
249 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of the ghp-import package released under
# the Tumbolia Public License. See the LICENSE file for more
# information.
import errno
import optparse as op
import os
import subprocess as sp
import sys
import time
import unicodedata
__usage__ = "%prog [OPTIONS] DIRECTORY"
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
def enc(text):
if isinstance(text, bytes):
return text
return text.encode()
def dec(text):
if isinstance(text, bytes):
return text.decode('utf-8')
return text
def write(pipe, data):
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:
def enc(text):
if isinstance(text, unicode):
return text.encode('utf-8')
return text
def dec(text):
if isinstance(text, unicode):
return text
return text.decode('utf-8')
def write(pipe, data):
class Git(object):
def __init__(self, use_shell=False):
self.use_shell = use_shell
self.cmd = None
self.pipe = None
self.stderr = None
self.stdout = None
def check_repo(self, parser):
if self.call('rev-parse') != 0:
error = self.stderr
if not error:
error = "Unknown Git error"
error = dec(error)
if error.startswith("fatal: "):
error = error[len("fatal: "):]
def try_rebase(self, remote, branch):
rc = self.call('rev-list', '--max-count=1', '%s/%s' % (remote, branch))
if rc != 0:
return True
rev = dec(self.stdout.strip())
rc = self.call('update-ref', 'refs/heads/%s' % branch, rev)
if rc != 0:
return False
return True
def get_config(self, key):
self.call('config', key)
return self.stdout.strip()
def get_prev_commit(self, branch):
rc = self.call('rev-list', '--max-count=1', branch, '--')
if rc != 0:
return None
return dec(self.stdout).strip()
def open(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.cmd = ['git'] + list(args)
if sys.version_info >= (3, 2, 0):
kwargs['universal_newlines'] = False
for k in 'stdin stdout stderr'.split():
kwargs[k] = sp.PIPE
kwargs['shell'] = self.use_shell
self.pipe = sp.Popen(self.cmd, **kwargs)
return self.pipe
def call(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.open(*args, **kwargs)
(self.stdout, self.stderr) = self.pipe.communicate()
return self.pipe.wait()
def check_call(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs["shell"] = self.use_shell
sp.check_call(['git'] + list(args), **kwargs)
def normalize_path(path):
# Fix unicode pathnames on OS X
# See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/5582439/44289
if sys.platform == "darwin":
return unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", dec(path))
return path
def mk_when(timestamp=None):
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = int(time.time())
currtz = time.strftime('%z')
return "%s %s" % (timestamp, currtz)
def start_commit(pipe, git, branch, message):
uname = dec(git.get_config("user.name"))
email = dec(git.get_config("user.email"))
write(pipe, enc('commit refs/heads/%s\n' % branch))
write(pipe, enc('committer %s <%s> %s\n' % (uname, email, mk_when())))
write(pipe, enc('data %d\n%s\n' % (len(enc(message)), message)))
head = git.get_prev_commit(branch)
if head:
write(pipe, enc('from %s\n' % head))
write(pipe, enc('deleteall\n'))
def add_file(pipe, srcpath, tgtpath):
with open(srcpath, "rb") as handle:
if os.access(srcpath, os.X_OK):
write(pipe, enc('M 100755 inline %s\n' % tgtpath))
write(pipe, enc('M 100644 inline %s\n' % tgtpath))
data = handle.read()
write(pipe, enc('data %d\n' % len(data)))
write(pipe, enc(data))
write(pipe, enc('\n'))
def add_nojekyll(pipe):
write(pipe, enc('M 100644 inline .nojekyll\n'))
write(pipe, enc('data 0\n'))
write(pipe, enc('\n'))
def add_cname(pipe, cname):
write(pipe, enc('M 100644 inline CNAME\n'))
write(pipe, enc('data %d\n%s\n' % (len(enc(cname)), cname)))
def gitpath(fname):
norm = os.path.normpath(fname)
return "/".join(norm.split(os.path.sep))
def run_import(git, srcdir, opts):
cmd = ['git', 'fast-import', '--date-format=raw', '--quiet']
kwargs = {
"stdin": sp.PIPE,
"shell": opts.use_shell
if sys.version_info >= (3, 2, 0):
kwargs["universal_newlines"] = False
pipe = sp.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
start_commit(pipe, git, opts.branch, opts.mesg)
for path, dnames, fnames in os.walk(srcdir, followlinks=opts.followlinks):
for fn in fnames:
fpath = os.path.join(path, fn)
fpath = normalize_path(fpath)
gpath = gitpath(os.path.relpath(fpath, start=srcdir))
add_file(pipe, fpath, gpath)
if opts.nojekyll:
if opts.cname is not None:
add_cname(pipe, opts.cname)
write(pipe, enc('\n'))
if pipe.wait() != 0:
sys.stdout.write(enc("Failed to process commit.\n"))
def options():
return [
op.make_option('-n', '--no-jekyll', dest='nojekyll', default=False,
help='Include a .nojekyll file in the branch.'),
op.make_option('-c', '--cname', dest='cname', default=None,
help='Write a CNAME file with the given CNAME.'),
op.make_option('-m', '--message', dest='mesg',
default='Update documentation',
help='The commit message to use on the target branch.'),
op.make_option('-p', '--push', dest='push', default=False,
help='Push the branch to origin/{branch} after committing.'),
op.make_option('-f', '--force', dest='force',
default=False, action='store_true',
help='Force the push to the repository'),
op.make_option('-r', '--remote', dest='remote', default='origin',
help='The name of the remote to push to. [%default]'),
op.make_option('-b', '--branch', dest='branch', default='gh-pages',
help='Name of the branch to write to. [%default]'),
op.make_option('-s', '--shell', dest='use_shell', default=False,
help='Use the shell when invoking Git. [%default]'),
op.make_option('-l', '--follow-links', dest='followlinks',
default=False, action='store_true',
help='Follow symlinks when adding files. [%default]')
def main():
parser = op.OptionParser(usage=__usage__, option_list=options())
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) == 0:
parser.error("No import directory specified.")
if len(args) > 1:
parser.error("Unknown arguments specified: %s" % ', '.join(args[1:]))
if not os.path.isdir(args[0]):
parser.error("Not a directory: %s" % args[0])
git = Git(use_shell=opts.use_shell)
if not git.try_rebase(opts.remote, opts.branch):
parser.error("Failed to rebase %s branch." % opts.branch)
run_import(git, args[0], opts)
if opts.push:
if opts.force:
git.check_call('push', opts.remote, opts.branch, '--force')
git.check_call('push', opts.remote, opts.branch)
if __name__ == '__main__':