
105 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
Script to perform structural relaxations with ML + ABINIT
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
import os
import click
import numpy as np
from ase.atoms import Atoms
from ase.build import bulk
from abipy.core.structure import Structure
from abipy.ml.aseml import get_atoms, ase_optimizer_cls, CORRALGO
from abipy.ml.ml_relax import RelaxationProfiler
ASE_OPTIMIZERS = ase_optimizer_cls("__all__")
def add_relax_opts(f):
"""Add CLI options for structural relaxations."""
# fmax (float): total force tolerance for relaxation convergence.
# Here fmax is a sum of force and stress forces. Defaults to 0.1.
f = click.option("--relax-mode", "-r", default="cell", show_default=True, type=click.Choice(["no", "ions", "cell"]),
help='Relaxation mode.')(f)
f = click.option("--fmax", default=0.005, type=float, show_default=True,
help='Stopping criterion in eV/A')(f)
f = click.option("--steps", default=500, type=int, show_default=True,
help="Max number of steps for ASE relaxation.")(f)
f = click.option("--optimizer", "-o", default="BFGS", show_default=True, type=click.Choice(ASE_OPTIMIZERS),
help="ASE optimizer class.")(f)
return f
def add_workdir_verbose_opts(f):
"""Add workdir and verbose options to CLI subcommand."""
f = click.option("--workdir", "-w", default=None, type=str,
help="Working directory. If not specified, a temporary directory is created.")(f)
f = click.option('-v', '--verbose', count=True, help="Verbosity level")(f)
return f
@click.argument("filepath", type=str)
@click.option("--nn-name", "-nn", default="chgnet", show_default=True,
type=click.Choice(["m3gnet", "matgl", "chgnet"]), help='ML potential')
@click.option("-c", "--corr-algo_str", default="delta", show_default=True,
type=click.Choice(CORRALGO._member_names_), help='Correction algorithm')
@click.option("-algo","--algorithm", default="old", type=str, show_default=True, help="String used to test algorithms... ")
@click.option("-k", "--kppa", default=1000, type=float, show_default=True,
help="Defines the sampling of BZ mesh (k-points per atom)")
@click.option("--rattle", default=0.0, type=float, show_default=True, help="Displace atoms randomly with stdev.")
@click.option("-sv", "--scale-volume", default=1.0, type=float, show_default=True, help="Scale input volume.")
@click.option("-n","--mpi-nprocs", default=2, type=int, show_default=True, help="Number of MPI processes to run ABINIT")
@click.option("-xc", "--xc-name", default="PBE", show_default=True, type=click.Choice(["PBE", "PBEsol", "LDA"]),
help="XC functional.")
@click.option("-m","--mpi-runner", default="mpirun", type=str, show_default=True, help="String used to invoke the MPI runner. ")
def main(filepath, nn_name, corr_algo_str,algorithm,
relax_mode, fmax, steps, optimizer,
kppa, rattle, scale_volume, mpi_nprocs, xc_name, mpi_runner,
workdir, verbose,
import warnings
# Get pseudos
from abipy.flowtk.psrepos import get_oncvpsp_pseudos
pseudos = get_oncvpsp_pseudos(xc_name=xc_name, version="0.4")
if os.path.exists(filepath):
# Read structure from file.
structure = Structure.from_file(filepath)
elif filepath.startswith("__mp-"):
print(f"Fetching structure for mp-id {filepath[2:]} from the materials project database.")
structure = Structure.from_mpid(filepath[2:])
if abs(scale_volume - 1.0) > 0.0:
print(f"Scaling input volume by {scale_volume=}")
structure = structure.scale_lattice(scale_volume * structure.lattice.volume)
# Convert to ASE atoms
atoms = get_atoms(structure)
if rattle:
print("Displacing atoms randomly with stdev=", rattle)
atoms.rattle(stdev=abs(rattle), seed=42)
print("Using corr_algo:", corr_algo_str)
corr_algo = CORRALGO.from_string(corr_algo_str)
prof = RelaxationProfiler(atoms, pseudos, corr_algo, algorithm, xc_name, kppa, relax_mode, fmax, mpi_nprocs,
steps=steps, verbose=verbose, optimizer=optimizer, nn_name=nn_name, mpi_runner=mpi_runner)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":