Subruotine check_block_parameters was introduced.

A few conditions related to the number of processes, dimension of Hamiltonian Matrix and Block Size are now checked. At present, CONQUEST simply stops if inappropriate setting for the block size and MPI processes is given.

Main one is ..
proc_cols must be smaller than blocks_c = (matrix_size_padH/ block size)
This commit is contained in:
Tsuyoshi Miyazaki 2023-08-03 14:35:51 +09:00
parent dc1065f31d
commit b1d259c7f2
1 changed files with 16 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -255,6 +255,8 @@ contains
!! Added timer
!! 2011/02/13 L.Tong
!! Added k-point parallelisation
!! 2023/08/02 tsuyoshi
!! Changes for padding of H and S matrices
subroutine allocate_arrays (nkp)
@ -271,6 +273,7 @@ contains
! Local variables
integer :: stat
logical :: flag_err
if(iprint_DM>3.AND.myid==0) write(io_lun,fmt='(10x,i5,a)') myid,' Starting Allocate Arrays'
@ -280,6 +283,8 @@ contains
blocks_c = ceiling((real(matrix_size,double)-RD_ERR)/block_size_c)
if(blocks_r .ne. blocks_c) call cq_abort("ScalapackFormat: blocks_r /= blocks_c")
matrix_size_padH = blocks_r * block_size_r
call check_block_parameters(flag_err)
if(flag_err) call cq_abort("ScalapacFormat: check_block_parameter ",blocks_c, proc_cols)
blocks_r = (matrix_size/block_size_r)
blocks_c = (matrix_size/block_size_c)
@ -316,6 +321,17 @@ contains
call stop_timer(tmr_std_allocation)
1 format(10x,'AllocArr: block sizes are: ',2i5)
subroutine check_block_parameters(flag_err)
implicit none
logical, intent(out):: flag_err
if(blocks_c < blocks_r) flag_err = .true.
if(blocks_c < proc_cols) flag_err = .true.
!the next one should not be necessary
if(blocks_r < proc_rows) flag_err = .true.
end subroutine check_block_parameters
end subroutine allocate_arrays