Fix issue with perturbed polarisation functions

Transition metals showed issues generating perturbed polarisation
functions; this stems from the sign of the function near r=0,
which is now fixed.  Also introduced relatively simple scripts
to test default PAO generation.
This commit is contained in:
David Bowler 2021-09-02 17:26:24 +01:00
parent 9969068dcf
commit 4035963de3
5 changed files with 85 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
echo "Testing default PAO generation"
declare -i success=0
declare -i failure=0
declare -i total=0
for ele in Ag As Ba Br Cd Cr F Ge Hf In Kr Mn Na Ni P Po Re Ru Sc Sn Tc Tl Xe Zr Al Au Be C Cl Cs Fe H Hg Ir Li Mo Nb O Pb Pt Rh S Se Sr Te V Y Ar B Bi Ca Co Cu Ga He I K Mg N Ne Os Pd Rb Rn Sb Si Ta Ti W Zn
let total++
cd $ele
../../../bin/MakeIonFiles > output 2>&1
if [ `tail -1 output | grep -c Finish` -eq 1 ]; then
let success++
rm output "$ele"CQ.ion input.log
let failure++
echo "Possible failure in default PAO generation for "$ele". Please report to developers."
rm input.log
cd ..
echo "Successes: "$success"/"$total
echo "Failures: "$failure"/"$total

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
echo "Testing default PAO generation"
declare -i success=0
declare -i failure=0
declare -i total=0
for ele in Ag As Ba Br Cd Cr F Ge Hf In Kr Lu Mo Nb O Pb Pt Rh S Se Sr Te V Y Al Au Be C Cl Cs Fe H Hg Ir La Mg N Ne Os Pd Rb Rn Sb Si Ta Ti W Zn Ar B Bi Ca Co Cu Ga He I K Li Mn Na Ni P Po Re Ru Sc Sn Tc Tl Xe Zr
let total++
cd $ele
../../../bin/MakeIonFiles > output 2>&1
if [ `tail -1 output | grep -c Finish` -eq 1 ]; then
let success++
rm output "$ele"CQ.ion input.log
let failure++
echo "Possible failure in default PAO generation for "$ele". Please report to developers."
rm input.log
cd ..
echo "Successes: "$success"/"$total
echo "Failures: "$failure"/"$total

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
echo "Testing default PAO generation"
declare -i success=0
declare -i failure=0
declare -i total=0
for ele in Ag As Ba Br Cd Cr F Ge Hf In Kr Lu Mo Nb O Pb Pt Rh S Se Sr Te V Y Al Au Be C Cl Cs Fe H Hg Ir La Mg N Ne Os Pd Rb Rn Sb Si Ta Ti W Zn Ar B Bi Ca Co Cu Ga He I K Li Mn Na Ni P Po Re Ru Sc Sn Tc Tl Xe Zr
let total++
cd $ele
../../../bin/MakeIonFiles > output 2>&1
if [ `tail -1 output | grep -c Finish` -eq 1 ]; then
let success++
rm output "$ele"CQ.ion input.log
let failure++
echo "Possible failure in default PAO generation for "$ele". Please report to developers."
rm input.log
cd ..
echo "Successes: "$success"/"$total
echo "Failures: "$failure"/"$total

View File

@ -420,9 +420,7 @@ contains
! Li, Be (npao set to one because l=0)
if(paos%l(paos%n_shells)==1 .AND. paos%inner(paos%n_shells)==0) paos%npao(paos%n_shells) = 1
! We need sign change if s orbital is outermost and there is a semi-core p orbital
if(paos%l(paos%n_shells)==1 .AND. paos%polarised_shell==val%n_occ &
.AND. paos%inner(paos%n_shells)>0) paos%pol_pf = -one
! Remove pol_pf here as it is now incorporated into find_polarisation DRB 2021/09/02
! Use Vl if perturbing a p orbital with a valence or semi-core d orbital
if(paos%l(paos%n_shells)==2) then
do i=1,val%n_occ

View File

@ -369,26 +369,27 @@ contains
if(paos%flag_perturb_polarise) then
i_shell = paos%n_shells
ell = paos%l(i_shell)
! NB we pass l-1 here as the angular momentum of the shell being perturbed
ell = paos%l(i_shell)-1
! Note that npao is set to the value of n for the shell being perturbed
en = paos%npao(i_shell)
do zeta = 1,paos%nzeta(i_shell)
paos%psi(zeta,i_shell)%f = zero
! NB we pass l-1 here as we need to perturb the shell below
ell = paos%l(i_shell)-1
en = paos%npao(i_shell)
if(iprint>2) then
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Perturbative polarisation")')
write(*,fmt='(2x,"Species ",i2," n=",i2," l=",i2," zeta=",i2, " Rc=",f4.1," bohr")') &
i_species, en, ell, zeta, paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell)
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Prefactor scaled by ",f5.1)') paos%pol_pf
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Energy: ",f12.5)') paos%energy(zeta,paos%polarised_shell)
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Polarising shell: ",i2)') paos%polarised_shell
end if
if(zeta>1.AND.paos%flag_zetas==1) then
call find_split_norm(en,ell+1,paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell),&
! Set radius of polarisation PAO
paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell) = paos%cutoff(zeta,paos%polarised_shell) !i_shell-1)
paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell) = paos%cutoff(zeta,paos%polarised_shell)
call find_polarisation(i_species,en,ell,paos%cutoff(zeta,i_shell),&
@ -1217,8 +1218,14 @@ contains
l_half_sq = real(ell+1,double) + half
l_half_sq = l_half_sq*l_half_sq
l_l_plus_one = real((ell+2)*(ell+1),double)
! NB The values of n and l we have here are for the perturbed function, so this is correct
n_nodes = en - ell - 1
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='(2x,"For this polarisation function, we require ",i2," nodes")') n_nodes
! This is needed when we are perturbing a valence state with a semi-core state
if(n_nodes>0 .and. pf_sign>zero .and. psi_l(1)<zero) then
pf_sign = -one
if(iprint>5) write(*,fmt='(4x,"Changing sign of function as required")')
end if
zval = pseudo(i_species)%z
dx_sq_over_twelve = alpha*alpha/twelve
alpha_sq_over_four = alpha*alpha/four
@ -1309,10 +1316,12 @@ contains
end if
end do
if(loop>=n_loop) then
do i=1,nmax
write(50,*) rr(i),psi_pol(i),-rr(i)*rr(i)*psi_l(i)
end do
call flush(50)
if(iprint>5) then
do i=1,nmax
write(50,*) rr(i),psi_pol(i),-rr(i)*rr(i)*psi_l(i)
end do
call flush(50)
end if
call cq_abort("ERROR in perturbative polarisation routines - prefactor not found")
if(iprint>2) write(*,fmt='("Finished perturbative polarisation search with prefactor ",f13.5)') prefac