_pDOS:
Atom-projected DOS
@ -293,5 +295,62 @@ also be specified:
where the final tag sets the minimum and maximum values relative to
the Fermi level.
If you only want to produce pDOS for a few atoms, then you can set
the variable ``Process.n_atoms_pDOS`` and list the atoms you want
in the block ``pDOS_atoms``:
Process.n_atoms_pDOS 2
%block pDOS_atoms
Go to :ref:`top <post-proc>`.
.. _pp_band_str
Band structure
The band structure of a material can be generated by CONQUEST by performing
a non-self-consistent calculation, after reading a well-converged charge density:
set ``minE.SelfConsistent F`` and ``General.LoadRho T`` (remember that to write
a converged charge density from CONQUEST you set ``IO.DumpChargeDensity T``).
The k-points required can be specified as lines of points in k-space;
setting ``Diag.KspaceLines T`` enables this (replacing the usual MP mesh), while the number of lines
(e.g. Gamma to L; L to X; would be two lines) is set with ``Diag.NumKptLines``
and the number of points along a line with ``Diag.NumKpts``. The k-point lines
themselves are set with a block labelled ``Diag.KpointLines`` which should have
two entries (starting and finishing k-points) for each k-point line.
(In constructing the k-point list, CONQUEST will automatically remove any duplicate
points, so that the output can be plotted smoothly.) So to create
a bandstructure from X-:math:`\Gamma`-L-X (3 lines: X-:math:`\Gamma`; :math:`\Gamma`-L;
L-X) with 11 points in each line, you would use the following input:
Diag.KspaceLines T
Diag.NumKptLines 3
Diag.NumKpts 11
%block Diag.KpointLines
0.5 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.0 0.0
After running CONQUEST, setting ``Process.Job bst`` and running the post-processing
will read the resulting
``eigenvalues.dat`` file, and produce a file ``BandStructure.dat``. The x-axis will
be the k-point index by default, but specifying ``Process.BandStrucAxis`` (taking
value ``n`` for index, ``x``, ``y`` or ``z`` for a single direction in k-space,
or ``a`` to give all k-point coordinates) will allow you to control this. Limits
on the energies to select the bands produced can be set
with ``Process.min_DOS_E`` and ``Process.max_DOS_E``.
Go to :ref:`top <post-proc>`.

View File

@ -7,6 +7,30 @@
%% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8)
author = {Torralba, Antonio S and Bowler, David R and Miyazaki, Tsuyoshi and Gillan, Michael J},
doi = {10.1021/ct8005425},
journal = {J. Chem. Theory Comput.},
pages = {1499},
title = {{Non-self-consistent Density-Functional Theory Exchange-Correlation Forces for GGA Functionals}},
volume = {5},
year = {2009}
title = {Nonlinear ionic pseudopotentials in spin-density-functional calculations},
author = {Louie, Steven G. and Froyen, Sverre and Cohen, Marvin L.},
journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
volume = {26},
issue = {4},
pages = {1738--1742},
numpages = {0},
year = {1982},
month = {Aug},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.26.1738}
Author = {R. Resta},
Doi = {10.1002/(SICI)1097-461X(1999)75:4/5%3C599::AID-QUA25%3E3.0.CO;2-8},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
.. _theory_energy_force_stress:
Background on energy, forces and stress
A number of different ways of formulating the energy exist in Conquest at the moment, involving both self-consistent and non-self-consistent densities and potentials, both with and without the neutral atom potential. With self-consistency, all formulations should give the same result, though numerical issues may give small differences; without self-consistency the Harris-Foulkes functional is more accurate.
Self-consistent calculations
We define the energy in Conquest in two ways that are equivalent at the self-consistent ground state. The Harris-Foulkes energy is given as:
.. math::
E_{HF} = 2\mathrm{Tr}\left[KH\right] + \Delta E_{Ha} + \Delta E_{XC} + E_{II}
where the first term is the band structure energy, equivalent to the sum over the energies of the occupied states, the second two terms compensate for double counting and the final term gives the ion-ion interaction:
.. math::
E_{II} = \frac{1}{2}\left( \sum_{ij} \frac{Z_i Z_j}{\mid \mathbf{R}_i - \mathbf{R}_j \mid} \right)
The Hamiltonian is defined as:
.. math::
\hat{H} = \hat{T} + \hat{V}_{L} + \hat{V}_{NL} + V_{Ha} + V_{XC}
where the operators are the kinetic energy, the local and non-local pseudopotentials, the Hartree potential, defined as :math:`V_{Ha} = \int d\mathbf{r}^\prime n(\mathbf{r}^\prime)/\mid \mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}^\prime\mid`, and the exchange-correlation potential. The alternative form, often known as the DFT energy, is:
.. math::
E_{DFT} = 2\mathrm{Tr}\left[K(T + V_{L} + V_{NL})\right] + E_{Ha} + E_{XC} + E_{II}
with the Hartree energy defined as usual:
.. math::
E_{Ha} = \frac{1}{2}\int\int d\mathbf{r}d\mathbf{r}^{\prime} \frac{n(\mathbf{r})n(\mathbf{r}^\prime)}{\mid \mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}^\prime\mid}
along with the exchange-correlation energy:
.. math::
E_{XC} = \int d\mathbf{r} \epsilon_{XC}\left[n\right] n(\mathbf{r})
For the Harris-Foulkes and DFT energies to be equal, it is easy to see that the double counting correction terms in the Harris-Foulkes formalism must be:
.. math::
\Delta E_{Ha} = -E_{Ha} = -\frac{1}{2}\int\int d\mathbf{r}d\mathbf{r}^{\prime} \frac{n(\mathbf{r})n(\mathbf{r}^\prime)}{\mid \mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}^\prime\mid}
.. math::
\Delta E_{XC} = \int d\mathbf{r} \left(\epsilon_{XC}[n] - V_{XC}[n]\right)n(\mathbf{r})
When calculating forces and stress with self-consistency, we generally use the differentials of the DFT energy rather than the Harris-Foulkes energy; this enables us to separate contributions that are calculated in different ways (in particular on those that are calculated on the integration grid from those that are not).
Go to :ref:`top <theory_energy_force_stress>`.
.. _th_efs_nap:
Neutral atom potential
In a DFT code using local orbitals as basis functions, the total energy is most conveniently written in terms of the interaction of neutral atoms: this is simply a reformulation of the total energy which, in particular, reduces the ion-ion interaction to a sum over short-range pair-wise interactions. The charge density of interest is now the *difference* between the total charge density and a superposition of atomic densities, notated as :math:`\delta n(\mathbf{r}) = n(\mathbf{r}) - \sum_i n_i(\mathbf{r})` for atomic densities :math:`n_i(\mathbf{r})`. We write:
.. math::
E_{DFT, NA} = 2\mathrm{Tr}\left[K(T + V_{NA} + V_{NL})\right] + E_{\delta Ha} + E_{XC} + E_{SII}
where the second term is defined as:
.. math::
E_{\delta Ha} = \frac{1}{2}\int\int d\mathbf{r}d\mathbf{r}^{\prime} \frac{\delta n(\mathbf{r})\delta n(\mathbf{r}^\prime)}{\mid \mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}^\prime\mid}
The final term, the screened ion-ion interaction, is short-ranged, and written as:
.. math::
E_{SII} = \frac{1}{2}\left( \sum_{ij} \frac{Z_i Z_j}{\mid \mathbf{R}_i - \mathbf{R}_j \mid} - \int d\mathbf{r} n_i(\mathbf{r})V_{Ha,j}(\mathbf{r}) \right)
where :math:`V_{Ha,i}(\mathbf{r})` is the Hartree potential from the atomic density :math:`n_i(\mathbf{r})`. We define the neutral atom potential for an atom as :math:`V_{NA,i}(\mathbf{r}) = V_{L,i}(\mathbf{r}) + V_{Ha,i}(\mathbf{r})`, combining the local potential and the Hartree potential for the atomic density; the overall neutral atom potential is given as the sum over the atomic densities, :math:`V_{NA}(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_i V_{NA,i}(\mathbf{r})`. If we write the pseudo-atomic density as :math:`n_{PAD}(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_i n_i(\mathbf{r})` then we can also write :math:`V_{NA}(\mathbf{r}) = V_L(\mathbf{r}) + V_{Ha, PAD}(\mathbf{r})`.
In this case, we can write the Harris-Foulkes energy as:
.. math::
E_{HF} = 2\mathrm{Tr}\left[KH\right] + \Delta E_{Ha} + \Delta E_{XC} + E_{SII}
with the Hamiltonian defined as:
.. math::
\hat{H} = \hat{T} + \hat{V}_{NA} + \hat{V}_{NL} + V_{\delta Ha} + V_{XC}
where :math:`V_{\delta Ha}(\mathbf{r}) = \int d\mathbf{r^\prime} \delta n(\mathbf{r^\prime})/\mid \mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}^\prime\mid`. Accordingly, the double counting Hartree correction term has to change:
.. math::
\Delta E_{Ha} = -E_{\delta Ha} - \int d\mathbf{r} \delta n(\mathbf{r})\sum_i V_{Ha,i}(\mathbf{r}).
Go to :ref:`top <theory_energy_force_stress>`.
.. _th_efs_nsc:
Non-self-consistent calculations
In non-self-consistent calculations, we use the Harris-Foulkes functional, along with a reasonable guess for the input density, which is normally taken as the superposition of atomic densities, :math:`n_{in}(\mathbf{r})` and write:
.. math::
E_{NSC} = 2\mathrm{Tr}\left[KH\right] + \Delta E_{Ha}\left[n_{in}\right] + \Delta E_{XC}\left[n_{in}\right] + E_{II}
Notice that we effectively have two densities being used here: :math:`n_{in}` (which is normally the superposition of atomic densities used in the neutral atom case) and and *effective* output density, :math:`n_{out} = \sum_{ij} \phi_i K_{ij} \phi_j` which comes from the band energy (first term); this complicates the calculation of forces and stress compared to the self-consistent case, as we have to consider contributions from both densities.
For the :ref:`neutral atom potential <th_efs_nap>`, :math:`\delta n(\mathbf{r}) = 0` by definition, which also means that :math:`E_{\delta Ha} = 0` and :math:`\Delta E_{Ha}=0`.
Go to :ref:`top <theory_energy_force_stress>`.
.. _th_efs_pcc:
Partial core corrections
Also known as non-linear core corrections, partial core corrections (PCC) :cite:`efs-Louie:1982aa` add a model core charge to the pseudopotential to allow for the non-linear exchange-correlation interation between core and valence charge (which is linearised in standard pseudopotentials); this generally improves the accuracy of the pseudopotential. The exchange-correlation potential is evaluated in terms of the combined charge density, :math:`n_v(\mathbf{r}) + n_c(\mathbf{r})` where the valence charge is input or output charge density defined above: :math:`V_{XC}\left[ n_v + n_c \right]`. The exchange-correlation energy becomes:
.. math::
E_{XC} = \int d\mathbf{r} \left(n_v(\mathbf{r}) + n_c(\mathbf{r})\right) V_{XC}\left[ n_v + n_c \right] .
Once this change to the charge density has been made, there is no change to the DFT energy. However, the double counting term for Harris-Foulkes needs redefining, since XC contribution to the band energy is :math:`2Tr[KV_{XC}] = \int d\mathbf{r} n_v(\mathbf{r}) V_{XC}[n_v + n_c]`. We write:
.. math::
\Delta E_{XC} &=& \int d\mathbf{r} \left(n_v(\mathbf{r}) + n_c(\mathbf{r})\right)\epsilon_{XC}[n_v + n_c] - \int d\mathbf{r} n_v(\mathbf{r})V_{XC}[n_v + n_c]\\
&=& \int d\mathbf{r} n_c(\mathbf{r})\epsilon_{XC}[n_v + n_c] + \int d\mathbf{r} \left(\epsilon_{XC}[n_v + n_c] - V_{XC}[n_v + n_c]\right)n_v(\mathbf{r})
There is an extra factor of :math:`\int d\mathbf{r} n_c(\mathbf{r})\epsilon_{XC}[n_v + n_c]` over and above the usual term.
Go to :ref:`top <theory_energy_force_stress>`.
.. _th_efs_fs:
Forces and Stresses
It is important that the forces and stresses be the exact derivatives of the energy, for consistency. In particular, this means that as the energy is calculated in different ways for different contributions, the force or stress contribution must be calculated in the same way.
Go to :ref:`top <theory_energy_force_stress>`.
.. _th_efs_for:
Forces are defined as the change in energy with respect to atomic positions; as the basis functions move with the atoms, these changes will also include Pulay terms. The forces found in Conquest are documented extensively elsewhere :cite:`efs-Miyazaki2004,efs-Torralba:2009nr` though the changes needed to account for :ref:`PCC <th_efs_pcc>`, particularly in the :ref:`non-self-consistent <th_efs_nsc>` case, have not been published and are given here for completeness. As well as the Hellmann-Feynman forces (which come from the movement of the local and non-local pseudopotentials with the atoms) we define Pulay forces (divided into two parts, known as phi-Pulay which come from changes in the Hamiltonian matrix, and S-Pulay, which come from changes in the overlap matrix; the phi-Pulay forces are calculated in three contributions, which depend on how the respective parts of the Hamiltonian matrix are calculated: the kinetic energy; the non-local pseudopotential; and the remaining terms which are all found on the integration grid). The ion-ion interactions also contribute forces.
The inclusion of :ref:`PCC <th_efs_pcc>` adds an extra term to the forces in all calculations, which comes from the change of the core density as the atoms move; the force on atom :math:`i` is given as:
.. math::
\mathbf{F}^{PCC}_i = -\int d\mathbf{r} \nabla_i n^c_i(\mathbf{r}) V_{XC}[n_v + n_c]
If the :ref:`non-self-consistent <th_efs_nsc>` formalism is used, then a further term is added (the non-self-consistent force changes) to include the gradient of the core charge. The non-self-consistent force is now written as:
.. math::
\mathbf{F}^{NSC}_i = -\int d\mathbf{r} V_{\delta Ha}(\mathbf{r}) \nabla_i n^v_i(\mathbf{r}) - \int d\mathbf{r} \delta n(\mathbf{r}) V_{XC}^\prime\left[n^{in}_v + n_c\right] \left( \nabla_i n^v_i(\mathbf{r}) + \nabla_i n^c_i(\mathbf{r}) \right)
where :math:`V^\prime_{XC}` is the derivative of the exchange-correlation potential with respect to charge density.
Go to :ref:`top <theory_energy_force_stress>`.
.. _th_efs_str:
The stress includes all contributions to the change of energy with the lattice constants; the calculation of stress in Conquest is documented in a paper being prepared for publication, but we give a brief overview here. As Conquest uses orthorhombic cells, only the diagonal stress components (:math:`\sigma_{\alpha\alpha}`) are calculated.
In most cases, forces also contribute to the stress; it is easy to show that the stress contribution is given by:
.. math::
\sigma_{\alpha\alpha} = \sum_i F_{i\alpha}R_{i\alpha}
where :math:`R_{i\alpha}` is the position of the atom. As well as these contributions, there are more subtle terms. Any energies calculated on the grid will contribute to the stress as the integration grid changes with cell size (the stress is simply the energy calculated), and the Hartree potential contributes a term related to the change in the reciprocal lattice vectors (as it is calculated by Fourier transforming the charge density). If the exchange-correlation functional is a GGA functional, then a further term coming from the change of the gradient of the density with the cell size arises. (For non-self-consistent calculations this leads to some complications, as this term technically requires both input and output densities; at present, we approximate this as a mixture of the term calculated with input density and the term calculated with output density; the proportion can be adjusted using the parameter ``General.MixXCGGAInOut`` documented in the :ref:`Advanced and obscure tags <advanced_general_tags>` section of the manual, though we do not recommend changing it.)
Go to :ref:`top <theory_energy_force_stress>`.
.. bibliography:: references.bib
:labelprefix: EFS
:keyprefix: efs-
:style: unsrt
Go to :ref:`top <theory_energy_force_stress>`.

View File

@ -1235,8 +1235,8 @@ contains
end if
! dump the L matrix if required
if (n_dumpL>0 .and. mod (n_iter, n_dumpL) == 0) then
call dump_pos_and_matrices(index=unit_DM_save)
if (n_dumpL>0) then
if(mod (n_iter, n_dumpL) == 0) call dump_pos_and_matrices(index=unit_DM_save)
!if (flag_dump_L) then
! if (mod (n_iter, n_dumpL) == 0) then

View File

@ -140,6 +140,8 @@ contains
real(double) :: rcut
real(double) :: r1, r2, r3, r4, core_charge, gauss_charge
real(double) :: val, theta, phi, r_tmp
integer :: max_num_blocks, current_num_blocks
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: temp_block_storage
call start_timer(tmr_std_basis)
call start_timer(tmr_std_allocation)
@ -157,6 +159,9 @@ contains
no_of_ib_ia = 0
gridfunctions(pao_fns)%griddata = zero
max_num_blocks = maxval(npao_species)*n_pts_in_block
! loop arround grid points in the domain, and for each
! point, get the PAO values
@ -168,9 +173,6 @@ contains
do ipart=1,naba_atoms_of_blocks(atomf)%no_of_part(iblock)
if(jpart > DCS_parts%mx_gcover) then
call cq_abort('single_PAO_to_grid: JPART ERROR ',ipart,jpart)
do ia=1,naba_atoms_of_blocks(atomf)%no_atom_on_part(ipart,iblock)
@ -178,15 +180,6 @@ contains
icover= DCS_parts%icover_ibeg(jpart)+ii-1
ig_atom= id_glob(parts%icell_beg(ind_part)+ii-1)
if(parts%icell_beg(ind_part) + ii-1 > ni_in_cell) then
call cq_abort('single_PAO_to_grid: globID ERROR ', &
if(icover > DCS_parts%mx_mcover) then
call cq_abort('single_PAO_to_grid: icover ERROR ', &
@ -197,17 +190,21 @@ contains
rcut = r_h + RD_ERR
call check_block (xblock,yblock,zblock,xatom,yatom,zatom, rcut, & ! in
npoint,ip_store,r_store,x_store,y_store,z_store,n_pts_in_block) !out
r_from_i = sqrt((xatom-xblock)**2+(yatom-yblock)**2+ &
(zatom-zblock)**2 )
if(npoint > 0) then
!offset_position = (no_of_ib_ia-1) * npao * n_pts_in_block
current_num_blocks = npao_species(the_species)*n_pts_in_block
temp_block_storage = zero
offset_position = no_of_ib_ia
!$omp parallel do default(none) &
!$omp schedule(dynamic) &
!$omp reduction(+: temp_block_storage) &
!$omp shared(n_pts_in_block, pao, the_species, offset_position, &
!$omp npoint, no_of_ib_ia, ip_store, r_store, x_store, y_store, z_store) &
!$omp private(r_from_i, ip, position, ipoint, &
!$omp x, y, z, l1, acz, m1, count1, val)
do ip=1,npoint
position= offset_position + ipoint
if(position > gridfunctions(pao_fns)%size) call cq_abort &
('single_pao_to_grid: position error ', position, gridfunctions(pao_fns)%size)
r_from_i = r_store(ip)
x = x_store(ip)
@ -219,21 +216,23 @@ contains
do acz = 1,pao(the_species)%angmom(l1)%n_zeta_in_angmom
do m1=-l1,l1
call evaluate_pao(the_species,l1,acz,m1,x,y,z,val)
if(position+(count1-1)*n_pts_in_block > gridfunctions(pao_fns)%size) &
call cq_abort('single_pao_to_grid: position error ', &
position, gridfunctions(pao_fns)%size)
gridfunctions(pao_fns)%griddata(position+(count1-1)*n_pts_in_block) = val
!gridfunctions(pao_fns)%griddata(position+(count1-1)*n_pts_in_block) = val
temp_block_storage(ipoint + (count1-1)*n_pts_in_block) = val
count1 = count1+1
end do ! m1
end do ! acz
end do ! l1
enddo ! ip=1,npoint
!$omp end parallel do
gridfunctions(pao_fns)%griddata(no_of_ib_ia+1:no_of_ib_ia+current_num_blocks) = &
endif! (npoint > 0) then
no_of_ib_ia = no_of_ib_ia + npao_species(the_species)*n_pts_in_block
enddo ! naba_atoms
enddo ! naba_part
endif !(naba_atoms_of_blocks(atomf)%no_of_part(iblock) > 0) !naba atoms?
enddo ! iblock : primary set of blocks
call my_barrier()
call start_timer(tmr_std_allocation)
@ -254,6 +253,7 @@ contains
!! Used for gradients of energy wrt atomic coordinates
!! This subroutine is based on sub:single_PAO_to_grid in PAO_grid_transform_module.f90.
!! TODO: There is a lot of code duplication between single_PAO_to_grid and single_PAO_to_grad
@ -313,6 +313,8 @@ contains
real(double) :: rcut
real(double) :: r1, r2, r3, r4, core_charge, gauss_charge
real(double) :: val, theta, phi, r_tmp
integer :: max_num_blocks, current_num_blocks
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: temp_block_storage
call start_timer(tmr_std_basis)
call start_timer(tmr_std_allocation)
@ -330,21 +332,12 @@ contains
no_of_ib_ia = 0
gridfunctions(pao_fns)%griddata = zero
max_num_blocks = maxval(npao_species)*n_pts_in_block
! loop arround grid points in the domain, and for each
! point, get the d_PAO/d_R values
!$omp parallel do default(none) &
!$omp schedule(dynamic) &
!$omp shared(domain, dcellx_block, dcelly_block, dcellz_block, atomf, &
!$omp naba_atoms_of_blocks, parts, r_h, n_pts_in_block, direction, &
!$omp pao, pao_fns, npao_species, dcs_parts, id_glob, species_glob, &
!$omp gridfunctions) &
!$omp private(iblock, iatom, ipart, jpart, ind_part, xblock, yblock, zblock, &
!$omp ii, ia, icover, ig_atom, xatom, yatom, zatom, the_species, &
!$omp rcut, r_from_i, ip, position, offset_position, ipoint, &
!$omp npoint, ip_store, r_store, x_store, y_store, z_store, x, y, z, &
!$omp l1, acz, m1, count1, val) &
!$omp firstprivate(no_of_ib_ia)
do iblock = 1, domain%groups_on_node ! primary set of blocks
@ -370,11 +363,19 @@ contains
rcut = r_h + RD_ERR
call check_block (xblock,yblock,zblock,xatom,yatom,zatom, rcut, & ! in
npoint,ip_store,r_store,x_store,y_store,z_store,n_pts_in_block) !out
r_from_i = sqrt( (xatom-xblock)**2 + (yatom-yblock)**2 + (zatom-zblock)**2 )
if(npoint > 0) then
!offset_position = (no_of_ib_ia-1) * npao * n_pts_in_block
! Temporary storage
current_num_blocks = npao_species(the_species)*n_pts_in_block
temp_block_storage = zero
offset_position = no_of_ib_ia
!$omp parallel do default(none) &
!$omp schedule(dynamic) &
!$omp reduction(+: temp_block_storage) &
!$omp shared(n_pts_in_block, direction, pao, the_species, offset_position, &
!$omp npoint, no_of_ib_ia, ip_store, r_store, x_store, y_store, z_store) &
!$omp private(r_from_i, ip, position, ipoint, &
!$omp x, y, z, l1, acz, m1, count1, val)
do ip=1,npoint
position= offset_position + ipoint
@ -395,19 +396,23 @@ contains
! inside the loop might not be great for vectorization, but with the function
! call here, it probably won't vectorize anyways.
! This loop nest really should be inside pao_elem_derivative_2, see issue #198
gridfunctions(pao_fns)%griddata(position+(count1-1)*n_pts_in_block) = val
!gridfunctions(pao_fns)%griddata(position+(count1-1)*n_pts_in_block) = val
temp_block_storage(ipoint + (count1-1)*n_pts_in_block) = val
count1 = count1+1
end do ! m1
end do ! acz
end do ! l1
enddo ! ip=1,npoint
!$omp end parallel do
gridfunctions(pao_fns)%griddata(no_of_ib_ia+1:no_of_ib_ia+current_num_blocks) = &
endif! (npoint > 0) then
no_of_ib_ia = no_of_ib_ia + npao_species(the_species)*n_pts_in_block
enddo ! naba_atoms
enddo ! naba_part
endif !(naba_atoms_of_blocks(atomf)%no_of_part(iblock) > 0) !naba atoms?
enddo ! iblock : primary set of blocks
!$omp end parallel do
call my_barrier()
call start_timer(tmr_std_allocation)

View File

@ -1207,8 +1207,8 @@ contains
! 2019Dec30 tsuyoshi
! Dump Kmatrix every n_dumpSCF, if n_dumpSCF > 0
if(n_dumpSCF > 0 .and. mod(n_iters,n_dumpSCF)==0) then
call dump_pos_and_matrices(index=unit_SCF_save)
if(n_dumpSCF > 0) then
if(mod(n_iters,n_dumpSCF)==0) call dump_pos_and_matrices(index=unit_SCF_save)
! increment iteration counter

View File

@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ contains
! Local variables
real(double) :: loc_x_energy, exx_tmp
XC_GGA_stress = zero
select case(flag_functional_type)
case (functional_lda_pz81)

View File

@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ contains
! Local variables
real(double) :: loc_x_energy, exx_tmp
XC_GGA_stress = zero
if(flag_use_libxc) then
call get_libxc_potential(density=density, size=size,&
xc_potential =xc_potential, &

View File

@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ contains
! Local variables
real(double) :: loc_x_energy, exx_tmp
XC_GGA_stress = zero
if(flag_use_libxc) then
call get_libxc_potential(density=density, size=size,&
xc_potential =xc_potential, &

View File

@ -249,7 +249,6 @@ contains
ii = ii + nonef
end do
Endif ! if the two atoms are within a range
enddo ! Loop over right naba atoms
enddo ! Loop over left naba atoms
@ -441,7 +440,7 @@ contains
use naba_blk_module, only:naba_atm_of_blk
use set_blipgrid_module, only: naba_atoms_of_blocks
use bucket_module, only:local_bucket,remote_bucket
use GenBlas, only:axpy
use GenBlas, only:axpy, gemm
use comm_array_module, only:send_array
use block_module, only:n_pts_in_block
use functions_on_grid, only: gridfunctions, fn_on_grid
@ -467,8 +466,6 @@ contains
integer :: nsf1, nsf2, ii, stat
real(double) :: factor_M
real(double), dimension(n_pts_in_block) :: griddata_temp_buffer
call start_timer(tmr_std_integration)
! This structure is introduced to keep the strict connection
@ -494,7 +491,7 @@ contains
!$omp n_pts_in_block, send_array, gridone, gridtwo) &
!$omp private(iprim_blk, n_dim_one, n_dim_two, naba1, naba2, bucket, &
!$omp ind_halo1, ind_halo2, nonef, ntwof, nsf1, nsf2, &
!$omp ii, factor_M, ind1, ind2, griddata_temp_buffer)
!$omp ii, factor_M, ind1, ind2)
do iprim_blk=1, domain%groups_on_node
! In the future we have to prepare n_dim_one & n_dim_two
@ -513,35 +510,20 @@ contains
do naba1=1, naba_atm1%no_of_atom(iprim_blk) ! left atom
ind_halo1 = naba_atm1%list_atom_by_halo(naba1,iprim_blk)
nonef = norb(naba_atm1, naba1, iprim_blk)
ind1=n_pts_in_block*(naba_atm1%ibegin_blk_orb(iprim_blk)-1+ &
do naba2=1, naba_atm2%no_of_atom(iprim_blk) ! right atom
ind_halo2 = naba_atm2%list_atom_by_halo(naba2,iprim_blk)
bucket = loc_bucket%i_h2d(ind_halo2,ind_halo1) !index of the pair
If(bucket /= 0) then ! naba1 and naba2 makes pair
nonef = norb(naba_atm1, naba1, iprim_blk)
ntwof = norb(naba_atm2, naba2, iprim_blk)
do nsf2=1, ntwof
ind2=n_pts_in_block*(naba_atm2%ibegin_blk_orb(iprim_blk)-1+ &
do nsf1=1, nonef
ind1=n_pts_in_block*(naba_atm1%ibegin_blk_orb(iprim_blk)-1+ &
ii = (bucket - 1) + (nsf2 - 1) * nonef + nsf1
#ifdef DEBUG
call axpy(n_pts_in_block, factor_M, &
gridfunctions(gridtwo)%griddata(ind2:ind2+n_pts_in_block-1), 1, &
griddata_temp_buffer, 1)
!$omp critical
gridfunctions(gridone)%griddata(ind1:ind1+n_pts_in_block-1) = griddata_temp_buffer
!$omp end critical
call axpy(n_pts_in_block, factor_M, &
gridfunctions(gridtwo)%griddata(ind2:ind2+n_pts_in_block-1), 1, &
gridfunctions(gridone)%griddata(ind1:ind1+n_pts_in_block-1), 1)
end do
end do
ind2=n_pts_in_block*(naba_atm2%ibegin_blk_orb(iprim_blk)-1+ &
call gemm('N','T',n_pts_in_block,nonef,ntwof, &
Endif ! if the two atoms are within a range
enddo ! Loop over right naba atoms

View File

@ -106,6 +106,9 @@ module force_module
PP_stress, GPV_stress, XC_stress, &
nonSCF_stress, pcc_stress, NA_stress
! How much we mix input and output densities for the calculations of XC_GGA_stress
! during non-SCF simulations (defaults to half for averaging)
real(double) :: mix_input_output_XC_GGA_stress
! Useful parameters for selecting force calculations in NL part
integer, parameter :: HF = 1
integer, parameter :: Pulay = 2
@ -391,16 +394,15 @@ contains
GPV_stress(dir1,dir1) = (hartree_energy_total_rho + &
local_ps_energy - core_correction) ! core contains 1/V term
end if
! XC_GGA_stress is zero for LDA
if(flag_self_consistent .or. flag_mix_L_SC_min) then
XC_stress(dir1,dir1) = xc_energy + &
else ! nonSCF XC found later, along with corrections to Hartree
XC_stress(dir1,dir1) = delta_E_xc !xc_energy + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(direction)
XC_stress(dir1,dir1) = xc_energy + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(dir1,dir1)
else ! The rest of nonSCF XC found later (nonSC or PCC routines)
XC_stress(dir1,dir1) = delta_E_xc
end if
end do
end if
WhichPulay = BothPulay
! matK->matKatomf backtransformation for contracted SFs
if ( then
do ispin = 1, nspin
@ -761,7 +763,6 @@ contains
volume = rcellx*rcelly*rcellz
! We need pressure in GPa, and only diagonal terms output
scale = -HaBohr3ToGPa/volume
!call print_stress("Total pressure: ", stress*scale, 0)
if(inode==ionode.AND.iprint_MD + min_layer>=1) &
write(io_lun,'(4x,a,f15.8,a4/)') trim(prefix)//" Average pressure: ", &
third*scale*(stress(1,1) + stress(2,2) + stress(3,3))," GPa"
@ -3412,9 +3413,13 @@ contains
!! Added atomic stress contributions
!! 2021/03/23 15:52 dave
!! Bugfix: correct calculation of rsq implemented, variables tidied
!! 2023/07/19 10:40 dave
!! Added minus sign to non-SCF PCC force for consistency with non-SCF part
!! 2023/07/24 16:00 dave
!! Bug fix for non-SCF NA stress (remove Hartree stress terms)
subroutine get_nonSC_correction_force(HF_force, density_out, inode, &
subroutine get_nonSC_correction_force(NSCforce, density_out, inode, &
ionode, n_atoms, nsize)
use datatypes
@ -3426,7 +3431,7 @@ contains
area_moveatoms, IPRINT_TIME_THRES3, &
flag_pcc_global, nspin, spin_factor, &
flag_full_stress, flag_stress, &
flag_atomic_stress, flag_neutral_atom
use XC, only: get_xc_potential, &
get_dxc_potential, &
@ -3440,7 +3445,7 @@ contains
use atomic_density, only: atomic_density_table
use pseudo_tm_info, only: pseudo
use dimens, only: grid_point_volume, n_my_grid_points
use GenBlas, only: axpy
use GenBlas, only: axpy, dot
use density_module, only: density, density_scale, density_pcc
use hartree_module, only: hartree, Hartree_stress
use potential_module, only: potential
@ -3451,6 +3456,7 @@ contains
use pseudopotential_common, only: pseudopotential
use XC, ONLY: XC_GGA_stress
implicit none
@ -3458,7 +3464,7 @@ contains
integer :: n_atoms, nsize
integer :: inode, ionode
real(double), dimension(:,:) :: density_out
real(double), dimension(:,:) :: HF_force
real(double), dimension(:,:) :: NSCforce
! Local variables
character(len=80) :: sub_name = "get_nonSC_correction_force"
@ -3481,17 +3487,11 @@ contains
type(cq_timer) :: backtrace_timer
real(double), dimension(3,3) :: loc_stress
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: h_potential, &
density_total, &
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: h_potential, density_total, density_out_total
real(double), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: dVxc_drho
real(double), dimension(nspin) :: pot_here, pot_here_pcc
! only for GGA with P.C.C.
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:) :: h_potential_in, &
wk_grid_total, &
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: wk_grid, &
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: wk_grid, density_out_GGA
@ -3500,36 +3500,24 @@ contains
! Spin-polarised PBE non-SCF forces not implemented, so exit if necessary
if ((nspin == 2) .and. flag_is_GGA) then ! Only true for CQ not LibXC
call cq_warn(sub_name, "NonSCF forces not implemented for spin and GGA; these will be set to zero.")
HF_force = zero
NSCforce = zero
end if
stat = 0
call start_timer(tmr_std_allocation)
allocate(h_potential(nsize), STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) &
call cq_abort("get_nonSC_correction_force: Error alloc mem: ", nsize)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort("get_nonSC_correction_force: Error alloc mem: ", nsize)
allocate(density_total(nsize), STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) &
call cq_abort("get_nonSC_correction_force: Error alloc mem: ", nsize)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort("get_nonSC_correction_force: Error alloc mem: ", nsize)
allocate(density_out_total(nsize), STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) &
call cq_abort("get_nonSC_correction_force: Error alloc mem: ", nsize)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort("get_nonSC_correction_force: Error alloc mem: ", nsize)
allocate(dVxc_drho(nsize,nspin,nspin), STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) &
call cq_abort("get_nonSC_correction_force: Error alloc mem: ", nsize)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort("get_nonSC_correction_force: Error alloc mem: ", nsize)
call reg_alloc_mem(area_moveatoms, (3+nspin*nspin)*nsize, type_dbl)
call stop_timer(tmr_std_allocation)
!print*, size(density_total, dim=1)
!print*, size(dVxc_drho, dim=1)
!print*, size(density_out_total,dim=1)
!print*, size(potential, dim=1)
!print*, size(density_out_total,dim=1)
HF_force = zero
NSCforce = zero
dcellx_block = rcellx / blocks%ngcellx
dcelly_block = rcelly / blocks%ngcelly
@ -3561,10 +3549,16 @@ contains
jacobian = zero
! use density_total (input charge) WITHOUT a factor of half so that this term corrects the GPV
! found in the main force routine
do ipoint = 1,nsize
jacobian = jacobian + (density_out_total(ipoint) - density_total(ipoint))* &
(h_potential(ipoint) + pseudopotential(ipoint)) ! Also calculate the correction to GPV for local potential
end do
jacobian = jacobian + dot(nsize,density_out_total,1,pseudopotential,1) - &
if(flag_neutral_atom) then
! These should be zero so ensure that they are; also don't include h_potential in jacobian
Hartree_stress = zero
loc_stress = zero
jacobian = jacobian + dot(nsize,density_out_total,1,h_potential,1) - &
end if
! Don't apply gsum to jacobian because nonSCF_stress will be summed (end of this routine)
jacobian = jacobian*grid_point_volume
! loc_stress is \int n^{out} V^{PAD}_{Har}
@ -3584,13 +3578,33 @@ contains
! DeltaXC is added in the main force routine
! For PCC we will do this in the PCC force routine (easier)
if (.NOT.flag_pcc_global) then
call get_xc_potential(density, dVxc_drho(:,:,1), &
potential(:,1), y_pcc, nsize)
! Find XC_GGA_stress for density_out - we will average the input and output
! as an approximation to the correct (hideously complex) stress so add factor of half
call get_xc_potential(density_out, potential(:,:), &
dVxc_drho(:,1,1), h_energy, nsize) ! NB dVxc_drho is a dummy here
if (flag_stress) then
XC_stress(1,1) = XC_stress(1,1) + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(1,1) * &
XC_stress(2,2) = XC_stress(2,2) + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(2,2) * &
XC_stress(3,3) = XC_stress(3,3) + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(3,3) * &
end if
! Find XC potential for input density
call get_xc_potential(density, potential(:,:), &
dVxc_drho(:,1,1), h_energy, nsize) ! NB dVxc_drho is a dummy here
! And now add XC_GGA_stress for density_in scaled by half
if (flag_stress) then
XC_stress(1,1) = XC_stress(1,1) + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(1,1) * &
(one - mix_input_output_XC_GGA_stress)
XC_stress(2,2) = XC_stress(2,2) + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(2,2) * &
(one - mix_input_output_XC_GGA_stress)
XC_stress(3,3) = XC_stress(3,3) + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(3,3) * &
(one - mix_input_output_XC_GGA_stress)
end if
jacobian = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
do ipoint = 1,nsize
jacobian = jacobian + spin_factor*density_out(ipoint,spin)*dVxc_drho(ipoint,spin,1)
end do
jacobian = jacobian + spin_factor*dot(nsize,density_out(:,spin),1,potential(:,spin),1)
end do
jacobian = jacobian*grid_point_volume
call gsum(jacobian) ! gsum as XC_stress isn't summed elsewhere
@ -3610,46 +3624,34 @@ contains
call stop_timer(tmr_l_tmp2, TIME_ACCUMULATE_NO)
! for P.C.C.
call start_timer (tmr_l_tmp1, WITH_LEVEL)
if (flag_pcc_global) then
allocate(wk_grid_total(nsize), wk_grid(nsize,nspin), STAT=stat)
wk_grid_total = zero
allocate(wk_grid(nsize,nspin), STAT=stat)
wk_grid = zero
if (stat /= 0) &
call cq_abort('Error allocating wk_grids in &
&get_nonSC_correction ', stat)
call reg_alloc_mem(area_moveatoms, (nspin + 1) * nsize, type_dbl)
call reg_alloc_mem(area_moveatoms, nspin * nsize, type_dbl)
do spin = 1, nspin
wk_grid(:,spin) = density(:,spin) + half * density_pcc(:)
wk_grid_total(:) = wk_grid_total(:) + spin_factor * wk_grid(:,spin)
end do
! only for GGA
! Find dVxc_drho (different for LDA and GGA)
if (flag_is_GGA) then
allocate(density_out_GGA_total(nsize), density_out_GGA(nsize,nspin), STAT=stat)
allocate(density_out_GGA(nsize,nspin), STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort ('Error allocating &
&density_out_GGAs in get_nonSC_force ', stat)
call reg_alloc_mem(area_moveatoms, (nspin + 1) * nsize, type_dbl)
density_out_GGA_total = zero
density_out_GGA = zero
call reg_alloc_mem(area_moveatoms, nspin * nsize, type_dbl)
density_out_GGA = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
density_out_GGA(:,spin) = density_out(:,spin) + half * density_pcc(:)
density_out_GGA_total(:) = density_out_GGA_total(:) + spin_factor * density_out_GGA(:,spin)
end do
! copy hartree potential
allocate(h_potential_in(nsize), STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) &
call cq_abort('Error allocating h_potential_in in &
&get_nonSC_force ', stat)
call reg_alloc_mem(area_moveatoms, nsize, type_dbl)
h_potential_in = h_potential
end if
end if
call start_timer (tmr_l_tmp1, WITH_LEVEL)
if (flag_pcc_global) then
if(flag_is_GGA) then
call get_dxc_potential(wk_grid, dVxc_drho, nsize, density_out_GGA)
! GGA with spin not implemented !
potential(:,1) = potential(:,1) + dVxc_drho(:,1,1)
deallocate(density_out_GGA, STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort('Error deallocating density_out_GGAs in &
&get_nonSC_force ', stat)
call reg_dealloc_mem(area_moveatoms, nspin * nsize, type_dbl)
call get_dxc_potential(wk_grid, dVxc_drho, nsize)
end if
@ -3662,22 +3664,8 @@ contains
call get_dxc_potential(density, dVxc_drho, nsize)
end if
end if
! deallocating density_out_GGA: only for P.C.C.
if (flag_pcc_global) then
if (flag_is_GGA) then
deallocate(density_out_GGA_total, density_out_GGA, STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort('Error deallocating density_out_GGAs in &
&get_nonSC_force ', stat)
call reg_dealloc_mem(area_moveatoms, (nspin + 1) * nsize, type_dbl)
! make a copy of potential at this point
! use wk_grid as a temporary storage
do spin = 1, nspin
wk_grid(:,spin) = potential(:,spin)
end do
end if
end if !flag_pcc_global
! for LDA
! for LDA: find dn* dxc_potential
if (.NOT.(flag_is_GGA)) then
do spin = 1, nspin
do spin_2 = 1, nspin
@ -3696,12 +3684,12 @@ contains
! Restart of the timer; level assigned here
call start_timer(tmr_l_tmp2, WITH_LEVEL)
! Calculate the Hartree potential from the output density
h_potential = zero
! Preserve the Hartree stress we've calculated
loc_stress = Hartree_stress
loc_stress = Hartree_stress ! Preserve Hartree stress
call hartree(density_out_total, h_potential, nsize, h_energy)
! And restore
Hartree_stress = loc_stress
! And subtract from potential so that we have delta V_Ha
do spin = 1, nspin
call axpy(nsize, -one, h_potential, 1, potential(:,spin), 1)
end do
@ -3807,8 +3795,8 @@ contains
! on what we are doing here.
do spin = 1, nspin
do dir1 = 1, 3
HF_force(dir1,ig_atom) = &
HF_force(dir1,ig_atom) + spin_factor * &
NSCforce(dir1,ig_atom) = &
NSCforce(dir1,ig_atom) + spin_factor * &
fr_1(dir1,spin) * pot_here(spin)
if (flag_stress) then
if (flag_full_stress) then
@ -3851,23 +3839,16 @@ contains
! for GGA
potential = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
do i = 1, n_my_grid_points
! -delta n * dxc_potential
potential(i,spin) = wk_grid(i,spin) - h_potential_in(i)
end do
potential(:,spin) = dVxc_drho(:,spin,spin)
end do
! For LDA
potential = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
do spin_2 = 1, nspin
do i = 1, n_my_grid_points
potential(i,spin) = &
potential(i,spin) + &
spin_factor * &
(density(i,spin_2) - density_out(i,spin_2)) * &
end do
potential(:,spin) = potential(:,spin) + &
spin_factor * (density(:,spin_2) - density_out(:,spin_2)) * &
end do
end do
end if
@ -3962,7 +3943,8 @@ contains
! calculated from set_density
do spin = 1, nspin
do dir1 = 1, 3
fr_pcc(dir1,spin) = r_pcc(dir1) * half * derivative_pcc * density_scale(spin)
fr_pcc(dir1,spin) = -r_pcc(dir1) * half * &
derivative_pcc * density_scale(spin)
end do
end do
end if
@ -3974,8 +3956,8 @@ contains
! components)
do spin = 1, nspin
do dir1 = 1, 3
HF_force(dir1,ig_atom) = &
HF_force(dir1,ig_atom) + spin_factor * &
NSCforce(dir1,ig_atom) = &
NSCforce(dir1,ig_atom) + spin_factor * &
fr_pcc(dir1,spin) * pot_here_pcc(spin)
if (flag_stress) then
if (flag_full_stress) then
@ -4011,7 +3993,7 @@ contains
end if ! (flag_pcc_global)
call start_timer(tmr_l_tmp1, WITH_LEVEL)
call gsum(HF_force, 3, n_atoms)
call gsum(NSCforce, 3, n_atoms)
if (flag_stress) call gsum(nonSCF_stress,3,3)
call stop_print_timer(tmr_l_tmp1, "NSC force - Compilation", &
@ -4019,18 +4001,11 @@ contains
! deallocating temporary arrays
call start_timer(tmr_std_allocation)
if (flag_pcc_global) then
deallocate(wk_grid_total, wk_grid, STAT=stat)
deallocate(wk_grid, STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) &
call cq_abort('Error deallocating wk_grid in &
&get_nonSC_correction_force ', stat)
call reg_dealloc_mem(area_moveatoms, (nspin + 1) * nsize, type_dbl)
if (flag_is_GGA) then
deallocate(h_potential_in, STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) &
call cq_abort('Error deallocating h_potential_in in &
&get_nonSC_correction_force ', stat)
call reg_dealloc_mem(area_moveatoms, nsize, type_dbl)
end if ! for GGA
end if ! flag_pcc_global
deallocate(h_potential, density_total, density_out_total, dVxc_drho, &
@ -4142,6 +4117,7 @@ contains
print_timer, stop_print_timer, &
use XC, ONLY: XC_GGA_stress
implicit none
@ -4171,15 +4147,14 @@ contains
real(double), dimension(nspin) :: pot_here_pcc
real(double), dimension(3) :: r_pcc, fr_pcc, r
! allocatable arrays
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: xc_epsilon, density_wk_tot
real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: xc_epsilon
real(double), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: xc_potential, density_wk
type(cq_timer) :: backtrace_timer
call start_backtrace(t=backtrace_timer,who='get_PCC_force',where=7,level=3,echo=.true.)
allocate(xc_epsilon(size), density_wk_tot(size), &
xc_potential(size,nspin), density_wk(size,nspin), STAT=stat)
allocate(xc_epsilon(size), xc_potential(size,nspin), density_wk(size,nspin), STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort("get_pcc_force: Error alloc mem: ", size)
call reg_alloc_mem(area_moveatoms, (2+2*nspin)*size, type_dbl)
call reg_alloc_mem(area_moveatoms, (1+2*nspin)*size, type_dbl)
! initialise arrays
pcc_force = zero
@ -4195,19 +4170,47 @@ contains
dcellz_grid = dcellz_block / nz_in_block
call start_timer (tmr_l_tmp2)
! Find XC_GGA_stress using output density for non-SCF case
! we will average the input and output as an approximation
! to the correct (hideously complex) stress so add mixing factor
if((.not.flag_self_consistent).and.(.not.flag_mix_L_SC_min)) then
if(.NOT.present(density_out)) call cq_abort("Output density not passed to PCC force for nonSCF calculation")
if (flag_stress) then
density_wk = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
density_wk(:,spin) = density_out(:,spin) + half * density_pcc(:)
end do
call get_xc_potential(density_wk, xc_potential, &
xc_epsilon, xc_energy, size)
XC_stress(1,1) = XC_stress(1,1) + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(1,1) * &
XC_stress(2,2) = XC_stress(2,2) + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(2,2) * &
XC_stress(3,3) = XC_stress(3,3) + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(3,3) * &
end if
end if
density_wk = zero
density_wk_tot = zero
do spin = 1, nspin
density_wk(:,spin) = density(:,spin) + half * density_pcc(:)
density_wk_tot(:) = density_wk_tot(:) + spin_factor * density_wk(:,spin)
end do
call get_xc_potential(density_wk, xc_potential, &
xc_epsilon, xc_energy, size)
! And now add XC_GGA_stress for density_in scaled by half
if((.not.flag_self_consistent).and.(.not.flag_mix_L_SC_min)) then
if (flag_stress) then
XC_stress(1,1) = XC_stress(1,1) + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(1,1) * &
(one - mix_input_output_XC_GGA_stress)
XC_stress(2,2) = XC_stress(2,2) + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(2,2) * &
(one - mix_input_output_XC_GGA_stress)
XC_stress(3,3) = XC_stress(3,3) + spin_factor*XC_GGA_stress(3,3) * &
(one - mix_input_output_XC_GGA_stress)
end if
end if
if(PRESENT(xc_energy_ret)) xc_energy_ret = xc_energy
! We do this here to re-use xc_potential - for non-PCC we do it in get_nonSC_correction_force
if((.not.flag_self_consistent).and.(.not.flag_mix_L_SC_min)) then
if(.NOT.present(density_out)) call cq_abort("Output density not passed to PCC force for nonSCF calculation")
if (flag_stress) then
jacobian = zero
do spin=1,nspin
@ -4362,9 +4365,9 @@ contains
call stop_print_timer(tmr_l_tmp1, "PCC force - Compilation", &
deallocate(xc_epsilon, density_wk_tot, xc_potential, density_wk, STAT=stat)
deallocate(xc_epsilon, xc_potential, density_wk, STAT=stat)
if (stat /= 0) call cq_abort("get_pcc_force: Error dealloc mem")
call reg_dealloc_mem(area_moveatoms, (2+2*nspin)*size, type_dbl)
call reg_dealloc_mem(area_moveatoms, (1+2*nspin)*size, type_dbl)
call stop_backtrace(t=backtrace_timer,who='get_PCC_force',echo=.true.)

View File

@ -941,6 +941,7 @@ contains
use biblio, only: flag_dump_bib
!2019/12/27 tsuyoshi
use density_module, only: method_UpdateChargeDensity,DensityMatrix,AtomicCharge
use force_module, only: mix_input_output_XC_GGA_stress
implicit none
@ -1387,7 +1388,9 @@ contains
! Added DRB 2018/07/16 for safety
if(flag_Multisite) then
RadiusMS(i) = fdf_double ('Atom.MultisiteRange',zero)
RadiusLD(i) = fdf_double ('Atom.LFDRange',zero)
RadiusLD(i) = fdf_double ('Atom.LFDRange',RadiusMS(i))
if(RadiusLD(i)<RadiusMS(i)) call cq_warn(sub_name,"LFD range should be larger than MSSF range: ", &
end if
! Moved to ... so that RadiusAtomf is read from ion files
!if (flag_Multisite) RadiusSupport(i) = RadiusAtomf(i) + RadiusMS(i)
@ -1570,6 +1573,10 @@ contains
sqnm_trust_step = fdf_double ('AtomMove.MaxSQNMStep',0.2_double )
LBFGS_history = fdf_integer('AtomMove.LBFGSHistory', 5 )
flag_opt_cell = fdf_boolean('AtomMove.OptCell', .false.)
! At present (2023/07/26 just before v1.2 release) neutral atom is required for cell opt
if(flag_opt_cell.and.(.not.flag_neutral_atom)) &
call cq_abort("You must use neutral atom for cell optimisation")
! This can be removed when ewald update is implemented
flag_variable_cell = flag_opt_cell
optcell_method = fdf_integer('AtomMove.OptCellMethod', 1)
cell_constraint_flag = fdf_string(20,'AtomMove.OptCell.Constraint','none')
@ -1581,6 +1588,7 @@ contains
flag_stress = fdf_boolean('AtomMove.CalcStress', .true.)
flag_full_stress = fdf_boolean('AtomMove.FullStress', .false.)
flag_atomic_stress = fdf_boolean('AtomMove.AtomicStress', .false.)
mix_input_output_XC_GGA_stress = fdf_double('General.MixXCGGAInOut',half)
flag_vary_basis = fdf_boolean('minE.VaryBasis', .false.)
if(.NOT.flag_vary_basis) then
@ -2945,7 +2953,7 @@ contains
real(double), dimension(1:3) :: mp_shift
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: kk_tmp
real(double), allocatable, dimension(:) :: wtk_tmp
integer :: nkp_tmp
integer :: nkp_tmp, nkp_in_line, inc
integer :: counter
character(len=2) :: suffix
@ -3067,41 +3075,69 @@ contains
write(io_lun,fmt='(4x,"Using ",i3," lines of k-points specified by user")')
end if
if(nkp_lines<1) call cq_abort("Need to specify how many kpoint lines !",nkp_lines)
nkp = fdf_integer('Diag.NumKpts',2)
if(iprint_init>1.AND.inode==ionode) write(io_lun,fmt='(8x,"Number of Kpoints in a line: ",i4)') nkp
if(stat/=0) call cq_abort('FindEvals: couldnt allocate kpoints',nkp*nkp_lines)
call reg_alloc_mem(area_general,4*nkp*nkp_lines,type_dbl)
kk = zero
wtk = one/real(nkp*nkp_lines,double)
sum = zero
nk_st = 1
nkp_in_line = fdf_integer('Diag.NumKpts',2)
if(iprint_init>1.AND.inode==ionode) write(io_lun,fmt='(8x,"Number of Kpoints in a line: ",i4)') nkp_in_line
! Total number of k-points (potentially corrected later)
nkp = nkp_in_line*nkp_lines
! Read start/end points for lines and correct for duplication
kk_tmp = zero
if(1+block_end-block_start<2*nkp_lines) &
call cq_abort("Kpoint line error: ",1+block_end-block_start,nkp_lines)
do i=1,2*nkp_lines,2
! Start/end points for line
read (unit=input_array(block_start+i-1),fmt=*) &
read (unit=input_array(block_start+i),fmt=*) &
dkx = (kk(1,nk_st+nkp-1) - kk(1,nk_st))/real(nkp-1,double)
dky = (kk(2,nk_st+nkp-1) - kk(2,nk_st))/real(nkp-1,double)
dkz = (kk(3,nk_st+nkp-1) - kk(3,nk_st))/real(nkp-1,double)
if(iprint_init>1.AND.inode==ionode) &
write(io_lun,fmt='(2x,"K-point spacing along line : ",i3,3f7.3)') i,dkx,dky,dkz
do j=1,nkp-2
kk(1,nk_st+j) = kk(1,nk_st+j-1)+dkx
kk(2,nk_st+j) = kk(2,nk_st+j-1)+dky
kk(3,nk_st+j) = kk(3,nk_st+j-1)+dkz
end do
nk_st = nk_st + nkp
! If the start of this line duplicates the end of the last, reduce nkp by 1
if(i>1) then
if(abs(kk_tmp(1,i)-kk_tmp(1,i-1))<RD_ERR .and. &
abs(kk_tmp(2,i)-kk_tmp(2,i-1))<RD_ERR .and. &
abs(kk_tmp(3,i)-kk_tmp(3,i-1))<RD_ERR) nkp = nkp - 1
end if
end do
call cq_abort("Must specify a block Diag.KpointLines to have lines of kpoints !")
end if
nkp = nkp*nkp_lines
if(stat/=0) call cq_abort('FindEvals: couldnt allocate kpoints',nkp)
call reg_alloc_mem(area_general,4*nkp,type_dbl)
kk = zero
nk_st = 1
do i=1,2*nkp_lines,2
! Spacing for this line in three directions
dkx = (kk_tmp(1,i+1) - kk_tmp(1,i))/real(nkp_in_line-1,double)
dky = (kk_tmp(2,i+1) - kk_tmp(2,i))/real(nkp_in_line-1,double)
dkz = (kk_tmp(3,i+1) - kk_tmp(3,i))/real(nkp_in_line-1,double)
if(iprint_init>1.AND.inode==ionode) &
write(io_lun,fmt='(2x,"K-point spacing along line : ",i3,3f7.3)') i,dkx,dky,dkz
! Number of points in line
inc = nkp_in_line
if(i<2*nkp_lines-1) then ! If last point is the same as first point of next line, ignore
if(abs(kk_tmp(1,i+2)-kk_tmp(1,i+1))<RD_ERR .and. &
abs(kk_tmp(2,i+2)-kk_tmp(2,i+1))<RD_ERR .and. &
abs(kk_tmp(3,i+2)-kk_tmp(3,i+1))<RD_ERR) then
inc = nkp_in_line - 1
end if
end if
! Initial point
kk(1,nk_st) = kk_tmp(1,i)
kk(2,nk_st) = kk_tmp(2,i)
kk(3,nk_st) = kk_tmp(3,i)
! Intermediate points
do j=1,inc-1
kk(1,nk_st+j) = kk(1,nk_st+j-1)+dkx
kk(2,nk_st+j) = kk(2,nk_st+j-1)+dky
kk(3,nk_st+j) = kk(3,nk_st+j-1)+dkz
end do
nk_st = nk_st + inc
end do
wtk = one/real(nkp,double)
! Write out fractional k-points
if(iprint_init>0.AND.inode==ionode) then
if(iprint_init>1.AND.inode==ionode) then
write(io_lun,7) nkp
do i=1,nkp

View File

@ -3775,7 +3775,7 @@ contains
if (.not.flag_LFD_MD_UseAtomicDensity) call set_atomic_density(.false.)
end if
! If we have read K and are predicting density from it, then rebuild
if(flag_diagonalisation.AND.flag_LmatrixReuse) then
if(flag_diagonalisation.AND.flag_LmatrixReuse.AND.flag_self_consistent) then
call get_electronic_density(density,electrons,atomfns,H_on_atomfns(1), &
do spin=1,nspin

View File

@ -558,8 +558,8 @@ contains
! Write out current SF coefficients every n_dumpSFcoeff, if n_dumpSFcoeff > 0)
if (n_dumpSFcoeff > 0 .and. mod(n_iterations,n_dumpSFcoeff) == 0) then
call dump_pos_and_matrices(index = unit_MSSF_save)
if (n_dumpSFcoeff > 0) then
if(mod(n_iterations,n_dumpSFcoeff) == 0) call dump_pos_and_matrices(index = unit_MSSF_save)
! Find change in energy for convergence
@ -1181,8 +1181,8 @@ contains
! Write out current SF coefficients and density matrices with some iprint (in future)
if(n_dumpSFcoeff > 0 .and. mod(iter,n_dumpSFcoeff) ==0) then
call dump_pos_and_matrices(index=unit_MSSF_save)
if(n_dumpSFcoeff > 0 ) then
if(mod(iter,n_dumpSFcoeff) ==0) call dump_pos_and_matrices(index=unit_MSSF_save)
! Go out if converged
if (convergence_flag) then

View File

@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ LIBS= $(FFT_LIB) $(XC_LIB) -lscalapack $(BLAS)
# LibXC compatibility
# Choose LibXC version: v4 or v5
# Choose LibXC version: v4 (deprecated) or v5/6 (v5 and v6 have the same interface)
XC_LIB = -lxcf90 -lxc
XC_COMPFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include

View File

@ -22,11 +22,10 @@ These steps can be run automatically using the script `` in
To add new tests
1. Add input files and a sample output file (run with `IO.Iprint 0` and named `Conquest_out.ref`) in a new subdirectory under [testsuite](./). The naming convention is test directory names start with `test_` followed by a running index with three digits, e.g. `003`.
2. Add an entry to the `"test_path"` parameter in [](./ The test driver will check for all fields in the output listed in the `"key"` parameter. They are read from the [Conquest_out](test_001_bulk_Si_1proc_Diag/Conquest_out.ref) file by the `read_conquest_out()` function.
3. Add it as a new `Run test XXX` step to the [CI workflow](../.github/workflows/makefile.yml)
4. *optional* If a new field in the output needs to be checked, these things are required:
- Add the logic how to read the line of output to the loop `for line in file.readlines()` in `read_conquest_out()`. The result should be stored in the dictionary `Results`.
- Add the new key from the dictionary `Results` to the `"key"` parameter for `test_check_outputs()`.
- By default all keys are checked in all tests. If the new key creates errors in the previous tests (e.g. it is not found in their output), add the offending combination(s) to the `xfail_test` logical variable, so that failures in those tests are expected and don't throw errors. See the `"Not-a-real-key"` key as an example.
5. *optional* By default the fields are checked to 6 decimal precision. If a custom precision is required, add it to the `custom_precision` dictionary with the corresponding key.
1. Add input files and a sample output file (run with `IO.Iprint 0` and named `Conquest_out.ref`) in a new subdirectory under [testsuite](./). The naming convention is test directory names start with `test_` followed by a running index with three digits, e.g. `004`.
2. Add a new test to `TestClass` in [``](./ You can use one of the current tests, named `test_XXX` as templates.
- Update the directory name passed to `path`
- Update the list of parameters in the `@pytest.mark.parametrize` decorator. The `key` parameters correspond to fields in the `Conquest_out` file to be checked against the reference.
- If necessary, update the `read_conquest_out()` function to parse a new field from the output.
- If necessary, update the `precision()` function to return a custom precision for a given value of the `key` parameter.
4. Add it as a new `Run test XXX` step to the [CI workflow](../.github/workflows/makefile.yml)

View File

@ -37,47 +37,55 @@ def results(path, key):
return (ref_result[key], test_result[key])
def precision(key='_'):
Return the relative tolerance used by tests. By default returns 1e-4, but
takes a key as an argument and you can match it to return a different precision
For example:
if(key == 'Special case'):
return 999.9
return 1e-4
return 1e-4
def directory():
def testsuite_directory():
Return path to testsuite
return pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
def precision():
Return the relative tolerance used by tests
class TestClass:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("key",['Harris-Foulkes energy',
'Max force',
'Force residual',
'Total stress'])
def test_001(self, key, testsuite_directory):
return 1e-4
path = os.path.join(testsuite_directory, "test_001_bulk_Si_1proc_Diag")
res = results(path, key)
np.testing.assert_allclose(res[0], res[1], rtol = precision(key), verbose = True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("key",['Harris-Foulkes energy',
'Max force',
'Force residual',
'Total stress'])
def test_001(key, precision, directory):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("key", ['Harris-Foulkes energy',
'Max force',
'Force residual',
'Total stress'])
def test_002(self, key, testsuite_directory):
path = os.path.join(directory, "test_001_bulk_Si_1proc_Diag")
res = results(path, key)
np.testing.assert_allclose(res[0], res[1], rtol = precision, verbose = True)
path = os.path.join(testsuite_directory, "test_002_bulk_Si_1proc_OrderN")
res = results(path, key)
np.testing.assert_allclose(res[0], res[1], rtol = precision(key), verbose = True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("key", ['Harris-Foulkes energy',
'Max force',
'Force residual',
'Total stress'])
def test_002(key, precision, directory):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("key", ['Harris-Foulkes energy',
'Max force',
'Force residual',
'Total polarisation'])
def test_003(self, key, testsuite_directory):
path = os.path.join(directory, "test_002_bulk_Si_1proc_OrderN")
res = results(path, key)
np.testing.assert_allclose(res[0], res[1], rtol = precision, verbose = True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("key", ['Harris-Foulkes energy',
'Max force',
'Force residual',
'Total polarisation'])
def test_003(key, precision, directory):
path = os.path.join(directory, "test_003_bulk_BTO_polarisation")
res = results(path, key)
np.testing.assert_allclose(res[0], res[1], rtol = precision, verbose = True)
path = os.path.join(testsuite_directory, "test_003_bulk_BTO_polarisation")
res = results(path, key)
np.testing.assert_allclose(res[0], res[1], rtol = precision(key), verbose = True)

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ LINKFLAGS= -L/usr/local/lib
# Compilation flags
# NB for gcc10 you need to add -fallow-argument-mismatch
@ -30,10 +31,9 @@ LIBS= $(FFT_LIB) $(XC_LIB) -lscalapack $(BLAS)
# LibXC compatibility
# Choose LibXC version: v2, v3 or v4
# Choose LibXC version: v4 (deprecated) or v5/6 (v5 and v6 have the same interface)
XC_LIB = -lxcf90 -lxc
XC_COMPFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include

View File

@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ program ConvertCharge
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Creating projected density of states (pDOS); also generating DOS"/)')
call process_dos
call process_pdos
else if(i_job==8) then ! DOS output
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Creating band structure"/)')
call process_band_structure
end if
! Read eigenvalues and calculate weight for bands by kpt
!if(flag_only_charge) then

View File

@ -34,8 +34,10 @@ module local
integer, parameter :: dx = 1
integer, parameter :: cube = 2
integer :: flag_proc_band_str
logical :: flag_only_charge, flag_by_kpoint, flag_wf_range, flag_proc_range, flag_procwf_range_Ef
logical :: flag_total_iDOS, flag_write_forces, flag_write_spin_moments, flag_l_resolved, flag_lm_resolved
logical :: flag_outputWF_real
character(len=80) :: charge_stub
integer :: i_job ! Job type
@ -52,5 +54,6 @@ module local
real(double) :: kT
! Flags controlling Methfessel-Paxton approximation to step-function
integer :: flag_smear_type, iMethfessel_Paxton
integer :: n_atoms_pDOS
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pDOS_atom_index
end module local

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ contains
use local, ONLY: nkp, efermi, current, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, eigenvalues, flag_by_kpoint, &
n_bands_total, band_active_kp, flag_proc_range, band_full_to_active, evec_coeff,&
E_procwf_min, E_procwf_max, flag_procwf_range_Ef, band_proc_no, n_bands_process, &
grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, wtk
grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, wtk, flag_outputWF_real
use output, ONLY: write_cube
use global_module, only : nspin
use read, ONLY: read_eigenvalues, read_psi_coeffs
@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ contains
use global_module, ONLY: ni_in_cell, atom_coord, species_glob
use species_module, ONLY: nsf_species, n_species
use angular_coeff_routines, ONLY: set_prefac_real, set_fact, set_prefac
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
implicit none
@ -114,6 +115,8 @@ contains
complex(double_cplx), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: psi
integer :: i_atom, i_spec, i_l, i_zeta,i_m,j_atom,j_spec,j_l,j_zeta,j_m
integer :: i_band, i_pao, j_pao
real(double), parameter :: band_integral_tol = 1e-3_double
real(double) :: max_band_integral_deviation, integral_deviation
! Create arrays needed by Conquest PAO routines
call set_fact(8)
@ -126,13 +129,25 @@ contains
call read_psi_coeffs("Process")
max_band_integral_deviation = zero
if (flag_outputWF_real .and. ( &
call cq_abort("OutputWF_real is available only for Gamma-point calculations.")
if(flag_proc_range) then
Emin = E_procwf_min
Emax = E_procwf_max
if(flag_by_kpoint) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Writing bands at each k-point")')
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Summing over k-points")')
end if
if(flag_procwf_range_Ef) then
Emin = efermi + Emin
Emax = efermi + Emax
end if
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Writing bands between ",e12.4," and ",e12.4,"Ha as specified in input file")') &
do ispin=1,nspin
if(flag_by_kpoint) then ! Separate bands by k-point
do band=1,n_bands_total
@ -144,12 +159,18 @@ contains
psi = zero
current = zero
call pao_to_grid(band_full_to_active(band), kp, ispin, psi)
current = psi*conjg(psi)
if (.not.flag_outputWF_real) then
current = psi*conjg(psi) ! band density
current = real(psi) ! only real-part of WF
write(ci,'("Band",I0.6,"den_kp",I0.3,"S",I0.1)') band, kp, ispin
call write_cube(current,ci)
integral = gpv*sum(current)
integral_deviation = abs(integral - one)
max_band_integral_deviation = max(integral_deviation, max_band_integral_deviation)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(abs(integral - one)>1e-4_double) &
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," with energy ",f17.10," is ",f17.10)') &
end if
@ -165,27 +186,41 @@ contains
band_active_kp(band,kp,ispin)==1) then
call pao_to_grid(band_full_to_active(band), kp, ispin, psi)
integral = gpv*sum(psi*conjg(psi))
integral_deviation = abs(integral - one)
max_band_integral_deviation = max(integral_deviation, max_band_integral_deviation)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(abs(integral - one)>1e-4_double) &
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," at kp ",i5," is ",f17.10)') &
current = current + psi*conjg(psi)*wtk(kp)
if (.not.flag_outputWF_real) then
current = current + psi*conjg(psi)*wtk(kp) ! band density
current = current + real(psi)*wtk(kp) ! only real-part of WF
idum1 = 1
end if
end do ! kp
if(idum1==1) then
write(ci,'("Band",I0.6,"den_totS",I0.1)') band, ispin
call write_cube(current,ci)
integral = gpv*sum(current)
integral_deviation = abs(integral - one)
max_band_integral_deviation = max(integral_deviation, max_band_integral_deviation)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," is ",f17.10)') &
end if
integral = gpv*sum(current)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(abs(integral - one)>1e-4_double) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," is ",f17.10)') &
end do ! bands
end if
end do
else ! User has provided list of bands
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Writing ",i4," bands specified in input file")') n_bands_process
if(flag_by_kpoint) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Writing bands at each k-point")')
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Summing over k-points")')
end if
do ispin=1,nspin
if(flag_by_kpoint) then ! Separate bands by k-point
do band=1,n_bands_process
@ -196,12 +231,18 @@ contains
psi = zero
current = zero
call pao_to_grid(band_full_to_active(band_proc_no(band)), kp, ispin, psi)
current = psi*conjg(psi)
if (.not.flag_outputWF_real) then
current = psi*conjg(psi) ! band density
current = real(psi) ! only real-part of WF
write(ci,'("Band",I0.6,"den_kp",I0.3,"S",I0.1)') band_proc_no(band), kp, ispin
call write_cube(current,ci)
integral = gpv*sum(current)
integral_deviation = abs(integral - one)
max_band_integral_deviation = max(integral_deviation, max_band_integral_deviation)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(abs(integral - one)>1e-4_double) &
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of psi squared ",i5," with energy ",f17.10," is ",f17.10)') &
end if
@ -215,24 +256,33 @@ contains
if(band_active_kp(band_proc_no(band),kp,ispin)==1) then
call pao_to_grid(band_full_to_active(band_proc_no(band)), kp, ispin, psi)
integral = gpv*sum(psi*conjg(psi))
integral_deviation = abs(integral - one)
max_band_integral_deviation = max(integral_deviation, max_band_integral_deviation)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(abs(integral - one)>1e-4_double) &
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," at kp ",i5," is ",f17.10)') &
current = current + psi*conjg(psi)*wtk(kp)
if (.not.flag_outputWF_real) then
current = current + psi*conjg(psi)*wtk(kp) ! band density
current = current + real(psi)*wtk(kp) ! only real-part of WF
end if
end do ! kp
write(ci,'("Band",I0.6,"den_totS",I0.1)') band_proc_no(band), ispin
call write_cube(current,ci)
integral = gpv*sum(current)
integral_deviation = abs(integral - one)
max_band_integral_deviation = max(integral_deviation, max_band_integral_deviation)
! Check for problems with band integral
if(abs(integral - one)>1e-4_double) &
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," is ",f17.10)') &
end do ! bands
end if
end do
end if
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Largest deviation of band integral from one is ",f8.5)') max_band_integral_deviation
end subroutine process_bands
@ -396,7 +446,8 @@ contains
use datatypes
use numbers, ONLY: zero, RD_ERR, twopi, half, one, two, four, six
use local, ONLY: eigenvalues, n_bands_total, nkp, wtk, efermi, flag_total_iDOS, &
evec_coeff, scaled_evec_coeff, flag_procwf_range_Ef, flag_l_resolved, flag_lm_resolved, band_full_to_active
evec_coeff, scaled_evec_coeff, flag_procwf_range_Ef, flag_l_resolved, flag_lm_resolved, &
band_full_to_active, n_atoms_pDOS, pDOS_atom_index
use read, ONLY: read_eigenvalues, read_psi_coeffs, read_nprocs_from_blocks
use global_module, ONLY: nspin, n_DOS, E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max, sigma_DOS, ni_in_cell, species_glob
use units, ONLY: HaToeV
@ -424,6 +475,15 @@ contains
else if(flag_l_resolved) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Resolving in l")')
end if
if(n_atoms_pDOS==ni_in_cell) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Producing pDOS for all atoms in cell")')
if(n_atoms_pDOS==1) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Producing pDOS for ",i7," atom in cell")') n_atoms_pDOS
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Producing pDOS for ",i7," atoms in cell")') n_atoms_pDOS
end if
end if
call read_nprocs_from_blocks
if(nspin==1) then
spin_fac = two
@ -444,25 +504,25 @@ contains
! Set up storage based on pDOS per atom, or l/lm resolved per atom
if(flag_lm_resolved) then
pDOS_lm = zero
total_electrons_l = zero
! For total pDOS
pDOS = zero
else if(flag_l_resolved) then
pDOS_l = zero
total_electrons_l = zero
! For total pDOS
pDOS = zero
pDOS = zero
total_electrons = zero
end if
! E_DOS_min and max and sigma_DOS already set in process_dos
@ -491,20 +551,25 @@ contains
do i = n_min, n_max
Ebin = real(i-1,double)*dE_DOS + E_DOS_min
a = (Ebin-eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin))/sigma_DOS
do i_atom = 1, ni_in_cell
i_spec = species_glob(i_atom)
do i_atom = 1, n_atoms_pDOS
i_spec = species_glob(pDOS_atom_index(i_atom))
if(flag_l_resolved .and. flag_lm_resolved) then
sf_offset = 0
do i_l = 0, pao(i_spec)%greatest_angmom
nzeta = pao(i_spec)%angmom(i_l)%n_zeta_in_angmom
norbs = nzeta
do i_m = -i_l,i_l
coeff = zdotc(norbs, evec_coeff(sf_offset+1:sf_offset+norbs,i_atom,i_band_c,i_kp,i_spin),1, &
pDOS_lm(i_m,i_l,i_atom,i,i_spin) = pDOS_lm(i_m,i_l,i_atom,i,i_spin) + &
coeff = zdotc(norbs, evec_coeff(sf_offset+1:sf_offset+norbs,pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), &
i_band_c,i_kp,i_spin),1, &
scaled_evec_coeff(sf_offset+1:sf_offset+norbs,pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), &
pDOS_lm(i_m,i_l,i_atom,i,i_spin) = &
pDOS_lm(i_m,i_l,i_atom,i,i_spin) + &
pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) = pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) + wtk(i_kp)*pf_DOS*exp(-half*a*a)*coeff
total_electrons_l(i_l,i_atom, i_spin) = total_electrons_l(i_l,i_atom, i_spin) + &
pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) = pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) + &
total_electrons_l(i_l,i_atom, i_spin) = &
total_electrons_l(i_l,i_atom, i_spin) + &
sf_offset = sf_offset + norbs
end do
@ -514,17 +579,22 @@ contains
do i_l = 0, pao(i_spec)%greatest_angmom
nzeta = pao(i_spec)%angmom(i_l)%n_zeta_in_angmom
norbs = nzeta*(2*i_l+1)
coeff = zdotc(norbs, evec_coeff(sf_offset+1:sf_offset+norbs,i_atom,i_band_c,i_kp,i_spin),1, &
pDOS_l(i_l,i_atom,i,i_spin) = pDOS_l(i_l,i_atom,i,i_spin) + wtk(i_kp)*pf_DOS*exp(-half*a*a)*coeff
coeff = zdotc(norbs, evec_coeff(sf_offset+1:sf_offset+norbs,pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), &
i_band_c,i_kp,i_spin),1, &
scaled_evec_coeff(sf_offset+1:sf_offset+norbs,pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), &
pDOS_l(i_l,i_atom,i,i_spin) = pDOS_l(i_l,i_atom,i,i_spin) + &
pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) = pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) + wtk(i_kp)*pf_DOS*exp(-half*a*a)*coeff
total_electrons_l(i_l,i_atom, i_spin) = total_electrons_l(i_l,i_atom, i_spin) + &
sf_offset = sf_offset + norbs
end do
coeff = zdotc(npao_species(i_spec),evec_coeff(1:npao_species(i_spec),i_atom,i_band_c,i_kp,i_spin),1, &
coeff = zdotc(npao_species(i_spec),evec_coeff(1:npao_species(i_spec), &
pDOS_atom_index(i_atom),i_band_c,i_kp,i_spin),1, &
scaled_evec_coeff(1:npao_species(i_spec), &
pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) = pDOS(i_atom,i,i_spin) + wtk(i_kp)*pf_DOS*exp(-half*a*a)*coeff
total_electrons(i_atom, i_spin) = total_electrons(i_atom, i_spin) + &
@ -559,8 +629,8 @@ contains
write(*,fmt='(4x," Atom Total l=0 l=1 l=2")')
write(fmt_DOS,*) max_l + 2 ! Number of columns
fmt_DOS = '(4x,i7,x,'//trim(adjustl(fmt_DOS))//'f11.3)'
do i_atom = 1, ni_in_cell
write(*,fmt=fmt_DOS) i_atom, sum(total_electrons_l(:,i_atom,1)),total_electrons_l(:,i_atom,1)
do i_atom = 1, n_atoms_pDOS
write(*,fmt=fmt_DOS) pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), sum(total_electrons_l(:,i_atom,1)),total_electrons_l(:,i_atom,1)
end do
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Integrated pDOS: ",f11.3," electrons")') sum(total_electrons_l)
if(flag_lm_resolved) then
@ -577,8 +647,8 @@ contains
end if
write(*,fmt='(4x," Atom Electrons")')
do i_atom = 1, ni_in_cell
write(*,fmt='(4x,i7,x,f11.3)') i_atom, total_electrons(i_atom,1)
do i_atom = 1, n_atoms_pDOS
write(*,fmt='(4x,i7,x,f11.3)') pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), total_electrons(i_atom,1)
end do
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Integrated pDOS: ",f11.3," electrons")') sum(total_electrons)
end if
@ -589,8 +659,8 @@ contains
write(*,fmt='(4x," Atom Spin Up l=0 l=1 l=2 Spin Down l=0 l=1 l=2")')
write(fmt_DOS,*) 2*(max_l + 2) ! Number of columns
fmt_DOS = '(4x,i7,x,'//trim(adjustl(fmt_DOS))//'f11.3)'
do i_atom = 1, ni_in_cell
write(*,fmt=fmt_DOS) i_atom, sum(total_electrons_l(:,i_atom,1)),total_electrons_l(:,i_atom,1), &
do i_atom = 1, n_atoms_pDOS
write(*,fmt=fmt_DOS) pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), sum(total_electrons_l(:,i_atom,1)),total_electrons_l(:,i_atom,1), &
end do
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Integrated spin up pDOS: ",f11.3," electrons")') sum(total_electrons_l(:,:,1))
@ -611,22 +681,22 @@ contains
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Results of integrating pDOS between ",f11.3," and ",f11.3," Ha (electrons per atom).")') &
E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max
write(*,fmt='(4x," Atom Spin Up Spin Down")')
do i_atom = 1, ni_in_cell
write(*,fmt='(4x,i7,x,2f11.3)') i_atom, total_electrons(i_atom,1), total_electrons(i_atom,2)
do i_atom = 1, n_atoms_pDOS
write(*,fmt='(4x,i7,x,2f11.3)') pDOS_atom_index(i_atom), total_electrons(i_atom,1), total_electrons(i_atom,2)
end do
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Integrated spin up pDOS: ",f11.3," electrons")') sum(total_electrons(:,1))
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Integrated spin dn pDOS: ",f11.3," electrons")') sum(total_electrons(:,2))
end if
end if
! Write out DOS, shifted to Ef = 0
do i_atom = 1, ni_in_cell
i_spec = species_glob(i_atom)
do i_atom = 1, n_atoms_pDOS
i_spec = species_glob(pDOS_atom_index(i_atom))
if(flag_l_resolved .and. flag_lm_resolved) then
write(filename,'("Atom",I0.7,"DOS_lm.dat")') i_atom
write(filename,'("Atom",I0.7,"DOS_lm.dat")') pDOS_atom_index(i_atom)
else if(flag_l_resolved) then
write(filename,'("Atom",I0.7,"DOS_l.dat")') i_atom
write(filename,'("Atom",I0.7,"DOS_l.dat")') pDOS_atom_index(i_atom)
write(filename,'("Atom",I0.7,"DOS.dat")') i_atom
write(filename,'("Atom",I0.7,"DOS.dat")') pDOS_atom_index(i_atom)
end if
open(unit=17, file=filename)
do i_spin = 1, nspin
@ -685,6 +755,109 @@ contains
end subroutine process_pdos
subroutine process_band_structure
use datatypes
use numbers, ONLY: zero, RD_ERR, twopi, half, one, two, four, six
use local, ONLY: eigenvalues, n_bands_total, nkp, wtk, efermi, flag_total_iDOS, &
flag_procwf_range_Ef, kx, ky, kz, flag_proc_band_str
use read, ONLY: read_eigenvalues, read_psi_coeffs
use global_module, ONLY: nspin, n_DOS, E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max, sigma_DOS
use units, ONLY: HaToeV
implicit none
! Local variables
integer :: i_band, i_kp, i_spin, n_DOS_wid, n_band, n_min, n_max, i
real(double) :: Ebin, dE_DOS, a, pf_DOS, spin_fac, dE
real(double), dimension(nspin) :: total_electrons, iDOS_low
real(double), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: total_DOS, iDOS
real(double), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: occ
write(*,fmt='(/2x,"Processing eigenvalues to write band structure")')
if(nspin==1) then
spin_fac = two
else if(nspin==2) then
spin_fac = one
end if
! Read eigenvalues
call read_eigenvalues
if(abs(E_DOS_min)<RD_ERR) then
E_DOS_min = minval(eigenvalues(1,:,:))
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Band structure lower limit set automatically: ",f12.5," Ha")') E_DOS_min
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Band structure lower limit set by user: ",f12.5," Ha")') E_DOS_min
end if
if(abs(E_DOS_max)<RD_ERR) then
E_DOS_max = maxval(eigenvalues(n_bands_total,:,:))
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Band structure upper limit set automatically: ",f12.5," Ha")') E_DOS_max
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Band structure upper limit set by user: ",f12.5," Ha")') E_DOS_max
end if
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Writing band structure files")')
if(flag_proc_band_str==4) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"X-axis will be k-point index")')
else if(flag_proc_band_str==0) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"All k-point coordinates provided")')
else if(flag_proc_band_str==1) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"X-axis will be kx")')
else if(flag_proc_band_str==2) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"X-axis will be ky")')
else if(flag_proc_band_str==3) then
write(*,fmt='(4x,"X-axis will be kz")')
end if
open(unit=17, file="BandStructure.dat")
do i_spin = 1, nspin
dE = zero
if(flag_procwf_range_Ef) dE = -efermi(i_spin)
write(17,fmt='("# Spin ",I1)') i_spin
write(17,fmt='("# Original Fermi-level: ",f12.5," eV")') HaToeV*efermi(i_spin)
write(17,fmt='("# Bands shifted relative to Fermi-level")')
do i_band=1,n_bands_total ! All bands
if(minval(eigenvalues(i_band, :, i_spin))+dE>=E_DOS_min .and. &
maxval(eigenvalues(i_band, :, i_spin))+dE<=E_DOS_max) then
write(17,fmt='("# Band ",i6)') i_band
do i_kp = 1, nkp
if(flag_procwf_range_Ef) then
if(flag_proc_band_str==4) then
write(17,fmt='(i4,f20.12)') i_kp, &
HaToeV*(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin) - efermi(i_spin))
else if(flag_proc_band_str==0) then
write(17,fmt='(4f20.12)') kx(i_kp), ky(i_kp), kz(i_kp), &
HaToeV*(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin) - efermi(i_spin))
else if(flag_proc_band_str==1) then
write(17,fmt='(2f20.12)') kx(i_kp), &
HaToeV*(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin) - efermi(i_spin))
else if(flag_proc_band_str==2) then
write(17,fmt='(2f20.12)') ky(i_kp), &
HaToeV*(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin) - efermi(i_spin))
else if(flag_proc_band_str==3) then
write(17,fmt='(2f20.12)') kz(i_kp), &
HaToeV*(eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin) - efermi(i_spin))
end if
if(flag_proc_band_str==4) then
write(17,fmt='(i4,f20.12)') i_kp, HaToeV*eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)
else if(flag_proc_band_str==0) then
write(17,fmt='(4f20.12)') kx(i_kp), ky(i_kp), kz(i_kp), &
HaToeV*eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)
else if(flag_proc_band_str==1) then
write(17,fmt='(2f20.12)') kx(i_kp), HaToeV*eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)
else if(flag_proc_band_str==2) then
write(17,fmt='(2f20.12)') ky(i_kp), HaToeV*eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)
else if(flag_proc_band_str==3) then
write(17,fmt='(2f20.12)') kz(i_kp), HaToeV*eigenvalues(i_band, i_kp, i_spin)
end if
end if
end do ! i_kp = nkp
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine process_band_structure
! Important note
! Formally we have: PAO(\mathbf{r}) = f(r) r^l Y_{lm}(\hat{\mathbf{r}})

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ contains
subroutine read_input
use global_module, ONLY: flag_assign_blocks, flag_fractional_atomic_coords, nspin, &
flag_wf_range_Ef, E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max, sigma_DOS, n_DOS
flag_wf_range_Ef, E_DOS_min, E_DOS_max, sigma_DOS, n_DOS, ni_in_cell
use local
use input_module
use numbers
@ -122,6 +122,23 @@ contains
i_job = 6
else if(leqi(job,'pdo').or.leqi(job,'pro')) then
i_job = 7
else if(leqi(job,'str').or.leqi(job,'bst')) then
i_job = 8
! x-axis for band structure plots
input_string = fdf_string(1,'Process.BandStrucAxis','n')
if(leqi(input_string,'n')) then ! K-point number
flag_proc_band_str = 4
else if(leqi(input_string,'a')) then ! All k-points
flag_proc_band_str = 0
else if(leqi(input_string,'x')) then ! kx
flag_proc_band_str = 1
else if(leqi(input_string,'y')) then ! ky
flag_proc_band_str = 2
else if(leqi(input_string,'z')) then ! kz
flag_proc_band_str = 3
else ! All k-points
flag_proc_band_str = 4
end if
end if
charge_stub = fdf_string(80,'Process.ChargeStub','chden')
@ -171,7 +188,7 @@ contains
! Energy limits (relative to Ef or absolute)
E_wf_min = fdf_double('IO.min_wf_E',zero)
E_wf_max = fdf_double('IO.max_wf_E',zero)
if(i_job==3 .or. i_job==4 .or. i_job==5) then ! Band-resolved charge or STM
if(i_job==3 .or. i_job==4 .or. i_job==5 .or. i_job==8) then ! Band-resolved charge or STM
! Read in details of bands output from Conquest
if(n_bands_active>0) then
@ -194,7 +211,11 @@ contains
flag_wf_range = .true.
flag_wf_range_Ef = fdf_boolean('IO.WFRangeRelative',.true.)
call cq_abort("No bands specified!")
E_wf_min = -BIG
E_wf_max = BIG
flag_wf_range = .true.
flag_wf_range_Ef = fdf_boolean('IO.WFRangeRelative',.true.)
write(*,fmt='(2x,"No range specified for bands output; assuming all bands")')
end if
end if
! Now read details of bands to output from processing
@ -234,6 +255,9 @@ contains
end if
flag_by_kpoint = fdf_boolean('Process.outputWF_by_kpoint',.false.)
! if output only the real part of WFs (for Gamma-point only)
flag_outputWF_real = .false.
if (leqi(job,'ban')) flag_outputWF_real = fdf_boolean('Process.outputWF_real',.false.)
! Add flag for window relative to Fermi level
E_DOS_min = fdf_double('Process.min_DOS_E',E_wf_min)
@ -252,6 +276,28 @@ contains
flag_l_resolved = fdf_boolean('Process.pDOS_l_resolved',.false.)
flag_lm_resolved = fdf_boolean('Process.pDOS_lm_resolved',.false.)
if(flag_lm_resolved .and. (.not.flag_l_resolved)) flag_l_resolved = .true.
! How many atoms?
n_atoms_pDOS = fdf_integer('Process.n_atoms_pDOS',0)
if(n_atoms_pDOS==0) then ! All atoms
n_atoms_pDOS = ni_in_cell
do i=1,ni_in_cell
end do
if(fdf_block('pDOS_atoms')) then
if(1+block_end-block_start<n_atoms_pDOS) &
call cq_abort("Too few atoms in pDOS_atoms: ",&
do i=1,n_atoms_pDOS
read(unit=input_array(block_start+i-1),fmt=*) pDOS_atom_index(i)
end do
call fdf_endblock
call cq_abort("Specified n_atoms_pDOS but no pDOS_atoms block")
end if
end if
end if
! Now read PS files for atomic information
call allocate_species_vars
@ -417,10 +463,10 @@ contains
efermi = zero
if(nspin==1) then
read(17,fmt='(a6,f18.10)') str,efermi(1)
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Fermi level: ",f12.5," Ha")') efermi(1)
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Fermi level: ",f12.5," Ha (=",f10.3," eV)")') efermi(1), efermi(1)*HaToeV
read(17,fmt='(a6,2f18.10)') str,efermi(1), efermi(2)
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Fermi levels: ",2f12.5," Ha")') efermi
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Fermi levels: ",2f12.5," Ha (=",2f10.3" eV)")') efermi, efermi*HaToeV
end if
read(17,*) str
! Allocate memory

View File

@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ contains
use datatypes
use numbers
use local, ONLY: nkp, wtk, efermi, current, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, eigenvalues, stm_bias, &
use local, ONLY: nkp, wtk, efermi, current, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, eigenvalues, stm_bias, fermi_offset, &
n_bands_total, root_file, grid_z, band_full_to_active
use output, ONLY: write_dx_density, write_cube, write_dx_coords
use global_module, only : nspin
@ -348,16 +348,20 @@ contains
call set_prefac_real(9)
if ( write(*,fmt='(2X,"Fermi-offset is ",f10.3," eV")') fermi_offset
fermi_offset = fermi_offset/HaToeV ! default of fermi_offset is zero
if(stm_bias<0) then
Emin = stm_bias/HaToeV + Efermi
Emax = Efermi
Emin = stm_bias/HaToeV + Efermi + fermi_offset
Emax = Efermi + fermi_offset
Emin = Efermi
Emax = stm_bias/HaToeV + Efermi
Emin = Efermi + fermi_offset
Emax = stm_bias/HaToeV + Efermi + fermi_offset
end if
if(nspin==1) then
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Including bands between ",f7.3," and ",f7.3," eV")') Emin(1)*HaToeV, Emax(1)*HaToeV
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Including bands between ",f10.3," and ",f10.3," eV")') Emin(1)*HaToeV, Emax(1)*HaToeV
end if
current = zero
do ispin=1,nspin
do band=1,n_bands_total