
106 lines
2.7 KiB

Deployment file to facilitate AbiPy releases.
Use invoke --list to get list of tasks
import os
from invoke import task
from monty.os import cd
#from abipy.core.release import __version__ as CURRENT_VER
#NEW_VER = datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%Y.%-m.%-d")
ABIPY_ROOTDIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
DOCS_DIR = os.path.join(ABIPY_ROOTDIR, "docs")
def make_doc(ctx):
with cd(DOCS_DIR):
ctx.run("make clean")
ctx.run("make", env=dict(READTHEDOCS="1"), pty=True)
def push_doc(ctx):
with cd(DOCS_DIR):
ctx.run("./ghp_import.py _build/html/ -n -p")
def open_doc(ctx):
import webbrowser
webbrowser.open_new_tab("file://" + os.path.join(ABIPY_ROOTDIR, "docs/_build/html/index.html"))
def twine(ctx):
ctx.run("rm dist/*.*", warn=True)
ctx.run("python setup.py register sdist bdist_wheel")
ctx.run("twine upload dist/*")
def pytest(ctx):
pytest_cmd = r"""\
pytest -n 2 --cov-config=.coveragerc --cov=abipy -v --doctest-modules abipy \
--ignore=abipy/integration_tests --ignore=abipy/data/refs --ignore=abipy/scripts/ \
--ignore=abipy/examples/plot --ignore=abipy/examples/flows --ignore=abipy/gui
ctx.run(pytest_cmd, pty=True)
def plots(ctx):
with cd(os.path.join(ABIPY_ROOTDIR, "abipy", "examples")):
ctx.run("_runplots.py", pty=True)
def flows(ctx):
with cd(os.path.join(ABIPY_ROOTDIR, "abipy", "examples")):
ctx.run("_runflows.py", pty=True)
#def move_to_master(ctx):
# ctx.run("git tag -a v%s -m \"v%s release\"" % (NEW_VER, NEW_VER))
# ctx.run("git push --tags")
# ctx.run("git checkout master")
# ctx.run("git pull")
# ctx.run("git merge develop")
# ctx.run("git push")
# ctx.run("git checkout develop")
#def update_changelog(ctx):
# output = subprocess.check_output(["git", "log", "--pretty=format:%s",
# "v%s..HEAD" % CURRENT_VER])
# lines = ["* " + l for l in output.decode("utf-8").strip().split("\n")]
# with open("CHANGES.rst") as f:
# contents = f.read()
# l = "=========="
# toks = contents.split(l)
# head = "\n\nv%s\n" % NEW_VER + "-" * (len(NEW_VER) + 1) + "\n"
# toks.insert(-1, head + "\n".join(lines))
# with open("CHANGES.rst", "w") as f:
# f.write(toks[0] + l + "".join(toks[1:]))
#def release(ctx, run_tests=True):
# ctx.run("rm -r dist build abipy.egg-info", warn=True)
# set_ver(ctx)
# if run_tests: pytest(ctx)
# publish(ctx)
# log_ver(ctx)
# update_doc(ctx)
# merge_stable(ctx)
# release_github(ctx)