Added an option to output real part of WFs with phases.

This is available only for Gamma-point calculations.
This commit is contained in:
ayakon 2023-08-03 20:13:28 +09:00
parent 63fa156ebe
commit 222238d32b
3 changed files with 30 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ module local
integer :: flag_proc_band_str
logical :: flag_only_charge, flag_by_kpoint, flag_wf_range, flag_proc_range, flag_procwf_range_Ef
logical :: flag_total_iDOS, flag_write_forces, flag_write_spin_moments, flag_l_resolved, flag_lm_resolved
logical :: flag_outputWF_real
character(len=80) :: charge_stub
integer :: i_job ! Job type

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ contains
use local, ONLY: nkp, efermi, current, nptsx, nptsy, nptsz, eigenvalues, flag_by_kpoint, &
n_bands_total, band_active_kp, flag_proc_range, band_full_to_active, evec_coeff,&
E_procwf_min, E_procwf_max, flag_procwf_range_Ef, band_proc_no, n_bands_process, &
grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, wtk
grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, wtk, flag_outputWF_real
use output, ONLY: write_cube
use global_module, only : nspin
use read, ONLY: read_eigenvalues, read_psi_coeffs
@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ contains
use global_module, ONLY: ni_in_cell, atom_coord, species_glob
use species_module, ONLY: nsf_species, n_species
use angular_coeff_routines, ONLY: set_prefac_real, set_fact, set_prefac
use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort
implicit none
@ -129,6 +130,10 @@ contains
max_band_integral_deviation = zero
if (flag_outputWF_real .and. ( &
call cq_abort("OutputWF_real is available only for Gamma-point calculations.")
if(flag_proc_range) then
Emin = E_procwf_min
Emax = E_procwf_max
@ -154,7 +159,11 @@ contains
psi = zero
current = zero
call pao_to_grid(band_full_to_active(band), kp, ispin, psi)
current = psi*conjg(psi)
if (.not.flag_outputWF_real) then
current = psi*conjg(psi) ! band density
current = real(psi) ! only real-part of WF
write(ci,'("Band",I0.6,"den_kp",I0.3,"S",I0.1)') band, kp, ispin
call write_cube(current,ci)
integral = gpv*sum(current)
@ -183,7 +192,11 @@ contains
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," at kp ",i5," is ",f17.10)') &
current = current + psi*conjg(psi)*wtk(kp)
if (.not.flag_outputWF_real) then
current = current + psi*conjg(psi)*wtk(kp) ! band density
current = current + real(psi)*wtk(kp) ! only real-part of WF
idum1 = 1
end if
end do ! kp
@ -218,7 +231,11 @@ contains
psi = zero
current = zero
call pao_to_grid(band_full_to_active(band_proc_no(band)), kp, ispin, psi)
current = psi*conjg(psi)
if (.not.flag_outputWF_real) then
current = psi*conjg(psi) ! band density
current = real(psi) ! only real-part of WF
write(ci,'("Band",I0.6,"den_kp",I0.3,"S",I0.1)') band_proc_no(band), kp, ispin
call write_cube(current,ci)
integral = gpv*sum(current)
@ -245,7 +262,11 @@ contains
if(integral_deviation>band_integral_tol) &
write(*,fmt='(4x,"Integral of band ",i5," at kp ",i5," is ",f17.10)') &
current = current + psi*conjg(psi)*wtk(kp)
if (.not.flag_outputWF_real) then
current = current + psi*conjg(psi)*wtk(kp) ! band density
current = current + real(psi)*wtk(kp) ! only real-part of WF
end if
end do ! kp
write(ci,'("Band",I0.6,"den_totS",I0.1)') band_proc_no(band), ispin

View File

@ -255,6 +255,9 @@ contains
end if
flag_by_kpoint = fdf_boolean('Process.outputWF_by_kpoint',.false.)
! if output only the real part of WFs (for Gamma-point only)
flag_outputWF_real = .false.
if (leqi(job,'ban')) flag_outputWF_real = fdf_boolean('Process.outputWF_real',.false.)
! Add flag for window relative to Fermi level
E_DOS_min = fdf_double('Process.min_DOS_E',E_wf_min)